
After the arrest of the 2 murderers of Mrva the secretary of the Young Czech committee in the Bohemian Diet, Anton Cesik, was arrested on being charged by them with supplying them with money. There were 71 persons arrested altogether. The trial began in Prague on Jan. 15. 1894. It was held in chambers, and the presiding judge gave offense to the friends of the accused by ordering that they should not be admitted in the usual number, which is fixed by law at 3 for each prisoner. The head of the Omladina was a youth of nineteen, named Holzbach, and few of the accused were over twenty-four. They bore themselves insolently and defiantly. There were 14 accused of high treason; others simply of riotous demonstrations or membership in a secret society. When the judge refused the request of the prisonersthat their friends should visit them in jail-they loudly protested, and were only forced back into their cells with bayonets amid the stormy protests of the public. Turmoil arose again on the following day because armed constables were posted in the court room, and while the prisoners bared their breasts and called on the gendarmes to shoot and stab them, their counsel threw up their case and the trial was interrupted. The proceedings came to a close on Feb. 21, when those found guilty of illegal association or breaches of the peace were sentenced to hard labor for seven or more months, and those convicted of high treason, leze majesty, or other serious offenses, for periods varying from two and a half to eight years. Dolezal and Dragoun, the murderers of the informer Mrva, were tried in March, convicted by their own admissions, and sentenced to ten years' imprisonment; while Cesik and others, charged with complicity, were, with one exception, acquitted. Omladina societies continued to exist and to grow, in spite of the efforts of the police to suppress them. On May 24 a large meeting was heid secretly in the village of Lomnitz. The Young Czechs, under the spur of the Omladina, drifted farther away from the Old Czechs, assumed under the lead of Dr. Gregr an attitude of bitter hostility toward the coalition ministry, and offered to assist the laboring classes to attain the political privileges and the amelioration in their social position that they desire.

Hungary. The Hungarian Parliament consists of a House of Magnates and a House of Representatives. The Magnates, under the reform act of 1885, are the 19 princes of the blood of full age, 54 Roman and Greek Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish ecclesiastical dignitaries, the 10 bannerets of the kingdom, the Count of Presburg. the 2 keepers of the crown, the 2 presidents of the Royal Bench, the Governor of Fiume, the President of the Royal Table at Buda-Pesth, 3 delegates of the Diet of CroatiaSlavonia, 7 princes, 151 counts, and 36 barons who are hereditary peers by virtue of paying 3,000 florins of land taxes, and 17 life members. The House of Representatives has 453 members, of whom 413 are elected for five years by the electoral colleges of the counties and towns of Hungary and Transylvania, and 40 are elected for the session by the Diet of Croatia-Slavonia from among its own members. The electorate embraces all male citizens over twenty years of age

who pay certain small land, house, or income taxes or possess certain intellectual qualifications. The Cabinet, in the beginning of 1894, was composed as follows: President of the Council and Minister of Finance, Dr. Alexander Wekerle, appointed Nov. 19, 1892; Minister of National Defense, Baron Geza Fejervary; Minister near the King, Count Louis Tisza; Minister of the Interior, Charles de Hieronymi; Minister of Justice, Desiderius de Szilagyi; Minister of Commerce, B. de Lucacs; Minister of Worship and Public Instruction, Count A. Csaky; Minister of Agriculture. Count Andreas Bethlen; Minister for Croatia and Slavonia, Emerich de Josipovich. Finance. The ordinary revenue for 1891 was 403,333,000 florins, and the ordinary expenditure 377,877,000 florins. The transitory and extraordinary revenue was 83,321.000 florins, and the expenditure 108,306,000 florins, making the total revenue 486,654,000 florins, and expenditure 486,183,000 florins. For 1894 the ordinary revenue is estimated at 416,608,097 florins, of which 289,541,012 are taken in by the Ministry of Finance, 104,351,996 by the Ministry of Commerce, 15,543,360 by the Ministry of Agriculture, 1,337,748 by the Ministry of Education and Worship, and 3,602,001 are from state debts. The estimate of ordinary expenditure is 394,532,835 florins, of which 126,941,363 are for the national debt, 70,824,062 for the Ministry of Commerce, 67,694,963 for the Ministry of Finance, 26,278,772 for the common expenditure of the empire, 15,960,034 for the Ministry of Agriculture, 14,872,139 for the Ministry of Justice, 13,797,861 for the Ministry of National Defense, 13,670,807 for railroad debts assumed by the state, 13,304,360 for the Ministry of the Interior, 8,681,659 for the Ministry of Worship and Instruction, 7,608,193 for pensions, 7,159,702 for the administration of Croatia, and 4,650,000 for the civil list. The transitory revenue is estimated at 48,395,898 florins, making the total revenue 465,003,942 florins. The transitory expenditure is estimated at 47,576,883, investments at 16,351,972, and extraordinary common expenditure at 6,530,561 florins, making the total expenditure 469,992,554 florins. The special public debt of Hungary amounts to 2,218,719,000 florins.

