
bed, yet till he was cool and had
fhifted himself. The prince de-
clared there was no actual occa-
fion for fuch caution; that he
himfelf up in his
cloak, and that would be fuffi-
cient; he did fo, and ftepped in
to his carriage.-- -This was on
the 29th of Auguft. The next day
his royal highnefs complained of
a flight chillness and fhivering:
the indifpofition, however, ap.
peared fo very trifling, that he
went at night to the comedy; but
before it was over, his royal
highnefs found himfelf infinitely
worfe, and was obliged to with-
draw. He was feverish, thirsty,
and complained of an immode-
rate heat all over his body. By
proper care, and drinking plentí.
fully, the duke was greatly bet-
ter in the morning, and therefore
fet forward for Monaco, the prince
of which (who was perfonally ac-
quainted with his royal highness
in his former tour to Italy) was
waiting there in expectation of
the honour of a vifit from him;
and the duke was the rather in
clined to accelerate his journey thi-
ther, as in that prince's palace he
might naturally look for an affift.
ance and accommodation fupe-
rior to what he could reafonably
hope to meet with in common

The weather happened to be uncommonly hot, which not a little incommoded his royal highnefs he nevertheless arrived at Monaco in good fpirits, but yet feverish, and with an head-ach; the latter of which he imputed principally to the intenfe heat of the fun that whole day. The next day the duke was worfe, and took to his bed entirely. In hopes of

a recovery, and unwilling to unneceffarily alarm the king, his royal parent, and relations, the duke enjoined his attendants on


account to write concerning his illness to England. All poffible advice and affiftance was given, but to no purpofe; the fever was unconquerable. His royal highnefs now faw the danger of his fituation; and he faw it with a fortitude and refignation rarely to be met with, where bloom of youth and dignity of ftation are united! Convinced that, without fome unexpected turn in his dif temper, he muft die, his royal highnefs, with the utmoft calmnefs and compofure of mind, adjufted every ftep confequent of the fatal event him felf. His royal highnefs ordered that Capt. Wrottefly fhould bring the news to England, and in what method it fhould be difclosed. The captain was firft to wait on Mr. Le Grand, of Spring-gardens, and with him to go to Leicefter houfe, and then to Gloucefter-house, and, having communicated the event to the dukes his brothers, to proceed to their majefties, fubmitting it to the king and queen in what man. ner and by whom it should be im. parted to his royal parent. After his royal highnefs had fettled this arrangement, he seemed remarkably eafy. He declared himfelf perfectly refigned to the divine will; and he fpoke of his diffolution with all the piety and refolution of a chriftian and a man; acting up to thofe exalted characters to his lateft breath. His royal highness, through the mercy of the great Creator, was fenfible to his laft moment; and the very morning of his death dictated a letter to

their majefties, his illuftrious parent, and the royal family; defiring the writer to expedite it, as he had but a few minutes to fpare, and thofe to employ in ftill more

momentous concerns.

Before his Royal Highnefs died, we are told, that he ordered all the gentlemen of his retinue to his bed-fide, where he took a very affectionate leave of them; and defired that, as he could not poffibly live many hours longer, his blifters might be taken off, to give him a little eafe in his laft moments; which, it is faid, was done accordingly.

The following paragraph is faid to be extracted from a letter written by col. St. John (dated at Monaco the 17th ult.) to his Royal Highnefs the duke of Gloucefter. The inclofed letter is of your royal brother's inditing: and which he affectingly defired me to go on with as faft as ever I was able, left his fenfes fhould fail him before I got to the end.'

Among many other particulars related upon this melancholy occafion, the following feem alfo to be authenticated. His Royal Highnefs had not taken to his bed above two or three days before col. Morrifon alfo found himfelf exceeding ill. The duke infifted on the colonel's declining his attendance on him, and that he fhould keep his own chamber. The cotenel humbly begged permiffion to continue in the performance of his duty. His Royal Highness, neverthelefs, was till very preffing; moft amiably and benevolently urging, Morrifon; thy life is of much confequence, the prefervation of it is of more importance than mine; you have

