159 120, 955, 958 729 729 § 22. Restrictions chap. 149). ployers' liability act § 3. Contributory negli gence § 4. Assumption of risk 1070 1908, May 27 (35 Stat. at L. 312, chap. 199). Indian allotments. § 1. Restrictions on aliena 1070 480 § 2. Leases tion 159, 684 410 410 410 410 410 372 § 6. Jurisdiction minor allottees § 9. Restrictions alienation alienation 1906, June 16 (34 Stat. at L. 267, chap. 3335). Okla homa Enabling Act. 831 § 1. Federal control of § 12. Existing laws 1906, June 26 (34 Stat. at L. 478, 1906, June 28 (34 Stat. at L. 539, chap. 3572). Osage Indian allotments. § 2. Certificates of competency § 4. Trust Funds § 6. Descent § 7. Leases § 12. Authority of Secre tary of Interior 1906, June 29 (34 Stat. at L. 584, chap. 3591). Inter state commerce § 1. Commodities clause 253, 656 1908, May 30 (35 Stat. at L. 476, § 3. Unreasonableness of rates' § 4. Powers of Inter state Commerce § 6. Deviation from pub lished rates ...... rary method of conducting elections of United States senators 913 chap. 387). Creat 1914, August 1 (38 Stat. at L. 582, chap. 222). Appropriations 1914, Oct. 2 (38 Stat. at L. 725, 1054 chap. 313). Appro- 1099 1915, Jan. 28 (38 Stat. at L. 803, chap. 22). Appel late jurisdiction of circuit courts of ap peals over Porto 819 214 391 chap. 418). Army appropriations; Articles of War . 992, 1087 Art. 4. Composition of court-martial ...... 469 Art. 5. Number of officers composing martial Art. 8. Authority court 469 to 475 convene courts-martial Art. 74. Delivery of accused to state authorities Art. 92. Court-martial in time of peace. 469, Art. 93. Capital offense. Art. 96. Conspiracy to commit murder 1916, August 29 (39 Stat. at L. 645, chap. 418). Army appropriations: Federal control of railroads Rico courts 246, 510 1916, Sept. 1 (39 Stat. at L. 676, ... 1915, March 3 (38 Stat. at L. 958, chap. 93). Federal reserve act 1915, March 4 (38 Stat. at L. 1115, chap. 144). Appropriations 1915, March 4 (38 Stat. at L. 1196, chap. 176). Carrier's liability; Cummins amendment 1916, May 18 (39 Stat. at L. 123, chap. 125.) Appropriations 1916, May 18 (39 Stat. at L. 159, chap. 126). Post office. § 5. Read justment of compen 983 chap. 433). District of Columbia appropriations. § 7. Rent for space under the sidewalks 243 1916, Sept. 6 (39 Stat. at L. 727, 301 469 475 469 469 1157 1103 § 3281. Carrying on distilling busi ness without bond.. 1043 Art. 20, § 4. Public § 3282. Making mash in unauthorized distillery ..... § 3450. Internal revenue; forfeiture SS 3460, 3461. Procedure on seizure of goods § 3466. Priority of United States as creditor § 3468. Subrogation of surety on bond given to United States § 3477. Assignment of claims against Constitution. utility fran chises 570 United States.. 370, 1149 1915, chap. 292, pt. 4, §§ 19-29. § 3679. Contracts in excess of appro Taxation of corpora- 165 Delaware, 816 Revised Code, 1852. |