
with those of his catholic majefty under his command.

The court of Common 26th. Pleas ordered an attachment against an officer of the sheriff of Middlefex, for arrefting a gentleman at his houfe late at night, without notice, for a debt of 6ol. due to his coachmaker, and refufing, though the coachmaker was prefent, and bail offered, to wait, but forcibly carried away to, and detained him illegally till next morning, in a fponging-houfe, contrary to the laws of this realm.

There was a very great council at St. James's, to which, it is faid, no less than 106 members were fummoned.

At the general court of the EaftIndia company, held at Merchant Taylor's Hall, it was unanimously refolved to grant a penfion of 1500l. per ann. to Gen. Laurence, during his life, for his many great fervices to the company; the faid grant to commence from Chriftmas laft. The general enjoyed an annuity of 500l. a year before; and the above grant of 1500l. is an addition thereto. It was alfo moved, to grant the company's forvants certain gratuities, for their respective


Was found in the mackarel-nets off Folkstone, a ftrange kind of a fish: It measures in length about thirteen feet; its fore-fins are about two feet long, and the body resembles that of a porpus; it has a broad thin tail, about fix feet long. The fishermen declare they never faw fuch a one before.

Application having been fome time ago made to the ministry, to intercede with his majefty to fpare the life of one of the convicts under fentence of death in Newgate,

on condition that the faid convict should fuffer the amputation of a limb, in order to try the efficacy of a certain ftyptic prepared by Mr. Pierce; and one John Benham having been reprieved, as it was imagined, for that purpose, Mr. Pierce waited upon the fecre-. tary of ftate, when he was informed that the intention of trying his ftyptic upon John Benham, a convict, in Newgate, was entirely laid afide, his majefty being of opinion that it was quite improper to try fuch experiment.

A Jew was carried before the lord mayor, charged with hawking hats for fale in this city, contrary to law, which fubjects all hawkers who prefume fo to do in any corporation to the penalty of 121. or to be committed for a certain time to hard labour in Bridewell. The fact being proved, fecurity was given for the Jew's appearance to anfwer the above charge before a court of judicature.

The duty of 6d. per chaldron on coals is granted to the city for 46 years, to redeem the tolls on the bridges, embanking the river, repairing the Exchange, and rebuilding Newgate.

A vein of copper ore has lately been difcovered near Glasgow, which, upon trial, promifes fair to produce confiderable profit. It lies not above three feet deep, and is fuppofed to lead to a confiderable mine.

The prizes of 15 guineas each, given annually by the members for Cambridge, were adjudged to Mr. Stevenfon of King's, and Mr. Ward of St. John's College, fenior bachelors; and to Mr. Arnald of St. John's and Mr. Clewes of Trinity College, middle bachelors.

A gen

A gentleman of Derby has lately been into the Downs to make trial of a new marine furveyor. The machine confifts of an open tube four inches diameter, and two feet long on the outfide is fixed an oblique plane like a fcrew; upon which the water acts fo as to turn it round fwifter or flower, in proportion as the machine is drawn through the fea with greater café or lefs velocity.

Letters from Pomerania advise, that the cattle there have been inoculated with fuccefs, for the contageous illness that has for fome time reigned in that country.

Her imperial majefty of Ruffia has particularly recommended to the royal academy of fciences at Peterburg, to make exact obfervations of the next tranfit of Venus over the fun's disk, in the moft proper places throughout her domi. nions.

Six or eight acres of the great bog above the lough of Loughcornute in the county of Galway, (part of the eftate of Mr. Nettervil) fell fuddenly into the lough, and made fo prodigious a noife, that it extremely terrified the inhabitants for many miles round. The water of the lough has overflowed the grounds all about; the paffage from the lough through Mr. Nettervil's ground is quite fhut up, and the courfe of the water totally changed.

On the third inftant the deputies of the republic of Venice entertained the reigning duke of Wurtemberg with one of the finest courfes of gondolas that has ever been feen there. 'There were five divifions, each confifting of five gondolas, moft magnificently painted and adorned, and all the rowers

were in uniform. The machine, which ferved for the butt, reprefented the palace of Neptune. There was an incredible number of foreigners of diftinction at this fef. tival, which terminated with a fuperb fupper, and a ball, given by his ferene highness.

