
Mercy relates her dream,

Thus they talked awhile, and then betook themselves to sleep. So in the morning when they were awaked, Christiana said to Mercy:

Christ. What was the matter, that you did laugh in your sleep to-night? I suppose you was in a


Mercy. So I was, and a sweet dream it was; but are you sure I laughed?

Christ. Yes, you laughed heartily; but pr'ithee, Mercy, tell me thy dream.

Mercy. I was dreaming that I sat all alone in a solitary place, and was bemoaning the hardness of my heart. Now I had not sat there long, but methought many had gathered about me, to see me, and to hear what it was that I said. So they hearkened, and I went on bemoaning the hardness of my heart. At this some of them laughed at me, some called me a fool, and some began to thrust me about. With that, methought I looked up, and saw one coming with wings towards me. So he came directly to me, and said, Mercy what aileth thee? Now when he heard me make my complaint, he said, Peace be to thee: he also wiped mine eyes with his handkerchief, and clad me in silver and gold. Ezek. xvi 8-11. He put a chain upon my neck, aud ear rings in my ears, and a beautiful crown upon my head. Then he took me by the hand, and said, Mercy, come after me. So he went up and I followed till we came at a golden gate. Then he knocked: and when they within had opened, the man went in, and I followed him up to a throne, upon which one sat, and he said to me, Welcome daughter. The place looked bright and twinkling,

of it, and to join it! The free sovereign grace of God is the delightful theme; and glory to God in the highest the universal chorus. Itis the wonder and joy of sinners on earth, and of angels in heaven.

Christiana's remarks.

like the stars, or rather like the sun, and I thought that I saw your husband there: so I awoke from my dream. But did I laugh? (f)

Christ. Laugh! ay, and well you might, to see yourself so well. For you must give me leave to tell you, that it was a good dream; and that as you have begun to find the first part true, so you will find the second at last. "God speaks once, yea, twice, yet man perceiveth it not; in a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumbering upon the bed." Job xxxiii. 14, 15. We need not when in bed, to lie awake to talk with God: he can visit us while we sleep, and cause us then to hear his voice. Our heart oftentimes wakes when we sleep; and God can speak to that, either by words, by proverbs, by signs and similitudes, as well as if one was awake. (g)

Mercy. Well, I am glad of my dream; for I hope,

(f) Pray, observe this dream: it is a most precious one indeed. We find it true in the broad day of sweet experience; that then it is we get the most blessed visits from our dear Lord, when we get by ourselves and bemoan the deadness of our poor hearts. True, we may be laughed at, called fools, and despised by the profane and self-righteous, who do not feel the hardness of their hearts, nor bemoan themselves for it; yet, the loving compassionate, tender-hearted Saviour is ever near to us: he feels for us, sympathizes with us, will manifest himself to us, and revive us with the sense of peace, the joy of hope, and the comforts of love, and assure us that where he is, there we shall soon be, where pain of heart and sorrow of soul, shall be no more for ever. Therefore, so far from thinking yourself from not to be a pilgrim, because you feel hardness of heart, and bemoan it, be assured that it is a most blessed sign that Christ's heart of love is set upon you.

(g) O, how blessed are they who are watching and waiting continually to hear the small, still voice of the Spirit, speaking rest and peace to their souls by the blood of the Lamb; O, how condescending is our Lord, thus to visit us, and converse with us in the way to his kingdom!

The Children catechised by Prudence.

ere long to see it fulfilled, to the making me laugh again.

Christ. I think it is now high time to rise, and to know what we must do.

Mercy. Pray, if they advise us to stay awhile, let us willingly accept of the proffer. I am the more willing to stay awhile here, to grow better acquainted with these maids; methinks Prudence, Piety, and Charity, have very comely and sober countenances..

Christ. We shall see what they will do. So when they were up and ready, they came down, and they asked one another of their rest, and if it was comfortable or not.

Mercy. Very good said Mercy; it was one of the best night's lodging that ever I had in my life.

Then said Prudence and Piety, if you will be persuaded to stay here awhile, you shall have what the house will afford.

Char. Ay, and that with a very good will, said Charity.

So they consented, and staid there about a month or above, and became very profitable one to another. And because Prudence would see how Christiana had brought up her children, she asked leave of her to catechise them; so she gave her free consent. Then she began with the youngest, whose name was James.

Prud. And she said, Come, James, canst thou tell me who made thee?

James. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost.

Prud. Good boy. And canst thou tell me who saved thee?

James. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost.

The children Catechised.

Prud. Good boy still. But how doth God the Father save thee?

James By his grace.

Prud. How doth God the Son save thee?

James. By his righteousness, and blood, and death, and life.

Prud. And how doth the Holy Ghost save thee? James. By his illumination, by his renovation, and by his preservation. (h)

Then said Prudence to Christiana, you are to be commended for thus bringing up your children. I suppose I need not ask the rest these questions, since the youngest of them can answer them so well. I will therefore now apply myself to the next youngest.

Prud. Then she said, Come Joseph, (for his name was Joseph,) will you let me catechise you? Joseph. With all my heart.

Prud. What is man?

Joseph. A reasonable creature, made so by God, as my brother said.

Prud. What is supposed by this word saved? Joseph. That man by sin has brought himself into a state of captivity and misery.

Prud. What is supposed by his being saved by the Trinity?

Joseph. That sin is so great and mighty a tyrant that none can pull us out of his clutches, but God;

(h) I cannot prevail on myself to let this part pass by, without making observation. Mr. Bunyan expresses himself very clear and sound in the faith; but here it is not so; for what is here ascribed to the Son, is rather the work of the Spirit; and, indeed, the work of salvation, effected by the Son of God is entirely left out. I am therefore inclined to think, that here is a chasm, though not perhaps in the author's original work; by passing through later editions. It really seems defective bere, in the explanation of salvation, by the distinct offices of the Holy Trinity.

The children Catechised.

and that God is so good and so loving to man, as to pull him indeed out of this miserable state.

Prud. What is God's design in saving poor man? Joseph. The glorifying of his name, of his grace, and justice, &c. and the everlasting happiness of his creatures.

Prud. Who are they that must be saved?

Joseph. Those who accept of his salvation.

Prud Good boy, Joseph; thy mother hath taught thee well, and thou hast hearkened to what she has said unto thee.

Then said Prudence to Samuel, who was the eldest son but one. ¡

Prud. Come, Samuel, are you willing I should catechise you?

Samnel. Yes, forsooth, if you please.

Prud. What is heaven?

Samuel. A place and state most blessed, because God dwelleth there.

Prud. What is hell?.

Samuel. A place and state most woeful, because it is the dwelling-place of sin, the devil, and death. Prud. Why wouldst thou go to heaven?

Samuel. That I may see God, and serve him without weariness; That I may see Christ, and love him everlastingly; that I may have that fulness of the Holy Spirit in me, that I can by no means here enjoy.

Prud. A very good boy, and one that has learned well.

Then she addressed herself to the eldest, whose name was Matthew; and she said to him, Come, Matthew, shall I also catechise you?

Matt. With a very good will.

Prud. I ask then, if there was ever any thing that had a being antecedent to or before God?

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