
lodge with fifty dollars for their treas- them to tell you; to trim your lamp so ury. The two lodges hold joint meetings that it will give more light and less once a month and have very pleasant times, usually having a programme and ref eshments. At the last meeting several brothers were present from other lodges.

We hope for a splendid growth for them numerically, socially and financially during the remainder of 1914. If every member will continue to do her part this will be realized. I wish all members of the Ladies' Society the best of success.


Ladies' Society 31, Minneapolis, Minn.

Keeping Christmas.


smoke, and to carry it in front so that your shadow will fall behind you; to make a grave for your ugly thoughts and a garden for your kindly feelings with these things even for a day? Then you the gate open-are you willing to do can keep Christmas.

Are you willing to believe that love is the strongest thing in the worldstronger than hate, stronger than evil, stronger than death-and that the blessed life which began in Bethlehem nineteen hundred years ago is the image and brightness of the Eternal Love? Then you can keep Christmas.

And if you keep it for a day, why not always? But you can never keep it alone.

Mere marking of times and seasons when men agree to stop work and make merry together is a wise and wholesome Indiana State Meeting. custom. It helps one to feel the supremacy of the common life over the individual life. It reminds a man to set his own little watch, now and then, by the great clock of humanity. But there is a better thing than the observance of Christmas day, and that is really keeping Christmas.

The Second Annual State Meeting of Indiana was held in, Ind., Wednesday, November 4, 1914, Lodge No. 77 having the honor of entertaining the visiting lodges.

The morning session began at nine thirty o'clock with registration of delegates and visitors in Moose Hall, secret work at ten o'clock. The meeting was called to order and opened in ritualistic form by Pride of 405, Ladies' Society 77. The program was as follows:

Piano selection by Sister Kate Bruce, of Peru, Ind.

Address of welcome by Sister Fannie Meredith, of Peru, Ind.

Response by Grand Vice President, Sadie E. Schoenell, Huntington, Ind.

Are you willing to forget what you have done for other people and to remember what other people have done for you; to ignore what the world owes you and to think what you owe the world; to put your rights in the background and your duties in the middle distance and your chances to do a little more than your duty in the foreground; to see that your fellowmen are just as real as you are, and try to look behind their faces to their hearts, hungry for joy; to own that probably the only good reason for your existence is not what you are going to get out of life, but what you are going to give to life; to close Sister Lillian Youngs, member of the your book of complaints against the Board of Grand Trustees, of Port Jervis, management of the universe and look N. Y., Sister Viola Brown, of Lodge No. around you for a place where you can 37 St. Thomas, Canada, and a number of sow a few seeds of happiness-are you willing to do these things even for a day? Then you can keep Christmas.

Are you willing to stoop down and consider the needs and the desires of little children; to remember the weakness and loneliness of people who are growing old; to stop asking how much your friends love you and ask yourself whether you love them enough; to bear in mind the things that other people have to bear in their hearts; to try to understand what those who live in the same house with you really want, without waiting for

Roll call of lodges found one hundred and thirty members present and nine out of the thirteen lodges in the State represented.

sisters from Lodge No. 278 of Montpelier, Ohio, were visitors from outside the State.

The afternoon session began at one thirty. The program was as follows:

The exemplification of ballot by Hope Lodge No. 4 of Huntington, Ind.

Exemplification of installation by E Pluribus Unum No. 81 of Logansport, Ind.

Exemplification of draping charter and taking up pass and receiving new password by Pride of 405 No 77, Peru, Ind.

Questions and remarks for Good of

the Order were in charge of Grand Vice Brother Hanvey and some informal rePresident, Sadie E. Schoenell. marks by members the meeting closed to enjoy a social time and later to repair to the dining room where a banquet was served by the ladies. M. LILLIAN YOUNGS, President, Lodge 59.

Just before the closing exercises of the afternoon the Sisters of Pride of 405 No. 77 presented their president, Sister Harris, with a beautiful cut glass water service as an expression of their appreciation of her faithful service, Sister Lilla Crouder making the presentation speech. Sister Harris responded in an

able manner.

The meeting for the day closed in ritualistic form and all marched to the First M. E. Church where an elaborate banquet was spread.

