
Shoulder to shoulder they went through the Revolution; hand in hand they stood around the administration of Wash ington, and felt his own great arm lean on them for support. Unkind feeling, if it exists, alienation, and distrust are the growth, unnatural to such soils, of false principles since sown. They are weeds, the seeds of which that same great arm never scattered.

5. Mr. President, I will enter on no encomium upon Massachusetts; she needs none. There she is. Behold her, and judge for yourselves. There is her history; the world knows it by heart. The past, at least, is secure. There is Boston, and Concord, and Lexington, and Bunker Hill; and there they will remain forever. The bones of her sons,

fallen in the great struggle for independence, now lie mingled with the soil of every state, from New England to Georgia; and there they will lie forever.

6. And, Sir, where American liberty raised its first voice, and where its youth was nurtured and sustained, there it still lives, in the strength of its manhood, and full of its original spirit. If discord and disunion shall wound it; if party strife and blind ambition shall hawk at and tear it; if folly and madness, if uneasiness under salutary and necessary restraint, shall succeed in separating it from that union by which alone its existence is made sure, it will stand, in the end, by the side of that cradle in which its infancy was rocked; it will stretch forth its arm, with whatever of vigor it may still retain, over the friends who gather around it; and it will fall at last, if fall it must, amid the proudest monuments of its own glory, and on the very spot of its origin.


Was this selection originally spoken or written? When and where? State the most important circumstances. How came such a speech to be made? Is it amusing or serious?

About important or trifling matters? Name some of the things talked about here Does the speaker appear to have been much in earnest? Was it a passionate or dignified earnestness? Are the sentiments here expressed noble or mean? Point out some of them and show their character. [Appreciation of patriotism in persons unconnected with the speaker. Desire for a kindly feeling between different portions of the country. Patriotic love of the speaker for his own state, &c.] With what tone of voice, then, should it be read? speed? pitch? [With full, clear, dignified, sonorous tones, as of a man earnestly urging important and lofty principles, and also tones befitting the place of the debate.] Who constitute the Senate of the United States? To what state did the speaker belong? How have Massachusetts and South Carolina differed from each other? Mention as many particulars as you can. Give the principal facts in Mr. Webster's biography. What kind of man was he?

First Paragraph.

What is meant by a "eulogium"? Give the etymology. Who pronounced this one? Why should the speaker call Mr. Hayne "the honorable gentleman"? Had there been any intimation that he was dishonorable? What is meant by "Revolutionary merits"? Etymology of both words? What is meant by the phrase "goes before"? Was it a merit or demerit in Mr. Webster to "claim part of the honor"? Why? Had he any right to it? What is meant by "their talents and patriotism being circumscribed within the same narrow limits"? What narrow limits? Why Darrow? Meaning and etymology of "circumscribed "? "patriotism"? " distinguished"? "concurrence"? "character"? Tell something about each person mentioned in this paragraph. Why are these names in the plural?

What is the first sentence about? What is said about it? What words are emphatic,—that is, what words ought to be spoken with most force? Suppose the speaker in this case had had only opportunity to say one word, which of them would best express the thought? [Other things being equal, the word, or group of words, expressing the new thought in the sentence should receive the main emphasis; in this sentence there are two, "eulogium" and "meets my concurrence."

Which thought is new?] In the second sentence, what group of words contains at once the new and most important thought? Should the voice rise or fall at the end of the first sentence? What is the natural way, in most cases, of making direct and positive stateme.ts? Try this sentence thoughtfully with both rising and falling inflections, and determine which is the better. [Most pupils will decide correctly upon such a question, but some will fail. These must be directed.] Take the same course with the seconds enter.ce. Emphatic words in the third sentence? Inflection of the voice at the word "honor "? "pride"? At the close of the sentence? Emphatic word in the fourth sentence? [Here again it is the word containing the new and important thought.] What inflection of the voice at the word "countrymen"? At the word "all" in the next sentence? At the proper names respectively? At the word "lines"? [Expressing contempt.] At the word "limits"? [The chief fall is on "same;" hence "limits" is not prominent.] Emphatic words in the sentence? [In a comparison, the second member, and sometimes the fitrs, also, is emphatic.]

Second Paragraph.

