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" For the purpose of preserving the living and growing timber and promoting the younger growth on forest reservations, the Secretary of the Interior, under such rules and regulations as he shall prescribe... "
United States Supreme Court Reports - Side 134
av United States. Supreme Court - 1922
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Cases Decided in the Court of Claims of the United States, Volum 93

United States. Court of Claims - 1941 - 858 sider
...sections of that act read as follows : SEC. 1 Before offering such coal and asphalt deposits for sale the Secretary of the Interior, under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, shall cause the same to be appraised. Such appraisement, both as to leased and unleased...
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Decisions of the First Comptroller in the Department of the ..., Volum 6

United States. Comptroller of the Treasury - 1885 - 424 sider
...which laud is to be held in trust for said Indians, and to be surveyed and sold for their benefit by the Secretary of the Interior, under such rules and regulations as he may from time to time prescribe, under the direction of the commissioner of the General Land Office,...
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Proceedings of the American Forestry Association, Utgaver 11-15

American Forestry Association - 1894 - 588 sider
...of preserving the living and growing timber and promoting the younger growth on forest reservations, the Secretary of the Interior, under such rules and regulations as he shall prescribe, may cause to be designated and appraised so much of the dead, matured, or large growth...
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Proceedings of the American Forestry Association ..., Del 1

American Forestry Association - 1897 - 80 sider
...of preserving the living and growing timber and promoting the younger growth on forest reservations, the Secretary of the Interior, under such rules and regulations as he shall prescribe, may cause to be designated and appraised so much of the dead, matured, or large growth...
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Rules and Regulations Governing Forest Reserves: Established Under Section ...

United States. General Land Office - 1898 - 32 sider
...of preserving the living and growing timber and promoting the younger growth on forest reservations, the Secretary of the Interior, under such rules and regulations as he shall prescribe, may cause to be designated and appraised so much of the dead, matured, or large growth...
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Appletons' Annual Cyclopaedia and Register of Important Events

1899 - 890 sider
...of preserving the living and growing timber and promoting the younger growth on forest reservations, the Secretary of the Interior, under such rules and regulations as he shall prescribe, may cause to be designated and appraised so much of the dead, matured, or large growth...
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Report Upon the Forestry Investigations of the U.S. Department of ...

Bernhard Eduard Fernow - 1899 - 476 sider
...preserving the living and growing timber and promoting the younger growth on forest reset vations, the Secretary of the Interior, under such rules and regulations as he shall prescribe, may cause to be designated and appraised so much of the dead, matured, or largo growth...
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Circular from the General Land Office: Showing the Manner of Proceeding to ...

United States. General Land Office - 1899 - 338 sider
...11 relates to — THE TIMBER ON PUBLIC LANDS IN THE DISTRICT OF ALASKA, and provides : SEC. 11. That the Secretary of the Interior, under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, may cause to he appraised the timber or any part thereof upon public lauds in the District...
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Circular from the General Land Office: Showing the Manner of Proceeding to ...

United States. General Land Office - 1899 - 360 sider
...11 relates to — THE TIMBER ON PUBLIC LANDS IN THE DISTRICT OF ALASKA, and provides: SEC. 11. That the Secretary of the Interior, under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, may cansu to be appraised the timber or any part thereof upon public lands in the District...
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Report to the Secretary of the Interior

Alaska. Governor - 1902 - 204 sider
...and such patent shall then be issued in conformity with the final decree of the court. SEC. 11. That the Secretary of the Interior, under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, may cause to be appraised the timber or any part thereof upon public lands in the district...
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