
BOWRING, Dr. J.-continued.
Malta-Representative Government, (98) 760
Man, Isle of, (95) 269; Commission moved for,
(97) 125

Navigation Laws, (97) 1210; Com. Res. (99) 43
Parliament, New Houses of, Comm. moved for,
(95) 1402

Parliament of Ireland, Comm. moved for,


Political Offenders, Pardon of, Address moved,
(97) 1383

Prison Discipline-The Separate System, (96)

Private Business, Comm. moved for, (95) 226
Public Departments, Address moved, (97) 593
Public Health, Com. cl. 43, (98) 1219
Supply- Public Buildings, (101) 96 ;- - Public
Buildings (Ireland), 136

Tobago Relief, Comm. Res. (98) 549

Window Duties, Repeal of the, Leave, (96) 1295

[blocks in formation]



Diplomatic Relations with the Court of Rome,
Com. (101) 508

Episcopal Revenues, (97) 1282

Expenditure of the Country, Comm. moved for,
(96) 1076

Game Certificates for Killing Hares, Leave,
(96) 1301; Com. (98) 531
Gamekeeper, Murder of a, (97) 966

Game Laws, Repeal of the, Leave, (97) 919, 956
Lords, House of, Abolition of the, (97) 1058
Mitchel, John, Trial of, (99) 4, 6, 7
Native Industry, (98) 812

Navigation Laws, (97) 1201, 1210; Res. (101) 58
Navy Estimates-Supply, (97) 838

Poor, Employment of the (Ireland), (101) 533
Postal Regulations-United States, (98) 835
Public Health, Lords' Amends. Smoke Clause,

(100) 1178

BRIGHT, Mr. J.-continued.

Railways (India), (95) 927
Retrenchment, Public, (98) 1421

Sugar Duties, (99) 1314, 1315; Amend. 1416,
1438, 1461; Comm. Res. (100) 353
Supply-The Treasury, (101) 139;-Polish Re-
fugees, 437;-The Regium Donum, 450, 453,

West Indies, Distress in the, (99) 745

Bristowe, Colonel, Case of,

7. Petition (Lord Beaumont), (101) 514
British Museum-Supply,
c. (100) 1157

British Spirits Warehousing Bill,

[ocr errors]

c. 1R.* (99) 573; 2R.* (100) 481; Rep. 924;
Com. Instruction (Mr. M. J. O'Connell),
(101) 591, [A. 37, N. 76, M. 39] 596; Rep.*
614; 3R.* 668

1. 1R.* 668; 2R.* 726; Rep.* 749; 3R.* 767;
Royal Assent, 769

BROOKE, Sir A. B., Fermanagh

Ejection of Tenants (Ireland), (97) 857, 861
Income Tax (Ireland), (97) 764

BROTHERTON, Mr. J., Salford
Aliens, Removal of, 3R. (98) 858
Business of the House, (95) 251

China, Commercial Relations with, Papers
moved for, (96) 446

Crime and Outrage (Ireland), Leave, (95) 361
Crown and Government Security, Com. cl. 4,
(98) 428

Death Punishment, Repeal of, Leave, (97) 590
Debates, Adjournment of, (95) 1178, 1181
Ecclesiastical Commissioners, Res. (95) 1120
Harwich Election, New Writ moved, (97) 616
Income Tax-Ways and Means, (97) 404
Jews Disabilities, 3R. (98) 638
Passengers' Bill, 2R. (96) 1034

Poor, Employment of the (Ireland), (101) 539
Poor Law Union Charges (No. 2), Com. cl. 1,
(100) 1144

Public Business, (95) 210

Public Health, Leave, (96) 422; Com. cl. 1, (98)
799; cl. 19, 1214

Savings Banks, Com. (101) 666

Seamen, Supply of, Comm. moved for, Amend.
Adj. (98) 1253

Sunday Trading, Com. (100) 459

[blocks in formation]

Bank Charter Act, (95) 220
Bankrupt Law Consolidation, 2R, (100) 229
Bankruptcy, Law of, (100) 569

Beer, Sale of, Regulation, 2R. (99) 500
Brown, H. A., Case of, (95) 1045, 1050
Chartist Demonstrations (98) 70; (99) 235, 331
Clubs (Ireland), (100) 304

