


AN ACT to authorize the sale of certain Lands.


Authority to


SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan, That Moses Ro- sell. bert, of the county of Monroe, a minor, under the age of twenty-one years, be, and he is hereby authorized and empowered to make sale of all his right, title, interest, and claim of, in, and to the following described parcel of land, lying and being in the township of Monroe, in the county of Monroe aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, viz: Beginning at a post of land. standing on the south border of the River Raisin, between this tract and a tract claimed by Meldrum and Park; thence south, twenty-nine degrees west, thirty-nine chains seventy-nine link, to a post standing on the north border of a bay formed by Navarre's Mill Creek; thence along the border of said bay, up stream, north, seventy-five degrees west, seventy-one chains twenty-five links, to a post standing on the east line of a tract confirmed to Baptiste Reaume;

thence on said line north, twenty-nine degrees east, sixty-nine chains, to a post standing on the border of the River Raisin; thence along the border of said River, down stream, south, fifty-eight degrees east, twenty-two chains seventy-five inks; thence south, eighty-one degrees east; twenty-one chains seventy-five links; thenge south,fifty seven degrees east, nine chains Seventy-five links; thence south twenty-two degrees east, twenty-one chains sixty-two links, to To make deed. the placeof beginning;" and to make such deed or deed sa smay be necessary for a complete conveyance of all his right and title to the above des

Guardian shall cribed premises: Provided,That Antoine Robert,


Mary Lavoix for herself and

executor of the last will and testament of Francis Robert, deceased, and guardian of said minor, shall consent to the said sale, and shall endorse his consent on such deed or deeds; which deed or deeds, so executed and endorsed, shall be good and valid deed or deeds in law,to convey all the right and title of said minor in the said lands, to the purchaser, his heirs and assigns forever. SEC. 2. That Mary Lavoix, for herself and rized to sell children, Lambert Lavoix, Paul Lavoix, David Lavoix, Fabien Lavoix, and Francois Lavoix, minors under the age of twenty-one years, be, and they are hereby authorized and empowered to make sale of all their right, title, interest, and claim of, in, and to the following described parcel of land, lying and being in the township of Port Lawrence, in the county of Monroe, boun

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ded and described as follows, viz: Being the fraction of section number twenty, of township number nine scuth, in range number eight cast, in the district of Detroit, Michigan Territory, containing seventy-seven acres and sixty-eight hundredths of an acre; and to make such deed or deeds as may be necessary for a complete conveyance of all their right and title to the above described premises; which deed or deeds, so executed, shall be good and valid deed or To make valid deeds in law, to convey all the right and title of the said Mary Lavoix and children in the said lands, to the purchaser or purchasers, their heirs and assigns forever.

Approved August 20, 1835.


AN ACT to incorporate the River Raisin and Grand River Rail Road
Company and for other purposes.


ers appointed.

SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Legislative Conncil of the Territory of Michigan, That S. Blanchard, S. Fargo, J. J. Godfrey, O. Wilder, Edward D. Ellis, Edwin Smith, Reynolds Gillet, Isaac E. Crary,and Geo. Ketchum, be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners under the direction of a majority of whom, subscriptions may be received to the capital stock of the River Raisin and Grand River Railroad Company hereby incorporated, and they may cause books to be Books to be o opened, at such times and places as they shall scriptions redirect for the purpose of receiving subscriptions

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