THE European Magazine, For JANUARY 1800. [Embellished with, 1. An Elegant Frontispiece, representing the Town of LONDONDERRY, in Ireland. And, 2. A PORTRAIT of Lord Chief Justice EYRE.] Annals of the French Revolution, or a Chronological Account of its principal Events; with a Variety of Anecdotes and Characters hitherto unpublished. By A. F. Bertrand de Moleville, Minifter of State, Translated by R. C. Dallas, Efq. The Portentous Globe: an Enquiry into the Powers folicited from the Crown under an Act of 39 Geo. III. &c. &c. By George Griffin Stonestreet, Esq. Columbus, or the Discovery of America, as related by a Father to his Children, Cortez, or the Discovery of Mexico, &c. Pizarro, or the Conquest of Peru, &c. Irish Purfuits of Literature in A. D. 1798 22 27 29 31 36 Page 47 ibid. ibid. 43 ibic. Moseley's Treatise on Sugar, with Mifcellaneous Medical Obfervations, Haygarth on the Imagination as a Cause and as a Cure of Disorders of the Body, exemplified by fictitious Tractors, Advice to Editors of Newspapers, Pocock's Everlasting Songster, The Life of Rolla, a Peruvian Tale, Theatrical Journal; including Fable and Character of The Volcano; or, The Rival Harlequins; a PantomimeJoanna, a Dramatic Romance, by Mr. Cumberland - Epilogue to Management-and Account of a New Performer, ibid. Poetry; including Ode for the New Year, by H. J. Pye, Efq. -Verses on Sir I L's coming of age, by Dr. Johnson-Ode to the River Cam, by G. Dyer-The Watchman, by W. Holloway-The Refignation, by Thos. Chatterton - The Wintry Day, by Mrs. Robinson-Elegiac Stanzas to the Memory of Douglas, late Duke of Hamilton, by Mrs. Major Henry Bayley Sophia-and Lines by John O'Keeffe, 5 56 State Papers-Correfpondence between Bonaparte and Lord Grenville, and Address of the Archduke Charles to the Anterior Circles of the Empire, Journal of the Proceedings of the Fourth Session of the Eighteenth Parliament of Great Britain, [Continued] Lord Lieutenant of Ireland's Speech on opening the Seffion, Jan 15, 1800, 43 Interesting Account of the Escape of Sir Sydney Smith from Paris, New Constitution of the French Republic, 67 Foreign Intelligence, from the London 59 62 63 73 $2 83 84 London: Printed by Burney & Gold, Shoc-lane, Flect-prect, J. DEBRETT, PICCADILLY, VOL. XXXVII. JAN. 1800. B 5 Infelix and the Strictures on Lord Mansfield are received. We have read Amicus's Letter with great fatisfaction, and hope to profit by it; thougk we cannot flatter ourselves to the extent he appears to expect. The assistance of so intelli. gent a Correfpondent will be always acceptable. To G. B. we answer, that we are ready to treat with him for the Letters of the eminent Character he mentions. - The same notice we give to our Correfpondents in general. AVERAGE PRICES of CORN, from Dec. 14, 1799, to Jan, 18, 1800. Londen oo 000 000 000 000 • Effex 000 Wheat Rye Barl. | Oats | Beans || COUNTIES upon the COAST. INLAND COUNTIES. • Middlesex 104 10/64 Surry 102 400 Hertford 100 1100 Bedford 100 000 Cambrid. 0144 2/40 456 4 Norfolk 055 1042 065 4 Lincoln 051 639 765 3 York 041 934 070 Durham 79 84 Hunting. 101 300 049 038 850 3 Northum. 79 Rutland 92 660 052 036 650 Leicester 83 800 047 434 962 080 Derby 105 400 045 841 C75 Salop 100 1097 857 347 830 762 Hereford 105 664 047 934 1164 Wilts 8 58 10 39 029 379 9 8 Cumberl. 82 556 845 127 900 168 845 032 500 8 • Westmor. 94 6 Cheshire 93 7 Gloucest. 97 6 Somerset 104 2 Monmou.114 Cornwall 88 6 Devon 5 Dorfet 96 400 038 1031 863 8 Hants 800 032 731 1051 Berks 100 2 038 030 757 5 N. Wales 105 700 043 935 664 61 S. Wales 400 048 940 500. 000045 6 32 10 79 4 700 047 10 30 878 98 400 98 200 102 043326 600 000042 4 24 600.0 165 44 435 158 7 83 048045 021 064 STATE of the BAROMETER and THERMOMETER. 1 |