The Civil-marriage Bill.-The introduction of a bill making civil marriage compulsory, as it is in France and other European countries, created a great ferment and dislocation of parties. The Catholic bishops, who had already struggled in vain against a measure that denied the right of a parent in a mixed marriage to bring up the children in the Catholic faith, issued a pastoral declaring the proposal relating to marriage to be opposed to the sacramental character and indissolubility of Christian marriage, and an infringement of the divinely appointed jurisdiction of the Church, which endangered Catholic dogma, liberty of conscience, the free practice of religion, and the interests of the people. The Catholic aristocracy, in their opposition to the measure and to the bourgeois ministry that proposed it, incited by the Protestants, the irreligious, and the newly emancipated Jews, were moved by social and political as well as by religious considerations. Count Julius Szapary, the former Prime Minister, Count Alexander Andrassy, and other noblemen broke away from

the Liberal party. The Catholic Congress denounced the bill as a usurpation of the jurisdiction of the Church, and the message sent to it in the name of the Pope expressed the conviction that the Catholics of Hungary would defend the rights and teachings of the Church. The ultramontane movement stirred the antipathy of a large part of the electorate. Meetings called for the purpose of protesting against civil marriage passed, instead, resolutions approving the Government. The popularity of the measure caused many Opposition members to vote with the Government in the preliminary action taken on Feb. 6, when a majority of 200 was obtained. Even in the House of Magnates a majority of Ministerialists were appointed on the committee. The Catholics augmented their exertions and still predicted the defeat of the bill. The bill was passed in the House of Representatives on April 12 by the crushing majority of 281 against 106. The fight was transferred to the House of Magnates, and extraordinary efforts were put forth by the opponents of the measure. Magnates attached to foreign legations were called home to vote, and in some Catholic families estates were divided to enable younger members to qualify as peers. Threats were made anonymously to blow up the Chamber of Magnates should the Government obtain a majority. Social pressure was brought into play, and many members who were indifferent Churchmen and had never shown the slightest interest in politics were induced to appear in their unaccustomed seats. The machinations of the Opposition would probably have failed if high functionaries of the court had not appeared in open active opposition to the ministry, strengthening the prevalent impression that the King was anxious to have the measure killed in the Upper Chamber. Magnates who had always been active supporters of the Government absented themselves from the proceedings, and when the vote was taken on May 9 the bill was rejected by a vote of 139 to 118. The majority included 29 Roman Catholic and 8 Greek spiritual peers, while of the Protestant spiritual peers 10 voted for the measure, and 3 abstained from voting. There were 89 members absent, of whom 62 had promised to vote in the affirmative. Indignation was aroused even among Conservatives at the intrusion of members of the Austrian court in domestic Hungarian politics.

The Conservatives tried to turn the obsequies of Kossuth to account by representing the action of the ministry on that occasion to be disloyal. On Dr. Wekerle's motion the Reichstag sent a deputation to place a wreath on the bier, but refused to consider proposals for a state funeral or a monument to the exile who died an enemy to the Constitution. Francis Kossuth, after his father's burial, took the oath as a Hungarian subject. Students of the university at BudaPesth stopped the performances at the theaters, and attempted to drape with black the national opera house, thereby coming into conflict with the police.

Civil marriage was a part of the national programme of 1848, and was advocated by Francis Deak in 1872. The framers of the present measure deemed it essential for the moral, social, and political advancement of the people that, instead

of 8 different forms of marriage treated in the different ecclesiastical laws as of varying value and force, the state should establish a uniform marriage contract and guarantee its equal binding force. The bill provided that the civil contract must precede any religious ceremony. Some of the Slav communities were hostile to the bill, but the Catholic constituencies were not. A large part of the Catholic laity, indeed, joined in Liberal Catholic demonstrations in favor of the bill.