Commercial Distress-The Currency, Comm.
moved for, (95) 508

Corrupt Practices at Elections, 1R. (101) 308,
309, 310

BROUGHAM, Lord-continued.
Crime and Outrage (Ireland), Com. (95) 1224;
Returns moved for, (98) 394, 395
Criminal Law Administration Amendment,
Com. (100) 467

Criminal Law Consolidation Amendment, 1R.
(98) 877

Criminal Law Consolidation Amendment (No. 2), 2R. (99) 990, 992

Crown and Government Security, 2R. (98) 492, 505; 3R. 534, 536

Declaratory Suits, 2R. (100) 923

Denunciations from the Altar (Ireland), (95) 694, 696

Election Recognisances, 2R. Amend. (98) 400, 401; Com. 448; Rep. Amend. 449, 450, 451 Entails, Law of (Scotland), Com. (100) 508 Foreign Sheep, Returns moved for, (100) 565 France-Speech of M. Lamartine, (98) 1330 Great Yarmouth Freemen Disfranchisement, 2R. (99) 332

Habeas Corpus Suspension (Ireland), 1R. (100) 749

Ireland, State of, Address moved, (100) 632, 641, 895, 896, 897, 1098

Italy, Affairs of, Correspondence moved for, (98) 138; (101) 235, 255

Jews Disabilities, 2R. (98) 1398

Juvenile Offenders, (100) 45

Marriages and Births (Scotland), 2R. (99) 571;
3R. (100) 780, 783

Owen, Mr. R., Petition, (99) 501
Parliament, Business of, 1R. (98) 338

Parliament, Independence of, 2R. (100) 464, 465
Parliamentary Proceedings Adjournment, 2R.
(98) 983

Poor, Casual, (99) 727

Poor Law (Ireland), Papers moved for, (99) 330;
Res. 804

Protection of Females, 2R. (99) 335; 3R. (100)

Protection of Women, 1R. (100) 463, 464
Public Business, State of, (95) 1416
Public Health, Com. (100) 231, 233

Real Property Commission, Papers moved for,
(95) 1407

Rebels (Ireland), (101) 308

Roman Catholic Absolution, (95) 1405

Sicily, Alleged Interference in the Affairs of, (100) 1126

Slave Trade, The, (95) 207; Address moved, (101) 372

Spain, Diplomatic Relations with, Correspon-
dence moved for, (98) 699, 702, 757; Expul-
sion of Sir H. Bulwer, (99) 990

Spanish Refugees, (99) 365
Standing Orders, (100) 3

Theatres, Foreign, Petitions, (99) 716

Tobago Relief and Immigration, Rep. (99) 423
West Indies, The, Address moved, (99) 1275

BROWN, Mr. W., Lancashire, S.
Bank Charter Act, Res. (96) 834

[blocks in formation]

BULLER, Right Hon. C., Liskeard
Medical Relief, Res. (97) 635, 639, 659, 666,
668, 686, 690

New Zealand Government, Com. (96) 364
Parochial Debt and Audit, Rep. (101) 144
Poor Law, (97) 124

Poor Law Union Charges (No. 2) Bill, (100) 787,
805, 924; Com. 1015; cl. 1, 1144, 1145,
1146, 1149, 1150; Rep. 1214

Poor Law Union District Schools, Com. (100)


[blocks in formation]

c. Question (Mr. C. Anstey), (98) 1262; (Mr.
Bankes), 410; (Rt. Hon. J. C. Herries),
1423; (Mr. H. Baillie), 1; (99) Motion (Mr.
Bankes), 347; Motion neg. 422

BURLEIGH, Lord, Lincolnshire (Parts of
Kesteven and Holland)

Jews Disabilities, 2R. (96) 226

China, Commercial Relations with, Papers Buron v. Denman, Case of,

moved for, (96) 445

Copper and Lead Duties, 2R. (101) 609

Navy Estimates, (98) 1433

Passengers' Bill, 2R. (96) 1034

c. Question (Mr. Urquhart), (95) 1066;-Privileges of Counsel, Question (Mr. Urquhart), (96) 287

Postal Communications with the United States, BURRELL, Sir C. M., Shoreham (New)

(98) 929

[blocks in formation]

Death Punishment, Repeal of, Leave, (97) 554
Navigation Laws, Comm. Res. (99) 559
Public Health, Com. (98) 873

2 G

[blocks in formation]


c. Motion (Sir J. Pakington), (95) 248; Observations (Sir G. Grey), 859; (Lord J. Russell), (97) 968

Business of the Session,

c. Observations (Lord J. Russell), (100) 512; (Mr. Disraeli) (101) 669

[blocks in formation]

1. Question (Lord Redesdale), (95) 208; Observations (Earl of Ellenborough), 1412

c. Observations (Mr. Brotherton), 210

BUXTON, Sir E. N., Essex, S.