The annual produce of the mines in Sweden amounts to 400,000 fchipfonds, each weighing 400 French pounds; and the number of workmen employed in them is 25,600, who are thereby enabled to maintain their wives and chil dren.

From Lisbon we hear, that the French conful there has received fome difpatches from the king his mafter, addreffed to his Portuguese majefty, and accompanied with fome prefents for the prince of whom the princefs of Brazil was lately delivered, and for other perfons. The prince's prefent is a cockade fet with brilliants, the button in the form of a rofe. Don Juan de Braganza, high admiral, has received the king of France's picture fet with diamond's: the prince's governefs a pair of earrings with a gold-box: the patriarcha diamond crofs: and the nurse a gold fnuff box.

There are now 160 looms eftablifhed in the cambrick manufactory at Dundalk, where, in the short fpace of one year only, above 70,000 yards have been made, the greater part already at market, or fold; and it is obfervable, that this quantity has been made between May, 1766, and May, 1767, which fhews that this important manufacture is in an improving ftate, and will be of the utmoft national advantage, which is already obvious from the gradual diminution of

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the importation of French cam-
bricks into this kingdom.
The following bills re-
ceived the royal affent by

The bill for erecting a pier at St.

The bill for regulating the parish poor children within the bills of mortality.

The bill for completing Black-: friars bridge.

The bill for indemnifying perfons who have omitted to qualify themfelves for employments.

The bill for allowing a longer time for the enrollment of deeds of papifts, for relief of proteftant pur. chafers.

The bill for preventing the wear of cambricks.

The bill for extending the window act to Scotland.

The bill for altering the duties on policies, and leffening the allowance for prompt payment of certain ftamp-duties.

The bill for granting certain duties in the British American colonies.

The bill for regulating the dividend of the Eaft-India company.— By this act no dividend is to be made from the 24th of June, but in pursuance of a vote carried on a ballot, in a general court fummoned for the purpofe feven days beforehand; nor any increase of dividend beyond 10 per cent, till the next meeting of parliament.


The bill for eftabifhing an agreement between the government and the Eaft-India company. By this agreement the company are to pay the government 400,000l. yearly, for two years, by half-yearly pay ments, during which time the territorial poffeffions and revenues

lately obtained are to remain in the company's hands; but if dif poffeffed of any of them in the mean time, by any foreign power, a proportionable abatement is to be made in the annual payments; and money wrongfully paid to be refunded. The monies to be referved for the difpofition of parlia


The bill for regulating the manufactures, &c. in the Ifle of Mân. An order of council was this day published in the London Gazette, requiring liutenants of counties where the militia have been embodied, to make out lifts of the officers, to prevent their being ne. minated for fheriffs during the time of their employment in that fervice.

A fourth convoy, with 203 jefuits on board, arrived at Civita Vecchia, but were refufed admittance, and followed the third. The Genoefe, it is faid, have agreed to receive them.

Two itinerant preachers, one a taylor and the other a dyer, quarrelled in Moorfields about their religion; and the mob taking the dyer's part, the poor taylor was handled in a moft inhuman manner, and would certainly have been killed but for the interpofition of fome gentlemen paffing by.

The farms of the kingdom of France have been lately let to the farmer-general for the fum of 132,250,000 livres per annum.

Letters received at Conftantinople advife, that on the third of March last, being the fecond feast of the Bairam, the day on which all the beys and other officers of the city repair to the caftle to compliment Hamfey Pacha, governor of Egypt, about fixty perfons, most


of whom belonged to Grandees, who have been fome time in exile, having formed a defign of affaffinating feveral of the beys now in poft, got into the Pacha's hall of audience, difguifed and well armed; but the Emir Hatch, or conductor, of the Mecca caravan, having obferved among them fome fuipici. cious movements, he fignified the fame to the other beys; one of whom, on his taking leave of the Pacha, received a piftol fhot, which tore away part of his jaw. On this, all the beys had recourfe to their fabres, fought their way through, and deftroyed the confpirators. One bey remained dead on the Spot, others were dangerously wounded, as were alfo feveral principal officers. After this bloody fcene, wherein many lives were loft, the government ordered the Pacha to be depofed, which was done the fame day; and thofe of his officers, who were fufpected to have favoured this plot, were banished. The Janiffary Aga has ordered many of the grandees of Cairo, who were discovered to be accomplices therein, to be punished.

