


Stephens, Willis; N. A. Kilgore, Germantown; W. A. King, Falls City; F. O. Norris, Eagle Lake; R. R. Hopkins, Victoria; W. Y. Peterson, Port Lavaca; W. A. Rape, Victoria; H. W. Earthman, Conroe; C. W. Schmoeller, Sealy; Thos. S. Falvey, Clinesburg; Arthur J. Mynatt, Devers; J. G. Pettit, Victoria; R. B. Hooke, Matagorda; D. H. Braman, Victoria; Allan J. Smith, Galveston.

Reorganization of the Travis County Medical Society.

The physicians of Austin and Travis county met Friday night, July 17th, in the office of Dr. M. M. Smith, to organize the Travis County Medical Society, in accordance with the plan of reorganization adopted by the State Medical Association at its last meeting in San Antonio. This meeting was called at the instance of Dr. Bennett, the councillor, to organize the Travis County Medical Society. At about 9 o'clock the meeting was called to order, and Dr. M. M. Smith was elected temporary chairman and Dr. W. A. Harper as temporary secretary. Dr. T. J. Bennett then explained somewhat in detail to the physicians present the object of the meeting, which was to organize a medical society in this county, in accordance with the plan adopted by the State Association. At this juncture, a committee was appointed on organization, consisting of Drs. S. E. Hudson, W. T. Richmond, Jos. Gilbert, W. J. Mathews and H. B. Hill. Said committee retired, and later reported as follows:

We, your committee appointed on credentials and organization, beg leave to report as follows: That all members of the Austin Academy of Medicine and the Austin District Medical Society, whose applications have been filed with this committee, be accepted as members of the Travis County Medical Society, as their qualifications have been by this means acted upon. We further recommend that action on the other applicants be voted upon separately by this society. The constitution and by-laws for county societies, as recommended by the State Medical Association, was unanimously adopted by this society.

The officers were next elected, as follows: President, Dr. B. M. Worsham, Austin, Texas; Vice-President, Dr. Frank Maxwell, Delvalle, Texas; Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. M. M. Smith, Austin, Texas. The board of censors elected was: Drs. W. T. Richmond, Manor, Texas; S. E. Hudson, Austin, Texas, and T. R. Pettway, Austin, Texas. A rising vote of thanks was tendered the organizer of this district, Dr. T. J. Bennett, for the very thorough and efficient manner in which he had reorganized the

profession of this county, and the hope expressed that in his official report to the committee of the State Medical Association he would be able to show an active society in every county in his district.

The following physicians were declared elected as charter members of the society: Drs. J. T. Black, Elroy; T. J. Bennett, Austin; J. W. Carhart, Austin; F. E. Daniel, Austin; John D. Field, Manor; John B. Foster, Austin; Jos. Gilbert, Austin; G. H. Gilbert, Austin; H. B. Granbury, Austin; Frank C. Gregg, Manor; S. H. Haigler, Austin; W. A. Harper, Austin; L. D. Hill, Austin; H. B. Hill, Austin; S. E. Hudson, Austin; John R. Hunter, Hornsby; R. W. King, Creedmoor; Louis H. Kirk, Austin; James M. Loving, Austin; F. A. Maxwell, Delvalle; T. O. Maxwell, Austin; F. C. Mathews, Austin, W. J. Mathews, Austin; F. P. McLaughlin, Austin; J. W. McLaughlin, Jr., Austin; W. E. McCaleb, Webberville; T. R. Pettway, Austin; W. T. Richmond, Manor; Ralph Steiner, Austin; M. M. Smith, Austin; Geo. R. Tabor, Austin; W. G. Weber, Merrilltown; R. M. Wickline, St. Elmo; Thos. D. Wooten, Austin; G. H. Wooten, Austin; B. M. Worsham, Austin.

The society selected the second Tuesday of each month as the time of meeting, at 8:30 p. m.

The Panhandle Medical Association.

The last meeting of the Panhandle Association was held in Amarillo on the 14th and 15th of July. An interesting programme was carried out, and we regret we did not receive a full account of the meeting for this issue of the NEWS. The society is prosperous under the leadership of Dr. David R. Fly as president and Dr. T. W. Carroll as secretary.

Victoria-Calhoun Association.

This county medical society was organized on June 11th, in accordance with the plan recommended by the State Medical Association. The organization was effected by the councillor of that district, Dr. Walter Shropshire, while in attendance upon the last meeting of the South Texas Medical Association. The following officers were elected: President, Dr. R. R. Hopkins, Victoria; Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. W. A. Rape, Victoria. Charter list: Drs. E. M. Shaw, W. L. Wood, D. H. Braman, W. T. DeBar, H. W. Crouse, L. D. Shields, W. G. Peterson, and possibly others, whose names we did not obtain.



The North Texas Medical Association.

