
tion assert their sway and live to bless the world. As "Truth crushed to earth will rise again," so will justice, and freedom, and right, in the end prevail and be felt over all the land. Let us, fellow-teachers, see that we faithfully perform our parts, and labor constantly and faithfully "so to live as to apply our hearts unto wisdom;" so to teach that error can no advantage gain. While each in his own appropriate sphere toils with increasing care and diligence, let each strive to aid others, so that we may all, like the myriads of shining orbs above us, impart something of the light we have borrowed from others, while others do the same to us. Many have gone forth to peril their lives that freedom may live. Let us not forget them. Of their trials and hardships, privations and dangers, we know but little. May God watch over them and bless them in their absence from us, and may the day soon come when the hideous monster, Rebellion, shall be forever crushed, and the bright rays of peace and liberty illumine every valley and hill-top of our land; and then, as our fellow-teachers return to join us in our work, may they have abundant reason to feel that we have "neither slumbered nor slept at our posts," while they have been perilling their lives that they might prepare the way for extending the mission of the teacher throughout those sections of our land in which, hitherto, knowledge has been regarded and treated as a crime, and in which God's blessed Bible has been a sealed book to many for whom the Saviour suffered and died.

On motion of S. W. Mason, the reporters and gentlemen connected with the press of the city and vicinity were invited to sit at the table and report the doings of the Institute during its present session.

After a recess of five minutes, the president, on motion of A. P. Stone, was authorized to appoint the following com

mittees. First, committee to nominate officers for the ensuing year; second, committee on teachers and teachers' places; third, committee to prepare and present appropriate resolutions in reference to the deaths of G. F. Thayer, W. D. Ticknor, and George Allen, Jr., members of the Institute, who had deceased during the year.

At three and a half o'clock, P. M., J. N. Bartlett, Esq., of New Britain, Conn., delivered a lecture on the Influence of School Life upon the Character of the Scholar.

W. D. Ticknor, the Treasurer of the Association, having deceased during the year, on motion of T. W. Valentine, of Brooklyn, N. Y., W. E. Sheldon was requested to act as Treasurer of the Association till the election of officers for the ensuing year.


Mr. Sheldon. I accept this office with great pleasure, because there is connected with it the handling of a little money, and that is always pleasant, and for the reason that I am desirous that more persons should become members of the Institute. I had occasion recently to examine the records, and I have discovered the lamentable fact, that an average of less than twenty-five have connected themselves with the society, each year, for the last five years. We ought to swell our numbers by at least one hundred every year. We ought to be re-enforced by at least that number of men each year who are willing to share the labors and joys of this institution. I hope I shall have the pleasure of receiving at least one hundred dollars at this meeting.

In behalf of the Society of Natural History, Mr. M. L. Stevens, of Portland, invited the members of the Institute to visit the rooms of the Society during the session of the Institute.

It was voted that the election of officers take place on Wednesday afternoon at two and a half o'clock. Adjourned to meet at eight o'clock P. M.


The meeting was called to order at eight o'clock by the President.

The following committees were announced. Committee on nomination: Messrs. Sheldon, Hutchins, Weston, Valentine, Hedges, and Eaton.

Committee on teachers and teachers' places: Messrs. Wood, Littlefield, Stevens, Bartlett, and Putnam.

Committee on resolutions commemorating the lives and services of G. F. Thayer, W. D. Ticknor, and George Allen, Jr.: Messrs. Smith, Hagar, Sheldon, and Mason.

Hon. John D. Philbrick, Superintendent of Public Schools, Boston, Mass., delivered an able and interesting lecture on the Self-Education of the Teacher.

Adjourned to nine o'clock Thursday morning.


The Institute met and was called to order by the President at nine o'clock.

Prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Colton, of Middletown, Conn.

The topic, How may Parental Coöperation be best Secured? was discussed by Messrs. A. P. Stone, Nathan Hedges, E. P. Weston, H. M. Colton, W. E. Sheldon, Charles Hutchins, T. W. Valentine, D. C. Brown, and A. J. Mowry.


QUESTION: How may Parental Coöperation be best Secured?

A. P. Stone, of Plymouth, Mass. I feel myself called upon to open the discussion of a question which, in its general form, is one of the tritest questions we have ever considered in any of our educational associations; but I am glad that this is not worded as the question often is. We are not called upon to discuss the question of the importance of parental coöperation. I take it that it must have become settled in the mind of every person, that the coöperation of parents with teachers is highly important. The question is, "How may parental coöperation be best secured?"

In my opinion, parents are often very jealous of the interference of teachers with their children; perhaps they have reason to be so, to a certain extent. The teacher is not an autocrat, and he is not excusable if he is imprudent or indiscreet. Although parents may tacitly assent to the common saying, that the teacher stands in the place of the parent, or, as the lawyers have it, in loco parentis, still they do not assent to it cordially and in their hearts, and they are not willing to give up the control of their children to their teachers. On the other hand, teachers are very jealous of the interference of parents. We have all met with instances innumerable where teachers have destroyed their influence by the very foolish and silly suspicion that the parents are going to stand between them and their charge. This mutual jealousy creates an antagonism, a kind of repulsion, which prevents their coming together.

Now, the question is, "How shall the coöperation of parents be best secured?" I think it is the duty of teachers, in the first place, to rid themselves of this suspicion. They are not taking the high stand that their calling.

demands, when they allow themselves to be influenced by it. I think the teacher should treat the parents as men and women, as gentlemen and ladies. Hence, I say it is highly important for the teacher to make the acquaintance of the parents, guardians, and friends of the pupils. I know it may be said by some of my friends from large cities, with six, seven, or eight hundred children under their care, that this is impossible. I grant that it would be impossible for the teacher to become acquainted with the parents of all the children in his school; but masters do not have the entire control of the whole school; on the contrary, they usually have the entire control of but a small class- the upper class; and certainly they can make the acquaintance of the parents and friends of forty or fifty pupils, as well as others of us, whose schools are smaller, can visit one hundred families. They have teachers under them who have control of the other classes, and they should put themselves into such social relations with the parents as will secure their confidence. Sometimes we may anticipate that we shall not be cordially received; but I have always found that parents are reasonable, and that when the teacher goes to them—for it belongs to the teacher to go to the parent—and shows that he takes an interest in their children and their relations at home, they are approachable.

Teachers are often guilty of indiscretion. They often throw away a great deal of labor, which accomplishes nothing, for the reason that they do not know the circumstances under which the children have been brought up. For instance, here is a lad or a young miss who seems well brought up, and yet does things that surprise us. Perhaps we ascribe it, not simply to mischievousness, but to maliciousWe may go into the family and find adverse influences at work there, which account for these indiscretions; and


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