
The bill to enable his majefty to grant certain annuities to his three brothers, their royal high. neffes the dukes of York, Gloucefter, and Cumberland.

The bill for making the river Ure navigable from its junction with the river Swale to the borough of Rippon in Yorkshire.

The bill for lighting, cleanfing, and paving that part of the parish of St. Botolph, without Aldgate, and the precinct of St. Catherine's.

The bill to enable the trustees of the museum to exchange, fell, or difpofe of, any duplicates of books, medals, coins, &c. and to purchase others in lieu thereof.

The bill to enable Henry duke of Buccleugh, a minor, to make a fettlement on his intended marriage with Lady Elizabeth Montague.

The following odd relation is attefted as a fact. An inquifition was taken at Newbery, Berks, on the body of a child near 2 years old, who fell into the river Kennet, and was drowned. The jury brought in their verdict Accidental death. The body was difcovered by a very fingular experiment, which was as follows: After diligent fearch had been made in the river for the child, to no purpose, a twopenny loaf, with a quantity of quickfilver put into it, was fet floating from the place where the child, it was fuppofed, had fallen in, which fteered its courfe down the river upwards of half a mile, before a great number of fpectators, when the body happening to lay on the contrary fide of the river, the loaf fuddenly tacked about, and fwam across the river, and gradually funk near the child, when both the child and loaf were immediate

ly brought up, with grablers ready for that purpose.

One of the crimps who decoy men to go abroad, met with a young fellow who he thought would anfwer his purpose, and told him that he would treat him with a pot of beer, if he would only say to a perfon juft by, that he was enlifted to ferve the Eaft-India company, by which he should win a wager; but the young man refufed, on which the crimp pulled out a paper, and faid he had a warrant againft him for stealing a filver tankard from a public houfe, valued at above 12. and thereupon infifted on his going with him; when a man paffing by, enquired into the affair, and found it was a trick to get the young fellow to fome lock-up houfe; he thereupon infifted on their going with him to the Manfion-house, but it being late, they were both lodged all night in the Poultry Compter, and on Saturday were carried before the right hon. the lord mayor, when the fact appeared to be as above, that the crimp had no real charge against the young fellow for theft, and that it was an artifice generally ufed to get men to lock-up houfes, where they are confined in fuch a manner, that is it impoffible for them to acquaint their friends of their fi tuation; upon which the crimp was committed to Newgate, and the young fellow bound over to appear againft him at the next sesfions at the Old Baily.

The committee of polite arts, &c. in the Strand, adjudged the firft premium for landfcape painting to the ingenious Mr. Jones, formerly pupil to Mr. Wilfon, for his truly meritorious performance;


the fecond to Mr. John Gardnor, mafter of an academy in Kenfington. The merits of both pictures appeared fo equal, that the cafting vote was left in the breaft of the chairman. There was likewife given to Mr. Dean, landscape-painter, twenty guineas as a bounty, his picture having great fhare of merit. There has been lately published a fheet lift of changes, faid to have happened during the prefent reign; by which it appears, that there have been no less than 2 lord chancellors, 4 lord prefidents, 5 lord keepers of the privy feal, and once the feal in commiffion, 5 firft lords of the treasury, 13 other lords of the treasury, 6 chancellors of the exchequer, 5 lord chamberlains, 2 vice chamberlains, 3 grooms of the ftole, 31 different lords of the bedchamber, 22 different grooms of the bedchamber, 4 keepers of the great wardrobe, 4 groom porters, 2 lord ftewards, 5 comptrollers, 5 treasurers, 5 cofferers, 12 different clerks of board of green cloth, 3 treasurers of the chamber, 5 mafters of the horse, 11 fecretaries of ftate, 7 firft lords of the admiralty, 23 different lords of the admiralty, 8 first lords of trade, 18 different lords of trade, 9 poft-mafters, 4 pay-mafters, 3 treasurers of the navy, 3 fecretaries at war, 5 keepers of privy feal of Scotland, 8 vice treasurers of Ireland.

There are above as many more changes mentioned in the faid lift. This morning, between 17th twelve and one o'clock, a fire broke out in the kitchen of Mr. Wood, cheesemonger, in Hungerford-market, Strand, fuppofed to be occafioned by fome linen being left near the fire, which, in a few hours, confumed that house, a

butcher's on one fide of it, and a fmall houfe on the other, at the upper end of the piazza, damaged two more houfes in the front, and fome out-houfes backwards. The flames were fo rapid, that Mr. Wood's family had not time to fave any part of the ftock, and but little of their furniture. A jeweller, who lodged in the houfe where it began, loft fome diamonds of confiderable value.

On the 16th of Auguft laft, the Pitt, Capt. Bothomley, from Rotterdam for Angola, ran afhore on Cape Bajadore, on the coaft of Barbary; 25 of the crew going afhore, were ftript naked by about 100 moors, in which condition they remained 14 days, while the moors were getting all they could from the fhip; and then breaking her up, they burnt the pieces, and ftove the cafks of liquor as they came afhore, for the fake of the iron and hoops, which were divid. ed among them with the reft of the plunder; then feparating the crew, they were fold in the country for camels, fheep, goats, &c. About three weeks after, meeting together again, the natives concluded to carry them to the emperor of Mo. rocco. After 49 days travel, they arrived at Terredant, and were carried before the bashaw or governor, who treated them kindly, fupplying them with plenty of bread and grapes. After 14 days reft they travelled in feven days to Morocco. The laft day's march Meff. Adams and Hofier of Santa Cruz sent two moors to conduct them; but being in two parties, only 12 got safe, and 12 were taken by the foldiers, and Hugh Evans was left upon the mountains, but got fafe in. After eight days they were prefented to

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the emperor, who appointed them a houfe among the Jews at Miccaneffe, with an allowance of two blanks a day, and liberty to walk about. By producing a Mediterranean pafs, after five months, they were permitted to go to Sallee, where the Danish conful behaved with great generofity and benevolence, fupplying them with money and victuals. From thence they travelled to Larach, and then to Tetuan, and passed over to Gibraltar, from whence fome came to England, and others entered on board a man of war.

