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" I pass'd, — and they were gone. Read, ye that run, the awful truth With which I charge my page ! A worm is in the bud of youth, And at the root of age. "
The European Magazine, and London Review - Side 450
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Gentleman's Magazine: and Historical Chronicle, Volum 63

1788 - 642 sider
...thoughtlefs, have 1 feeu ; I pafs'd — and they were gone. Read, ye that run, the awful truth With which 1 charge my page; A worm is in the bud of youth, And...health can health infure, For yet an hour to come j No jned'cine, though it often cure, Can always balk the tomb. t And oh ! that (humble as my lot,...
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Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Review, Volum 58,Del 1

1789 - 640 sider
...I pafs'd — and they were gone. Read, ye that run, the awful troth With which 1 charge my pa,^£ ; A worm is in the bud of youth, And at the root of age. No prefent health can health infiire, For yet an hour to come ; No med'cine, though it often cure, •Can always balk the tomb....
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The Scots Magazine, Volum 50

1788 - 678 sider
...pifi'd— and they were gone. Reid ye that run, the awful truth' With which I ctmge my pige : A worm ¡' in the bud of youth, And at the root of age. No prêtent health can health infure For yet an hour to come ; No med'cme, tho* it often cure, Can jlw...
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Little George's first journey

George (little.) - 1847 - 194 sider
...I passed — and they were gone. Read, ye that run, the awful truth, With which I charge my page j A worm is in the bud of youth, And at the root of age. No present health can health insure For yet an hour to come ; No med'cine, though it oft can cure. Can...
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Poems, Volum 2

William Cowper - 1800 - 394 sider
...foliage on, The gay, the thoughtlefs havelfeen; I pafs'd — and they were gone. Read, ye that run, the awful truth With which I charge my page; A worm...youth, And at the root of age. No prefent health can alth infure For yet an hour to come ; No med'cine, though it often cure, Can always balk the tomb....
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Poems, Volum 2

William Cowper - 1800 - 438 sider
...foliage on, The gay, the thoughtless, have I seen; I pass'd — and they were gone. Read, ye that run, the awful truth With which I charge my page; A worm is in the bud of youth, And at the root of age. II. 2 E No present health can health insure For yet an hour to come; No med'cine, though it often cure,...
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Poems, Volum 2

William Cowper - 1800 - 364 sider
...my page ; \ worm is in the bud df youth, •"* .i at the root.of age. YEARLY BILL OF MORTALITY. 3'iU No prefent health can health infure For yet an hour to come ; No med'cine, though it often cure, Can always balk the tomb. And oh ! that (humble as my lot, And fcorn'd...
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Poems, Volum 1

William Cowper - 1802 - 364 sider
...The gay, the thoughtlefs, I have feen, I paffed — and they were gone. Read, ye that run, the folemn truth, With which I charge my page ; A worm is in...And at the root of age. No prefent health can health infurc For yet an hour to come ; No medicine, though it often cure, Can always baulk the tomb. TOL....
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Poems, Volum 2

William Cowper - 1802 - 350 sider
...foliage on, The gay, the thoughtless have I seen ; I pass'd — and they were gone. Read, ye that run, the awful truth, With which I charge my page ; A worm...is in the bud of youth, And at the root of age. No present health can health insure For yet an hour to come ; No med'cine, though it often cure, Can always...
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Poems, tr. by W. Cowper. To which are added some original poems of mr. Cowper

Jeanne Marie Bouvières de la Motte Guyon - 1802 - 158 sider
...Gay, the Thoughtless, I have seen, I pass'd— rand they were gone. Read, ye that run ! the solemn truth With which I charge my page ; A Worm is in the Bud of Youth, And at the Root of Age. fJo present Health can Health insure For yet an hour to come ; Jfo med'cine though it often cure, Can...
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