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" ... of religious duties. Thus connected together, it was found that a part only of... "
The Annual Register of World Events: A Review of the Year - Side 271
redigert av - 1800
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Annual Register, Volum 10

Edmund Burke - 1768 - 628 sider
...ftates, government, laws, puní (h men ts, and the public exercife of religious duties. Thus conneeted together, it was found that a part only of fociety...the neceflary fubfiftence of all ; and leifure was given to others to cultivate the human mind, to invent ufe ful arts, and to lay the foundations of...
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Commentaries on the Laws of England: In Four Books, Volum 2

William Blackstone - 1791 - 566 sider
...train of infeparable concomitants; ftates, government, laws, punifhments, and the public exercife 6f religious duties. Thus connected together, it was...the neceflary fubfiftence of all; and leifure was given to others to cultivate the human mind, to invent ufeful arts, and to lay the foundations of fcience....
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Commentaries on the Laws of England,: In Four Books, Volum 2

William Blackstone - 1794 - 702 sider
...opportunities of improving it's rational faculties, as well as of exerting it's natural. Neceflity begat property : and, in order to infure that property,...the neceflary fubfiftence of all ; and leifure was given to others to cultivate the human mind, to invent ufeful arts, and to lay 'the foundations of...
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Commentaries on the Laws of England: In Four Books, Bok 2

William Blackstone - 1794 - 676 sider
...brought along with it a long train of infeparable concomitants \ Races, government, - laws, punifliments, and the public exercife of religious duties. Thus...the neceflary fubfiftence of all ; and leifure was given to others to cultivate the human mind, to invent ufeful arts, and to lay the foundations of fcience....
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Elegant Extracts: Or, Useful and Entertaining Passages in Prose, Selected ...

Vicesimus Knox - 1797 - 516 sider
...liâtes, government, laws, punilhments, and the public exercife of religious dulies. Thus connefted together, it was found that a part only of fociety...provide, by their manual labour, for the neceflary fubfillence of all ; and leifure was given to others to cultivate the human mind, to invent ufeful...
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Commentaries on the Laws of England: In Four Books, Volum 2

William Blackstone - 1800 - 680 sider
...had to civil fociery, which brought along with it a long train of infcparable concomitants; ftates, government, laws, punifhments, and the public exercife...their manual labour, for the neceflary fubfiftence of alt; and leifure was given to others to cultivate the human mind, to invent ufeful arts, and to lay...
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The Annual Register, Or, A View of the History, Politics, and Literature for ...

1800 - 596 sider
...brought along wilh it a long train of infeparable concomitants ; ftates, government, laws, puaiihments, and the public exercife of religious duties. Thus...provide, by their manual labour, for the neceflary fubfift. ence of all; and leifure was given to others to cultivate the human mind, to invent ufeful...
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Annual Register of World Events, Volum 10

1800 - 592 sider
...had to civil fociety, which brought along with it a long train of infeparable concomitants ; nates, government, laws, punifhments, and the public exercife...Thus connected together, it was found that a part onlyof fociety was fufficient to provide, by their manual labour, for the neceflary fubfift. ence of...
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Commentaries on the Laws of England: In Four Books, Volum 2

William Blackstone - 1807 - 698 sider
...train of inseparable concomitants : states, government, laws, punishments, and the public exercise of religious duties. Thus connected together, it was found that a part only of society was sufficient to provide, by their manual labor, for the necessary subsistence of all ; and...
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Elegant extracts: a copious selection of passages from the most ..., Volum 6

Elegant extracts - 1812 - 310 sider
...inseparable concomitants; states, governments, laws, punishment, and the public exercise of n-li gious duties. Thus connected together, it was found that a part only of society was sufficient to provide, by their manual labour, for the necessary subsistence of all; and...
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