
roe in France in the royal forests; but particularly in Brittany, where the woods are very extensive.


Good sport depends so much upon good dogs, that to secure them ought to be a primary consideration with every sportsman. Little trouble and exertion are required for this purpose; and as good dogs occasion no more expense than bad ones, it is a matter of surprise that the latter should be so frequently in use as they are. Bad dogs spoil sport and occasion disappointment; they both pass by and run up game, give you long shots, diminish your pleasure, cause irritation, sometimes loss of temper, and its very frequent sequel, bad shooting.

Good sportsmen, who have time and leisure to attend to their dogs, either personally, or through the instrumentality of competent keepers, almost invariably have good dogs; bad sportsmen, seldom or never; simply because, if they happen to buy good dogs, or have them given as presents, they generally contrive to spoil them, unless they be old dogs so obstinately tenacious of their former good habits that they cannot be either induced to move after a shot be fired, till the gun be re

loaded, or to chase a wounded hare, if ever so much excited to do so.

Now to the point. In the first instance, every beginner must buy his dogs; and there will be no difficulty in his purchasing good and wellbred ones, provided he will give a fair price. After this, the best plan will be to breed and break them; and well-bred dogs are easily broken if the proper means be adopted. Never, upon any account, buy dogs without a trial, unless you receive the most unquestionable guarantee as to their excellence. A pointer or setter may be broken at eleven or twelve months old. In breeding, take care not to breed, as it is called, "in-and-in,” that is, from dogs nearly related one to another, as the produce is generally feeble and deficient in courage; rather send to any distance to breed from a dog not related, selecting for your cross a well-bred and well-made dog, and one possessing first-rate qualities. A good working dog, with good temper, first-rate nose and stanchness, good legs and feet, and breadth of chest, is one not likely to disappoint you. Work, in my opinion, is the first consideration, as all other good points, however excellent they may be, will be of little value without this quality; but there will be no difficulty in obtaining all you require if you will only give yourself the trouble to make the proper inquiries; and the

satisfaction and pleasure derivable from the possession and use of good dogs will be an ample reward for any exertion or pains you may have incurred to secure them.

As to breaking dogs, when they are about eleven or twelve months old, or perhaps earlier, as circumstances may suggest, let them be brought home from their walks and shut up in a kennel, or fastened separately to dog boxes; and let the person who is to break them take them out every day for two or three hours, so as to become thoroughly acquainted with them and on friendly terms with them; in fact, to be with them as much as possible; for more is to be done with all dogs, both young and old, by kind treatment, than by severity and harshness. Then let him endeavour to make them thoroughly docile and obedient; to know their names, to come instantly to call, to drop immediately to hand. When this is accomplished, he may show them game with an old, steady dog. It is better, at the commencement, only to take one young dog out at a time. If he be very high-spirited, wild, and inclined to chase and run in, then put on a spike collar with a long cord to it; and when you perceive him disposed to advance too rapidly, put your foot upon the cord. This check, administered a few times, will make him cautious and careful. Should he be very wild and disposed to run riot, and get out of

your reach and chase game, do not flog him; but have a boy to hold the end of the cord and check him every time he attempts to advance on your old dog, who may be either standing or drawing upon game; and this will be a sufficient and effective punishment.

In this manner I have broken the wildest setters in a week or ten days, without much interference with my sport, being out every day, and killing much game. When a young dog has felt the spike collar* once or twice, he becomes cautious, and will keep close to you; and thus, as you advance to your dogs drawing on game, or pointing at it, the young dog is afforded every opportunity of learning his business, and the boy in the rear with the cord in his hand prevents all interference with your sport, and will be ready to make him down charge every time the gun is discharged, by giving him a smart jerk with the cord should he attempt to dash forward, and repeating the same till he goes. down to charge properly. When broken in this manner, dogs become very stanch, and seldom or never require subsequent correction; and it is a far easier and shorter method, than without the gun, especially if they have received, in the first instance, that preliminary instruction which I have suggested.

* In French "collier de force."

Dogs taken into the field before they have learnt obedience in any shape or way, are much more difficult to be broken; it is, in fact, beginning at the wrong end; the whip is brought into action, and much severity resorted to; and this is frequently done by keepers who do not understand their business. Give dogs plenty of work, kill game to them, and be particular not to overlook any fault, and you will have no trouble with them, if you have commenced properly with them in the first instance;-you will then find them quite ready to down charge, back, and do all that is requisite. The above is the main secret with regard to making good dogs, and keeping them so. The best of dogs, shut up in a kennel, and only worked occasionally, will commit faults, especially if they do not know the person well who shoots to them.

You cannot be too particular as to making dogs down charge; this is so essentially necessary to ensure good sport, that it must never be overlooked or lost sight of; it is the first act of obedience, upon which all others are founded. The sportsman will, of course, on no account stir one inch after having discharged his gun, till he has reloaded it. No dogs will down charge well if this be not strictly attended to. A good sportsman will rather lose fifty birds than move. Want of attention to this fundamental principle

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