Cathedral and Collegiate Churches, Address
moved, (98) 1106

Church Property, Address moved, (100) 1082
Juvenile Population, (99) 466

New Zealand Government, Leave, (95) 1025;
Com. (96) 350

Public Health, Com. cl. 50; (98) 1220

Sugar and Coffee Plantations, Comm. moved for, (96) 160

Sugar Duties, (99) 843, 1156

Sunday Trading, Com. (100) 458, 459

CABBELL, Mr. B. B., Boston

Window Duties, Repeal of the, Leave, (96) 1296

Caffre War, Expenses of the,

c. Question (Sir H. Willoughby), (96) 1333;—
Supply, 1335; Amend. (Mr. Ilume), 1336,
[A. 61, N. 252, M. 191] 1381

CALLAGHAN, Mr. D., Cork City

Commercial Distress-The Currency, Comm.
moved for, (95) 1175

Crime and Outrage (Ireland), Leave, (95) 355 ;
2R. 887

Habeas Corpus Suspension (Ireland), Leave,
(100) 731

Incumbered Estates (Ireland), Com. (100) 402
Ministers' Money (Ireland), Res. (98) 325
Outgoing Tenants (Ireland), 2R, (97) 891
Sugar Duties, (99) 1242

[blocks in formation]

CAMPBELL, Lord-continued.

Entail, Law of (Sotland), Com. (100) 507, 509
Evicted Destitute Poor (Ireland), Com. (99) 997
Incumbered Estates (Ireland), 2R. (96) 1252
Jews Disabilities, 2R. (98) 1391

Marriages and Births (Scotland), 2R. (99) 567;
3R. (100) 779, 783

Ministers' Money (Ireland), (95) 855
North Wales Railway, (101) 784, 790
Parliamentary Electors, 2R. (101) 125
Parliamentary Proceedings Adjournment, 2R.
(98) 981; Com. 1256; 3R, Amend. (99) 246
Poor Laws (Ireland), Comm. moved for, (99) 78,
80 Papers moved for, 330; Res. 805
Præmunire, Statute of-Election and Conse-
cration of Bishops, (96) 635, 647
Privilege Railway Bill (100) 784

Protection of Females, 3R. (100) 383, 384
Protection of Women, 1R. (100) 463

Public Health, 2R. (99) 1403, 1411; Com. (100)
233, 235, 756, 757; 3R. 894; Commons'
Amends. (101) 141, 143

Representative Peers, Election of (Scotland),
(98) 396

Rome, Diplomatic Relations with, Com. (96) 870,
872, 893; add. cl. 899
Standing Orders, (100) 3

Unlawful Oaths Acts (Ireland), 2R. (101) 53
Unnecessary Actions Prevention, 1R. (97) 768

CAMPBELL, Hon. W. F., Cambridge
Jews Disabilities, 3R. (98) 633
Canada, Emigration to,

1. Question (Lord Stanley), (97) 1198

c. Question (Mr. Reynolds), (97) 967; (Mr. Monsell), 1202

Canada Union Act Amendment Bill,

7. 1R.* (100) 229; 2R.* 463; Rep.* 480; 3R. 509

c. 1R.* (100) 1073; 2R.* 1143; Rep.* 1163; 3R.* 1213

1. Royal Assent, (101) 101

CANNING, Viscount

Jews Disabilities, 2R. (98) 1346

CANTERBURY, Archbishop of

Jews Disabilities, 2R. (98) 1349

Canterbury, Archbishop of, Revenue of the,

c. Observations (Lord J. Russell), (96) 542

Cape of Good Hope,

c. Petition (Dr. Bowring), (99) 249


Game Certificates for Killing Hares, Com.
Proviso, (99) 1167

China, Commercial Relations with, Papers
moved for, (96) 425, 451
Commercial Distress-The Currency, Comm.
moved for, (95) 1155

CARDWELL, Mr. E., Liverpool

Copper Ore Duties, Comm. moved for, (98) 438
Financial Statement, (96) 1418

Income Tax-Ways and Means, (97) 406

CARDWELL, Mr. E.-continued.

