
cefs for Italy will take place towards the fpring, as foon as the public roads fhall be paffable.

A fire broke out next a

25th. cabinet-maker's in Houndfditch, which confumed that houfe, a large ftock of timber, new furniture, &c. and alfo two other dwelling-houfes adjoining, with many outhouses, work-fhops, and warehouses. Among the goods confumed was 1000l. worth of furniture, just finished for Mr. David Barclay, and intended to have been carried home in a few days. It is remarkable that a fire broke out the fame day at the faid Mr. Barclay's ftables at Hackney, and deftroyed two fine hunters, with three or four other horses. His majesty having been 30th. graciously pleafed to fignify his intention of filling up the vacant ftall of the principal companion of the most hon. military order of the Bath, in the room of his late royal highness the duke of Cumber land:

This day feveral of the officers of the order attended at St. James's.

The fovereign wearing the rib bon, with the fymbol of the order pendant to it, Henry Hill, Efq. gentleman ufher, bearing the fcarlet rod, and habited in the mantle of the order, and Samuel Horfey, Efq. Bath King of arms, in his mantle, bearing on a cushion the ribbon, with the badge of the order, preceded his royal highnefs prince Frederick, fupported by the earls of Cholmondley and Breadalbane, the two fenior knights of the order, a gentleman ufher, daily waiter, carrying the fword of ftate. The fword being delivered


by the earl of Breadalbane to the fovereign, his royal highnefs; kneeling, was knighted: then the earl of Cholmondley, having received the ribbon from Bath king. of arms, prefented it to the fovereign, who put the ribbon over his royal highnefs's right shoulder: after which his royal highnefs kiffed his majefty's hand; and, rifing up, retired.

The ceremony was performed after the levee, in his majesty's clofet, feveral great officers of the court being prefent.

His majefty has been gracioufly pleased, in confideration of the tender years of his royal highness prince Frederick, to grant a dif penfation under his royal fignmanual, and feal of the order, declaring it to be his royal pleafure, that the conferring the degree of knighthood by the fword of ftate fhall be fufficient to inveft his royal highness fully and effectually with this order, in as ample manner as' if his royal highness had perfonally performed all the accustomed folemnities. [Gazette.]

As the hon. Mifs Finch, daughter of lady Charlotte Finch, was fitting in her apartments at St. James's, a fpark from the grate fet fire to her apron, which in an inftant burft into a flame. Her cries having alarmed the fervants, it was happily extinguifhed juft time enough to fave her life.

The froft was fo fevere in the weft of England, that a carpenter, at work for Mr. Robbins, of Didbarton in Gloucestershire, having put a key into his mouth, loft the fkin of his lips by taking it out again. The cold at Hudfon's Bay, and in Greenland, is fo fevere at


certain feasons, that cold iron has the effect of red-hot iron on the hand that touches it.

A letter from Rome obferves, that all the difaftrous events that can affect the church, feem to be united under the prefent pope. In France, Spain, Portugal, and Naples, the Jefuits are expelled. In Poland, where the church is poffeffed of great eftates, they talk of reuniting them to the government. The nobility of the kingdom, though Roman Catho-. lics, yet alarmed at the too great power of the clergy, are come, it is faid, into the propofal; to which is added, that the primate himself is not far from being of the fame way of thinking.

The faculty of Theology at Paris have printed their decree of cenfure on the book of Belifarius. It forms a volume of 123 pages in 4to, in Latin and French. The faculty, who thereby immortalize that which they would profcribe, have confined themselves to fifteen propofitions extracted from the fifteenth chapter of Monf. de Mar. montel's work, inftead of thirtyfeven, which their commiffioners had at firft defigned to condemn.

They write from Warfaw, of the 21ft paft, that the great affair of the Diffidents was entirely concluded and figned to their advantage. They and the Greeks are to have a church in this capital, temples and fchools in all the diftricts of the provinces of the kingdom, and of the great dutchy of Lithuania: on condition that, if they have a mind to build any in the towns, they fhall be obliged to obtain leave for that purpofe from the king: the nobles, how

ever, fhall be at liberty to grant them the fame favour in their refpective territories. Further, the Diffidents and difunited may make ufe of bells and organs, adminifter baptifm, marry and bury, according to their own form, without the leaft obftacle.

