
Answers, 1870.





Male Candidates.

I. (1) 1,640,084. (2) 12426872.


II. (1) 57,291 farthings. (2) 1911 years. III. (1) 216,000 times. (2) £1 8s.

IV. (1) £62 12s. 1d. (2) £5 2s. 91d.



Change £1 18s. 9d. (2) £838.

At 7 d. or any price not less than 7d. (2) 425 quarters.


VII. (1) 35


(2) 300 gallons.

10353-57100632. (2) 1,600.

Female Candidates.

I. (1) 3,192,630.

II. (1) £37 12s. 8d. (2) £5,986 0s. 8d. III. (1) £969 7s. 111⁄2d. (2) £3 10s. 11⁄2d. IV. (1) £214. (2) 1279 half guineas.

V. (1) 5s. 6d. per oz.

VI. (1) £100. (2)

VII. (1) £4 14s. 2d. (2) £627 2s. 11⁄2d.

VIII. (1)



(2) 750 persons. greatest; least.

or 0605109. (2) 27424.


[blocks in formation]

(2) 2x + 6a+ 136-7c-13.

(3) 273-36x2+6xy+24x-y3-4y2 8y-8.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]



Male Candidates.

I. (1) Fourteen millions. (2) One thousand two
hundred and seventy-five.

II. (1) 191,112 inches. (2) £32,004 17s. 81d.
III. (1) 5 hrs. 9 m. 10,5 sec. (2) £1 4s.
IV. (1) £20 16s. 83d. (2) 38. 9d.

V. (1) £6 17s. (2) Engine, £3,000 9s. 3d. Tender, £1,000 38. 1d.

VI. (1) £7,462.

(2) 3 lbs. at 3s. 6d.; 4 lbs. at 2s. 4d. 239 (2) 92 miles.

VII. (1) 2202

VIII. (1) 200. (2) 900,000.

Female Candidates.

I. (1) One million two hundred and nine thousand four hundred and thirty-six.

II. (1) £11 14s. 9d. (2) £12 10s.

III. (1) £47 78. 94d.

IV. (1) £2 78. 7 d.

V. (1) £88 11s. 3d.

(2) £3 5s. 101d.
(2) £16 13s. 4d.
(2) 7 days.

VI. (1) 23 the greatest, and the least. (2) £9. VII. (1) 55387 oz. (2) £41 16s. 8.7048d. 049. (2) 046875.


(1) 21ax
(2) 3a

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

OC - qb.

(3) 35x3y2+2x2y2-40x3y + 32x2y - 24xy3.

(4) (a) x2 + y2 (b).

(5) (1) ∞ = 7. (2) 1.

(6) 24 miles per hour.

[blocks in formation]

Answers, 1872, 1873.


(2) 1812 yrs.

V. (1) £2 4s. 10 d. (2) 81 lbs.

VI. (1) £2 11s. 7 d. +26.

VII. (1) 10 (2) £75. (3) Diff.. See Wormell's Arith., p. 124.

VIII. (1) 100-615982. (2) 84. (3) 3·464.

IX. (3) 1st No.

= 492.


5904. 2nd No. 1476. 3rd No.

Female Candidates.

I. (1) One million nineteen thousand nine hundred and eighty.

II. (1) 1436,327. (2) 3916.

III. (1) 6s. 1d. +1. (2) 69,665 farthings.
IV. (1) £1,593 9s. Ïld. (2) £2 17s. 9d.

V. (1) £3 19s. 11d.

VI. (1) 8s. 5d. (2) 13s. 6d.

VII. (1) . (2) Greatest, 22; least, 201


VIII. (1) First, £12 5s.; second, £6 2s. 6d.; third, £4 18. 8d. (2) £6 5s. 7 d. (3) 70.


(1) ・xy — 3ay2+ 3by + ax2 — 5y2.

(2) 3a-17x-3y-3b.

(3) 56x2y + 24xу1 + 46x3y2 — 32xy + 18x2y3 — 7x1y

[blocks in formation]

For complete worked answers see Huitt's "Answers to Scholarship Questions," 1873. Price 2s.

I. (a)

= 14.

756,030; (b) 655,226. Sum = 1,411,256. Difference = 100,804. Quotient II. (1) £2,470 18s. 51d. (2) £275 5s. 31d. III. (1) £12 1s. 1d. (2) 16,399 half-crowns, 64


IV. (1) 86,394 square yards. (2) 2 tons 2 cwt. 2 qrs. 15 lbs. 9 ozs. (3) 765,090 grams. (2) £5 98. 5187d.

V. (1) £3,936 98. 24d.
(3) £8 38. 11d.


See Huitt's "Answers to Scholarship Questions," price 28.

VII. (1) 6412 (2) 1·791505. (3) £4 68. 5·946d.

(4) 45 kilom. 6 hectom. 2 dekam. 5 m.

5 decim. 6 centim.

VIII. (1) 400 min. (2) Time: 40 min. Place: after the slow train has run 163 miles, and the

other 23 miles. (3) 88.

IX. (1) 10s. 2.28d. (2) £851 18.31 d. (3) 198 yards.

Female Candidates.

I. (1) Nine millions ninety thousand nine hundred and nine.

II. (1) 31875 (2) 97,533,579.


III. (1) £333 38. 32d. (2) 77,777 ozs.

IV. (1) £1925. (2) 570 francs.

V. 18. 3d., 18. 9d., 48. 74d., 4s. 9d., 38. 61d., 18. 6d., 28. 74d.= £1.

VI. (1) 18. 3d. (2) £858.

VII. (1) 6. (2) £21.

VIII. (1) 919 times. (2) 16. (3) 90.

IX. (1) 99,999 farthings.

[blocks in formation]

(2) 10ab.

5cd15ac + 11bd.

(3) a6-117649; and x2 + 3.

(4) a5-4ab4a3b2 + 4a2b—17ab4 - 12b5;

(5) (a)

and x2

ax + b2.

x= =21. (b) x= = 10. (6) 10 miles.

[blocks in formation]

I. (1) (a) 500,617. (b) 9,008. (c) 4,509,557,936. (d) 491,609. Sum = Four thousand five

hundred and ten million, five hundred and

fifty-nine thousand, one hundred and seventy. II. (1) 178. 3d. (2) £517168. 6d. (3) £138 98. 9d. III. (1) 8 ft. (2) 130511. (3) 4 lb. 8 oz. IV. (1) £34503 9s. 44d. (2) £5 4s. 0d.

(3) £71 12s. 9d.

V. (1) 728. (2) £55. (3) 12 months.

VI. (1) £515 10s. 511d. (2) £825, £450, 20 per cent. (3) 51 per cent. gain.

VII. (1) £7000. (2) 4911 and 134511. (3)

VIII. (1) £6177 10s. (2) 2. (3) £257 2s. 7·877d. IX. (1) 5 acres. (2) 15246 kilograms. (3) 10633-68 inches.

I. (1) 70707.


II. (1) 207. (2) 2799901.

III. (1) 7 cwt. 2 qrs. 7 lbs. 2 oz. 7 drs. (2) 753375. IV. (1) £5115. (2) £55.

V. (1) £55 158. 7 d. (2) £2666 13s. 4d.

VI. (1) £5. (2) £2 4s. 4 d.

VII. (1) 1. (2) 1 cwt. 1 qr. 1 lb. 1 oz.

VIII. (1) 25. (2) £85. (3) 70·07.

IX. (1) £59070 13s. 8d. (2) 1771.

[blocks in formation]
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