[blocks in formation]

376, 377, 397, 398, 399, 401
remarks s on a ship-canal around Niagara falls,
remarks on the naval appropriation bill....601
remarks on the fortification bill...644, 645, 646
remarks on Army appropriation bill...646, 648
" remarks on Major D. H. Hastings....683, 684
remarks on conference with rebels.. ...730,
731, 732, 733
remarks on the internal revenue bill...782, 799,
833, 840, 841, 842, 843, 879, 904, 906, 1406
remarks on refugees from Texas.... ...1032
remarks on the Indian appropriation bill... 1038,


remarks on the loan bill................1200, 1201
remarks on duties on imports.........1206, 1254
remarks on the bill relating to postal laws, 1257
remarks on resolution to amend the rules, 1317
remarks on the miscellaneous appropriation
Broomall, John M., a Representative from Penn-
sylvania.......4, 8, 29, 30, 31, 40, 67, 117, 119,
220, 221, 340, 351, 352, 369, 370, 654, 665,
701, 707, 710, 711, 736, 737, 738, 739, 740,
741, 755, 760, 764, 836, 837, 843, 879, 881,
974, 1199, 1202, 1204, 1205, 1331, 1416
resolutions by.....
..4, 8, 340
remarks on the resolution creating a committee
of inquiry in relation to the Philadelphia
remarks on the bill to establish a navy-yard at
New London, Connecticut..........29, 30, 31
remarks on the gold bill..........
117, 119.
remarks on a motion to reconsider the amend-
ment to the Constitution...............220, 221
remarks on ways and means, bill (H. R. No.
...351, 352
remarks on the internal revenue bill.......760,
764, 836, 837, 843, 879, 881
remarks on the bill for enrolling and calling
out the national forces.....
remarks on the loan bill, 1199, 1202, 1204, 1205
remarks on the miscellaneous appropriation

Browning, Samuel, of Memphis, Tennessee, i
, bill
(H. R. No. 715) for the relief of.....461, 465
Brown, James S., a Representative from Wiscon-
..2, 27, 65, 66, 214, 267, 297, 352,
353, 465, 478, 501, 528, 531, 539, 562, 567,
568, 569, 702, 704, 706, 710, 757, 760, 782,
795, 796, 797, 802, 803, 832, 835, 836, 873,
878, 882, 883, 1403, 1404, 1410, 1412, 1414
resolutions by..
.297, 501
remarks on amending the civil appropriation
remarks on a motion to reconsider the amend-
ment to the Constitution....267, 478, 528, 531
remarks on ways and means, bill (H. R. No.
.352, 353
remarks on Illinois ship-canal....567, 568, 569
remarks on the internal revenue bill........757,

760, 782, 802, 803, 835, 836, 878, 882, 883
remarks on land grants to Michigan...796, 797
Brown, William G., a Representative from West

Virginia....316, 436, 461, 727, 738, 838, 928
remarks on assistant inspectors of steamboats,


Bruce, John P., resolution to pay to, contestant
for a seat in the Thirty-Eighth Congress from
the seventh congressional district of Missouri,
the salary of a member of Congress, without
mileage, from the 4th of March, 1863, to the
7th of December, 1863....
Burnes, Amzi L., bill (H. R. No. 529) for the re-
lief of.......
Butler, Major General B. F., alleged breach of

privilege by...

remarks on the, by-

Mr. Ancona......

..375, 393


[blocks in formation]

remarks on the, by-

Mr. Gooch....

.377, 401

Butler, Major General B. F., alleged breach of Chaney, Margaret, bill for the relief of.......1162
privilege by-Continued.
Chanler, John W., a Representative from New
.24, 27, 43, 65, 81, 98, 100,
101, 102, 146, 147, 183, 202, 213, 507, 565,
619, 628, 645, 647, 693, 738, 778, 798, 911,
929, 974, 976, 977, 978, 1025, 1029, 1030,
1031, 1033, 1034, 1035, 1036, 1081, 1112,
1113, 1156, 1159, 1160, 1257, 1258, 1262
resolutions by................24, 27, 628, 778, 929
remarks on a resolution of inquiry in relation
to an early exchange of prisoners.........100,
101, 102

Mr. Ingersoll....376, 377, 400, 401
Mr. Johnson, of Pennsylvania......376, 397
Mr. Loan...
Mr. Schenck..
Mr. Stevens....

