
medy, in moderate occasions, will sometimes succeed with the aid of a gentle emetic. No man who keeps dogs ought to be without castor oil and syrup of buckthorn : they are both most useful, and at the same time most safe remedies; and there ought to be an extra quart of syrup of buckthorn, with an ounce and a half of jalap in it. A tablespoonful of the latter, with a spoonful of castor oil, is the best and safest medicine that can be given to a dog at any time. Nothing is better for pointers and setters before the commencement of the shooting season.

There are numerous symptoms of a more violent and desperate character, which succeed to those I have mentioned, when the disease is not arrested in its progress by ordinary remedies, so that the dog appears to be almost mad, has fits, foams at the mouth, and will attempt to bite any person who approaches. When these supervene a dog is rarely saved, so that I will make no attempt to prescribe for those extreme cases, but refer those of my readers who are curious on the subject to the several elaborate treatises which have been published by scientific writers on Canine Pathology. It will be sometimes necessary to use a lotion for cleansing the dog's nose, in which case oz. of sugar of lead, dissolved in a pint of water, may answer the purpose. Mr. Beckford recommended Turbith's mineral being given in in


creased quantities on three successive mornings, viz., 8, 16, and 32 grains; this remedy must be accompanied by a plentiful supply of warm broth.


As one receipt is as good as a thousand, if it be an infallible one, I will give only one, which I have never known to fail, even in the very worst cases. It consists of 6 oz. hellebore powder, 12 oz. sulphur vivum, 2 oz. spirits of turpentine, 1 quart of train-oil. Two or three days before this application, some sulphur and antimony ought to be given, or even sulphur alone, and as much milk as possible, with oatmeal porridge, but no flesh or greaves. This mixture must be well rubbed in with the hand, under the shoulder, and upon the inside of the dog's thighs. It ought to be applied in the morning, upon an empty stomach. If administered after a dog has eaten, it will immediately make him sick.

As it is a very powerful remedy, and acts upon the system, the dog must be kept warm and dry, and not exposed for several days. The effect of the dressing will be visible for two or three days subsequently. On the following morning, a dose of castor oil and syrup of


buckthorn may be given, and the dog ought to have some broth instead of his usual food. some whey can be had, it is one of the best things you can give a dog after being dressed for the mange. The aperient dose may be repeated after an interval of two days; or equal portions of sulphur and nitre may be given, if it be preferred; or merely sulphur,—a tablespoonful, in some warm milk, being a very cooling medicine. I have seldom found two dressings necessary, except in very bad cases.

To keep dogs clean during the summer months, sulphur, with antimony, ought frequently to be given in their food. It is also a good plan to cut up a cabbage, and boil it with the flesh or greaves twice a week. Dogs are fond of this, and when they are doing no work it is most beneficial to them; and even when in work in the autumn, once a week would do good, especially when much flesh or greaves have been given with the meal. A few handfuls of salt must invariably be thrown into the boiler whilst the food is preparing.

In mild cases of the mange, brimstone alone will effect a cure, especially if plenty of milk can be had, and the dog have nothing in addition beyond oatmeal porridge. A tablespoonful twice or three times weekly will suffice.


Dogs are subject to three different descriptions of worms, all bad and adverse to health and good condition. The tape-worm is the most injurious: there are two others, called ascarides and teres.

The moment either of these are discovered they ought to be dislodged, as no dog can remain in condition, and do his work, whilst he is infected by them. To the practised and experienced eye of the vigilant and attentive sportsman, the altered appearance of the dog's coat soon discloses the presence of the enemy, if it has not been discovered in any other way. A good dose of castor oil, upon an empty stomach, will sometimes dislodge and remove them. Two large tablespoonfuls, in a basin of warm milk, I have known to have the desired effect,-the dog, of course, kept fasting for a few hours subsequently. If this does not succeed, then powdered glass or tin-filings may be tried, as much as will lie upon a sixpence, rolled up in lard or butter. Should these fail, then I can recommend a more potent remedy, which has never disappointed me; and that is spirits of turpentine. Two teaspoonfuls of this, on an empty stomach, will kill and remove worms of any kind. This may be given in a small bladder-a roebuck's, for instance. The quantity is introduced into the bladder; and this being fas

tened, and then well oiled, is easily slipped down a dog's throat, one person keeping the dog's mouth well open, with the tongue out, the other administering the remedy. If no vehicle in the shape of a bladder of any kind can be found, then give the turpentine in some oil of olives. The dog ought to be kept fasting for ten or twelve hours: after this let him have some broth. Two days subsequently, there will be no harm in giving some castor oil and syrup of buckthorn.



The food generally used for hounds is oatmeal or barleymeal, with horseflesh. The former is preferable, being of a less heating quality, and cheaper. They require preparing in a different Oatmeal requires boiling; barley meal scalding. If the former be made with care, and in the proper manner, there will be a great saving in meal, and the food will be more nutritious than if it were made carelessly and in haste; and as the manner in which it has been prepared can easily be detected by the master's eye, I will state how the porridge ought to be made, and the appearance which it ought to exhibit when

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