
Teftament Churches (as if it were lefs to thefe, then to the Church under the Law) and the Oeconomie of the Gofpel, as not fo compleat as that of old, the whole of whofe VVorship, Orders and Ordinances (as was faid) was bottom'd upon pure Revelation.

7. It carries with it a fad reflection upon the Authority of the Scripture, as not thorowly furnished to make the man of God perfect.

8. The Lord condemns not only that which is done against the warrant and direction of the VVord, but also that which is done befide it, Deut. 4. 2. and 12. 32. Mat. 15.9. Lev. 10. 1. (their fin lay not in this, that they offered strange fire which was forbidden,but which God commanded them not) Prov. 30.6. Fer. 7.31.

9. Of the fame mind with us in this matter are the renowned VVitneffes of Chrift in all ages; generally all that write upon the fecond Commandment, fpeak fully hereunto.

Cyprian (in his Epift. to Cacilius de Sacram.) fayes roundly, Et quod Chriftus folus, &c. i. e. that Chrift alone ought to be heard: we have the Father himself witneffing from Heaven, faying, This is my belo ved Son, hear him. Wherefore if Chrift only be to be heard, we ought not to attend to what others did before us, but what he hath prefcribed. Beza (on Phil.1. 1.) fayes, Epifcopos igitur, &c. The Apoftle meaneth by Bishops, fuch as were fet over others in the preaching the VVord, viz. Paftors, Teachers and Elders, for fo were Bifhops of old called, until he which for Polities fake, did prefide in the Affembly, began peculiarly to be call'd Bishop: hereof the Devil began to lay the first foundation of Tyranny in the Church of God: Behold (fayes he) of how great moment it is to decline from the Word of God, though but an hairs breadth. So he. To whom may be added the Teftimony of that lively Witness of Chrift Martin Luthert, who fayes, on 1 Pet. 4. 11. To the Office of preaching, that properly belongs, which the Apofile Peter prefcribeth, viz.unto whomfoever the vocation and charge of Prea ching the Word is allotted, let him speak as the Words of God; which Caveat and Leffon ought most carefully to be taken heed unto, that no man prefume to preach hath not the expreß words of God for his

In a Tranflation of the NewTeftament in Edward the 6ths time, the Author of the Notes on Matth.15. faith,God will not be worshipped after the doctrine & precepts of men, but as he himself hath prefcribed and taught us in his Word.

and teach any thing, whereto he


warrant, and except he be most certain that the fame be directly to be avouched out of the facred Scriptures, which being fo, what may be thought of the Pope (we may add of the Hierarchy) and his dirty Traditions? And anon after, he faith, A Bifhop ought to do nothing in the Church, unleß be be certain and fure of the warrantife thereof by God's Word; for God cannot abide to have his Service jumbled and mingled at pleasure with every foolish gewgaw and light trumpery; yea further, faith he, And therefore we are strictly forbidden not to rely unto, nor to allow whatsoever decree or conftitution the Bishops lift to obtrude, and enjoyn, unleẞ they stand upon a fare ground,that the things which they do,are allowed of God-- and unless they be able to say, Do this; for it is the Will and Commandment of God, and we have his express Word and Commandment for our warrant : if they be not able to fay thus, they ought to be accounted as Liars and Deceivers, much leß ought any Christian to yeeld unto them therein any obedience or fubfcription: And afterwards, There is nothing (faith he) so pernitions, nothing fo monstrous, nothing so beafly, as to go about to govern the Church of God, without the Warrant of God's own Word. Of the fame mind is learned Whitaker, We acknowledge (faith he) no Oyl in God's Service, because we reade nothing of Oyl in the Scriptures, can you fhew that ever Christ or his Apostles fed it? To whom many others might be added. The minor (or fecond Propofition) confifts of two parts.

1. That Hearing is part of inftituted Worship, one would wonder fhould it be denied; however 'tis evident it is fo, from the light. of this fingle demonftration: That in which we wait upon God in the way of an Ordinance for the communication of good, beyond the vertue of any creature to conveigh to us, is part of the inftituted Worship of God (for what I wait for, not being in the thing it felf, in which I am waiting, no ground can be affigned, for my expecting of good through it, but Divine Institution) but in the Hearing of the Word we wait upon God in the way of an Ordinance, for the communication of good, beyond the vertue of any creature to conveigh to us: Therefore.

2. That Hearing the prefent Minifters of England is not warrant ed in the Scripture: This will be manifefted, when we come to the ventilating and scanning of thofe places, which are ufually produced for the abetting of the practice of fome in this matter: in the mean while we crave liberty to profefs, that it is not opinionativeness, fingularity, vain-glory, uncharitableness, or any thing of that nature;


(as fome are apt uncharitably enough to cenfure) but the dread and awe of God (who is a jealous God, and especially in point of Worfhip) and an holy fear of offending him, that hinders us from complying in these matters: could but one word, tittle or iota be produced from the Scriptures of God, for the warranting the Hearing the prefent Minifters of England, we should quickly lay our mouths in the duft, confefs and bewail our guilt and folly in refufing to conform thereunto; but this we are fully affured, those that diffent from us, are not able to do; what they fay herein, shall our Oew be fifted to the uttermoft.


A fecond Argument propofed to confideration: That 'tis not lawful to bear the prefent Minifters of England, as Minifters of Christ, nor as Gifted Brethren, proved. A Separation from them, if Brethren, evinced. That the best of them walk diforderly, proved.


Argument 2.

Fit be lawful to hear the prefent Minifters of England, 'tis lawful to hear them, either as Minifters of the Gospel, or as gifted Brethren: But 'tis not lawful to hear them, either as Minifters of the Gospel, or as Gifted-Brethren: Therefore.

