
mediately fell to its proper level; on this occafion feveral veffels received confiderable damage, by being drove from their moorings, &c. It is apprehended from this extraordinary phænomenon, that an earthquake has happened fomewhere, as an event of the fame kind was felt at Corke at the time of the great earthquake at Lif bon."

Much about the fame hour, it being low tide at Oftend, and the fhips aground, in lefs than three minutes the flood returned with fuch violence that it fet all the fhips afloat, and forced feveral from their anchors; and, what was very extraordinary, the mud from the bottom rofe to the furface, in a manner which is feldom feen in the most tempeftuous weather, though at that time the air was ferene, and the wind moderate. This tide continued turbulent about a quarter of an hour, and in fixteen minutes after it ebbed five feet.

A model of the famous bell, vulgarly called Great Tom of Lincoln, is now actually made in order to be hung up in an antique building, the north east corner of the castle hill in that city, for the gratification of curious ftrangers; and the custom of fetting open the doors of the cathedral on all public occafions, will for the future be entirely difconti


At the triennial meeting of the three choirs of Worcester, the collection amounted to 1921.

Gen. Monkton's regiment of foot, (the 17th) arrived at Salif bury, having landed a few days

before from New York. It confifted of 10 men and 17 officers only, the general having permitted all who chofe it to enlift into other regiments. The reft chufing to stay in America enlifted.

A ftone in the church-yard of St. Paul, Covent-garden, to the memory of James Worfdale, mafter painter to the board of ordnance, has this infcription upon it, written by himself.

Eager to get, but not to keep the pelf,

A friend to all mankind-except himself.

This morning a dreadful fire broke out at a stocking- 9th. trimmer's in Tower-royal, oppofite St. Antholin's church, Budge Row, which entirely confumed the fame; the flames were fo rapid, that the mafter of the house and his wife were obliged to leap out of a two pair of stairs window into the street, when the latter, being big with child, was killed on the fpot, and the husband broke his thigh, two of his ribs, and was otherwife fo much bruised, that he was carried to the hospital without hopes of recovery: an infant of two years old was faved by being caught in a blanket, and the man and maid efcaped over the tops of the houfes. By the activity of the firemen and engines, the flames were prevented from spreading, and thus probably preferved the whole neighbourhood.

An uncommon phænomenon was obferved on the water of Ifla, near Cowper-Angus, preceded by a thick dark fmoke, which foon difpelled, and difcovered a largeluminous

luminous body, like a houfe on fire, but prefently took after a form fomething pyramidal, and rolled forwards with impetuofity till it came to the water of Erick; up which river it took its direction with great rapidity, and difappeared a little above Blairgowrie. The effects were as extraordinary as the appearance. In its paffage, it carried a large cart many yards over a field of grafs; a man riding along the high road was carried from his horfe, and fo ftunned with the fall as to remain fenfelefs a confiderable time. It de ftroyed one half of a houfe, and left the other behind, undermined and destroyed an arch of the new bridge building at Blairgowrie, immediately after which it difappeared. As few appearances of this kind ever were attended with like confequences, various conjectures have been formed concerning it.

The noted Mr. Edwar 11th. Higgins took his trial at Carmarthen affizes, and was found guilty, and the next morning condemned. Upon being asked by the judge, What he had to fay why fentence of death fhould not be paffed upon him? He anfwered, That he thought he had not a fair trial. But it feemed to be the opinion of all who heard it, that he was convicted on the cleareft evidence. The trunk broke open at lady Maud's, on infpection, was found to have a fmall part of the key left in the lock, and the other part of the key was found on Higgins when he was taken. This was the moft material circumftance against him, though feveral others ftrongly confirmed his being guilty


of the burglary. It is faid that as foon as the jury brought in their verdict, guilty, he burst into tears.

At the anniversary meeting of the fons of the clergy, held at Newcastle, the collection amounted to 3151. 18. 9d. which was diftributed to one clergyman incapacitated, 20 clergymen's widows, 14 clergymen's fons, and 41 clergymen's daughter's, according to their feveral neceffitous circumftances.

The Portuguese have offered 600,000 crowns by way of ranfom for their flaves in Morocco, and 15,000 crowns a year to purchafe peace, and as an acknowledgment fo long as it fhall laft ; and nearly the fame offer is made to the Dey of Algiers. The Ve. netians, on the contrary, gave orders to their admiral Emo, that in cafe the Dey fhould not comply with his demands of peace, he fhould declare war, keep cruizing with the eight fhips under his command in thofe feas of Barbary, and fink and burn all Algerine veffels that he fhould meet with.

