
Interstate Commerce Commission-Continued

Accounts, uniform system of, for various carriers and companies-Continued Freight forwarders, 49 Part 440-Continued

Prescribed accounts-Continued


Earned surplus accounts, 49 §§ 440.300 440.312

Instructions, 49 §§ 440.0-51-440.0-53

Heating service, persons furnishing. See Persons furnishing cars or protective services against heat or cold.

Maritime carriers. See Water carriers.

Motor carriers:

Passengers, common and contract carriers of, 49 Part 181

[blocks in formation]

§§ 181.2300-181.2360

Non-corporate capital, 49 §§ 181.2800, 181.2810
Reserves, 49 §§ 181.2500-181.2690

Unappropriated surplus, 49 §§ 181.2900-181.2946

Income accounts, 49 §§ 181.3000-181.8000

Amortization expense, 49 §§ 181.5100-181.5120
Depreciation expense, 49 § 181.5000

Income, non-operating, 49 §§ 181.6000-181.6500

Income deductions, 49 §§ 181.7000-181.7500

Income taxes, 49 § 181.8000

Lease of carrier property, 49 §§ 181.5400, 181.5500

Licenses. See Taxes and licenses.

Non-operating income, 49 §§ 181.6000-181.6500

Operating revenues, 49 §§ 181.3000-181.3900

Operation and maintenance expenses, 49 §§ 181.4000181.4696

Rents, operating, 49 §§ 181.5300-181.5390

Taxes and licenses, 49 §§ 181.5200-181.5250

Income taxes, 49 § 181.8000

Commission's order prescribing accounts, 49 § 181.00-1

Definitions, 49 §§ 181.01-1-181.01-40

General instructions, 49 §§ 181.02-1-181.02-30

Accounting period, 49 § 181.02-3

Classification of carriers, 49 § 181.02-1

Clearing accounts; purpose, 49 § 181.02-16

Contingent assets and liabilities, 49 § 181.02-18

Current assets, 49 § 181.02-10

Delayed items, 49 § 181.02-7

Depreciation accounting, 49 § 181.02-25

Discount; expense and premium:

On capital stock, 49 § 181.02-12

On long-term obligations, 49 § 181.02-13

Discount or premium on securities of other companies, 49 § 181.02-11

Employees, pay and expenses of, 49 § 181.02-28

Insurance, 49 § 181.92-27

Interstate Commerce Commission-Continued

Accounts, uniform system of, for various carriers and companies—Continued
Motor carriers-Continued

Passengers, common and contract carriers of, 49 Part 181-Continued
General instructions, 49 §§ 181.02-1-181.02-30-Continued

Item lists; interpretation, 49 § 181.02-5

Joint expenses, 49 § 181.02-29

Opening entries, 49 § 181.02-6


Common property, 49 § 181.02-24
Operating property:

Recorded at cost, 49 § 181.02-19

Retired, 49 § 181.02-21

Purchased property, 49 § 181.02-20

Rent and lease of carrier property, 49 §§ 181.02-22,


Transfer of property, 49 § 181.92-23

Questions, submission of, 49 § 181.02-4

Records, 49 § 181.02-2

Repairs, cost of, 49 § 181.02-26

Reserves, deduction of, 49 § 181.02-17

Revenue and expense items; spreading of unusual income, 49 § 181.02-9


Book cost of securities owned, 49 § 181.02-15

Company securities owned, 49 § 181.02-14

Discount or premium on securities of other companies, 49 § 181.02-11

Unaudited items, 49 § 181.02-8

Order of Commission prescribing accounts, 49 § 181.00–1
Property, common and contract carriers of, class 1, 49 Part 182
Accounts prescribed:

Balance sheet accounts, 49 §§ 181.1000-182.2948

Asset side:

Current assets, 49 §§ 182.1000-182.1190

Deferred debits, 49 §§ 182.1880-182.1890
Funds, special, 49 §§ 182.1701-182.1781

Intangible property, 49 §§ 182.1500-182.1550

Investment, securities and advances, 49 §§ 182.1600,


Miscellaneous debit items; discount on capital stock, reacquired securities, etc., 49 §§ 182.1900-182.1990 Tangible property, 49 §§ 182.1200-182.1400

Liability side:

Advances payable, 49 §§ 182.2200, 182.2250

Capital stock, 49 §§ 182.2700-182.2730

Current liabilities, 49 §§ 182.2000-182.2190

Deferred credits, 49 §§ 182.2400, 182.2450

Equipment and other long-term obligations, 49
§§ 182.2300-182.2360

Non-corporate capital, 49 §§ 182.2800, 182.2810
Reserves, 49 §§ 182.2500-182.2690

Unappropriated surplus, 49 §§ 182.2900-182.2948

Income accounts, 49 §§ 182.3000-182.8800

Amortization expense, 49 §§ 182.5150-182.5155
Depreciation expense, 49 §§ 182.5000-182.5155
Extraordinary income, 49 §§ 182.8100-182.8600
Income, non-operating, 49 §§ 182.6100-182.6500
Income deductions, 49 §§ 182.7100-182.7500

Income taxes, 49 § 182.8800

Lease of distinct operating unit, 49 §§ 182.5400, 182.5500
Licenses. See Taxes and licenses.