a family, (the colonel is married, and has fix children) be careful of your health for their fakes.' How. ever, col. Morrison importuned fo strongly, that the Duke, at length, acquiefced. His Royal Highness had a very high opinion of James's fever-powder, and lamented the omitting having fome along with him. In this dilemma fomebody recollected that captain Schutz, an English gentleman who had been fome time in Italy for the recovery of his health, had mentioned the having fome with him. An exprefs was immediately dispatched to the captain, which returned in a day or two with a pacquet of it. The firit dofe had a very good effect, caufing a moft plentiful perfpiration; the fecond dofe was given, but no good confequence enfued; the diforder increased. After a proper interval, his Royal Highnefs defired to have a third, declaring he should cherish no farther expectations of life, if that fhould like wife fail. The third dose

was unhappily (for what medicine
is infallible!) as unsuccessful as
the preceding one, the fever having
gained too great an afcendency.
His Royal Highnefs was defirous
of being attended by a protestant
clergy nan, and expreffes were fent
to feveral fea-ports, distant as well
as neighbouring, in hopes of meet.
ing with fome fhips of commo-
dore Spry's fquadron, on board
of which might be a chaplain;
but the fearch was fruitless. Se
veral portions of Scripture, par-
ticularly from the Plaims, and
many of them of the Duke's own
pointing out, were however read,
at various times, to his Royal

The morning his Royal High-
[7] 3.


nefs died, he called Mr. Murray, his first page, to his bed-fide; he asked him fome questions, gave him fome particular directions and advice, and took a moving leave of him; even in dying, his Royal Highnefs fhewed the moft zealous affection for him: Ah, Murray! (faid he) thou wilt lofe thy mafter!'

An order was fent to the managers of both theatres to fufpend acting on account of the death of the duke of York.

His Majefty's fhip Montreal fet fail from Villa Franca, for England, with the remains of his R. H. the duke of York.

The order for the mourning is the fame as it was for the late duke of Cumberland.

At the anniversary meeting 30th. of the college of phyficians, Sir William Browne refigned the chair, and propofed Dr. Thomas Lawrence to be prefident for the year enfuing, who was accordingly elected; as were alfo Dr. Afkew, Dr. Munckley, Dr. Thomas, and Dr. Brooke, cenfors; Dr. Hinckley, treasurer; and Dr. Afkew, regifter. On this occafion the licentiates demanded admittance, which was not complied with. A fmith was offered ten guineas, and an indemnification of 300l. to force the gates, which he refufed.

Several inn-keepers have, during the courfe of this month, been informed againft for not having the word Wine put over their doors, according to act of parliament. The penalty is 30s.

The following is faid to be the caufe of the late difputes in Warwick-lane.

The colleges of Phyficians in London, Dublin, and Edinburgh,

are, by charter, invefted with a power of calling before them all phyficians, not educated at the re. fpective univerfities, who practife phyfic within their precincts; to examine, and, if found duly qualified, to license them. It was always, until of late, understood, that fuch licentiates had no right to demand admiffion to fellowships; and that, whenever this was done, it was not granted in compliance with a claim, but conferred fpeciali gratia. Upon thofe occafions the college of London made ufe of the expedient of procuring, for fuch licentiate, a mandamus degree from Oxford or Cambridge, which entitled him to a feat as fellow.

Though fuch favours were beftowed but fparingly, the licentiates feemed to acquiefce under regulations which were fuppofed to be warranted by charter: but the fellows having lately enacted a bye-law, excluding from all profpect of being fellows, fuch of the licentiates as had at any time practifed furgery: (though it appears from former lifts of the London fellows, that this was not always confidered as a fufficient ob. jection) the licentiates were alarm. ed and offended at the ftigma fixed on a number of their members, many of whom bear a very diftinguished rank in medical reputation and practice; and being affured by their council, learned in the law, that their previous admiffion as licentiates gave them a claim to fellowship, they have taken the extraordinary method, taken notice of in the public papers, of vindicating and afferting this their fuppofed claim. How far this claim is founded in justice,


or whether it can be fupported by law, the event alone must determine.

On the 8th of this month, in the evening, the duke de St. Elizabeth, the Neapolitan ambassador extra ordinary, went in ftate to the caftle of Sconbrun. He was firft admitted to an audience of the emperor, and then to that of the emprefsqueen, of whom he made a folemn demand of the archduchefs MariaJofepha in marriage for the king his matter. After this, her royal highness was introduced into the audience chamber, on which the made a deep curtfey to her auguft mother, who informed her she had given her confent to the demand that had been made. Then the archduchefs received from the ambaffador a letter from his Sicilian majefty, and a picture of that monarch, which was immediately faftened to her royal highnefs's breaft by the mift refs of her houfehold, the countefs of Lerchenfeld. There was a ball at night, opened by the emperor and the future queen, and afterwards a fupper of feveral tables.