The ambaffador from the republic of Venice at Rome has received the following account of the infurrection in Dalmatia: In the province of Montenero, which is tributary to the grand fignior, and which borders upon the Venetian Dalmatia, a foreigner, who has gone by the name of Stefano, and for fome time exercifed the profeffion of a phyfician in that province, has publicly declared himfelf to be the czar Peter III. pretending that the report of his death was defignedly fpread at the time, but that he had found means to escape from his prifon. Under favour of this name, and feconded by the Caloyers, fchifinaric Greek monks, who have great influence over the inhabitants, he has got himself publicly acknowledged for the Czar, not only by the people, but likewife by the bishop and all the other orders; fo that he is already at the head of fome thousand foldiers. It is reckoned, that, in the province of Montenero there are 30,000 men able to bear arms; and his fituation is very advantageous, because he is inclosed by in. acceffible mountains. The people there are extremely attached to the name of Mofcovite, as well on account of the conformity of their religion, as because the fovereigns of Ruffia have always employed the neceffary means maintain a great influence amongst them. The pretended Peter III. [4] 2



faid to be a man of fpirit, a fine figure, and feems to abound in money, which he diftributes with profufion to his foldiers. It is added, that the republic of Venice, fearing the confequences of this enterprize, has fent orders for the immediate march of all the infantry and other troops from Dalmatia to Cataro, a town of that province, which is not above a mile from Montenero."

Within thefe few years, a fet of people have been difcovered in Denmark, feized with a diforder of mind that is extremely dangerous to fociety. This is an imagination, that, by committing premeditated murder, and being afterwards condemned to die for it, they are the better able, by public marks of repentance and converfion, as they go to the fcaffold, to prepare themfelves for death, and work out their own falvation. A little while ago, one of thefe wretches murdered a child out of the fame principle. In order, how ever, to take from thefe wretches all hope of obtaining their end, and to extirpate the evil, the king has iffued an ordinance, by which his majefty forbids the punifhing them with death; and enacts, that they fhall be branded in the forehead with an hot iron, and whip. ped; that they fhall afterwards be confined, for the reft of their days, in an houfe of correction, in order to be kept there to hard labour; and laftly, that every year, on the day of their crime, they fhall be whipped anew in public.-Another mark of his Danish majesty's paternal goodness to his fubjects has appeared in the encouragement and protection extended to the fociety of artifts lately established at

Copenhagen, to which he has ofdered a yearly penfion of 10,000 crowns to be iffued from the royal treafury, to be applied in fupporting the neceffitous, and in rewarding thofe who diftinguish themfelves by their merit.

A pamphlet has lately been pub. lifhed, at Paris, in favour of the Jews, in which the author has fhewn the eminent advantages which every nation reaps in its commerce from the encouragement and protection of that people. It is written with a view to obtain a religious toleration for that people; but it is doubted whether the enthufiafm of the country will fuffer fuch arguments to have any weight.

The honourable Mr. Montagu, the celebrated traveller, who has lately entertained the learned with his journey to the Written Mountains, is now vifiting the Turkish dominions. He was received with uncommon refpect at Conftantinople, after traverfing Salonica, and viewing the islands in the Archipelago. Much may be expected from the indefatigable refearches of this extraordinary perfonage, of whom the ingenious Mr. Samuel Sharp, in his letters from Italy, gives this account-" One of the moft curious fights amongst the curiofities of Venice, was the famous Mr. Montagu. He was juft arrived from the Eaft. He had travelled through the Holy Land, Egypt, Armenia, &c. with the Old and New Teftament in his hands. He had vifited Mount Sinai, and flattered himself he had been on the very part of the rock where Mofes fpake face to face with God Almighty, His beard reached down to his breaft, and the dress of his


head was Armenian. He was in the most enthufiaftic raptures with Arabia, and the Arabs. His bed was the ground; his food rice; his beverage water; his luxury a pipe and coffee. His purpofe was to return once more among that virtuous people." &c.

By authentic accounts from Rome, the Jefuits continue to ena ter into the ecclefiaftical ftate on all parts, both by land and fea, A general diforder of a cold, with violent pains in the head, and a fore throat, prevails in fome part of Italy.