Navigation Laws, (97) 1211; Comm. Res. (99)

New Zealand Government, Leave, (95) 1021;
Com. (96) 355

Property Tax, Com. (97) 1046

Public Health, Com. cl. 1, (98) 1176
Public Works (Ireland), Com el. 1, (100) 771
Roman Catholic Relief, 2R. (95) 849
Rum, Differential Duties on, (99) 1012
Slave Trade, The, Comm. moved for, (96) 1113
Slave Trade Committee, (98) 1169, 1198
Sugar Duties, (99) 1458; Comm. Res. (100) 78, 277
Sugar Duties, Informality in the, (100) 578
Sugar Duties Bill, Com. (100) 649; cl. 1, 654,

Sugar Duties (No. 2), Comm. Res. (100) 1046
Tobago Relief, Comm. Res. (98) 551

[blocks in formation]

CAYLEY, Mr. E. S., Yorkshire, N. R.
Commercial Distress-The Currency, Comm.
moved for, (95) 466, 1043, 1171
Sugar Duties, Comm. Res. (100) 266

Cess, Collectors of (Ireland), Bill,

c. 1R.* (98) 402; 2R.* 538; Rep.* 826, 1259;
3R. 1419

7. 1R.* (99) 71; 2R.* 321; Rep.* 422; 3R.*
563; Royal Assent, 1403

Cess, County (Ireland) Bill,

c. 1R.* (99) 1411; 2R.* (100) 4; Rep. 236;
3R.* 306

7. 1R.* (100) 380; 2R.* 463; Rep.* 480; 3R.*
504; Royal Assent, 696

[blocks in formation]

CHANCELLOR, The LORD (The Right Hon.
Lord Cottenham)

Arbuthnott, The Viscount, (99) 1049
Bankrupt Law Consolidation, 2R. (100) 231
Bankruptcy, Law of, (100) 571

British Spirits, Warehousing, Com. Instruction,
(101) 592

Charitable Trusts, (98) 534

Charity Trusts Regulation, 2R. (100) 898, 901;
Com. 1135, 1139

Clerk Assistant, The (Mr. Birch), Res. (97) 1
Copyhold Enfranchisement Extension, 2R. (99)
993, 996

Corrupt Practices at Elections, 1R. (101) 308,
309; 2R. 480

Criminal Law Consolidation (No. 2), 2R. (99)


Crown and Government Security, 2R. (98) 485,
507; 3R. 534

Crown Livings, Presentations to, Address
moved, (98) 1204

Currey, Mr., Death of, (97) 455
Declaratory Suits, 2R. (100) 923
Election Recognisances, 2R. (98) 401
Enfranchisement of Copyholds, (100) 1016
Entail, Law of (Scotland), 2R. (99) 1306
Exchequer Bills, Com. (101) 639

Incumbered Estates (Ireland), 2R. (96) 1249,
1252; Com. (98) 758; Commons' Amends.
(100) 1019, 1035

North Wales Railway, (101) 784, 785

Parliament, Opening of the, (95) 2; Proroga-
tion of, (101) 795

Præmunire, Statute of-Election and Conse-
cration of Bishops, (96) 642, 643
Privilege-Railway Bill, (100) 784
Protection of Females, 3R. (100) 383

Representative Peers, Election of (Scotland),
(98) 396

Standing Orders, Res. (100) 3

Unlawful Oaths Acts (Ireland), 2R. (101) 50

Hon. Sir C. Wood), Halifax

Address in Answer to the Speech, (95) 147
Bank Charter Act, (95) 150, 228, 967; Res. (96)

Bank of England, Returns moved for, (95) 210
Banking (Scotland and Ireland), (5) 268, 860
Budget, The Financial Statement, (96) 968,
987, 1392, 1406, 1419, 1420, 1426, 1432
Bulwer, Sir H., Expulsion of, (98) 1424
Chancery, Estates in (Ireland), Return moved
for, (95) 525

Cheltenham Election Petition, Comm. moved
for, (95) 1351

China, Commercial Relations with, Papers
moved for, (96) 438

Commercial Distress-The Currency, Comm.
moved for, (95) 374, 414, 425, 560, 565, 567,
970, 1030, 1032, 1037, 1040, 1042, 1044,
1045, 1126, 1165, 1168; (101) 401, 413
Copper Ore Duties, Comm. moved for, (98) 433,

Copper and Lead, Com. (101) 722, 724
Corn and Navigation Laws, (95) 967
Dillon, Capt., Case of, Comm. moved for, (97)