The following warlike experiments are faid to have been lately made at Woolwich by Mr. Crofs, and were found to answer, but are not adopted, for particular reafons. ft. To fix gunpowder under the earth, and when trod upen to be blown up. 2. To fix gunpowder under a gate, and when opened will be blown up. 3. To fix gunpowder under the earth, and by lifting up any thing that he may lay thereon, will be blown up. 4. To fix gunpowder under the greatest building on London fide of the Thames, Mr.


Crofs will ftand the oppofite fide and blow it up, without ufing match or train. He has brought to perfection alfo a moving battery, which is to be drawn by horfes, and is to be made use of in time of battle, when fifty men can withftand one thoufand, firing cannon, fmall arms, hand grenades, &c.

14th. An inquifition was taken on the body of Mr. Daniel Agaffe, of Broad-treet Buildings, when it appeared that the deceafed, being in a one-horse chaife, in which alfo was Wm. Bullock, Efq. of Stratford, each having a double-barrelled gun ftanding by them, with which they had been fhooting, on a fudden jolt of the chaife one of the guns went off, and fhot Mr. Agaffe dead.

Elizabeth Brownrigg was carried in a cart from Newgate, attended by two clergymen, amidft a numerous crowd of fpectators, and executed at Tyburn, for the murder of Mary Clifford. Her body was afterwards carried to Surgeons-hall for diffection. Before the left Newgate that morning, her husband and fon took leave of her in the cell. She appeared very penitent in the way to and at the place of execution, where the crowd was fo great, that feveral perfons were much hurt.

They write from Mofco, that on the 10th of Auguft most of the deputies, charged to form the new code of laws, being arrived in this city from all the provinces of the empire, the commiffion was opened with much folemnity, by order of the Emprefs. The deputies affembled at feven in the morning, in the convent of Tfchudow. At ten her majefty, wearing VOL. X.

the imperial robe, and a coronet on her head, proceeded to church in a coach, which was followed by twenty other coaches and fix. As foon as the emprefs arrived at the church, the deputies walked thither two by two, conducted by the attorney-general, holding the marshall', ftaff in his hand. They were preceded by the fuperior departments of the empire, the col. leges, and chanceries, which were followed by the twenty governments and particular diftricts. After finging Te Deum, the arch. bishop of Twer made a pious exhortation, and all the deputies took the oath, and afterwards figned it with their own hands. In the mean time her majefty withdrew, to the audience chamber, where the attorney-general conducted the deputies to the foot of the throne, in the fame order as before.

The feffions ended at the 16th, Old Bailey. At this feffions 118 prifoners were tried, fix of whom were capitally convicted; two to be tranfported for 14 years, 55 for feven years, four branded, and four whipped. James Brownrigg, and John his fon, were indicted for affaulting Mary Mitchel, their furviving apprentice, in ftrip. ping and whipping her. They are to be tried next feffions at Guildhall.

Thomas Bowers and Ifaac Hills, the porters concerned together in carrying off 2000l. from Meff. Paynes,bankers, in Lombard-ftreet, which they were intrufted to carry to the Nottingham waggon, were tried at this affize, and fentenced to be tranfported.

William Gueft, lately belonging to the bank, was convicted of [1]


high-treafon, in filing and dimi. nishing his majefty's coin. This unfortunate gentleman's counfel moved, in arreft of judgment, but their plea was over-ruled.

A fhoemaker's lad, having found a basket in the streets with fomething packed up in it, carried it home to his mafter, who, on opening it, being enraged to find in it a new-born child, threw it out of a two-pair-of-ftairs window, by which it was killed.

At Worcester fair old hops fold from 51. 10s. to 71. 10s. There were only eleven pockets of new hops, the quality of which was very bad, the price 71. to 91. Laft year's fair near 3000 pockets were fold, and the duty amounted to upwards of 21,000l. but this year it will not be 300l. The failure of the fruit is as great as that of the hops. Cheese fold from 24s. to 275. the long hundred.

