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The Short-Hand Exercise Book, in five parts, with Key. By D. P. Lindsley, 817 N. Forty-fifth street, Philadelphia.

This is a system of short-hand writing called "Takigraphy" by its author. Our examination of it leads us to believe that it is very readily learned, and the most practical of all the many systems yet in vogue. Lessons by mail.

A Text Book of Animal Physiology, with introductory chapters on General Biology and a full Treatment of Reproduction. By Wesley Mills, M.A., M.D., L.R C.P. (Eng.). With over five hundred illustrations. Cloth, 700 pages; price, $5.00. D. Appleton & Co., New York.

It is said to be especially suited to the prevention of habitual abortion, caused by deranged constitutions, and is also very effective for allaying uterine irritability resulting from traumatism or external violence. Of course the bowels should be kept comfortably open regularly. Opium is not admissible in this class of cases, unless it is desired to terminate pregnancy without delay.—Nashville Journal view of animal unfolding and development until the Med. and Surg.

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This magnificent work commences with the lowest form of simple cell-life, and gives the reader a careful

highest forms are reached. The physiology of each element and organ is given-not in a dry and perfunctory manner, but in a philosophical style which but few authors can command. Every physician should know comparative physiology in order to properly appreciate human physiology. Here, at last, is a text-book which will be entirely sufficient for his wants.

The following pamphlets will be of interest to the practitioner :

Seventeen Years in Dilating Urethrotomy. By F. N. Otis, M.D., New York.

Reformation in the Practice of Medicine by the Dosimetric Method of Practice. By J. E. MacNeill, M.D., Denver, Col.

The "Perfected Evacuator," for Removing Stone from the Bladder. By Fessenden N. Otis, M.D., No. 5 W. Fiftieth street, New York.


Use Stewart's Ointment for all cases of hemorrhoids. We have used Lambert's Lithiated Hydrangea with much satisfaction.

Send to C. N. Crittenton, 115 Fulton street, N. Y., for sample of Hydroleine.

Parke, Davis & Co., Detroit and New York, will furnish you any new drug required.

Hemorrhoids "in a nutshell." Address, Dr. W. P. Agnew, San Francisco, Cal.; for cut of a new rectal speculum, etc.

SAD STATE OF AFFAIRS.-Mrs. O'Toole.-Phat's this Oi am tould about thim thryin' to have the saloons closed on Sunday, Phelim?

Phelim.-Begorra, they say that it's a fact; bad 'cess to thim, says Oi.

Mrs. O'Toole.-The meddlin' haythin! Be jabbers, Phelim, me jewel, they will be afther thryin' to prevint a fray-born American from batin' his woife ef we don't watch the elections close.-British American Citizen.

A sick man expressed a desire for some apple dumplings, and his wife made a dozen. A little son sat by the bedside watching the dumplings disappear one by After eleven had been devoured, the boy said: "Pa, can I have a dumpling?" And the invalid, biting


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Dr. William A. Hammond, of Washington, D. C., has a larger number of patients in his sanitarium for the treatment of mental and nervous diseases than ever before in the history of the institution, although he opened about a year ago with more than half the rooms occupied in his immense new building.

Dr. Hammond is conducting a number of experiments in the treatment of epilepsy by localizing the brain lesion, trephining and paring the convolutions. He will publish the result of his experiments in the near future.

We know from personal experience that Crystalline Phosphate is a very valuable preparation.

Write to B. Keith & Co., 75 William street, N. Y., for enlarged manual on concentrated medicines, etc.

A generous sample of Fellows' Syrup will be sent on application to James I. Fellows, 48 Vesey, St., N. Y.

Write to Henry B. Platt, 36 Platt St., New York, for sample of the matchless disinfectant, Platt's Chlorides.

If you want a private formula, put up in pill form, write to the Norwich Pharmacal Company, Norwich, N. Y.

Write to Willis H. Davis, Keokuk, Iowa., for his catheter scale, free, and catalogue of buggy cases and instruments.

Address I. O. Woodruff & Co., 88 Maiden lane, New York, for sample of Freligh's Tonic, the Phosphorized Cerebro-Spinant.

Provide yourself with an elegant pocket-case, filled with granules, from the Upjohn Pill and Granule Co., Kalamazoo, Mich.

See the matchless buggy cases and hand cases advertised by the Phillips Instrument House, 14 Marietta street, Atlanta, Ga.

Send to the Hastings Trust Co., 224 South Ninth street, Philadelphia, for superior trusses, supporters, elastic stockings, etc.

We have had good results in the use of Succus Alterans in syphilis and scrofula. Address Eli Lilly & Co., Indianpolis, Ind.

If you wish to test Horsford's Acid Phosphate, send to the Rumford Chemical Works, Providence, R. I., and guarantee express charges.

