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" If there was a time in which he had his acquaintance with his own species to make, and his faculties to acquire, it is a time of which we have no record, and in relation to which our opinions can serve no purpose, and are supported by no evidence. "
The Annual Register of World Events: A Review of the Year - Side 289
redigert av - 1800
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An Essay on the History of Civil Society

Adam Ferguson - 1768 - 452 sider
...appears to be as old as the individual, and the ufe of the tongue as univerfal as that of the hand or the foot. If there was a time in which he had his...his faculties to acquire, it is a time of which we * RouJJcau fur Torigiae de I'inegaUte parmi.les homines. f Traite de 1'efprit. • • have no record,...
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Annual Register, Volum 10

Edmund Burke - 1768 - 628 sider
...appears to be as old as the individual, and the ufe of the tongue as univerfal as that of the hand or the foot. If there was a time in which he had his acquaintance with his owa fpecies to make, and his faculties to acquire, it is a time of whidi we have no record, and in...
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An Essay on the History of Civil Society

Adam Ferguson - 1773 - 502 sider
...appears to be as old as the individual, and the ufe of the tongue as univerfal as that of the hand or the foot. If there was a time in which he had his...to which our opinions can ferve no purpofe, and are fupported by no evidence* are often tempted into thefe boundlefs regions of ignorance or conjecture,...
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An Essay on the History of Civil Society

Adam Ferguson - 1789 - 444 sider
...appears to be as old as the individual , and the ufe of the tongue as univerfal as that of the hand or the foot. If there was a time in which he had his...record, and in relation to which our opinions can ferv6 no purpofe , and are fupported by no evidence. WE are often tempted into thefe boundlefs regions...
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Annual Register of World Events, Volum 10

1800 - 592 sider
...appears to be as old as the individual, and the ufe of the tongue as univer(al as that of the hand or the foot. If there was a time in which he had his...to which our opinions can ferve no purpofe, and are fupport. ed by no evidence. — We fpeak of art as dillinguifhed f*om nature; but art itfelf is natural...
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The Annual Register, Or, A View of the History, Politics, and Literature for ...

1800 - 596 sider
...appears to he as old as the individua), and the ufe of the tongue as univerfal as that of the hand or the foot. If there was a time in which he had his...acquire, it is a time of which we have no record, and in reía, tion to which our opinions can ferve no purpofe, and are fupported by no evidence. — We fpeak...
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An Essay on the History of Civil Society

Adam Ferguson - 1809 - 484 sider
...appears to be as old as the individual, and the use of the tongue as universal as that of the hand or the foot. If there was a time in which he had his acquaintance with his own species to make, and his faculties to acquire, it is a time of which we have no record, and in relation...
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Biblical Repository and Quarterly Observer

1840 - 1078 sider
...avoid the extravagance of the former, and of the ultra Epicureans, for he adds, a few pages after : " If there was a time in which he had his acquaintance with his own species to make, and his faculties to acquire, it is a time of which we have no record, and in relation...
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The American Biblical Repository

1840 - 530 sider
...avoid the extravagance of the former, and of theultra Epicureans, for he adds, a few pages after : " If there was a time in which he had his acquaintance with his own species to make, and his faculties to acquire, it is a time of which we have no record, and in relation...
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Manual of Classical Literature

Johann Joachim Eschenburg - 1841 - 806 sider
...appears to bu as old as the individual, and the use of the tongue as universal as that of the hand or the foot. If there was a time in which he had his acquaintance with his own species to make, and his faculties to acquire, it is a time of which we have no record, and in relation...
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