
b. (Amended 3-14-63) Any person requesting a transcript of the hearing shall pay the cost of such transcript.

c. This rule shall not apply to petitions filed by the Air Pollution Control Officer.

RULE 43. ANALYSIS FEES. Whenever the Air Pollution Control Officer finds that an analysis of the emission from any source is necessary to determine the extent and amount of pollutants being discharged into the atmosphere which cannot be determined by visual observation, he may order the collection of samples and the analysis made by qualified personnel of the Air Pollution Control District. The time required for collecting samples, making the analysis and preparing the necessary reports, but excluding time required in going to and from such premises shall be charged against the owner or operator of said premises in a reasonable sum to be determined by the Air Pollution Control Officer, which said sum is not to exceed the actual cost of such work.

RULE 44. TECHNICAL REPORTS CHARGES FOR: Information, circulars, reports of technical work, and other reports prepared by the Air Pollution Control District when supplied to other governmental agencies or individuals or groups requesting copies of the same may be charged for by the District in a sum not to exceed the cost of preparation and distribution of such documents. All such monies collected shall be turned into the general funds of the said District.


RULE 50. RINGELMANN CHART. A person shall not discharge into the atmosphere from any single source of emission whatsoever any air contaminant for a period or periods aggregating more than three minutes in any one hour which is:

a. As dark or darker in shade as that designated as No. 2 on the Ringelmann Chart, as published by the United States Bureau of Mines, or

b. Of such opacity as to obscure an observer's view to a degree equal to or greater than does smoke described in subsection (a) of this Rule.

RULE 51. NUISANCE. A person shall not discharge from any source whatsoever such quantities of air contaminants or other material which cause injury, detriment, nuisance or annoyance to any considerable number of persons or to the public or which endanger the comfort, repose, health or safety of any such persons or the public or which cause or have a natural tendency to cause injury or damage to business or property.

RULE 52. (Amended 1-16-58) PARTICULATE MATTER. Except as otherwise provided in Rules 53 and 54, a person shall not discharge into the atmosphere from any source particulate matter in excess of 0.4 grain per cubic foot of gas at standard conditions.

RULE 53. (Amended 1-16-58) SPECIFIC CONTAMINANTS. A person shall not discharge into the atmosphere from any single source of emission whatsoever any one or more of the following contaminants, in any state or combination thereof, exceeding in concentration at the point of discharge:

a. Sulphur Compounds calculated as sulphur dioxide (SO2): 0.2 per cent, by volume.

b. (Amended 1-16-58) Combustion Contaminants: 0.3 grain per cubic foot of gas calculated to 12 per cent of carbon dioxide (02) at standard conditions. In measuring the combustion contaminants from incinerators used to dispose of combustible refuse by burning, the carbon dioxide (CO2) produced by combustion of any liquid or gaseous fuels shall be excluded from the calculation to 12 per cent of carbon dioxide (CO2).

RULE 53.1. SCAVENGER PLANTS. Where a separate source of air pollution is a scavenger or recovery plant, recovering pollutants which would otherwise be emitted to the atmosphere, the Air PolJution Control Officer may grant a permit to operate where the total emission of pollutants is substantially less with the plant in operation than when closed, even though the concentration exceeds that permitted by Rule 53 (a). The Air Pollution Control Officer shall report immediately in writing to the Air Pollution Control Board the granting of any such permit, together with the facts and reasons therefor.

RULE 54. DUST AND FUMES. A person shall not discharge in any one hour from any source whatsoever dust or fumes in total quantities in excess of the amount shown in the following table: (see next page)

As an

To use the following table, take the process weight per hour as such is defined in Rule 2(j). Then find this figure on the table, opposite which is the maximum number of pounds of contaminants which may be discharged into the atmosphere in any one hour. example, if A has a process which emits contaminants into the atmosphere and which process takes 3 hours to complete, he ill divide the weight of all materials in the specific process, in this example, 1,500 lbs. by 3 giving a process weight per hour of 500 lbs. The table shows that A may not discharge more than 1.77 lbs. in any one hour during the process. Where the process weight per hour falls between figures in the left hand column, the exact weight of permitted discharge may be interpolated.

[blocks in formation]

RULE 55. (Amended 1-16-58) EXCEPTIONS. The provisions of Rule 50 do not apply to:

a. Smoke from fires set by or permitted by any public officer if such fire is set or permission given in the performance of the official duty of such officer, and such fire in the opinion of such officer is necessary:

(1) For the purpose of the prevention of a fire
hazard which cannot be abated by any other
means, or

(2) The instruction of public employees in the
methods of fighting fire.

b. Smoke from fires set pursuant to permit on property used for industrial purposes for the purpose of instruction of employees in methods of fighting fire.

c. Agricultural operations in the growing of crops, or raising

of fowls or animals.

d. The use of an orchard or citrus grove heater which does not produce un consumed solid carbonaceous matter at a rate in excess of one (1) gram per minute.

e. The use of other equipment in agricultural operations in the growing crops, or raising of fowls or animals.


RULE 56. (Amended 1-16-58) STORAGE OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS. person shall not place, store or hold in any stationary tank, reservoir or other container of more than 40,000 gallons capacity any gasoline or any petroleum distillate having a vapor pressure of 1.5 pounds per square inch absolute or greater under actual storage conditions, unless such tank, reservoir or other container is pressure tank maintaining working pressures sufficient at all times to prevent hydrocarbon vapor or gas loss to the atmosphere, or is designed and equipped with one of the following vapor loss control devices, properly installed, in good working order and in operation:

a. A floating roof, consisting of a pontoon type or doubledeck type roof, resting on the surface of the liquid contents and equipped with a clomre seal, or seals, to close the space between the roof edge and tank wall. The control equipment provided for in this paragraph shall not be used if the gasoline or petroleum distillate has a vapor pressure of 11.0 pounds per square inch absolute or greater under actual storage conditions. All tank gaging and sampling devices shall be gas-tight except when gauging or sampling is taking place.

b. A vapor recovery system, consisting of a vapor gathering system capable of collecting the hydrocarbon vapors and gases discharged and a vapor disposal system capable of processing such hydrocarbon vapors and gases so as to prevent their emission to the atmosphere and with all tank gauging and sampling devices gastight except when gauging or sampling is taking place.

c. Other equipment of equal efficiency, provided such equipment is submitted to and approved by the Air Pollution Control Officer.

RULE 57. (Amended 1-16-58) OPEN FIRES. A person shall not burn any combustible refuse in any open outdoor fire within the Los Angeles Basin, except:

a. When such fire is set or permission for such fire is given in the performance of the official duty of any public officer, and such fire in the opinion of such officer is necessary:

1. For the purpose of the prevention of a fire
hazard which cannot be abated by any other
means, or

2. The instruction of public employees in the
methods of fighting fire.

b. When such fire is set pursuant to permit on property used for industrial purposes for the purpose of instruction of employees in methods of fighting fire.

c. When such fire is set in the course of any agricultural operation in the growing of crops, or raising of fowls or animals.

These exceptions shall not be effective on any calendar day on which the Air Pollution Control Officer determines that:

1. The inversion base at 4:00 A.M., Pacific Stand-
ard Time, will be lower than one thousand five
hundred feet above mean sea level, and

2. The maximum mixing height will not be above three
thousand five hundred feet, and

3. The average surface wind speed between 6:00 A. M.
and 12:00 noon, Pacific Standard Time, will not
exceed five miles per hour.

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