The major (or firft Propofition) will not be denied; That Chrift hath appointed fome, as Minifters, by vertue of an Office-power, to difpenfe the Ordinances of the Gospel, until his fecond coming, is granted by all, that 'tis permitted to others, as their liberty, enjoyned them, as their duty (having received Gifts and Enablements from the Lord thereunto) to improve thofe Gifts in preaching, praying, &c. for the Edification of the Body of Chrift (though not folemnly invested into Office) is affented unto, at least by some of those with whom we have to do; whence a lawfulness to hear them as Ministers, or as Gifted-Brethren, doth neceffarily arife.

'Tis the minor (or fecond Propofition) that is capable, in the thoughts of fome, of a denial: which we prove, per partes, thus.

1. 'Tis not lawful to hear them as Minifters of the Gospel: they are not fuch, therefore may not be heard as fuch. That they are not Minifters of the Gofpel (but Thieves and Robbers) is manifeft: Such as come not in by the Door, which is Chrift, Job. 10.9. ( ver


tue of any Authority derived to them from him) are not Minifters of the Gospel, but Thieves and Robbers, Job. 10.1. 10.1. (from whom 'tis the property of the Sheep to flee, ver. 4.) But the prefent Minifters of England come not in by the Door: Therefore.

That theycome not in by the Door (viz. by vertue of any Authority derived to them from Chrift) is evident: If they have received any fuch Authority or Commiffion from him, they have received it, either mediately,or immediately: the latter will not be afferted, nor without the working of Miracles, fhould it fo be, would it to the world's end be made good: 'Tis the former muft be fixt upon, viz. That they have received their Authority or Commiffion, mediately from Chrift, but to as little purpofe; for thofe that receive Authority to preach the Gospel mediately from Chrift, have it from fome particular inftituted Church of Chrift, to whom power is foley delegated for the electing of their own Officers, according to the tenour of the enfuing Scriptures, Acts 6.5. &.14. 23.

Thefe men (as it's known) have no fuch Authority, pretend not to it, have it in derifion, come barely with a Prefentation from a Patron, and Ordination, Inftitution and Induction from a Lord-Bishop (things forreign to the Scripture) and impofe themselves upon the people whether they will or no.

2. 'Tis not lawful to hear them as Gifted-Brethren. 1. The most of them are not gifted; nor 2. Brethren, being Canonical-Drunkards, Swearers, Gamflers, &c. 3.The best of them cannot by Saints, in refpect of Gofpel-communion, be fo accounted for, 1.There was never any giving up of our felves, each to other, according to the will of God and primitive Example, whence fuch a Brotherhood doth refult. 2. We cannot (as things stand) perform the duties of Brethren to them, according to Mat. 18. nor will they, or can they, in the ftate in which they ftand,to us. 3. If we acknowledge the best of them for fuch, we muft alfo acknowledge the worst of them: for, 1. They are all Members of the fame Church. 2. Profefs themselves to be one Brotherhood, fo fayes their Rime upon the Lord's Prayer,

Our Father which in Heaven art,

And mak'ft us all one Brotherhood, &c.

Nay, 3. we cannot fo acknowledge them, but we must also acknowledge the Bishops for our Reverend Fathers, (for theirs they are which how abhorring it is to any tender enlightned foul, may eafily



be conjectured. But to hear this Plea fpeak its uttermoft, let it be granted they are Brethren, and may be fo efteemed; They are Bre thren that walk diforderly, or they do not: That they walk disorderly cannot be denied by fuch as pretend to Reformation, If fubmitting to Ordination or Re-ordination by a Lord Bishop, covenanting and protefting with deteftation against a Reformation according to the Scripture, and the beft Reformed Churches, to own (as consonant to Scripture) a Lyturgy or ftinted Forms of Prayer in the Church, and read them, to wear the Surplice, &c. be diforderly walking; they are (the very best of them) beyond contradiction, to be reputed in the number of diforderly walkers; And so after due admonition ( according to the Scripture) and a perfeverance in their fin, to be feparated from, by vertue of pofitive and exprefs Precepts of Chrift, Mat. 18. 2 Theff.3.6. Now we command you, Brethren, in the Name of the Lord Fefus Chrift, that you withdraw your felves from every Brother that walketh diforderly, and not after the tradition he received of us: With what vehemency, authority and holy earnestnefs doth the ApoAle paration from Brethren that walk diforderly? We command prefs you, and we command you in the Name of the Lord Jefus, and we command you,Brethren,by vertue of our relation to each other, and that love and endearment that is betwixt us as Brethren, that you withdraw your felves, &c. Ifcarce know any one thing preffed by the Apoftle, with greater vehemency than what is here inftanc'd in: wherein we have alfo an undeniable convincing Argument, that the perfons of whom we are

tion received from forderly. Thofe that walk not after the tradi

tion received from the Apoftles (we may adde, and the Primitive Church for above three hundred years after Chrift, but according to the traditions of the old Bawd and Strumpet of Rome) are fuch as walk diforderly: But the prefent Minifters of England walk not after the Tradition received from the Apoftles, but after the Traditions of the Whorish-Church of Rome: Therefore they are fuch as walk diforderly. What Apoftolical Tradition have we for ftinted Forms of Prayer or Lyturgies in the Church, did they frame any? (thofe that are afcribed to fome of them, are all spurious, as hath been over and over proved) for Surplice, croffing in Baptifm, and many other gewgaws ufed by them? if they have any Apoftolical written tradition for thefe things, let them produce it, and we shall lay our mouths in the duft, and for ever be filent, as to a charge of this nature: If they have


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