Dr. Wekerle determined to carry the bill again through the House of Deputies and send it to the Magnates a second time before the close of the session, making it a question of confidence. But before proceeding to demand a new decision he deemed it indispensable to obtain from the Emperor certain guarantees. In interviews with Count Kalnoky and Franz Josef he asked that the King should pledge himself to fill up 3 vacancies among the life peers by nominating supporters of the bill; that he should make public an assurance that he regarded the measure as a political necessity; and that, if the Opposition was still strong enough to defeat the bill, he should consent to the creation of a sufficient number of new peers to overcome the resistance of his opponents. Kaiser Franz Josef acquiesced willingly in the first two of these conditions, but declined to accede to the last. When the bill was reintroduced Dr. Szilagyi stated that the principle of the bicameral system was that the House of Magnates, being based on a scheme of privilege, should bow to the will of the people, and, if necessary, the Government would not hesitate to increase the number of life members. On May 21 the Reichstag adopted the simple proposal to send back the civil-marriage bill to the House of Magnates by 271 votes to 105.

Before the bill reached the Magnates Dr. Wekerle went to Vienna to seek the guarantees that he considered indispensable. The Hungarian aristocracy, roused to the defense of the legislative powers of the House of Magnates, persuaded the King that it would be improper for him to interpose in the conflict over civil marriage and rescue the bill by flooding the House of Magnates with Liberals. They held out hopes that the bill could be carried without precipitating the constitutional question. The Emperor having rejected the proposal of an unlimited creation of peers, Dr. Wekerle placed the resignations of the Cabinet in his hands. Count Khün-Hedervary, the Ban of Croatia, a Liberal Magnate, on June 4 accepted the task of forming a ministry to persevere with the bill without making new peers. He reckoned without the Liberal party, which stood by the retiring ministers. As Count Khün-Hedervary was unable to induce any prominent Liberal to accept a portfolio, he gave up the task, and on June the King, who had come to Buda-Pesth, sent for Dr. Wekerle. Being assured that the bill would go through, Wekerle was willing to return to office without demanding from the King a public pledge to create new peers; but the Clericals demanded, as the price of their allowing the bill to become law, that he should sacrifice Dr. Szilagyi, who had denounced the interference of Austrian courtiers in Hungarian legislation, and also Count Csaky and two or three others. Szilagyi

was willing to withdraw, but Wekerle would not consent to any combination in which he was not included, and eventually the Emperor gave way and asked Dr. Wekerle to select his colleagues. The new ministry was gazetted on June 12. It contained all the members of the old one except Count Csaky, Minister of Public Instruction and Worship, whose place was taken by Baron Eotvos; Count Tisza, Minister at the Austrian court, who was succeeded by Count Julius Andrassy; and Count Bethlen, Minister of Agriculture, whose duties were assumed temporarily by Baron Fjedervary, the Minister of National Defense. Dr. Wekerle stated in the Reichstag that the King was in agreement with the ministry as to the necessity of the ecclesiastico-political reforms, and considered it indispensable that they should promptly become law. Three new peers were nominated to fill the existing vacancies, and on June 21 the civil-marriage bill was adopted in the Chamber of Magnates by 128 votes to 124. Parliament adjourned on June 30. On July 26 Count Andor Festetich was appointed Minister of Agriculture.

Roumanian Separatists.-On May 7 the members of the executive committee of the Roumanian National party were brought to trial at Klausenburg on an indictment charging them with having contravened the law by questioning the validity and binding force of the act of union in a document published in 1892, which declared that Transylvania had been unjustly deprived of its autonomy and its historical and national rights by becoming incorporated in Hungary on a basis that denied to the Roumanian people the participation that was due to their numbers, and in disregard of the principles that secured the autonomy of the principality. The prisoners, 23 in number, were lawyers, clergymen, professors, journalists, and physicians. All except three were found guilty and sentenced to terms of imprisonment varying from eight months to five years. Their condemnation caused much excitement in Grosswardein and other Roumanian districts of Hungary, where agitators convened nocturnal meetings of the peasantry and harangued against the ecclesiastical and school policy of the Government. Several leaders were arrested, but, as the military were quartered in the disaffected districts, few outward disturbances took place. M. Hieronymi, the Minister of the Interior, visited the districts in which the Nationalist agitation had made most progress and sought

to confer with the leading men of Hungarian, Saxon, and Roumanian nationality, in the hope of removing real grievances and effecting a reconciliation between the Roumanians and the Hungarian gentry.

