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" ... unless necessary to prevent irreparable injury to property, or to a property right, of the party making the application, for which injury there is no adequate remedy at law... "
United States Supreme Court Reports - Side 327
av United States. Supreme Court - 1922
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The Central Law Journal, Volum 92

1921 - 510 sider
...terms or conditions of employment, unless necessary to prevent irreparable injury to property, or to a property right, of the party making the application,...the applicant or by his agent or attorney. ''And no such restraining order or injunction shall prohibit any person or persons, whether singly or in concert,...
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Report of the ... Annual Meeting of the American Bar Association, Volum 38

American Bar Association - 1913 - 1216 sider
...terms and conditions of employment, unless necessary to prevent irreparable injury to property or to a property right of the party making the application...the applicant or by his agent or attorney. " And no such restraining order or injunction shall prohibit any person or persons from terminating any relation...
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Harvard Law Review, Volum 30

1917 - 914 sider
...injunction in any labor dispute "unless necessary to prevent irreparable injury to property, or to a property right, of the party making the application,...which injury there is no adequate remedy at law." "Property right" is broad enough to ground almost any application for injunctive protection likely...
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The American Federationist, Volum 15

William Green - 1908 - 1134 sider
...conditions of employment, unless necessary lo prevent Irreparable Injuiy to property or to a properly right of the party making the application, for which...Is no adequate remedy at law, and such property or properly right must be particularly described In the application, which must be In writing and sworn...
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American Federationist: Official Magazine of the American ..., Volum 18

1911 - 558 sider
...lockout with employers. He holds that an injunction rightfully lies to protect from injury property or a property right of the party making the application...for which injury there is no adequate remedy at law, such property or property right to be described in detail in the application. He holds that no right...
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American Federationist: Official Magazine of the American ..., Volum 19

1912 - 514 sider
...terms or conditions of employment, uuless necessary to prevent irreparable injury to property or to a property right of the party making the application, for which injury there is no ads quate remedy at law, and such property or property right must be described with particularity in...
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The American Federationist, Volum 15

1908 - 522 sider
...no adequate remedy at law, and such property or property right must be particularly described In tbe application, which must be In writing and sworn to by the applicant or by bis, tier, or Its agent or attorney. And for the purposes of Ibis act no right to continue tbe relation...
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International Horseshoers' Monthly Magazine, Volum 15

Roady Kenehan - 1914 - 702 sider
...irreparable injury to property or to a property right of the party making the application, for which there is no adequate remedy at law ; and such property or property right must be particularly described in the application, which must be sworn to by the applicant or by his agent...
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The Advance Advocate, Volum 20

1911 - 996 sider
...terms or conditions ot employment, unless necessary to prevent Irreparable injury to property or to a property right of the party making the application,...there is no adequate remedy at law; and such property and property right must be particularly described in the application, which must be in writing and...
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Report of the Commissioner of Corporations, Volum 5

House of Representatives, United States. Bureau of Corporations - 1904 - 244 sider
...employment, unless necessary to prevent irreparable injury to property, or to a property right, or the party making the application, for which injury...the applicant or by his agent or attorney. And no such restraining order or injunction shall prohibit any person or persons, whether singly or in concert,...
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