The forty-fifth semi-annual meeting of this association was held in Waxahachie, Texas, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, June 16th, 17th and 18th. The meeting was well attended and very much enjoyed by all those present, as might be surmised from the place of meeting; being more in the form of a camp meeting. We failed to obtain our report of the meeting, but learn the attenddance was very large and many most interesting papers were read. We publish in full the invitation sent out by the president and secretary to the members of the association, and one can imagine the kind of a time they had by reading same:

ROCKWALL, TEXAS, June 5, 1903. DEAR DOCTOR: The North Texas Medical Association, with a membership of over six hundred, will convene at Waxahachie June 16th, 17th and 18th.

It is the duty of every member to be present, and if not a member, you should become one. The summer meetings are the most enjoyable and instructive. We are requested by the physicians of Waxahachie to announce that the meeting will be held at the Chautauqua Park Association grounds, situated one mile from the city and connected therewith by street cars, and supplied with electric lights, artesian water and local and long distance telephone and telegraph service. The auditorium in which the meeting will be held is in the grounds; it is large, well ventilated and admirably adapted for such a meeting at this season of the year. The reception committee will meet all incoming trains and convey you to the grounds without cost. When at the grounds you will be assigned new, comfortable tents, furnished with cots and other necessaries, all of which shall be free to you.

There will be a restaurant, cold drink and cigar stand on the grounds, where you can supply your wants in these lines.

All railroads in North Texas have given rates, one and onethird fare for the round trip. You will find Waxahachie very accessible to the Missouri, Kansas & Texas and the Houston & Texas Central railroads, connecting with the Texas Midland at Ennis and the Santa Fe at Midlothian.

This is the first time our association has met at Waxahachie, and physicians and citizens of that town are making elaborate preparations to entertain us and will be greatly disappointed if a goodly number of us are not present. Considering the novelty of the entertainment, it being a three days' outing in the woods, when we can all be together and away from other people, we do believe

it will be an enjoyable meeting, and it is earnestly desired that all who possibly can will attend and accept of Waxahachie's hospitality. T. J. BENBROOK, M. D., President. H. D. MOORE, M. D., Secretary.

Meeting of the Austin District Medical Association.

The last meeting of this association was held in Austin, Texas, June 26, 1903. The special features of this meeting was the report of a most interesting case of nervous disease by Dr. J. T. O'Barr, of Ledbetter, the paper of Dr. J. S. Wooten, entitled "Tenotomy as a Preliminary Procedure for the Reduction and Cure of Talipes-Report of Eight Cases," and the clinical demonstration of the Lorenz method of treatment for club-foot, by an operation before the society at the Seton Infirmary, by Dr. M. M. Smith.

The following amendment to the by-laws was read and laid over until the next meeting for final action in accordance with the rules of the Association: "Add to those who are eligible for membership in the association: "Those who have passed successful examinations before the Board of Medical Examiners for the State of Texas.'"

A letter was read from Mr. J. M. Shumate inviting the members of the association to witness a demonstration of a new apparatus for the generation of formaldehyde, for disinfection purposes, the same being endorsed by leading bacteriologists after careful test experiments. The invitation was accepted and the demonstration proved the apparatus equal to all the claims made for it.

A resolution of congratulation was tendered the President of the Association, Dr. F. E. Daniel, over his recent marriage, which was received with some very appropriate remarks by Dr. Daniel on behalf of his wife and himself.

Dr. M. M. Smith was called upon to give some of the details concerning the sanitarium to be located at Llano, for the treatment of consumption. Dr. J. W. McLaughlin also made some remarks in reference to the same thing.

It was decided to add a clinical feature to the meetings, and endeavor to have a practical clinic to be held on the evening of the meeting, when the different members of the association having interesting cases to exhibit, would have an opportunity to do so. The following committee was appointed to assist the secretary in formulating a programme in accordance with the above recommendations: Drs. W. T. Richmond and E. M. Thomas.

The society adjourned to meet in September in Austin, Texas.



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The Texas Medical News Publishing Co., Publishers, Austin, Texas.


215 Main Street,

Corner Sixth and Houston Streets,


Subscription, $1.00 per annum in advance. Single copies, 10 cents. Advertising rates on application.


The Texas State Medical Association was reorganized in San Antonio, in accordance with the recommendations of the American Medical Association. Under this plan of reorganization, the County Medical Society is the basis for membership in the State as well as the American Medical Association. Or in other words, the way a physician in Texas can become a member of the American Medical Association is to first join his county society. If there are not enough physicians in his county to organize a county society, then his county becomes hyphenated with another county, and he should join in that county. Through the adoption of this plan, it becomes necessary for a very large amount of detail work to be done in order to cover the entire State of Texas, consequently, the State was divided into fifteen councillor districts, and one councillor selected for each one of the fifteen districts as follows: Dr. T. S. Turner, First, El Paso District.

Dr. P. C. Coleman, Colorado, Second, Big Springs District.
Dr. D. R. Fly, Amarillo, Third, Panhandle District.

Dr. C. M. Alexander, Coleman, Fourth, San Angelo District.
Dr. W. B. Russ, San Antonio, Fifth, Western District.

Dr. A. E. Spohn, Corpus Christi, Sixth, Corpus Christi District.

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