What is meant by "their day and generation"? Why called "day and generation"? Meaning of the clause, “ and their renown is of the treasures of the whole country"? Meaning of the word " of " in this clause? "treasures"? Why is this last word used? Who is referred to in the second sentence? What does the speaker seem to take for granted about him? What must have been his name? To whom does "he" refer?,, his "? Meaning of "esteem " here? To whom is this speech addressed? Who is called "Sir"? Who filled this office at this time?

Meaning and etymology of "generation "? "country"? renown"? "treasures"? "capable "? "gratitude"? "sympathy"?" sufferings "?" exhibit "? "produce "? "envy "? What other word, in the paragraph, of the same origin with gratitude"? Define these words. Meaning and etymology of "delight"?

What group of words is emphatic in the first clause of the first sentence? What adjective very emphatic? In the second clause what words emphatic? Inflection upon the (first) word "country"? Does the voice fall most on "whole" or

on the (second) word "country"? Emphatic word in the clause beginning "and their renown"? Inflection of the voice on "bears" in the next sentence? What two pairs of words in what remains of this sentence? [Each of these four words should receive a moderate emphasis.] Inflection at the close of this sentence? What words would be required to answer this question? [Questions that may be answered by "yes" or "no" are called "direct" questions, and usually require the rising inflection.] What group of words emphatic in the sentence beginning "Sir, does he suppose"? Inflection at the end of this sentence? Inflection upon "Sir" in the next sentence? Emphatic words here? Inflection upon "delight"? "rather"? [See note on "limits" in Par. 1.] Third Paragraph.


What spirit is meant by that "which is able to raise mortals to the skies"? by that "which would drag angels down"? What is "public merit"? What is it to 66 sneer at public merit"? Why should he call the limits of his state "little"? Is "neighborhood," as here used, more or less extensive than "state"? What "homage" is "due to talent"? What kind of patriotism is "elevated patriotism"? What is meant by an uncommon endowment of Heaven"? What is it to be "moved by local prejudice"? [State clearly.] To be "gangrened by state jealousy"? What is the strict and proper meaning of "gangrene"? What is the resemblance between this strict meaning and the figurative meaning in this sentence? What is it to "abate"? Meaning of "tithe"? What is it, then, "to abate the tithe of a hair"? Where did Mr. Webster probably find the expression, "may my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth"? The same writer who said this, said also, and for the same purpose, "let my right hand forget her cunning," [or skill]. Why did not Mr. Webster use the last expression instead of the other? Did he wish his tongue to cleave to the roof of his mouth? What did he mean, then?

Emphatic words before the first comma in the first sentence? What inflection upon "skies"? [The falling circumflex, or the curve of the voice ending in a downward slide. Here are two alternative propositions, the first of which is conceded not to be true, while the truth of the second

is affirmed as an offset. Let the pupils repeat the sentence, "If I cannot fly, I can walk." The word skies has the same slide as "fly" in this short sentence. There is at first a slight rise of the voice, then a greater fall. The inflection upon "down" should be exactly the opposite, that is, the rising circumflex.] Where and what is the chief clause in the next sentence? How many subsidiary or conditional clauses, and what are they? Does a conditional clause set forth a full and positive statement? What inflection then shall be given to "neighborhood"? "talent"? "patriotism"? "country"? What is the positive declaration in this sentence? What word just before this should receive the intensest rising inflection? [The word "fame," closing, as it does, the last conditional clause.] Carefully select, in this long sentence, all the emphatic words.

Fourth Paragraph.

"What is it to "recur to pleasing recollections"? Is there any idea in the clause, "let me indulge, &c.," that is not contained in the preceding? Difference between the two clauses? Name some of the "pleasing recollections." What is it to "indulge"? Why are these remembrances called "refreshing"? Are the words, recollections and remembrances, exactly synonymous? What times are the early times here referred to? Difference between "harmony of principle" and "harmony of feeling"? Find and state what the feeling between these states was for about twenty years after the Revolutionary war. Meaning of the expression, "would to God"? "shoulder to shoulder"? "hand in hand"? Why did not Mr. Webster say, "Hand in hand they went through the Revolution, shoulder to shoulder they stood round, &c."? What states were devoted supporters of Washington's dministration? What was the real cause of the "unkind feeling" between Massachusetts and South Carolina? What is meant

by "such soils"? What great arm is referred to in the last


Etymology and meaning of recur? recollection? indulge? cherished? harmony? principle? administration? support? alienation?

Inflection upon the word recollections? Is the clause ending here a positive or a conditional one? Emphatic word

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