
the flanches, as is represented in Figs. 5 and 1, and the junction is made air-tight, by the use of white lead, putty, or other material if necessary. A portion being cut from this hollow ring, and a space made, as explained above, and represented in Fig. 5, in which two pistons are to be used for working of the handle or lever, will bring it into the form before described, and which is represented in Fig. 5. In witness whereof, &c.


Many very valuable improvements possess in theory little or no advantage over former inventions, and indeed from mere description, seem, even to the ́experi ́enced mechanic, to be rather alterations than improvements; and it is not till put to the test of actual experiment that their excellence is perceived; and this seems to be eminently the case with the invention just described.

But if the practical man will call to his recollection the numerous contrivances, and complicated machinery, adopted to counteract the constant tendency which pistons in straight barrels have to a lateral direction, more especially when working in double barrels, and the greater liability to derangement and increase of friction incident to this complicated machinery, it is presumed that he will immediately perceive that superiority must be possessed by that machine which works most true and most easy, with the least complication of parts, and that no engine or pump with a straight barrel can be made to work so true and so easy, by machinery so simple, as these patent engines or pumps.

In consequence of the curved barrel being turned in a lathe, the tool marks are very superficial, they are all in a longitudinal direction, and form no sensible impediCc 2


ment to the action of the piston; but on the other hand, in the straight barrel, tool marks are seen like rings, forming palpable circular projections, and they not only considerably impede the motion of the piston but cause it to wear.

The curved barrel, from being turned in a lathe, can be made very nearly mathematically correct, and it is impossible to form barrels equally accurate by any other mode.

The very great facility with which two curved barrels may be combined and used in any pump or engine, is another great advantage which the curved barrel possesses, for the superiority of double barrels over single barrels is very considerable, and obvious enough.

And lastly, the worker of the engine or pump has all his greatest power, added to the weight of his body, brought into full action, and which action is very similar to the act of rowing, in which the proper position gives greater power to the operator than any other position, and which is, consequently, of great practical importance.

It does not seem necessary to draw a closer comparison between these and other pumps or engines, nor to make an imposing report of their powers, because the experience of inventors do not always correspond with the experience of other persons, and because a generous and enlightened public are not slow to reward merit when they know it to exist, nor to be talked into the belief of it when they see it does not exist.

The Patentee has appointed Mr. Charles Seward, of Lancaster, the sole manufacturer of the curved barrel for garden engines, a gentleman whose extensive practical knowledge and scientific acquirements have enabled him to produce some highly finished and very powerful engines at a comparative less cost than the common engine,


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