We have found bovinine a most valuable tonic and reconstructive. Sample by mentioning this journal. J. P. Bush M'f'g Co., 2 Barclay street, N. Y.

This is the season of the year when Platt's Chlorides are especially valuable, as disinfectant, deodorizer, and general purifier and prophylactic against disease.

Do you want a good operating set, or any new instruments you see mentioned? You can find them at Chas. Lentz & Sons, 18 North Eleventh St, Phila.

Send to the New York Pharmaceutical Company, Bedford Springs, Mass., for their large pamphlet, entled "A Demonstration;" free, if this journal is mentioned.

YOUNG AMERICA AND THE FAITH DOCTOR.A Scranton mother whose son had toothache, took him to a faith healer. "Look me in the eyes," said the doctor, fixing a fascinating gaze on the weeping youth. "Now your toothache has entirely disappeared. You haven't a bit of tooth-ache about you."-" You lie! I have," yelled the boy, with a fresh howl! The mother then took him to a dentist,

AN EARLY RISER." Pat, you must be an early riser. I always find you at work the first thing in the morning." "Indade, an' Oi am, sor. It's a family thrait, Oi do

be thinkin'."

"Then your father is an early riser, too, eh?" "Me father, is it? Faix, he roises that early that, if he'd go to bed a little later, he'd mate himself gettin' up in the mornin'."-Ex.

Durable Batteries.

The editor of the Massachusetts Medical Journal writes to the Jerome Kidder Manufacturing Company, of 820 Broadway, New York, thus:

GENTLEMEN:-I have one of your tip batteries, which I have used for upwards of five years, and for the first time I find a repair needed. The platinum plate has given out. I believe that for range, regularity and smoothness of current, and therapeutic scope, your battery is unsurpassed, while for convenience it certainly has no equal. If I can insert the platinum plate myself please send it and I will remit promptly. Yours very truly,


A generous sample of Cherry Malt Phosphites, and also of Buckthorn Cordial, of Scott & Browne, 132 Fifth avenue, New York. Delivered free, if THE

MEDICAL WORLD is mentioned.

Write to W. H. Schieffelin & Co., 170 and 172 William street, N. Y., for their pamphlet, giving full information regarding the new hypnotic, sulfonal, and the new antipyretic, phenacetine.

Father "William, you are running up enormous debts around town. You must remember your uncle is not dead yet."

His Uncle's Heir-"Yes, but he has discharged his doctors, and is now undergoing treatment by a Christian scientist."—Life.

We have a very enterprising instrument house with us this month-A. E. Yarnall, 1020 Walnut street, Phila. Please see his advertisement. We should be pleased to have all our readers who need instruments to give him a welcome. He has been long established and has had a successful career.

Mrs. Briske-" Johnny, did the doctor call while I

was out?"

Little Johnny (stopping his play)-"Yes'm. He felt my pulse an' looked at my tongue, and shook his head and said it was a very serious case, and he left this prescription and said he'd call again before night."

Mrs. Briske-"Gracious me! It wasn't you I sent him to see; it was the baby.”—New York Weekly.

A board of physicians were inquiring into the state of mind of an alleged lunatic. "You told us just now," said the chairman, "that you were the Emperor Napoleon, and now you say you are the Duke of Wellington. Pray explain yourself." "Quite right," returned the [CONTINUED OVER NEXT LEAF]

MALTED MILK The only Food that requires NO COOKING, or the addi

tion of MILK. Soluble in water. Always ready for use.

SAMPLES FREE. Address, MALTED MILK C... Racine, Wis.


Medical World.




No. 12.

[blocks in formation]


The most important Remedial Agent ever presented to the Profession for


LACTOPEPTINE precisely represents in composition the natural digestive juices of the Stomach, Pancreas
and Salivary Glands, and will, therefore, readily dissolve all foods necessary for the recuperation of the human organism



and various medications required in general practice, in the form of ELIXIRS, SYRUPS, LIQUID, ETC.


Whenever satisfactory results are not obtained from the administration of Lactopeptine, we will consider it a favor *:
such facts are reported to us, for there can be no subt that substitution of Pepsin or some of the cheap imitations of Lacto-
peptine has been practiced, whenever the therap atic activity of Lactopeptine is not uniformly demonstrated in its indica

Box 1574.


Send address to New York Pharmacal Associt, on for copy of Medical Almanac containing valuable information.