Was held a court at

17th. Chrift's hofpital, when the prefident declared that a benefaction of 2001. had been received from Sir James Cockburn, Bart. upon which the thanks of the court and a staff was voted to that gen. tleman. Dr. Pitcairne received his charge as a governor, as did John Small, Efq. who gave 100l. The report from the committee of almoners was alfo read, in relation to the refidue of the eftate of Mr. John Butteris, late of Hertford, amounting to 5461. which he bequeathed to the hofpital, on condition, that the corporation might have always one child there; and it was unanimously agreed to accept the fame.

The foundation-ftone of a new infirmary at Salisbury was laid, amidst a numerous concourse of

people. On this occafion the principal nobility and perfons of diftinction (fubfcribers to the infirmary) dined together, and all expreffed the utmost zeal to fupport a charity that has for its object the relief of the unfortunate poor, of whatever country they be.

A great mortality prevails in the British fettlements on the African coaft; and a number of troops are preparing to embark, to fupply the place of thofe who have been carried off.

An oak tree was lately felled near Ludlow in Shropshire, the produce of which were 37 tons of timber, 43 cords of wood, zoo parkpales, and 5 cords of brackets. A bough broke off before the tree was cut down, which weighed feven tons and an half, and three men were employed a month in ftocking it. The whole tree was valued at 1401.

Sarah Langford was tried at the feffions of the peace held at Bristol, for imprisoning Jane Bryant in a box, and reducing her to a most deplorable condition. She was found guilty, and fentenced to fuffer a twelve months imprisonment, and to pay a fine of 13s. 4d.


The Prince of Orange took leave of the StatesGeneral on Friday laft. He left the Hague early on Saturday, with a numerous retinue, and arrived at Loo the fame day, where he continued Sunday and yesterday; and this morning fet out for Brunfwick, where he will stay two or three days, and then proceed to Potfdam by way of Magdebourg; and it is faid, the marriage will be celebrated at Berlin on the 4th of October.


The fellows, &c. of the 25th. college of phyficians, had a meeting and a dinner at their college in Warwick-lane; and in the afternoon a great number of gentlemen, licentiates of the college (between whom and the fellows there has been a ftrong difpute) went to the college, and not being admitted, forced the gates, and then with the affiftance of a fmith forced the door of the college, and rufhed in upon the fellows; fome of the gentlemen broke feveral of the windows to pieces with their canes, which caufed great confufion; but after fome time they broke up without further violence.

The palm-tree, known by the name of the Palma Japonica, which flowered and produced fruit in the garden of the Schombrunn at Vienna in 1765, and which is now 113 years old, has again bloffomed this year, as has likewife another of the fame fpecies, 56 years old. The foreign and rare plant, called the Arbor Draconis Clufii, has like wife bloffomed; and the fruit about the bignefs of a cherry, and of an orange yellow colour, fhews fair to ripen, which it is fuppofed is the first time they have arrived at fuch perfection in Europe.

They write from Lifbon, that on Sunday laft an Auto de fe was celebrated there, in which eleven men and three women received fentence. Not one was condemned to die; and most of them were convicted of offences, for which much heavier punishments would have been inflicted on them, had they been proceeded againft in the king's temporal courts. Since his moft faithful majefty's acceffion,

the burning of heretics has been difufed.

A detachment of the elector of Bavaria's troops deftroyed a mill which stood on the fide of the Danube, belonging to the bishop of Ratisbon, which, it is thought, will caufe much bloodshed. From the LONDON GAZETTE. Whitehall, Sept. 29.

On Sunday laft captain Wrottefly arrived here from Monaco, with the melancholy account, That his royal highness Edward Auguftus, duke of York and Albany, died at that place on the 17th inftant, about eleven o'clock in the morning, of a malignant fever, after a fevere illness of fourteen days, to the great grief of their majefties and all the royal family. The body was opened and embalmed; and was ordered by commodore Spry to be put on board his majefty's fhip Montreal, captain Cofby, to be brought to England.

The following are fome of the particulars that are related, and faid to be authentic, of the ficknefs and death of his royal highness the duke of York.

His royal highnefs had danced, rather too much at the chateau of a perfon of fashion; and this had not only fatigued him, but occafion. ed a very strong perfpiration. As foon as the ball was finished, the prince gave orders for his carriages to be got ready immediately, to fet off for Toulon, from whence he was diftant fome three or four leagues. The gentlemen of the train, colonels Morrifon and St. John, and captain Wrottefly, earneftly reprefeted to his royal highnefs the neceflity of his remain. ing where he was, if not to go to [1] 2


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