Operating revenues, 49 §§ 182.3000-182.3900

Operation and maintenance expenses, 49 §§ 182.4000


Interstate Commerce Commission-Continued

Accounts, uniform system of, for various carriers and companies-Continued
Motor carriers-Continued

Property, common and contract carriers of, class 1, 49 Part 182-Con.
Accounts prescribed Continued

Income accounts-Continued

Taxes and licenses, 49 §§ 182.5200-182.5250

Income taxes, 49 § 182.8800

Commission's order prescribing accounts, 49 § 182.00

Definitions, 49 § 182.00-1

General instructions, 49 §§ 182.01-182.01-27

Accounting period, 49 § 182.01-3

Allocation of expenses between line haul and pickup and

delivery, 49 § 182.01-27

Capital stock, 49 § 182.01-16

Charges to be just and reasonable, 49 § 182.01-4

Classification of carriers, 49 § 182.01-1

Clearing accounts, 49 § 182.01-10

Contingent assets and liabilities, 49 § 182.01-15

Current assets, 49 § 182.01-13

Current liabilities, writing off, 49 § 182.01-14

Delayed items, 49 § 182.01-8

Depreciation and amortization, 49 § 182.01-23

Employees, pay and expenses of, 49 § 182.01-11

Equipment and long-term obligations, 49 § 182.01-17

Insurance, 49 § 182.01-22

Interpretations of prescribed accounting, 49 § 182.01-5
Item lists, 49 § 182.01-6

Joint facilities, 49 § 182.01-25

Maintenance, cost, 49 § 182.01-12

Opening entries, 49 § 182.01-7

Operating, 49 § 182.01-19

Retirement of, 49 § 182.01-21

Transfer of, 49 § 182.01-20

Records, 49 § 182.01-2

Reserves, deduction of, 49 § 182.01-26

Securities owned, book cost of, 48 § 182.01-18

Taxes and licenses, 49 § 182.01-24

Unaudited items, 49 § 182.01-9

Order of Commission prescribing accounts, 49 § 182.00

Persons furnishing cars or protective services against heat or cold, 49 Part 24
Balance sheet:

Credits, 49 §§ 24.850-24.897

Debits, 49 §§ 24.801-24.846

Special instructions, 49 §§ 24.01-81-24.01-89

Equipment, investment in. See Investment in property and equipment.
General instructions:

Definitions, 49 § 24.01-8

Delayed items, 49 § 24.01-4

Interpretation of item lists, 49 § 24.01-6

Persons for whom this system of accounts is prescribed, 49 § 24.01-1
Records, 49 § 24.01-2

Securities or other assets pledged, 49 § 24.01-5

Submission of questions, 49 § 24.01-7

Unaudited items, 49 § 24.01-3

Heater service; revenues and expenses. See Operating expenses; and
Operating revenues.

Income accounts:

Income credits, 49 §§ 24.601-24.617

Income debits, 49 §§ 24.625-24.641

Special instructions; income accounts defined, 49 § 24.01-61

Introduction; order of Commission, 49 § 24.00

Interstate Commerce Commission-Continued

Accounts, uniform system of, for various carriers and companies-Continued Persons furnishing cars or protective services, 49 Part 24—Continued

Investment in property and equipment:

Property accounts, 49 §§ 24.1-24.50

Special instructions, 49 §§ 24.01-11-24.01-16

Operating expenses:

Car service, 49 §§ 24.301-24.338

General; salaries, pensions, rents, repairs, etc., 49 §§ 24.550-24.569
Heater service, 49 §§ 24.451-24.488

Ice and salt, 49 §§ 24.351-24.395

Miscellaneous; ventilation, curtains, papering, etc., 49 §§ 24.501


Refrigeration service, 49 §§ 24.401-24.438

Special instructions, 49 §§ 24.01-31-24.01-51

Operating revenues:

Car service, 49 §§ 24.101-24.103

Heater service, 49 §§ 24.120-24.124

Other services; ventilation, cleaning, ice and salt, etc., 49 §§ 24.13024.133

Refrigeration service, 49 §§ 24.110-24.114

Special instructions, 49 §§ 24.01-21-24.01-23

Profit and loss:

Profit and loss credits, 49 §§ 24.701, 24.704

Profit and loss debits, 49 §§ 24.710-24.721

Special instructions; profit and loss accounts, 49 § 24.01-71

Property, investment in. See Investment in property and equipment. Refrigeration service; revenues and expenses. See Operating expenses; and Operating revenues.