They write from Florence, that the great duke and duchefs have now fixed their refidence for the winter, in the palace in town, where all the difpofitions have been made for the reception of the emperor and queen of Naples, whofe fuite is fo great, that apartments in four large convents, as well as many others in private houses, have been appropriated for them.

Mount Vefuvius has been much agitated of late, continually throwing up great quantities of inflamed matter with explofions; and though it has been rather more quiet for thefe two days paft, it is thought


the first rains will increase the fermentation, and that it will dif. charge itself in a lava. The afhes and ftones which it has thrown up, have added at leaft fixty feet to the height of the mountain fince the end of June laft.

On the 28th inftant the queen of Denmark was formally declared to be with child; and orders were given accordingly for public prayers to be offered up to heaven for her happy delivery.

The court of Spain has been greatly alarmed by a misfortune which happened on the 7th inftant to the price of Afturias, who fell with his horfe, and diflocated his fhoulder; but it was foon after fet, and his Royal Highnefs blooded; fo that no bad confequence is apprehended.

Died, In Maryland, Francis Ange, aged 134 years. He was born at Stratford upon Avon, remembered the death of K. Charles I. and left England foon after. At the age of 130 he was in perfect health; his wife, aged 8o, had a fon by him not then 27 years old; and, at the time of his death, his faculties were perfect, and his memory ftrong.

At Sunbury, Mrs. Fulcher, aged 100 years.

At Abinghall in Gloucestershire, John James, aged 101 years. At Wooton Baffet, John Haynes, aged 105 years.

At Greenwich, Downes Twyford, Efq. aged 100 years.

At Cobham, in Surry, Robert Forreft, aged 100 years.

Robert Partin, aged 93 years, one of the oldeft pilots in England.

Elizabeth Parker, near Moorfields, aged 103. When young, [√] 4 fhe

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A fteward belonging to M. Buf. fy, of France, has difappeared, after robbing him of 5 or 600,000 livres.

At Retford fair, in Northamptonshire, the prices of new hops were from 91. to 10l. 175. 6d.

Agnes Doughal was found guilty, at the feffions of jufticiary for Glafgow, of cutting her child's threat; but fome difpute arifing between the sheriff of the county and the magiftrates of the city, concerning the right of attending her execution, the fame has been fufpended.

We have the following extraordinary account from Winburne in Dorfetfhire. A few days ago died here Roger Gill, fhoemaker, and one of our finging-men, aged about 67, remarkable for chewing

his meat or cud twice over, as an ox, sheep, or cow, &c. As it is very fingular, his cafe will be fomewhat amufing to the reader. He feldom made any breakfast in his latter days; he generally dined about twelve or one o'clock, eat pretty heartily and quickly, without much chewing or maftication. He never drank with his dinner, but afterwards about a pint of fuch malt liquors as he could get; but no fort of fpirituous liquor in any


fhape, except a little punch, bu never cared for that. He usually began his fecond chewing about a quarter or half an hour, fometimes later, after dinner; when every morfel came up fucceffively, fweeter and fweeter to the taste. Sometimes a morfel would prove offenfive and crude, in which cafe he fpit it out. The chewing continued ufually about an hour or more, and fometimes would leave him a little while, in which cafe he would be fick at ftomach, trou. bled with the heart-burn, foul breath, &c. fmoaking tobacco would fometimes ftop his chewing, but was never attended with any ill confequence. But on the 10th of June laft this faculty entirely left him, and the poor man remained in great tortures till the time of his death.

The managers of the theatres received an order for opening them again on Monday.



His Pruffian majesty sent the order of the black eagle of Pruffia, with a fine diamond ftar (valued at 40,000l.) to his Serene Highnefs the Prince of Orange; and in the evening the marriage of her royal highness the Princefs Frederica-Sophia-Wilhel mina of Pruffia, with that Prince, mina of Pruffia, with that Prince, was folemnized in the palace at Berlin, when the numptial benediction was given by the Rev. Mr. Sack, firft chaplain to the King of Pruffia. The entertainments, that fucceeded, were splendid, gay, and magnificent.

The extraordinary dyet of Poland was opened with the ufual folemnity. The king made a pathetic fpeech, exhorfing them to concord. They fat till four in the afternoon; met again the next


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