Exchequer Bills, Com. (101) 643

Exchequer, Payments of the Revenue into the,
Res. (99) 130

Excise, Laws, (95) 217;-Malt, 227;-Hops, 269

Expenditure of the Country, Comm. moved for,
(96) 1056, 1071

Financial Statement, (101) 540, 557, 558
Game Certificates for Killing Hares, Leave,
(96) 1306; Com. (98) 530

Harcourt, Mr., Qualification of Members, (99) 71
Income and Expenditure, (96) 1335, 1373
Income Tax-Ways and Means, (97) 162, 168,
204, 207, 237, 242, 252; Report, 772, 773
Income Tax (Ireland), (97) 742, 760
Incumbered Estates (Ireland). 3R. add. cl. (100)

[blocks in formation]

Poor Removal Amendment, Leave, (96) 424
Postal Regulations-United States, (98) 835
Post Office Communication between Dublin
and London, (98) 417

Property Tax, Com. (97) 1020, 1027
Public Departments, Address moved, (97) 593
Public Works (Ireland), Returns moved for, (97)
1300, 1301; Comm. Res. (98) 557
Public Works (Ireland), 2R. (95) 1126
Public Works (Ireland), (No. 2), 2R. (100) 484;
Com. el. 1, 776

Railway Bills, Comm. moved for, (95) 248
Railway Commissioners, (97) 1067
Railways, Leave, (95) 228; Com. cl. 7, 599, 600,
603; Rep. 991; add. cl. 1002
Relief Money (Ireland), (95) 266
Retrenchment, Public, (98) 1421

Rum, Differential Duties on, (99) 1005, 1008, 1079
Rum Duties, Comm. (100) 534, 560
Savings Banks, Com. (101) 659, 663

Spirits, British and Foreign, (95) 697; Comm.
Res. (99) 559

Spirits, Dealers in, Com. cl. 25, (101) 589
Sugar and Coffee Plantations, Comm. moved
for, (96) 42, 47, 68, 95

Sugar Duties, (99) 850, 1125, 1165, 1314, 1315,
1429, 1446; Comm. Res. (100) 7, 20, 45, 246,
339, 374; Rep. 503

Sugar Duties, Informality in the, (100) 578, 579
Sugar Duties, Com. (100) 648; cl. 1, 649, 656,
657, 658; 3R. add. cl. Amend (101) 380
Sugar Duties (No. 2), Comm. Res. (100) 1042,
1114, 1116, 1117; Rep. 1159
Supply, (96) 623, 627, 630, 631;-Kafir War,
1315, 1376;-Public Buildings, (101) 95;—
The Treasury, 138, 139 ;-Polish Refugees,
438-Civil Contingencies, 459;-Distress
(Ireland), 461

Taxation, (95) 928; (98) 1423; (100) 1191

Tobago Relief, Comm. Res. (98) 538, 539, 540,
543, 544, 549, 554, 555

Ways and Means-Three Per Cents, (101) 568
West India Colonies and Mauritius, 2R. (101) 584
West Indies, Distress in the, (99) 762
Window Duties, Repeal of the, Leave, Amend.
(96) 1271

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

CHARTERIS, Hon. F. W., Haddingtonshire
Colonial Office and the West India Committee,
(99) 1216

France, Ex-Royal Family of, (97) 847
Chartist Demonstrations,

7. Question (Marquess of Northampton), (98) 70 ;
Observations (Lord Brougham), (99) 235, 331
c. Question (Sir J. Walsh), (97) 1353; (Mr.
Bright), (98) 6; (Mr. G. Thompson), (99)
337, 502

Chartist Petition, The,

c. Question (Mr. H. Drummond), (98) 4; Re-
port, 284

Chartist Prisoners, The,

c. Petition (Mr. Wakley), (101) 525

Cheltenham, Borough of,

c. New Writ moved for (Mr. A Stafford), (99)
966, [A. 59, N. 47, M. 12] 970
Cheltenham Election Committee,

c. Observations (Mr. R. Palmer), (101) 761;
Evidence moved for (Sir W. Clay), 785

Cheltenham Election Petition,

c. Comm. moved for (Mr. Walpole), (95) 1345,
[A. 134, N. 125, M. 9] 1352; Nomination
of Comm. 1441

Diocesan School, (97) 155

Præmunire, Statute of Election and Conse-
cration of Bishops, (96) 644

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