
Certificates for treatment in private Convulsive melancholia, 102.

houses, 610.

Certificates of sanity, 615.

Chancery, affidavits for, 616.

Children, insanity in sensitive, 36,


Chloral as a sleep producer, 213;
use and dangers of, in mania,
177; insanity from use of, 445.
Chorea, its connection with rheu-
matism, 446 ; delirium



Choreic insanity in early youth,
454; its epidemic forms, 255;
prognosis, 454; treatment, 455.
Circular insanity, 214; causes of,
237; duration of, 221-225; fre-
quency, 235; its nature, 216;
pathology, 241; symptoms, 231;
treatment, 240; termination, 236.
Clark, Campbell, his case of hydro-
cephalic idiocy, 285.
Classification of insanity, 19, 21.
Climacteric insanity, 554; suicidal
longings in, 556; pathological
appearance in, 562; prognosis in,
563; statistics, 563; symptoms,

Climacteric, psychology of, 554.
Climacteric in man, 560; in woman,


Cretinism, 286.

Croom, Dr Halliday, on perversions
of appetites during menstruation,

Curator Bonis, appointment of, 616
Cyanosis, insanity of, 534.

De lunatico inquirendo, 616.
Decoration, insane, 246.
Deaf-mutism a hereditary neurosis,

Delirium in young children, 600.
Delirium tremens, 28, 437.
Delusions of melancholia, list of
87; in idiots, 243.
Delusions, sane and insane, 243;
insane defined, 244; their legal
importance, 263; should Le
tested, 29.
Delusional mania, 195.
Delusional melancholia, 63.
Dementia, 267; its varieties, 270;
alcoholic, 443; organie, 271,
380; primary, 279; seconday,
271; senile, 564; prognosis .

Demonomania, 81.

Deprivation, idiocy by, 285; in-
sanity by, 663.
Destructive impulse, 337.

Competitive examinations, mischief Diabetic insanity, 592.

from, 139.

Congestion of brain in acute mania,
193, and Plate III.

Conium in acute mania, 178.

Diabolic possession, superstition of


Diathesis, the insane, 351; doctrines
of, 10.

Connubial affection altered in cli- Diet. See Animal Food; in melan

macteric insanity, 556.

Conscience a brain quality, 348.
Consciousness lost in mania, 164;
in epilepsy, 409; in stupor,

Convolutions, their structure and
function, 22; supply of blood to,
25, Plate VII. fig. 5.

cholia, 133; in circular insanity,


Dietetic management of the

generativus, 490.
Dipsomania, 339.

Douse on prevalence of syphilis, 419
Duncan, Dr Mathews Duncan
fecundity, 535.

Education of girls, 525; of neurotic | General paralysis, definition of,

[blocks in formation]

Epilepsy compatible with sanity, Hygiene in neurotic children, 624.

[blocks in formation]

Hyoscyamine in mania, 178.
Hyoscyamus as a hypnotic, 213.
Hyperkinesia, 309.

Hypnotics in insanity, 176.
Hypochondria, 36.

Hypochondriacal melancholia, 54.
Hysterical insanity, 479; statistics
of, 482.
Hystero-epilepsy, 479.

Idiocy, definition of, 279; by de-
privation, 286; eclampsic, 283;
epileptic, 283; genetous, 282;
hydrocephalic, 285; inflamma-
tory, 284; microcephalic, 284;
paralytic, 283; traumatic, 284,

Illegitimacy a cause of puerperal
insanity, 596.

Illusion, An, defined, 166.
Imbecility, 279; congenital, 279.
Impulse, animal, 309; destructive,
337; homicidal, 309; insane,
309; suicidal, 309; uncontroll-
able, 309.

Impulses morbid, 319.

Impulsive insanity, 309; a remark-

able case of, 321.

nosis, 515; statistics of, 515;
symptoms, 511; treatment, 512
Lawlessness, organic, 312.

Incoherence in mania, 165, 167, Laycock, T., on organic memory,

and Plate II.