Agrarian Socialism.-In various parts of Hungary, as well as in Austria, agricultural distress has produced discontent among the peasants, and led to a political agitation against the feudal and ecclesiastical ownership of land, and in favor of universal suffrage, state help, and other demands of the Socialists. In sections where Nationalist movements are rife the country people are impelled to join in them chiefly by hopes of improving their economic condition by self-government. In the Alsöld district, where thousands of laborers who were employed on the works for the regulation of the river Theiss have been thrown out of employment, riots took place and preparations were made for a peasant insurrection in the beginning of May. There had been wholesale conversions there to the Nazarene sect and to the Socialist and Nationalist parties. The danger of an uprising was averted by the arrival of a large military force, and the Government endeavored to mitigate the discontent by colonizing the unemployed on state lands and by starting public works. Dr. Wekerle proposed to utilize the landed property of the towns and districts, which amounts to over one sixth of the total area of Hungary, in the interest of the unemployed, and promised to arrange for the representation of the lower classes in the government of municipalities and communes. Socialism prevails chiefly in the parts of the country where the estates are entailed and the peasants are reduced to the position of day laborers. They used to receive good wages, but these have fallen of late years below living rates. In some districts, where the peasants themselves own land, they are still comfortably off.


BAPTISTS. I. Regular Baptists in the United States.-The "American Baptist Yearbook" for 1894 gives as footings of the statistics of the Baptist churches in the United States: Number of churches, 38,122; of ordained ministers, 25,354; of members, 3,496,988. The churches are represented in 1,498 associations; number of members received by baptism during the year, 176,077. Amount of contributions during the year: For missions, $1,467,294; for education, $367,417; for miscellaneous purposes, $2,739,589; for salaries of ministers and other church expenses, $7,986,464; total for all purposes, $12,

The most serious disturbance occurred at Hod Mezö Vasarhely. The Socialist leader, a former police officer named Kavacz, a man of great prowess and force of character, was locked up for proclaiming internationalism, saying that he and his followers were not Magyars and had no fatherland, for they had been deprived of the soil. This man had acquired great influence over the common people, and when they attacked the town hall, trying to rescue him, half the police force made common cause with the rioters.

560.714. Value of church property, $78,605,769. The Baptists sustain in the United States 7 theological institutions, with 54 instructors, 776 pupils, and property aggregating in value $3.401.618; 35 universities and colleges, with 701 instructors, 9,088 pupils, and a property valuation, including endowments, of $19.171.045; 32 seminaries for young women, with 388 instructors, 3,675 pupils, and $4,211,906 of property; 47 seminaries and academies for young men or for both young men and young women, with 369 instructors, 5.250 pupils, and $3,787,793 of property; and 31 institutions for the education of

negroes and Indians, with 179 instructors, 5,177 pupils, and property estimated to be worth $1,380,540; in all, 152 institutions, with 1,791 instructors, 23,966 pupils, and $31,862,902 of property. The number of charitable institutions recorded is 54, with property valued at $1,360.021. The number of periodicals of all kinds is 128.

The largest numbers of members in the several States are in the Southern States, Georgia leading with 352,595, and being followed by Virginia, with 319,698: North Carolina, with 255,803; Texas, with 240,851; Alabama, with 240,489; Kentucky, with 217,310. The largest numbers of baptisms are also found in the Southern States, beginning again with Georgia, 26.818, after which follow in order Texas, Virginia, Kentucky, South Carolina, Alabama, North Carolina, Mississippi, Tennessee, and New York leading the Northern States with 6,457 baptisms. The largest contributions, however, are returned from the Northern States, New York leading in aggregate contributions, $1,826,027, and Massachusetts in the highest average per member, $16.85. In the States of the Southern Baptist Convention, Missouri leads in absolute amount, $500,490, and Maryland in average per member, $12.68.

Baptists have in all the world, including Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australasia, as well as both Americas, 44,069 churches, 29,871 ordained ministers, and 4,184,507 members; and the whole number of baptisms during the year throughout the world was 221,724. The distribution of members in the principal states of Europe is: In France, 1,979; in Germany, 27,332: in England, 208,728; in Ireland, 2.200; in Scotland, 13,208; in Russia and Poland, 16,443; in Sweden, 36,585; in Finland, 1,329; in Denmark, 3,015; in Norway, 1,950; in Italy, 1,151; in Austria-Hungary, 2,675; in Spain, 100; in Switzerland, 439.