PHENACETINE.-Dr. DUJARDIN-BEAUMETZ, Paris.-"It is above all as an analgesic that Phenacetine outrivals its predecessors. While it is quite as powerful as antipyrin and acetanilid, it does not cause the pain in the stomach, or the scarlatinaform rash of the former; nor does it give rise to the cyanosis of the latter. However prolonged may be its administration -and we have given it for months in doses of 1.0 to 2.0 Gm. (15 to 30 grains) per day we have never observed any bad effect. We have used it for the relief of every form of pain (neuralgias, migraine, rheumatic pains, muscular rheumatism, acute articular rheumatism, the lightning pains of tabes, etc.) and always with the best results."

M. F. PRICE, M.D., President Southern California Medical Society.-"A patient says, 'I have headache,' and I order Phenacetine with confidence, and always with a report of relief."

THOS. W. AYERS, M.D., Jacksonville, Ala.-"As an antipyretic I have had nothing but the very best results from its use. As an antineuralgic there is no question, but it is superior to antipyrin. It is much more energetic in its action than either antipyrin or antifebrin."

SULFONAL.-HUNTER MCGUIRE, M.D., Richmond, Va.-" Has found it particularly valuable in insomnia following the use of alcohol."

HENRY M. WETHERILL, JR., M.D., Ph.G., Philadelphia.-"The almost universal report of Sulfonal is that it has little or no effect upon the vast majority of insomnious subjects save the important one of increasing, prolonging the natural tendency to sleep; that its action is not narcotic but purely hypnotic."

W. H. FLINT, M.D., New York. (Discussion before N. Y. State Medical Association.)" He had used Sulfonal as being the most efficient or desirable of the new hypnotics. He had not yet seen a Sulfonal habit. There had been about eighty per cent. of successes in his cases."

JAMES STEWART, M.D., Montreal.-"Sulfonal produces no disagreeable secondary symptoms nor any unfavorable effects on the heart or circulation. Its action was by giving rest to the cells of the cerebral cortex and thereby causing sleep."

Sulfonal-Bayer has been before the Medical Profession for some time, receiving its unqualified endorsement, but the use has been limited in many cases, owing to the hesitation of the practitioner in recommending so costly a remedy.

A substantial reduction in price having been made, it enables physicians to freely prescribe it whenever indicated, and brings it within the reach of all classes of patients.



SUCCUS ALTERANS is a purely vegetable compound af the preserved juices of Stillingia Sylvatica, Lappa Minor, Phytolacca Decandra, Smilax Sarsaparilla and Xanthoxylum Carolinianum, as collected by DR. GEO. W. MCDADE exclusively for ELI LILLY & Co., and endorsed by DR. J. MARION SIMS.

SUCCUS ALTERANS continues to gain favor from its remarkable Alterative and Tonic properties, eliminating specific poison from the blood and increasing the proportion of red corpuscles in anemic patients to a wonderful degree; is endorsed by the medical profession and in use by many hospitals of note.

SUCCUS ALTERANS in venereal and cutaneous diseases is fast supplanting Mercury, the Iodides and Arsenic; and is a certain remedy for Mercurialization, Iodism and the dreaded effects often following the use of Arsenic in skin diseases. SUCCUS ALTERANS is also strongly recommended for its Tonic and Alterative effects in the many forms of scrofulous disease and in all cases where anemia is a factor. Such patients rapidly develop a good appetite, sleep soundly and gain flesh rapidly. Many cases are on record where patients increased ten to twentyfive pounds in weight in a few weeks.

SUCCUS ALTERANS is giving satisfactory results in treatment of Chronic Rheumatism, and can be used with confidence.

SUCCUS ALTERANS may be given for any length of time, without injury to the patient.

SUCCUS ALTERANS is put up in pint round amber bottles and never in bulk. Price, $2.00 per bottle.

Send for copy of our Hand-Book of Pharmacy and Therapeutics. for reference and contains much valuable information.




Phosphorus and Nux Vomica, as is well known to the profession, act as powerful tonics to the nervous system, especially the spinal cord, and can be relied upon as possessing real aphrodisiac power. The Damiana used, is the genuine Turnera Aphrodisiaca. By our process for the manufacture of Phosphorus Pills, a thorough subdivision of phosphorus in the mass is obtained, and, with a coating perfectly protecting it from oxidation, there is nothing to be desired. It is necessary that the administration of this pill be continued from three to four weeks, or until the system is thoroughly under the influence of the remedy. It is indicated in mental overwork, sexual debility, impotency. It is decidedly beneficial in cases of nocturnal emissions, the result of excesses, mental apathy, or indifference, and in an enfeebled condition of the general system, with weakness or dull pain in the lumbo-sacral region. In diseases of the reproductive organs of the female, and especially of the uterus, it is one of our most valuable agents, acting as a uterine tonic, and gradually removing abnormal conditions, while at the same time, it imparts tone and vigor; hence, it is of value in Leucorrhea, Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea, and to remove the tendency to repeated miscarriages.

One Hundred Mailed on Receipt of $1.00.




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