Sister Harris, president of No. 77, presided as toast mistress.

Pleasant Visiting of Lodges.

Sisters, I had the pleasure of visiting recently Glacier Lodge 150, Ladies' Society, Whitefish, Mont. This is certainly a nice little lodge with a membership of forty and, although it was a stormy day, the attendance was fine.

Sisters Schoenell, Youngs, Peltier, These sisters extend charity wherever Crissler, Franks and Scott and Brothers it is needed in the community and they Blizzard, Coleman, Peltier, Schoenell, hold joint meetings with the brothers Morrisey and Trippeer responded to every other month. I have an invitation to attend their next joint meeting, and if At seven thirty a delightful program not too far away will certainly accept. was rendered after which dancing was It is a real pleasure for me to meet with indulged in till the "wee sma'" hours the sisters and brothers wherever I may of the morning.


MRS. MAYME CARR, Secretary of No. 77, Peru, Indiana.

An Enjoyable Occasion.

It gives Easter Lily Lodge No. 59 of Pt. Jervis, N. Y., great pleasure to be numbered in the "Big Ten," and while still only on the bottom rung, we have hopes of climbing higher. We are proud of our eighty-three members, and with each one's help soon expect to reach the one hundred mark, and continue growing. The first Wednesday in September we had with us Bro. J. A. Leach (Pop as he is so familiarly called). Deer Park Lodge No. 1, B. of L. F. and E., with Easter Lily Lodge No. 59, Ladies' Society, held an open meeting in his honor. We also had with us Bro. W. T. Doty, a former resident of this place and a particular friend of Brother Leach, Bro. H. P. Hanvey, General Chairman of the Joint Protective Board Erie R. R., and a number of Brother Leach's old associates in railroad work.

Brother Leach gave us a very interesting and helpful talk. I am sure no one heard it but what felt the better for it. He was presented with a beautiful umbrella appropriately engraved.

Brother Doty was most interesting in telling of railroading here when the B. of L. F. and E was organized. He was presented with an Elk charm in appreciation of his part in organizing our Brotherhood.


I also had the pleasure of meeting with the sisters of Lodge 105, at Missoula, Mont., on Friday afternoon, October 30th. I was invited to the home of Sister Grace Morris, president of the lodge to meet the sisters. The rooms were in Hallowe'en attire. A very enjoyable afternoon was spent and many ideas exchanged for the good of the order.

As Sister Greenfield, one of the past presidents of Lodge 105 and an ever faithful worker, was soon to leave for her new home in Seattle, in appreciation of her good work in the interest of her lodge, she was presented by Sister Beebe on behalf of Lodge 105 with a traveling bag. A splendid luncheon was served. The roll call found nineteen present.

Before adjourning we were invited to meet at the home of Sister Meades on the following Tuesday.

Sisters, it is these gatherings that bring us closer together, and please don't forget that your officers need your support-not occasionally but at every meeting, and if you will not attend meetings we cannot hope for success.

Again, if you cannot say something good about our society, please don't knock. Let us make the coming year a success by our individual assistance to our officers. Just your presence at meetings gives courage to all. I hear you say, "Oh, I have not time to go to meeting." Sisters, how many times a month do you take time to go other places when you really do not have to go?

Are we doing all we can to help those After a few well-chosen words from who are sick and in distress? Let us be

gin the new year by speaking a word of Letters from Friends.
cheer and lending a helping hand
wherever we can.

I wish all lodges a happy and prosperous New Year.

MAY HENDERSON, Member of Board of Grand Trustees, Minneapolis, Minn.

Ladies of Trinity Lodge, No. 382. The Ladies of Trinity Lodge 382 has been organized but a very few months. However, those months have been busy for us, and we feel real proud of our lodge, as there is always a good attendance at meetings. We have initiated a few members thus far and have several applicants now waiting for admission.

Since becoming familiar with the work and requirements of our organization, and with every one thoroughly interested, we anticipate much success for the future of our lodge, fully confident that be

fore the next convention the ladies of

Trinity will be numbered among the "Big


Once each month we meet in social

FROM L. S. 202-(Mrs. T. A. Russell, No. 202 has been very Washington, D. C.) Mt. Vernon Lodge active in the things that make for a good and better lodge.