Education Society. The American Baptist Education Society met in Saratoga Springs, N. Y., May 22. The year's income of the society from all sources had been $53,357, and the expenditures, including appropriations to institutions, $48,617. The report showed that, aside from a special effort in the first year of the society's history, the aggregate gifts of individuals and churches during the past four years had been only $1,777, or an average of $444.32 per This sum was equivalent to only about half the society's expenses for a single year. Its expenses had been met mainly by its beneficiaries. The society had, since its beginning, granted allowances to 32 institutions in 23 States of the Union, of which 8 had collected their pledges and received the full amount of their grants. During the past year 10 institutions, to which the society had made conditional grants, had reported $92,265 collected on their pledges for endowment; to these institutions the society had paid during the year $34,017. A committee appointed to prepare a memorial to the Constitutional Convention of the State of New York urging the adoption of a provision forbidding the appropriation of State money to sectarian institutions reported adversely to a national organization like this society sending a memorial to a State constitutional convention, but recommended as a suitable constitutional provision for which Baptists could present memorials to

the legislatures and conventions of their States, the following:

No law shall be passed respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; nor shall the State, or any county, city, town, village, or other civil division of the State, use its property or credit or any money raised by taxation or otherwise, or authorize such property, credit, or money to be ing by appropriation, payment for services, expenses, used for the purpose of founding, maintaining, or aidor in any other manner, any church, religious denomination, or religious society, or any institution, society, or undertaking which is wholly or in part under sectarian or ecclesiastical control.

Publication Society.―The seventieth annual meeting of the American Baptist Publication Society was held at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., May 25. The receipts of the society had been $21,236 in the department of Bible distribution, $127,650 in the missionary department, and $497,807 from sales in the business department. Forty-nine new publications had been issued. In the missionary department 116 missionaries and workers had been employed, 704 persons baptized, 48 churches constituted, 285 Sunday schools organized and 332 aided, and 330 pastors and ministerial students aided with grants for their libraries. Two chapel cars had been continuously in use in Minnesota and west of the Mississippi and on the Pacific coast. They had traveled altogether 17,834 miles, and from them 681 Bibles and 74,945 pages of tracts had been granted, 1,313 sermons and addresses delivered, 207 prayer meetings held, 589 families visited, 18 persons baptized. 7 churches constituted, 11 Sunday schools organized, 45 Sunday schools addressed, and 4 Sunday-school institutes held. A third chapel car had been offered the society on condition that means were contributed to it by the denomination for building a fourth, and had been completed in anticipation of the fulfillment of the condition.

Home Mission Society.-The sixty-second annual meeting of the American Baptist Home Mission Society was held in Saratoga Springs, N. Y., May 23. The total receipts of the society had been $405,213, and the aggregate of expenditures $524,155, leaving an indebtedness of $101,456. The society had employed 1,111 laborers, 29 more than in the preceding year, and the largest number ever reported. Of them, 252 had been engaged among the foreign populations, 215 among the negroes, 35 among the Indians, 26 among Mexicans, and 583 among Americans. Fourteen nationalities were represented among the missionaries. The churches aided returned a membership of 50,701 souls. Thirty-six schools were maintained by the aid of the society among the colored people, Indians, and Mexicans. The act of incorporation granted by the Legislature of Massachusetts was accepted. A memorial was adopted for presentation to the Constitutional Convention of the State of New York asking for the incorporation in the Constitution to be framed by it of the clause proposed by the American Baptist Education Society, forbidding the appropriation of public money to sectarian schools and institutions.

The seventeenth annual meeting of the Woman's Baptist Home Mission Society was held in Saratoga Springs, N. Y., May 21 and 22. The total receipts of the society for the year, includ

ing $2,933 borrowed money, had been $64,817. and the disbursements $65,418. The estimated value of supplies, clothing, etc., sent to missionaries in the field was $12,765. One hundred and four missionaries had been employed during the whole or part of the year, of whom 4 were students from the Missionary Training School at Raleigh, N. C. These missionaries had been distributed as follows: Among Americans on the frontier, 6; among the colored people, 40; among the Chinese, 4; among Bohemians, 1; among Germans, 16; among Jews, 1; among Danes and Norwegians, 4; among Swedes, 8: among Indians, 13; among Mexicans, 7; among Mor

mons, 4.

