Kentucky. ........ 764 837 Constitution. § 171. Uniformity of taxation § 181. License or occupation tax ...... 638 638 .... 837 Statutes. 837 § 162. Recovery back of taxes paid .. § 4019. Taxation of whisky in bonded warehouse 638 638 837 Session Laws. 1857, March 2 (11 Del. Laws 482, chap. 424). Foreign 1875, March 17 (15 Del. Laws 305, 306, chaps. 181, 182). Foreign at tachment 1877, March 6 (15 Del. Laws 612, chap. 473). Foreign attachment 1917, March 23 (29 Del. Laws 844, chap. 258). Foreign attachment Florida. General Statutes. 2812. Railway consolidation ...... Georgia. Code, 1895. § 2173. Railway consolidation ...... 1149 Session Laws. 1913, p. 123. Tax equalization. § 6. Changing valuations § 7. Powers of county tax board Illinois. Hurd's Statutes. Chap. 70. Injuries act. § 2. Death outside state Indiana. Constitution. ...... Bill of rights. § 21. Taking property without compensa tion § 23. Special privileges 555 Session Laws. 1915, March 8. State workmen's com pensation act ..... chises 570 (38 Stat. at L. 208, chap. 32). Abolish ing commerce court 1020 1913, Dec. 23 (38 Stat. at L. 263, chap. 6). Federal Collection charges.. 983 reserve act. § 13. 1914, June 4 (38 Stat. at L. 384, chap. 103). Temporary method of conducting elections of United States senators 913 1914, August 1 (38 Stat. at L. 582, chap. 222). Appropriations 1914, Oct. 2 (38 Stat. at L. 725, chap. 313). Appro priations ......... 1054 1099 1915, Jan. 28 (38 Stat. at L. 803, chap. 22). Appel late jurisdiction of circuit courts of ap peals over Porto Rico courts 246, 510 1916, Sept. 1 (39 Stat. at L. 676, ... chap. 433). District of Columbia appropriations. § 7. Rent for space under the sidewalks 243 1916, Sept. 6 (39 Stat. at L. 727, 1157 1103 chap. 448). Error to state court.. 310, 859, 1135 301 1916, May 18 (39 Stat. at L. 123, chap. 125.) Appropriations 1054 1916, Sept. 7 (39 Stat. at L. 728, chap. 451). United States Shipping board .... 368 1916, Sept. 7 (39 Stat. at L. 752, 1118 1916, Sept. 8 (39 Stat. at I. 756, chap. 463). Revenue act; income tax ... 998 751, 758 617, 963. chap. 349). Corrupt practices act 1912, August 24 (37 Stat. at L. 512, chap. 387). Creat ing legislative as 913 chap. 103). Temporary method of conducting elections of United States senators 913 1914, August 1 (38 Stat. at L. 582, 1054 489 489 1914, Oct. 2 (38 Stat. at L. 725, chap. 313). Appro- 1099 peals over Porto appropriations: Fed- act § 2. Unlawful sales; ex ceptions ... 1915, Jan. 28 (38 Stat. at L. 803, chap. 22). Appel late jurisdiction of time of peace . 469, Art. 93. Capital offense. Art. 96. Conspiracy to commit murder ... 1157 Rico courts ... 246, 510 1916, Sept. 1 (39 Stat. at L. 676, 1915, March 3 (38 Stat. at L. 958, chap. 93). Federal 1915, March 4 (38 Stat. at L. 1115, 1915, March 4 (38 Stat. at L. 1196, 983 chap. 433). District 243 1916, Sept. 6 (39 Stat. at L. 727, 301 chap. 448). Error to state court.. 310, chap. 134). Nation- 287 act; income tax § 2a. Gross income 751, 758 § 2b. Fiduciary income 751 § 2c. Profit upon sales 751, 758 |