

Cazeaux and Tarnier's obstetrics. P. Blakiston, Son & Co., Philadelphia. The fact that this is the eighth American edition shows its popularity on this side of the Atlantic. This popularity would be impossible without excellence, and the excellence exists in abundance in the volume before us. Illustrations are abundant, some of them being colored. The text is plain, carefully worded and very exhaustive. An appendix by Dr. Paul F. Munde is given.

PHOTOGRAPHIC ILLUSTRATIONS OF SKIN DISEASES, an atlas and text book combined. By George Henry Fox, A. M. M. D., New York. E. B. Treat, 771 Broadway.

This beautiful work continues on its even progress, each part being the equal of its predecessor, and reflecting the greatest credit on author and publisher. The names of both are guarantee enough for the outcome of their labors; and, when complete, the work must take the foremost rank among a class of books which call for unusual talent from the former, and rare care and industry on the part of the latter. The photographic illustrations, carefully studied and compared, should place the general practitioner almost on a par with the hospital physician, for they are second in value only to living cases. The book is divided into twelve parts, now in course of completion. It is replete with valuable formulæ and suggestions for treatment; and were the illustrations even absent, Professor Fox has succeeded in photographing each disease on the mind's eye, by his clear and forcible descriptions. The two combined afford us an excellent means of becoming proficient in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the skin. When the work is finished, we will make an extended criticism; up to the present, we have naught but praise to accord. The price is only $2 per part.

FIELD'S MEDICO-LEGAL GUIDE FOR DOCTORS AND LAWYERS. By George W. Field, LL.B. Price: cloth, $1.75; sheep, $2.00. Banks & Bros., Albany, N.Y.


This is a 12 mo. book of nearly 300 pages. have no hesitation in saying that it is of great value and interest to physicians, as it discusses in a comprehensive manner many questions that are of importance to the active medical practitioner. The author quotes liberally from many of the larger legal works on the subject discussed, and thus he gives us the gist of all the larger and more expensive works on medical jurisprudence. The work is divided into the following ten chapters, viz.: Medical Witnesses; Medical Expert Testimony; Insanity and its Legal Relations; Privileged Communications; Abortion; Criminal Liability for Negligence or Misconduct; Practice without a License or Diploma Prohibited; Civil Liability for Malpractice; Damages; Compensation; and Medical Ethics. There is also an appendix giving the opinion of the Supreme Court of Iowa on the constitutionality of the Iowa statute, regulating the practice of medicine.


We are using with perfect satisfaction the double slide wedge end rectal sepulum made by Dr. S. T. Yount, of Lafayette, Ind. We cheerfully recommend this instrument to all who treat disease of the rectum.

The Annual Meeting of the National Association of Railway Surgeons will be held at St. Louis, Mo., on Thursday and Friday, May the 2d and 3d, 1889.

The prospects are that this will be one among the largest gatherings of medical men ever assembled in this country.

Dr. W. B. Outten, of St. Louis, is the chairman of the committee of arrangements, and everything will be complete for the accommodation of the surgeons.

Any information desired can be had by addressing the Secretary, C. B. Stemen, M.D., Fort Wayne, Ind. For a convenient, efficient, and at the same time inexpensive Faradic battery, see Weinhagen's Victor. Do you keep a towel wet with Platt's Clorides in the sick-room of your patients?

For spring clothing, see advertisement of that famous tailor, E. O. Thompson.

We have recently examined Vetter's new galvanic battery. It is exceedingly compact, simple, and convenient. It can be made either a wet or dry battery. The cells are all securely closed, so there is no slopping of liquids. Requires no repairing nor renewing for three or four years. It is always ready for use. See advertisement and write for further information.

See new advertisement of that sterling preparation, Maltine, with its numerous combinations.

See F. W. Stewart's advertisement, and send for a sample of his ointment.

Give McArthur's Syrup to your cases of lung troubles that have not been cured by other remedies. Nearly every physician is sure to have such cases on hand a this season of the year.

Now that spring is coming, see that you get acquainted with the best infant's food. Very prominent in this line is Carnrick's Soluble Food. A certain painter said that he mixed his paints with brains. We believe that Carnricks Food is mixed with both brains and conscientious scruples; that is, we believe it to be prepared with skill, and that its purity and high standard are con scientiously maintained. Write for sample and literature on the subject. See advertisement.

Prescribe London Essence of Beef when you want a reliable restorative for delicate constitutions.

Jensen's Pepsin is still in the lead. See advertisement in this issue.

You never fail to get any drug, however rare, from Parke, Davis & Co.

We have used Succus Alterans with gratifying success. Address Eli Lilly & Co., Indianapolis, Ind.

Wm. R. Warner & Co. are constantly devising new and ingenious combinations, and putting them up in elegant shape for ready dispensing.

Tarrant & Co., New York, have control of those two master preparations-the genuine Hoff's Malt Extract and Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient.