Missionary Union.-The American Baptist Missionary Union held its eightieth meeting in Saratoga Springs, N. Y., May 28. The receipts of the society for the year from all sources had been $485,000, and the appropriations $694,658, leaving an indebtedness of $203,596. The Union employed 2,138 laborers, of whom 993 were connected with missions to the heathen, 647 were in Sweden, and the remainder were in other countries in Europe. The 1,612 churches returned a total of 185,228 members, with 90,996 pupils in Sunday schools, and 11,450 baptisms in 1893. A series of recommendations were adopted respecting the policy to be pursued in the work of the missions, in which the meeting advised that the present methods of school work be continued, but with such changes as will, if possible, increase their efficiency in promoting evangelization; that unceasing effort be made to impress upon native converts their duty to provide for the education of their children; that none but outspoken and consistent Christians should be employed as teachers in the mission schools; that the teaching of Christian truth should hold the first place in the plans and efforts of all engaged in mission-school work; that the benefits to mission schools of state inspection are unquestionable and important, and to that extent those schools should be subjected to government control; that the reception of grants in aid from the British Government is possibly defensible in view of the nature of that Government and of the relation of the missionaries to it, yet the utmost caution was recommended in seeking and accepting such aid; because (1) of the tendency which a reliance upon it has to secularize the aim of teachers and pupils; because (2) of the danger of weakening the force of Baptist testimony at home against the union and in favor of the separation of Church and

state, wherefore the discontinuance of the custom was advised as soon as practicable; and because (3) of the conscientious objections which some of the missionaries have to the practice; that special caution be used in founding schools and colleges, it being regarded as wise to wait for a "widespread interest and a pretty unanimous call" before taking steps to establish them; that some form of manual service be required of boarding-school girls, and that all Christian pupils be expected to take some part, under guidance of their teachers, in religious service, while the industrial training of boys was also commended; and that single women sent out by the Union be encouraged to devote themselves, as far as possible, to educational work. In view of

the financial situation no efforts were made to enlarge the missionary work, and the society decided to endeavor only to maintain the present mission fields with all proper economy, sending. out new missionaries only when it might become necessary to fill vacancies made by disease or death. A committee was appointed to consider the question of the relationship between the Missionary Union and the several woman's missionary societies.

The twenty-third annual meeting of the Woman's Baptist Foreign Missionary Society was held in Philadelphia, Pa., April 17, 18, and 19. Mrs. S. C. Durfee, of Providence, R. I., presided. The total receipts of the society had been $129,178, and the expenditures $127,880. The receipts of the Home for the Children of Missionaries had been $1,833, and the expenditures $1,788. Of the 64 missionaries of the society, 30 were laboring in Burmah. In India, at Madras, 8 Bible women and 14 teachers were visiting 46 zenanas and teaching 210 caste girls. In Assam, 880 pupils were reported in the village schools among Garos, Nagas, and Kohls taught by graduates of the normal school at Tura. In Japan, 16 Bible women were employed and 1.179 pupils were returned. In China the Bible women's and school work was carried on steadily. Work was going on among the women and children in the Congo, and reports were made from France and Sweden. The entire work of the society included 64 missionaries, 400 native teachers, 126 Bible women, and 294 schools, with 9,154 pupils, 578 of whom had publicly professed themselves Christians.

Southern Baptist Convention.-The Southern Baptist Convention met in Dallas, Texas, May 11. The Hon. Jonathan Haralson, of Alabama, was chosen president. The report of the Home Board of Missions showed that the treasurer's total receipts had been $73,321, of which $11,145 had been on account of the Centennial fund; while of the disbursements, $39,127 had been paid to missionaries. The report further showed that $107,544 had been received and expended by co-operative bodies in missions and church building. The Home Board had everywhere strengthened the State boards, enabling them to do a larger work and thus create a wider interest in the churches for all mission work at home and abroad. The woman's missionary societies had contributed $21,613 to the work of the board. The missionary work had been prosecuted among foreign populations, with which are included the Indians; among the negroes; among the native white people; in Cuba; and in aid of church building. The work among the Indians had been confined to the Indian Territory, and had been so successful and so long continued that it now closely approximated in its character and conditions that among the white people of the frontier. There were now in the Indian Territory 16 associations, 301 churches, and 13,844 church members. The work in Cuba still exhibited the same feature of interest that had characterized it from the beginning, and was described as "never so prosperous as now." One hundred and fifty new candidates had been baptized. The convention had been interested in the welfare of the negroes from its very organization. At the time of the

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