
A collier, burthen 150 tons, was burnt at Blockhoufe Point, near Portsmouth, on account of brandy and tea being found buried under her cargo of coals. At the fame time and place a fmuggling floop was burnt; and ftrict orders are given to the officers of the customs to fupprefs the infamous practice of fmuggling.

The public has hitherto in vain expected a manifefto from the king of Spain against the jefuits of his kingdom. It is now faid, that this ftate-paper, (if there should be one) will be only delivered to the fovereigns of Europe.

Mr. Fortree, one of the commiffioners of the victualling-office died lately. What is remarkable, a commiffioner of the fame board having dreamed that one of their number had fallen down dead, and telling his dream the next morning, the words were fcarce uttered, when Mr. Fortree fuddenly expired. 23d.

Her Royal Highnefs princefs Amelia made a vifit to the R. H. Lord Edgecome, at Mount Edgecombe, and paffed through Plymouth in her progrefs, where all imaginable honours were paid her; and he was highly pleafed with her reception.

The dragoman of the British conful at Aleppo, by birth a fubject of the Sultan, having incurred the difpleasure of his fuperiors, he was lately imprifoned, and his commiffion demanded from the conful, on pain of cutting off his head; on which, the conful found it neceflary to comply; but at the fame time preferred a complaint to his majesty's ambaffador at Conftantinople, who having prefented a memorial to the Porte on


that occafion, was answered haughtily, that fuch were the orders of the fovereign.

A clerk of the Bank, confined in the Poultry Compter, for filing guineas, being recovered of a wound he gave himself when first apprehended, was, after examination, committed to Newgate. He made no defence; but a friend faid for him, that the duft produced was not gold.

A few days ago, as the archbishop of Paris was at Conflans, and the workmen were repairing his palace, fome unknown perfons entered the palace, forced open two doors and feveral locks, and took out of his cabinet feveral papers, and a pocket-book, belonging to that prelate, which deprives him of the means of making his defence if he was attacked; which makes it believed that the perfons concerned in this proceeding had other motives than to plunder. The archbishop has taken the proper fteps, in order to obtain redrefs by law, and last Wednesday he informed the king of the affair.

Cardinal de Bernis, archbishop of Alby, has lately given a great proof of his humanity, by dif charging all his fervants except three, on account of the high price of provifions, which renders him unable to relieve the diftreffes of the poor in the manner he used to do. He daily feeds two hundred poor people who come to his palace for that purpose, cxclufive of the fick, and other unhappy objects, whom he relieves in his metropolis, and other towns belonging to his diocese.

About eight in the morning three large boats (in 25th. which were above 100 perfons arm


came into the harbour of Kinmare, in the county of Kerry, in Ireland, and furrounded the floop Henry, laden with tea, from France, then under feizure of the revenue officers; and after feveral fhots being exchanged, the fmugglers overpowered the officers, and forcibly carried off the whole cargo. Another defperate engagement has fince happened between the officers in two cuftom-houfe barges, and a party of fmugglers, on the north coaft, in which feveral were killed on both fides; but the fmugglers at laft got the advantage, and carried their goods clear off.

armed with guns and cutlaffes), feparately to feduce her, but without fuccefs. The better to fucceed, they joined, and had recourfe to the fratagems of a procurefs, who having contrived to bring the girl to her houfe, the three gallants there forced her, and, dreading-afterwards the pu nifhment of their crime, cut her body to pieces, and threw it into the Rhone. For fome days the unhappy parents fought their daughter in vain; but the river having thrown up feveral parts of the mangled carcafe, it was then concluded the was murdered. Information having been taken, it was found fhe had been at the procurefs's; whereupon the latter was taken up and interrogated, when fhe confeffed her crime and her accomplices.


They write from Vienna, that Wednesday laft, being the day appointed for the public thanksgiving, the emprefs appeared in public for the first time fince the late emperor's


Laft Saturday, in the evening, the marriage of the princefs Louifa Henrietta Wilhelmina of Brandenbourg, with the reigning prince of Anhalt Deffau, was folemnized in the royal chapel at Charlottenbourg, by the Rev. Mr. Sack, firft chaplain to the king of Pruffia.

Yesterday, in the evening, the ceremony of betrothing and exchanging of rings, between her royal highnefs the princefs Wilhelmina of Pruffia, and his ferene highnefs the prince of Orange, was performed at Charlottenbourg, in the prefence of his Pruffian majefty, and the reft of the royal family, &c.