The 28th of laft month, about 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the thun der fell upon the parish church of Villa-di-Stellone, a village near Ca rignam, by which feven perfons were killed, and several others wounded. The curate who received a flight hurt on the foot, was feized with vomitings the next day, and an extraordinary pain in that foot. The noife of the thunder was terrible, and yet the people who were in the church were fo ftunned, that they were only fenfible of a trifling noife like the report of a piftol. The curate, who performed

divine fervice, had no idea afterwards of what he had been doing; and thofe who carried away the dead bodies could not recollect where they brought them from. At the fame time the thunder fell upon the citadel of this place, and took its direction to a centry-box upon the north-west baftion, where it went down the barrel of the centry's musket, and ftruck the foldier's foot with fuch violence as brought him to the ground, but did him no other mifchief. It rained very hard here at that time; but at Villa-di-Stellone, it neither rained nor thundered before or af ter the violent clap of thunder abovementioned. The fame ftorm was felt in other places, upwards of 25 miles off. The evening before, a fhock of an earthquake was felt at Turin, but more fenfibly in other places, where fome damage was done by it.

In a letter from Carthagena, viz Jamaica, Captain Henderfon of the loop Fanny, bound from thence to the bay, gives a difmal account of the lofs of the faid floop, on the 31st of October laft, off Cape Gracious a Dois; with many other circumftances that befel the crew (eleven in number) who all, ex. cept three, died through fatigue and the want of fubfiftence: thofe who furvived being obliged to eat the flesh of their deceafed fhipmates for food, and drink their own urine to quench their thirst; and to make their cafe ftill more difmal, the brutish Spaniards refufed them fubfiftence, as men faved from shipwreck; alledging, that they were not bound to the bay, and therefore must take up their abode in the common gaol among thieves, negroes and murderers.

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His majefty gave his affent. to the following bills. The bill for granting certain fums out of the finking fund; and for impowering his majefty to permit the importation of corn, duty free for a longer time.

The bill for taking off the duty of is. a pound on all black and Singlo tea, and for granting a drawback on teas exported to Ire

land and America.

The bill for granting certain duties on foreign linen, and a premium for the encouragement of raifing hemp.

The bill for reftraining the affembly of New York from paffing any act, till they had complied with the act of parliament for the furnishing his majefty's troops with the neceffaries required by that act. The bill for putting the American duties into the hands of commiffioners.

After which his majefty made a moft gracious fpeech, which the reader will fee in our ftate papers;

and the parliament was prorogued to the gift of Auguft.


The demurrer of the feigned iffue directed by the court of King's Bench, between the mayor, &c. of Norwich, and Mr. Jeremiah Berry, an attorney of the court of Common Pleas, was argued in the court of King's Bench, when judgment was given for Mr. Berry. The question was, whether the privilege of an attorney exempted him from ferving the office of theriff? and all the judges of the court of King's Bench were clearly of opinion that fuch privilege excufed him from ferving that office, and even offices of a fuperior nature, to that of fheriff of a cor poration.

Lord Holland having lately erected a new tower, built with Aint and chalk, at his feat near Margate, the following infeription in black letter, on a large piece of white ftone, is placed on the front next the fea.

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Annum circiter DCCCL evenit pugna Et pugnam hanc eveniffe fidem taciunt Quæ fub hoc et altero tumulo hic vicino Offa quamplurima funt fepulta.

The inftructions given by the bifhops to the clergy of their feveral diocefes, in confequence of a motion in the houfe of lords, to take an account of the number of catholics in their refpective parifhes, has nothing alarming in it. A like order was given in 1746, to the clerks of the peace, when by a

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