Indecision, morbid, 44.

165; on general paralysis, 365.
Laziness often a disease, 49.

Inhibitory power defective, 310; Lead poisoning, insanity of, 534.

Inhibitory insanity, 310.

Legal views about insanity, 617.

Inglis, T., on hystero-epilepsy with Lunatics, their number, 5.

insanity, 480.

Insane impulse, 309.

Insanity of adolescence, 534; alco-
holic, 436; amenorrhoeal, 473;
anæmic, 590; of asthma, 598;
of Bright's disease, 596; of car-
diac disease, 598; choreic, 436;
circular, 214; climacteric, 554;
of cyanosis, 598; by deprivation,
603; diabetic, 592; epileptic,
395; of exophthalmic goitre, 604;
feigned, 621; gouty, 456; hys-
terical, 479; inhibitory, 316;
of lactation, 510; of lead poison-
ing, 607; masturbation, 482;
metastatic, 599; moral, 347; of
myxedema, 603; ovarian, 473; of
oxaluria, 597; paralytic, 380;
phthisical, 457; phosphaturia,
597; post-connubial, 607; post-
febrile, 599; of pregnancy, 516; of
puberty, 524; puerperal, 493;
rheumatic, 446; senile, 564 ;
syphilitic, 419; traumatic, 414.
Ireland, W. W., on idiocy, 279.
Irritability defined, 314.

Jackson, J. Hughlings, on syphi-
litic insanity, 420; epileptic in-
sanity, 397.

Jealousy, insane, 258.

Katatonia, 233.

Kleptomania, 20, 317, 345.

Lactation, insanity of, 510; prog-

Lycanthropia, 317.

Maclaren, J., his case of impulsive
insanity, 321.

Major, H., on senile brains, 586,
and Plate VIII. fig. 4.
Mania, 16, 141; a potu, 444; acute,
162; in children, 142; chronic,
195; delusional, 195; ephemeral
(transitoria), 202; homicidal.
203; simple, 145; diagnosis, 261;
definition of, 143; diet in, 174;
first stage of, 163; second stage of,
164; prevalence, 207, and Plate
VI.; prophylaxis of, 210; delusions
in, 207; prognosis of, 208; ter-
minations of, 209; prophylaxis
in, 210; treatment of acute, 173,
279; caused by a new lesion, 194,
and Plate VIII. fig. 5; periodie,
214; recurrent, 214.
Marriage in circular insanity, 258:
in masturbational insanity, 491:
with neurotic persons, 622.
Massage, 48.
Masturbation, insanity of, 482.

bodily signs in, 485; bromides
in, 491; self-learned, 488; treat-
ment of, 490; statistics of, 491
Maudsley, H., 3; on the insane
diathesis, 351; on phthisical in-
sanity, 460.

Mechanical restraint in mania, 171.
Medical psychology defined, 3.
Medico-legal duties of medical men
in mental diseases, 610.

[ocr errors]

Megalomania, 127, 245.
Melancholia, its definition and
nature, 37; in children, 606; con-
vulsive, 102; delusional, 63; epi-
leptiform, 102; excited, 91;
homicidal, 112; hypochondriacal,
54; organic, 106; resistive, 97;
simple, 38; suicidal, 112; causa-
tion of, 129; bodily symptoms of,
128; prognosis of, 54, 130; pro-
phylaxis, 138; delusions in, 87;
religious, 81; termination of, 131;
inception of, 127; prevalence and
ages, 128, and Plate VI.; lesions
in brain in, 69, 76, 79, 109, Plate
VII. fig. 1; hereditary predisposi-
tion in, 130; treatment of, 132, 279.
Melancholic diathesis, 35; persons,

Melancholy v. melancholia, 37.
Melancholy hereditary, 35.

| Mouth-openers, 117.
Myxedema, 603.

Narcotics, in melancholia, 137; in
mania, 177.
Necrophilism, 317.

Neuralgia analogous to melancholia,


Neurasthenia, 49.