The pope feems to be inconfolable on account of the univerfal dif grace of the Jefuits. He has pro hibited public fpectacles and the ufual diverfions of the Carnival, and has ordered the prayers which are usually read in times of affliction and diftrefs. A memorial has been delivered to the foreign mini fters, wherein the pope complains, "That the king of Naples has vio lated, in the first place, the divine right, by the manner in which his foldiers entered into holy places, and by the fequeftration of the ecclefiaftical revenues, without confulting the bishops: 2dly, The right of mankind, by forcibly depofing part of his fubjects in the dominions of his holiness, and by marching his troops into a country which was not his own: and, 3dly, The right of good neighbourhood, in not communicating his defign to the pope, both as the head of the church, and as a temporal prince, who has the fupreme fove reignty over Naples." The foreign ministers have promised to fend this memorial to their refpec

tive courts.

They write from Warfaw, that

it froze fo hard the beginning of this month, that the Viftula was frozen over, and people rode over it the 7th inftant on horfeback; but a ftorm arofe the day before yesterday, which the night following broke up the ice, and great mifchief enfued. As foon as the feafon will permit we fhall proceed in our new buildings, which are greatly increafed, and much want ed, on account of the great increase of inhabitants, owing to the encouragement which the king gives for promoting manufactures and trade. There are already upwards of 200 new houses.

There is talk of a treaty of commerce, by which the English are to have the fole liberty of going to load oil and wine with the Corficans. It is alfo faid, that Paoli has made folicitations for engaging the court of Turin to evacuate the two fmall islands, which it lately took poffeffion of in the neighbourhood of Corfica.

Mount Salga, in Hungary, lately burst into a flame, and fet fire to a confiderable tract of country, from which iffues an intolerable ftench of fulphur.

The French have forbidden the entrance of any English fhips into the ports of Guadaloupe and Martinico, on any pretence whatfoever.

The Spaniards have likewise forbidden English fhips from lying more than twenty-four hours at Monto Chrifti; and have threatened the logwood cutters if they prefume to fettle or cut logwood at Spirito Santo.

A commiffary of war was difpatched from Baftia by count Marbœuf, commander in chief of the French troops in Corfica; and [4] 3


with this commiffary the nation entered into articles of a neutrality and a fufpenfion of arms, till the expiring of the term of four years, as agreed upon between France and Genoa, by the treaty of 1764.

A fire having broke out at a druggift's in Florence, in the middle of the night, after confuming that and the adjoining houses, it reached one occupied by a man who kept wild beats for fhew, among which were two lions, a tiger, and three bears; thofe animals got loofe, and ran through the city, which refounded with the cries of the unhappy people who became a prey to their fury. A hundred men were ordered in purfuit of them, and they were fo fortunate as to kill two of the bears, one lion, and the tiger; but the other lion and bear efcaped their vigilance. As foon as day appeared, were seen with horror the dreadful ravage made by the fire, but ftill more by thofe animals, upwards of an hundred perfons being killed, and a much greater number wounded, before they could be destroyed.

From the Bofton (New-England) Gazette, at the top of which is printed in Italicks, Save your meney, and you fave your country.

Bofton, Nov. 2. At a meeting of the freeholders and other inhabitants of the town of Bofton, legally affembled at Faneuil-hall, on Wednesday the 28th of October, 1767, (the hon. James Ottis, Efq. moderator) a written addrefs to the inhabitants, fubfcribed Philo Patriæ, recommending economy and manufactures, was, by their order, read:

The town then took into con fideration the petition of a n m

ber of the inhabitants, That fome effectual measures might be agreed upon to promote induftry, œconomy, and manufactures; thereby to prevent the unneceffary importation of European commodities; which threaten the country with poverty and ruin: whereupon, in a very large and full meeting, the following votes and refolutions were paffed unanimouf, ly.

Whereas the exceffive ufe of foreign fuperfluities is the chief caufe of the prefent diftreffed state of this town, as it is thereby drained of its money; which misfortune is likely to be increased by means of the late additional burthens and impofitions on the trade of the province, which threaten the country with poverty and ruin:

Therefore voted, that this town will take all prudent and legal measures to encourage the produce and manufactures of this province, and to leffen the ufe of fuperfluities, and particularly the following enumerated articles imported from abroad, viz. loaffugar, cordage, anchors, coaches, chaifes, and carriages of all forts, horfe-furniture, men's and women's hats, men's and women's apparel ready made, houfhold furniture, gloves, men's and women's fhoes, fole-leather, fheathing and deck nails, gold and filver and thread lace of all forts, gold and filver buttons, wrought plate of all forts, diamonds, ftone and pafte ware, fnuff, muftard, clocks and watches, filversmiths and jewellers ware, broad cloths that coft above 10s. per yard, muffs, furs, and tippets, and all forts of millinery ware, ftarch, women's and

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