The past year has been a very pleasant as well as profitable one. We have had several little informal affairs which have always been enjoyed and well attended by the sisters and brothers and

their friends.

was an

with a St. Patrick tea, which In the early spring we entertained affair long to be remembered by the participants. It also increased our treasthe Ladies' Auxiliary to the B. of L. E. ury. We take pleasure in stating that

and the Eastern Star ladies were and

have been of material assistance to us. One of the Eastern Star ladies, assisted by her husband, favored us with an upto-date short drama. It was really "great." Our program consisted of reciseveral prominent men of the Brothertations, piano solos and addresses from hood, among whom was Bro. P. J. McNamara. We were very glad indeed to have Brother McNamara and his wife as


We feel that our efforts and work of

session with the brothers and their families and enjoy an evening of entertainment and visiting. These meetings promote a feeling of good fellowship, and the past year have certainly been crownhelp us to become better acquainted with ed with success. On the evening of Octhe families of the brothers whom we tober 12th we entertained at a theater

hope to have ere long on our membership


The brothers of Lodge 83, B. of L. F. and E., requested the privilege of enter taining at our social in October, and much to our surprise and pleasure they prepared the program and refreshments for the event. A very delightful musical program was offered. An interesting and appropriate talk was given by Bro. C. F. Goodrich, editor of the Texas Railway Journal. Bro. M. F. Barnett, General Chairman of the Texas and Pacific Railway, acted as toastmaster on the occasion.

After the program was concluded the brothers served refreshments to about one hundred and fifty guests. A royal good time was enjoyed by all, every one voting the event a grand success. The ladies of Trinity wish to thank the brothers for their many acts of kindness, also for the generous manner in which they have assisted in promoting our lodge, and trust we may have a continuation of their hearty co-operation.

We extend to the entire Ladies' Society our sincere good wishes for a most happy and prosperous future.


party. We had a splendid crowd and realized a goodly sum.

September 16th was our anniversary and we enoyed another pleasant evening which went down in the records of our lodge. Ice cream and cake were served to a large number. Toasts were given for the welfare of the society and a most pleasant evening enjoyed by all.

With best wishes for the success of the

Magazine and our society I trust that each and every member of the order will


FROM L. S. 65-(Ella Atherton, Nevada, Mo.) We are preparing for our coming annual convention and extend to each and every member of the Ladies' Society a cordial invitation to be with us and hope you will arrange your af fairs so that you can come. We hope to have some of the Grand Lodge officers present. We shall leave no stone unturned to give you a good time and we will expect you in Nevada on the 2d, 3d and 4th of next June, so plan accordingly.

It is with deepest sorrow that we announce the death of Sister Hannah E.

Snyder. She passed away on October Lodge 177, Middletown, N. Y., were in14th. She leaves to mourn her loss one vited as our guests. son, three brothers and three sisters besides a host of friends and relatives.

Sister Snyder was a charter member of Lodge 65, Ladies' Society. She served two years as president of that lodge and represented it at the St. Paul Convention. Sister Snyder was a faithful worker of the Ladies' Society.

On the first meeting day of each month, after the business session, refreshments are served in the dining room. At this meeting any member can bring an eligible friend.

Our last joint meeting was held on September 2d, at which time Brother Leach was with us and gave us a very

With best wishes for a Merry Christ- interesting talk which was enjoyed by all. mas and a Happy New Year.

FROM L. S. 365-(Mrs. Walter A. Greer, Memphis, Tenn.) DeSoto Lodge 365 held a very interesting meeting October 14th. We meet the 2d and 4th Wednesdays. Several of our officers have been absent from the city. We are glad to say Sister Alma Hirsch has returned home, for we missed her so much at our meetings. We were always sure she would be present at the appointed hour for meeting.

We are planning for another one of our social teas. We look forward to them with much pleasure, as there is always a large attendance of the brothers. A good time is assured all who come. We have been trying to secure new members but have failed so far, but try not to get discouraged :

[blocks in formation]

Our membership has increased so
now numbered with the "Big

we are


Best wishes to our Editress and all sister lodges.