A young woman at Lyons, very handfome, but little advantaged in point of fortune, was the object of criminal defire to three young fellows. Each endeavoured VOL. X.


The princefs Poniatowski, fifter to the king of Poland, and the prince de Ligne, who accompanied her, vifited Oxford, and expreffed great fatisfaction.

Letters from Jamaica inform that the Spanish government have actually expended three millions of dollars in augmenting the forti fications at the Havannah, which extended in-land feveral



Letters from Baftia fay, that on the 8th inft. three Spanish xebecks and fourteen tranfports, having on board 970 expulfed Jefuits, got under fail, and that orders were fent to the other transports lying in the gulph of St. Fiorenzo, to proceed to Calvi, Algaiola, and Ajaccio, and to land the Jefuits at thofe places; the whole number of whom, arrived in Corfica, is 2,300 and that orders were fent, at the fame time, to the commanding officers of the French troops [H]

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in thofe places, that, as foon as the Jefuits were landed, they should embark with the troops on board the tranfports that carried the Jefuits, and proceed to France. They write from Beis le Duc, that the advices received of the daImages done by the late dreadful ftorm, of the zoth, which fell upon the town, and its environs, are most deplorable. Nineteen villages have fuffered by the hail, which has damaged the houses, and broke the windows to pieces. They count at Rofmalen no less than 509 oak trees torn by the roots by the impetuofity of the wind; and between 70 and 80 houses and barns carried away or partly deftroyed, as alfo the reformed and catholic churches. Letters from the lordship of Empel and Meerwyk bring advice that the proteftant church and fchool there are ftripped of their roofs, and the Roman Catholic Churches and eighteen houfes converted into heaps of ruins; that the village of Hartwick had undergone the fame fate, and that all the damages put together amounted to an immenfe fum.

They write from Mobille, in Weft Florida, that Meffrs. Fergu. fon and Atkins, two Indian traders, had lately returned from a town eleven hundred miles up the great river Miffiffippi, where they had each married the daughters of an Indian chief, and thereby established a mart of trade for beavers, fur, deer-fkins, &c. from whence great advantages were ex. pected.

By a private letter received by the Speaker Indiaman, from Bombay, we learn, that the Arabs on the fea-coaft up the gulph have lately cut off one of our country

veffels, captain's name Brewer; and that they are fitting out, at Bombay, two of the company's frigates and the Salamandar bomb, to go in queft of the robbers. The fame advices add, that they are getting ready troops there to go out upon an expedition to Mocha.

They write from Malta, that the captain of a fhip lately arrived there has informed them that a fmall Corfican armed veffel, having perceived not far from that city, that a Turkish galley, re. turning from the coaft of Africa with a confiderable quantity of treafure for the Grand Seignior, was in chace of her, and that the could not avoid falling into the hands of the infidels, the crew immediately refolved rather to perish than be reduced to flavery; and animated with an heroic courage, they boarded the galley, and made great flaughter there, till at length, being almoft overcome by fuperior force, they were fuccoured by a Maltefe galley, under the command of the chevalier Roffelmini of Pifa, who immediately with his crew leaped on board the Turkifh galley, and completed the victory which the Corficans had begun. It is added, that the latter had for their fhare of the booty feveral cannon, fire-arms, and ammunition, together with 16,000 crowns in ready money..

A few days fince died at Ware, in Hertfordshire, faid to be upwards of 105 years of age, a poor man, without any known furname, but must be well remembered about London, which he used to traverfe, with a remarkable long beard, felling matches and ballads, and playing fome tricks of


dexterity or fleight of hand, and ufed in his patrol commonly to be faying Poor Joe, all alone, by which term he was well known. He is reported not to have lain upon a bed for more than fifty years paft, notwithstanding which he died worth upwards of 3,000l. which he has by will left for the benefit of widows and orphan children under the direction of certain perfons named in his will for that purpofe. This remarkable old fellow had acted the part of a spy in the rebel army in Scotland, in the year 1745, where he fold gingerbread whiskey, &c. and was well known to many of our military people.

John Ubers, Printer, at Amfterdam, aged 106 years.

Mr. Gerard Lamb, at Madras, aged 103 years.

Mrs. Waters, on Saffron-Hill, aged 102 years.