Neurosis, insane, 30; neurosis spas-
modica, 20.
Newington Hayes on alternating
hemiplegia, 93; anergic stupor,
290; mania a potu, 444; syphilo-
matous insanity, 423; on syphilis
as cause of insanity, 434.
Nitrite of amyl in mania, 178.

Obstinacy, morbid, in melancholia,

Old maid's insanity, 473.

Memory, morbid, 165; in acute Opium useless in melancholia, 138;

mania, 164.

Menstruation, insanity from, sus-
pended, 477; in acute mania,
188; psychology of, 437.

and in mania, 177; useful against
sleeplessness, 213.

Organic dementia, 380; insanity,


Mental conditions liable to be mis- Organic melancholia, 106.

taken for insanity, 28.
Metastatic insanity, 599.
Mickle on the use of opium, 137.
Milk in melancholia, 133; in acute
mania, 174; in adolescent in-
sanity, 547.
Monomania (mono-psychosis), 17,
19, 242; of grandeur, 245; of
suspicion, 255; of unseen agency,
251; diagnosis of, 261; origin of,
262; prognosis, 265; prophylaxis,
265; treatment, 264.
Moral insanity,347; Pritchard's, 216.
Morel on delirium in phthisis, 459;

on human degenerations, 436.
Moreau de Tours on human de-
generation, 436.

Morselli on suicide, 115, 116.

Oxaluria, insanity of, 597.

Paralysis. See General Paralysis.
Paralysis of energy, 48; of feeling,
Paralytic insanity, 380; analogies,
382; causes, 381; congestive and
epileptiform attacks in, 388,
pathology of, 393; recovery,
387; statistics, 394; symptoms,

Periodicity in mental diseases,


Phosphates in melancholia, 133.
Phosphaturia, insanity of, 597.
Phosphorus in mental depression,


Phthisica spes, 470.

Phthisical insanity, 457; pathology
of, 465, 468; prognosis, 471;
statistics, 459; symptoms, 461.
Phthisis common among the insane,
459; mental condition, 462.
Pia mater adherent in general
paralysis, 375, and Plate I.

Planomania, 317.

Relapses in insanity, 214.
Religious melancholia, 81
Reproduction psychologically con-
sidered, 12, 528.

Resistive melancholia, 97.
Responsibility, legal, 313.
Restraint in mania, 171.
Rheumatic insanity, 446.

Podagrous insanity. See Gouty In- Robertson, A., on the insanity of


Post-connubial insanity, 607.
Post-febrile insanity, 599.
Pregnancy, insanity of, 516; charac-
ter of, 518-19; prognosis, 520;
suicidal tendency in, 520; stat-
istics of, 522.

Pregnancy, its psychology, 516;

suicidal tendency in, 521.

Prout on oxaluria, 597; the period
of, 524.

Pritchard's moral insanity, 146.
Psychalgia, 16, 17.
Psychlampsia, 19, 141.
Psychocoma, 18, 19, 287.

Psychokinesia, 18, 19, 309; general,

Psychology, medical, 3.

Psychoneurosis, 18.

Psychoparesis, 18, 267.

Psychorhythm, 19, 214.

lead poisoning, 607.

Satyriasis, 317.

Savage on the insanity of lead
poisoning, 607.

Self-control, sane lack of, 309.
Senile insanity, 564; statistics of

567; hallucinations of hearing in,
579; management of, 587; motur
restlessness, 568; pathology of,
582; prognosis in, 581; treat
ment, 587.

Senility, psychology of, 564.
Sensibility diminished in mania,170,
Septic inflammations in mania, 190
Septicemia and puerperal insanity

Shower baths, 279.

Skae, C. H., case of trephining.

Skae, D., his classification, 20.

Puberty, the period of, 524; in- Smith, Willie, the homicide, 204.

[blocks in formation]

Rayner on the insanity of lead Stupor defined, 287; varieties e

poisoning, 607.

Reasoning insanity, 216.

291; anergic, 301; epileptir,
307; melancholic, 291; paralyt.

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