[blocks in formation]

FROM L. S. 189-(Mrs. Blanche Brungard, Lincoln, Neb.) Lincoln City Lodge 189 is still alive, and while during the summer months new members were not plentiful, we feel that our meetings were not in vain.

Each sister on or near her birthday entertains and is given a solid silver spoon with name and number of our lodge engraved upon it. We find these social affairs have been the means of getting better acquainted with each other and they also promote sociability.

bership roster ere the close of 1914.

We have some prospective members in We have had some very enjoyable view and hope to have them on our memtimes during the past year. We were royally entertained by Benevolence Lodge No. 129 at Jersey City. We were also guests of Keystone Helpmate No. 20 at Susquehanna, Pa., on their anniver


Our meetings are held the 2d and 4th Wednesday afternoons in Folsom Hall, and we would gladly welcome visiting


In the summer we held a picnic at Midway Park. Some of the brothers accompanied us. The membership of Seattle, Wash.)

FROM L. S. 199-(Mrs. Violet Storer,
In the past year Lodge

trying to make the last month of the year still more prosperous than the first. We are sorry to state that our worthy

199 has not greatly increased its membership, but we wish to express our appreciation to those faithful ones to whom we owe what success we have had. They president, Sister Hibbs', father passed have arranged to have a card party every away to his heavenly reward two weeks month and we hope to give our annual ago. ball the first of the year.

We have lost a few members through transfers. Some have moved to other places, but we still keep in touch with them so that they will not lose interest, and we hope that they will move back again and become active members.

I wish our Grand President and other officers unlimited success.

FROM L. S. 377-(Grace A. Churchill, San Diego, Calif.) Lodge No. 377 sends holiday greetings of love and good cheer to the Ladies' Society.

While we are still very young in the work we have been busy. We initiated three new members since we were organized.

We have moved in the K. of P. building and recently held our first social there. We had a very good attendance, quite a few strangers being present. A program was prepared by the committee which consisted of recitations, music and readings which all seemed to enjoy. Dancing was then indulged in and refreshments served.

Our treasurer, Sister Edith Seymour, has handed in her resignation, which we will be obliged to accept as she has moved to San Bernardino, Calif., her former home.

Sister Anderson is convalescing from a severe attack of sickness, and all hope for her speedy recovery.

Sickness is also in the home of Sister Wood, her son being under the care of a physician.

Considering all, our lodge is growing. We have had many social events in the past few months, amongst them an allday social and picnic dinner which was held in our hall and to which Shyrock Lodge No. 67 was invited. A most pleasant time was had by all.

On October 30th a Hallowe'en party was given by Sister Nelson at her home. At a late hour all returned home with the thought of a delightful time.

We wish to thank our Editress and sister correspondents for the many interesting items appearing in the Ladies' Society Department of the Magazine. We are glad to hear from all.

Our meetings are held on the first and

third Friday of each month at McCummin Hall, corner of Union and Edison

Avenues, Des Moines, Iowa. We extend a most cordial invitation to all sister lodges to visit us.

FROM L. S. 78-(Fannie Templeton, Raton, N. Mex.) New Endeavor Lodge is still actively engaged in the work of We have several prospective candi- the order. On Wednesday afternoon, dates, but as this is not a railroad town September 30th, Sister Doris Prockett it is not expected that our membership very pleasantly entertained the ten-cent will increase very fast. We certainly social. All greatly enjoyed the afternoon. enjoy our lodge and have a nice little A dainty luncheon was served. crowd and all seem anxious to do their part to keep the wheel turning.

On October 21st, Sister Anna Kimball also entertained our ten-cent social, quite a goodly number being present. A very pleasant afternoon was spent and dainty lunch was served.


The brothers lodge has also moved in the same building where we are located, and they are to give the next social. They have been more than kind to us in every On October 26th, we held our monthly way. I have heard that the attendance joint meeting with the brothers of 295, at their own meetings has been very B. of L. F. and E. After the meeting large since we have become an auxiliary an elaborate luncheon was served and

to them.

FROM L. S. 323-(Lettie Calvert, Des Moines, Iowa.) We are glad to report that our lodge is prospering and all are

the remainder of the evening was spent in playing games until a late hour, when all departed for their homes.

We certainly have good times and enjoy every social affair immensely.

Holiday greetings to all sister lodges.

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