
operation be performed three times, at intervals, before wearing the boots; subsequently once a week will suffice, or three times a fortnight.


Two oz. of India rubber, cut into pieces and dissolved in one pint of spirits of turpentine, to which is to be added one pint of linseed oil, two ounces of bees-wax, two ounces of Burgundy pitch, one table-spoonful of Venice turpentine, a little white lead, and a little lamp-black. The latter articles must all be boiled together before they are mixed with the dissolved India rubber. The mixture to be rubbed into the boots with a soft-haired brush once a week.


Grouse shooting has been called, and not inappropriately, the "fox-hunting" of shooting, as it is as far superior to every other kind of shooting, as fox-hunting is to every other description of hunting. There is an excitement and fascination peculiar to this sport, arising from the wildness and beauty of the scenery, valleys, dingles and

dells, encompassed by irregular, rugged, rocky, precipitous mountains, possessing every variety of shape, form, and altitude, occasionally enhanced by contiguous sea and fresh-water lochs; and if there be sterility and desolation, it is somewhat relieved by the numerous varieties of heather of different colour, shade, and hue, which luxuriate in every direction, on the tops, points, and sides. of projecting rocks. This external and visible combination of circumstances produces a pleasing and agreeable sensation, which the monotonous, compact, and well-arranged fields of Norfolk and Suffolk can never afford, however well stocked with game they may be, besides offering a fine field for the display of the best qualities in the highest bred and best disciplined dogs, and putting the metal of the sportsman to the test; for to pursue this sport successfully, it is required not only to have first-rate dogs, but to be an indefatigable walker, and to be able to use the gun skilfully. There is no sport more fatiguing, when well followed up, especially as the season advances; but very few out of the large proportion who visit the Highlands for grouse shooting remain beyond three weeks or a month, and therefore the majority are not aware of the greater pleasure and stronger excitement which this sport affords in the months of October and November. Then, of course, the number of head

bagged will be very considerably reduced, but the superior quality and beauty of the birds, which are then in full feather, will more than make up for their reduced number, and being stronger and swifter on wing, and more difficult of access, are more worthy of the sportsman's labour, exertion and skill; while the wild and rapid manner in which they rise causes an additional emotion, considerably enhancing the pleasure of bringing them down.

At the beginning of the season grouse lie close, rise near, and are very easily shot, and if the weather be warm, as it very frequently is in August, the difficulty is to make them rise; but it sometimes happens, if the birds be forward and strong on wing, and the season wet, they are wild even at the commencement-but this is rare.

The best mode of proceeding is to commence at the early part of the day on the outside of the moors, and drive birds towards some favourite feeding-ground, leaving it quiet for the evening's sport, and if you are successful in this respect, you will have as much shooting as you can desire. On first-rate moors, at the beginning of the season, this plan is unnecessary, as birds are sufficiently thick everywhere not to render any deviation from the beat requisite, but as the season advances, it may be resorted to with great advantage. It is important, previous to com

mencing operations, to direct your attention to the quarter from which the wind comes, and to regulate your movements so as not to drive the birds off the moors, as grouse, when disturbed, generally fly down wind, take long flights, and do not return, like partridges, the same evening, to the ground where they were bred, so that, if driven into an enemy's country, a serious loss may be the consequence.

If the wind comes from the north, it is advisable to go as far north-east or north-west as may be convenient, and beat the ground at right angles to the wind; by continuing to quarter the ground thus, you not only give the wind to the dogs, but drive the birds towards the centre of the ground. But all these movements are relative, and must depend upon the size and extent of the moors. On a very large and extensive moor, well supplied with grouse, attention to this suggestion may perhaps not be so necessary; but on a small circumscribed one, where it is important to husband the packs as much as possible, it cannot be disregarded or contravened with impunity. For instance, were you to commence beating the ground from the southern boundary, the wind blowing strong from the north, especially at an advanced period of the season, when the birds are wild and strong on wing, although you and the dogs might constantly advance, so as to ensure

your being between the game and the boundary, the packs, on being disturbed, would not be driven up wind, but would pass you on both sides down wind, and go off the ground, interfering with and marring both your immediate and prospective sport. Having remained in Scotland several winters, and shot on the moors till the end of the season, I can speak with some certainty on this point.

Dogs ought to be first-rate in every respect, otherwise you will have but little sport, particularly as the season advances.


Setters are peculiarly suitable for grousing, as they can do more work, undergo more fatigue, resist cold and wet better than pointers, are scarcely ever footsore or lame, whereas high-bred pointers are easily chafed by the heather, and are liable to sore feet and lameness. In very hot sultry weather, perhaps, pointers have the advantage; but the weather of late years has very rarely been such as would in any way interfere with the working of setters upon the moors, in addition to there always being water at hand for them to drink when thirsty, there being no lack of either springs or burns; however, where a large kennel is kept, a mixture of pointers and setters will be found most advantageous.

Most young sportsmen are anxious to be out at daybreak, and in hot, sultry weather, it may

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