Pipe line companies, 49 Part 20

Balance sheet:

Balance-sheet accounts:

Corporate surplus, 49 §§ 20.80-20.82

Current assets, 49 §§ 20.9-20.20

Current liabilities, 49 §§ 20.58-20.69

Deferred credits and reserves, 49 §§ 20.70-20.79

Deferred debits, 49 §§ 20.21-20.28

Investments, 49 §§ 20.1-20.8

Long-term debt, 49 §§ 20.55-20.57
Stock, 49 §§ 20.51-20.54

Instructions, 49 §§ 20.0-20-20.0-30
Carrier property:

Carrier-property accounts:

Gathering lines, 49 §§ 20.101-20.116
General, 49 §§ 20.171-20.193

Text pertaining to, 49 § 20.100
Trunk lines, 49 §§ 20.151-20.166

Instructions, 49 §§ 20.0-31-20.0-39

Clearing accounts:

Clearing accounts:

Machine tools and machinery; maintenance, 49 § 20.804
Material store expenses, 49 § 20.803

Shop expenses, 49 § 20.802

Vehicles and other work equipment expenses, 49 § 20.801
Instructions; purpose of clearing accounts, 49 § 20.0-91

Earned surplus:

Earned surplus accounts:

Credit, 49 §§ 20.301-20.304

Debit, 49 §§ 20.312-20.317

Instructions; purpose of earned surplus accounts, 49 § 20.0-41


Income accounts:

Credit, 49 §§ 20.401-20.410

Debit, 49 §§ 20.411-20.424

Instructions, 49 §§ 20.0-51-20.0-53

Interstate Commerce Commission-Continued

Accounts, uniform system of, for various carriers and companies-Continued Pipe line companies, 49 Part 20-Continued


Definitions, 49 § 20.0-2

Delayed items, 49 § 20.0-4

Depreciation accounting, 49 § 20.0-8

Foreign exchange; profits and losses from, 49 § 20.0-5

General instructions, 49 § 20.0-0

Interpretation of item lists, 49 § 20.0-6

Questions; submission of, 49 § 20.0-7

Records, 49 § 20.0-1

Unaudited items, 49 § 20.0-3

List of accounting units of property, 49 Part 20, Appendix A
Operating expenses:

Instructions, 49 §§ 20.0-71-20.0-79
Operating-expense accounts:
Gathering lines:

General office, 49 §§ 20.631-20.633
Maintenance, 49 §§ 20.601-20.615
Other expenses, 49 §§ 20.634-20.641
Transportation, 49 §§ 20.621-20.628
General clearing accounts:

General office, 49 §§ 20.781-20.783
Maintenance, 49 §§ 20.751-20.765
Other expenses, 49 §§ 20.784-20.791
Transportation, 49 §§ 20.771, 20.776
Text pertaining to, 49 § 20.600
Trunk lines:

General office, 49 §§ 20.681-20.683
Maintenance, 49 §§ 20.651-20.665
Other expenses, 49 §§ 20.684-20.691
Transportation, 49 §§ 20.671-20.678

Operating revenues:

Instructions, 49 §§ 20.0-61-20.0-63
Operating-revenues accounts:

Gathering lines, 49 §§ 20.501-20.504
Text pertaining to, 49 § 20.500
Trunk lines, 49 §§ 20.551-20.554

Railroads. See Electric railways; and Steam roads.
Refrigeration service, persons furnishing.

protective services against heat or cold.

Steam roads, 49 Part 10

See Persons furnishing cars or

Balance sheet, general, and balance sheet accounts. See Income, profit and loss, and general balance sheet.

Car miles and car-mile accounts.

Expense accounts:

See also Operating expenses.
General, 49 §§ 10.450-10.462


See Miles.

Of equipment, 49 §§ 10.300-10.338

Of roadway, 49 §§ 10.200-10.281

Miscellaneous operations, 49 §§ 10.440-10.448

Operating expenses, condensed classification of, 49 § 10.480
Traffic, 49 §§ 10.350-10.359

Transportation, 49 §§ 10.370-10.420

Income, profit and loss, and general balance sheet:

General balance sheet:

General balance sheet accounts:

Credit, 49 §§ 10.751-10.790

Debit, 49 §§ 10.701-10.729

Special instructions, 49 §§ 10.08-10.08-9
General instructions, etc., §§ 10.05-10.05-3

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