A woman near Cockermouth, aged 102 years.


ift. A dividend warrant, dated in 1698, for 700l. being a year's intereft on 10,000l. bank ftock, was prefented at the bank for payment; but, being of fo early a date, the books were to be examined before the claim could be confirmed.

The count de Malzahan, envoy extraordinary from the king of Pruffia, and count de Welderen, from the States General, having notified to his majefty the approaching marriage of the prince Stadtholder with the princefs, niece to the king of Pruffia, his majefty fent compliments of congratulation on this alliance to the

king of Pruffia, the States General, and to the prince and princefs, who are to be efpoufed.


At Salisbury affizes a very interefting caufe was tried, in which two cheefe-factors were plaintiffs, against the hundred of Chippenham, for a load of cheese, value 60l. which was forcibly taken away upon the king's highway, by a company of rioters.After a long trial, the jury found for the plaintiffs.

James Brownrigg, a painter, in Flower-de-luce court, was committed to Wood-ftreet compter, for cruel ufage to two girls his apprentices. His wife, who made her efcape, is faid to be the chief inftrument; but he, it feems, was acceffary. The barbarity of this man and his wife to thefe poor or. phans is fhocking to humrn na


About three in the morning, the inhabitants of Leeds in Yorkfhire were greatly alarmed with a fudden and uncommon fwell in the river, which rofe upwards of two yards perpendicular height in the space of an hour, by which feveral fields of hay were fwept away. Much more damage was done by the fudden rifing of the river Wharf, which was higher than has been known for near 20 years pait. At Beamfley two houses, and Lindley and Dob-park bridges. were carried away. Great damage is done to all the corn-lands adjoining to that river; and great numbers of oxen, horfes, and fheep, along its banks, were carried down by the current. Morton-banks many farmers are almost totally ruined. At Woodfome, a mill, and part of a house, and near forty cottages, were de[H] 2



the ftream. Providence, however, interpofed for her fafety. She was caft afhore on a green a little below the town, juft alive, and the money grafped in both her hands fo faft, that with fome difficulty it was removed. A little above the town, three houfes were quite covered with water, except the chimney-tops; they were in an eddy, which faved them. The river Rule likewife rose to an uncommon height.

The report was made to his majefty of the three malefactors under fentence of death in Newgate; when they were all refpited.

Saturday last about five hundred fhear-men, from the clothing towns of Somersetshire and Wiltfhire, affembled together upon Corfley-heath, and went in a body to Hornifham, near Warminster, Wilts, and pulled down and de. ftroyed a new gig-mill, juft erected for dreffing broad-cloath, belonging to Mr. Everet, of that place; whereby one man and a boy could do as much work in two hours, as thirty men could do in a day.

ftroyed, and several other houses are much damaged. The river Nidd overflowed its banks, and has done an incredible deal of mifchief-It is remarkable, that, on the fame day, but at a different hour, the river Slitterick, which runs through Havick in Scotland, rofe to an uncommon height, without any extraordinary rain falling that day, or for fome days before; and the river Teviot was then fordable. It began to rife about four o'clock in the rfternoon, and continued increasing till after fix, when the water was 22 feet higher than ufual. The confternation of the town's people is fcarce to be conceived; for the water rushed into the streets with inexpreffible violence, threatening univerfal defolation. Fifteen dwelling-houses, with the corn-mill at the end of the town, were prefently fwept away, and the very rock, on which they were founded, washed fo clean, that not a bit of rubbish, or veftige of a building, is left. As no human affiftance could avail, the minifter of the place called the inhabitants to church, to fupplicate Heaven to On Saturday a journeyman ftoneavert the judgment that seemed to cutter at Knightsbridge, went to a threaten them. At the height of public-houfe in that place, and the flood, a fervant maid, belong-fent for a girl he had for fome time ing to a merchant of the town, re collected that her mafter had in the houfe (which was then furrounded with water) about 3000l. in gold. Her mafter being from home, the acquainted the neighbours, and begged their affiftance to recover it, but none of them would venture; upon which the girl herself boldly waded into the houfe, and got hold of the bag, with the money; but, in coming out, fhe was carried down by

kept company with, and, under pretence of treating her with fixpennyworth of rum and water, he infufed into the fame a quantity of arfenick; the confequence of which was, that he died yesterday in great agonies. The man has abfconded.

We hear from Kilcorney, in the county of Clare, that on Sun→ day laft a man of that village, touched by jealoufy, affaulted his wife, and with a pair of tongs beat


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