The froft was fo fevere in the province of Dauphiny, that it detroyed the vines, and totally cut off the bloffoms of the early fruit


A body of tinners affembled near Truro in Cornwall, and rummaged Lambeffa farm for corn, which they feized and paid for; but in fearching for the corn, one of their company filched a couple of filver fpoons, which were foon miffed, and application made to the ringleaders to have them returned; thefe men, with a franknefs not to be expected, infifted on an immediate fearch of all their companions, in order to discover the thief, who being foon detected, they caufed him to be ftript and fcourged to fuch a degree that he took to his bed, and it was thought would hardly recover.

Their majefties (accom

22d. panied by their royal highneffes the prince and princefs of Brunswick) were pleafed to honour the incorporated fociety of artifts of Great Britain with their prefence, at the great room in Spring Gardens; and expreffed their fatisfacti an in obferving the feveral genuine

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A gentleman in Hamilton- ftreet, Hyde-park-corner, ftabbed himfelf with his fword in feveral parts of his breaft; and afterwards pulled out his pen-knife, cut his throat from ear to ear, and immediately expired. It feems the caufe of his fo doing was, his finding himself beginning to be feized with a canine madnefs, in confequence of his having been bit by a mad dog about five weeks before, and to prevent his growing worfe, or doing mifchief to others, he thought propèr to difpatch himself in the above man

ner. 26th.

The concerto at the Thuilleries in Paris, was interrupted by a tragical accident, which has occafioned much converfation. Mr. H-y, an English gentleman, having taken offence at a French officer's manner of talking to fome ladies that fat next him, made ufe of fome rough language, which the officer refenting, gave a fign for the Englifh gentleman to follow him out. In croffing the benches, the Englifhman ftruck the officer with his fift, and the officer inftantly drew his fword, and ran the Englishman through the body. The wound, however, was not mortal; and the French in general feem to be forry that it was not, as the example of ftriking a perfon in a royal palace ought, according to their way of thinking, to be

punished with inftant death. The gentleman was, however, taken up, and carried to the Baftile, where his wound has been fince cured, and, at the inftance of the British ambaffador, he has been releafed and conveyed by order of court to the frontiers of France next England, and the French officer enjoined not to depart the kingdom in a limited time.

A machine, of a new conftruction, for the more expeditious and exact fawing of timber, is now erecting in a timber yard near Limehoufe; it is to be worked by wind, and is faid to be the firft of the kind erected in this kingdom,


At the feffions at Guildhall, John Young was tried for illegally confining Henry Soppitt, a failor, at a lock-uphoufe in Chancery-lane, with a defign to fend him to the Indies. He pleaded guilty; but the court finding the action fo black against him, he was fent to Wood-street Compter till next feffions, when judgment is to be paffed.

Both houses of Parliament met, pursuant to their laft prorogation.

As a waggon load of veal was coming to town from Sudbury in Suffolk, deftined for the London markets, the mob feized and fold it for two pence per pound to the poor people, when they paid the owners the money received, re. turned them the cloths the veal was wrapped up in, and went quietly home to their habita


The King of Denmark having lately fent a prefent to the unhap[F] 3


py family of Calas, together with a letter to Monf. de Voltaire upon the fubject, received the following anfwer from that learned man: "Sire; The letter, which your majefty was pleased to honour me with, drew from me tears of tendernefs and joy. Your majefty fets a great example very early. Your benevolence fpreads into countries almoft unknown to the reft of the world, and you make all your fubjects who come within the hearing of your benevolent generofity. We must travel into the north to learn to think and feel. If my weakness and bodily complaints would permit me to follow the emotions of my heart, I would throw myfelf at your majefty's feet. When my imagination was alert, Sire, I fhould have made too many verfes in anfwer to your charming profe. Pardon the dying efforts of a man who is not able to exprefs the fentiments which your goodnefs infpires him with. I with your majefty as much happinefs as you will have real glory.

I have the honour to be, &c." They write from Chemnitz in Hungary, that fome perfons of Frauenmarck, in the county of Honten, having chafed for fome time a wild boar, and having followed it into the mountains, farther perhaps than they had ever penetrated before, they faw on the Inow the vestiges of a human creature, which they followed, and which led them to a cavern, where, to their great aitonishment, they found a young girl quite naked, very plump, of a deep brown colour, and to appearance from fifteen to eighteen years of


At first he fet up cries, but wept not. She gazed afterwards with furprife on thofe round her, and fuffered herself at last to be led away by them. They carried her to the hofpital of Carpfen, a little royal town, in the county of Atfal, near Chemnitz, where they cloathed her, and made her take nourishment. Hitherto fhe has conftantly refufed all the dreffed meats which have been laid before her, and fhe feeds only upon raw victuals, the rinds of trees, and other things of the like

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