Always prescribe or dispense Battle's Bromidia, Iodia and Papine.

Samples of Ford's Pepsin or Golden Scale Pepsin will be furnished free by Gaunt & Janvier, 365 Canal St., N. Y.

For samples of that matchless Phosphorized CerebroSpinant, Frelighs Tonic, address I. O. Woodruff & Co., 88 Maiden Lane, N. Y.

Send your address to the N. Y. Pharmaceutical Company, Bedford Springs, Mass., for valuable ideas in treatment.


The knowledge that a man can use is the only real knowledge; the only knowledge that has life and growth in it and converts itself into practical power. The rest hangs like dust about the brain, or dries like raindrops off the stones.-FROUDÉ.

The Medical World.


ubscription to any part of the United States and Canada, ONE DOLLAR per year. To England and the British Col onies FIVE SHILLINGS per year. Postage free.

These rates must be paid invariably in advance.

Notice is given on the wrapper when your subscription expires. You are invited to renew promptly, when this notice is given. This is necessary if you wish to continue to receive THE WORLD, as it is sent only as long as paid for.

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Pay no money to agents for this journal unless publisher's receipt is given.

[blocks in formation]

The popular notion that it is the third attack of apoplexy that kills is erroneous, though, of course, people are apt to die in it as well as in the first, or second, or fourth for the matter of that; but in a large number of cases, the first attack is fatal. Those who survive several attacks are so enfeebled that they are left but wrecks of their former selves. Through advancing atrophy of the brain and its cortical substance, their mental and physical faculties become more and more blunted; senile marasms is established; and their vitality and powers of resistance are so enfeebled that a slight cause, such as bronchial or intestinal catarrh, may terminate their existence. Under the most favorable circumstances, they seldom regain the entire use of their faculties; for the effused blood inevitably destroys a number of nerve-cells, and these lost cells will only be replaced by connective tissue. The loss of function thus involved will depend on the

amount of blood effused, the site of its effusion, and the manner of its disposal. If the blood is only effused in small quantity, the clot may become protected by a sort of cyst, imbedded in the cerebrum, and do little or no damage for some years, if the patient is of good constitution and young. In decrepit persons, the clot will not readily contract, and will be more liable to inflammatory processes during healing, so that softening, with its train of evil consequences, will be favored in its vicinity. In favorable cases, the clot becomes encysted in a few months, and paralytic symptoms meanwhile diminish. When the paralysis increases progressively, the prognosis will be unfavorable; for it points to progressive disintegration of nervous matter in the neighborhood of the cyst, which may spread to the corresponding side of the pons varolii and down to the lateral column of the spinal cord. The site of the effusion has much to do with its after-effects. If it has occurred into the sensory portion of the brain, sensation may be more readily re established than when it has happened into the motor portion. Hemorrhage into the thalamus opticus is usually less grave than into the corpus striatum; and paralysis of the right side of the body is more serious than of the left, for it almost invaribly impairs the speech. Moreover, the left side of the body more easily regains its use that the right.

Expectant treatment is of little avail. The timely use of ergot, to arrest the formation of aneurisms; the administration of phosphorus, to improve the nutrition of the impaired nervecells; and galvanism and faradization for the purposes of stimulation, are the principal means at our disposal, to combat the results of cerebral hemorrhage.-LOUIS Lewis, M. D.

"New" Diseases.

Pelvic hematocele was first pointed out and described by Nélaton thirty-nine years ago; he.

fore then no work, not even among those devoted to the diseases of women, makes the least reference to the existence of such an affection; now it is fully described, commented upon, and its treatment distinctly defined. Exopthalmic goitre, or "Graves' disease," was unknown until described by Demours seventy-one years ago; there was absolutely no written description of it in any language, though the symptoms are more obvious and characteristic and constant than those of most other diseases. Are these diseases of modern life" due to a new and unusual "modus vivendi," or did they exist long ago, and yet escape the notice of all medical observers?

The Business View of It.

L. L.

When a physician is called to attend a case he has not the opportunity and privilege of examining into the prospects of certain financial reward as a merchant or mechanic has when he is asked to extend credit for goods or work. He must go and do the best he can, and retain the case to its close, or he will at once arouse the indignation of the community at his socalled heartlessness, and thus lose the patronage of many who are willing to pay their bills.

In view of this fact, would it not be well if physicians' accounts were made an exception. in the laws of those States which allow the exemption of a certain amount of property from attachment for debt? This will work no hardship to any one, for all the physician wants is his reward from those who can pay if they try; he is generally willing to do cheerfully the worthy charity practice which properly fal's to his lot.

The family may do without the new clothing or furniture until they are able to pay the cash for it if the merchant refuses credit; but when the physician is wanted he is wanted right away, and there is no opportunity of putting the transaction on a proper business basis. Every application for his services becomes an absolute demand.

Let every reader urge the importance of this. subject upon the member of the Legislature from his district. If any one should object to it, ask him how he would view it if his goods

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