...377, 401

377, 393, 397, 399, 400, 401
Mr. Washburne, of Illinois....... ......401
resolution thanking the President for relieving,
from service......
yeas and nays on the..........


California-see Public Lands; Railroads.
Call of the House, remarks on..

.700, 701,
702, 703 704, 705, 706, 707, 708,
709, 710, 711, 728, 729, 735, 736,
737, 738, 739, 740, 741, 755, 756
Campbell, John W., late lieutenant and quarter-
master of the 7th Kentucky cavalry, bill for
the benefit of.......
Canal, bill (H. R. No. 126) for the construction
of a ship, around the falls of Niagara....401,
414, 537
remarks on the, by-
.541, 542, 543
.539, 540, 541, 544

Mr. Allen, J. C........
Mr. Arnold..
Mr. Blow..........
Mr. Brooks.......
Mr. Cox..........

Mr. Holman......
Mr. Ingersoll...
Mr. Jenckes......



Mr. Dawes............................................
.544, 545
Mr. Eldridge..........
Mr. Farnsworth.................................................................... .546
.544, 545
Mr. Johnson, of Pennsylvania..........544
Mr. Littlejohn....... ....538, 545, 546
....545, 546
545, 546
.537, 538, 539

(See Appendix.)

Mr. Moorhead.......

Mr. Pruyn............

Mr. Randall, of Pennsylvania...........544,


Mr. Spalding......

Mr. Stevens...............

Mr. Strouse.......................




Mr. Washburne, of Illinois...
Mr. Wood, Fernando........ 543, 544, 546
yeas and nays on the........

bill (H. R. No. 745) granting land to the State
of Michigan to aid in building a harbor and
ship, at Portage Lake, Kewenaw Point, Lake
618, 838, 1262, 1401

bill (S. No. 241) granting to the State of Wis-
consin a donation of public lands to aid in ||
the construction of a ship, at the head of
Sturgeon bay-see Public Lands.
joint resolution (S. No. 118) to authorize sur-
veys to be made with a view to the construc-
tion of a ship, around the falls of Niagara, to
deepen and enlarge the Illinois and Michigan,
to improve the navigation of the Illinois river,
to improve the Upper rapids and also the
Des Moines rapids of the Mississippi river,
to improve the navigation of the Fox and
Wisconsin rivers, and for other purposes,
1111, 1337, 1407

bill (H. R. No. 322) for the construction of
the Illinois ship..
.547, 566, 567
remarks on the, by-
Mr. Allen, W. J.

[blocks in formation]

remarks on motion to reconsider the proposed
amendment to the Constitution......146, 147.
remarks on the naval appropriation bill....507
remarks on the bill to establish a Bureau of
Freedmen's Affairs.......
565, 693
remarks on the naval appropriation bill, 507, 619
remarks on the fortification bill. .......645
remarks on the Army appropriation bill....647
remarks on the internal revenue bill..........798
remarks on Missouri State militia............911
remarks on enrolling and calling out the na-
tional forces.......
976, 977, 978, 1034, 1035,
1036, 1081, 1156, 1159, 1160
remarks on the mackerel fisheries...... ...1029
remarks on custom-house officers...1030, 0311
remarks on the collection of duties..........1033
remarks on the renewal of a patent to Delin
......1112, 1113
remarks on the miscellaneous appropriation
Chapin, Captain Gardin, bill (S. No. 107) for the
relief of....

Charleston, evacuation of, announced...........
announcement of surrender of..................968
Chincha Islands, joint resolution relative to the
seizure of the, by the Spanish authorities..393
Chorpenning, George H.-see Woodward.
Christian Commission, resolution granting the
use of the Hall to the.........
yeas and nays on the........
Civil expenses, bill (H. R. No. 657) to amend the
third section of an act making appropriations
for sundry, of the Government for the year
ending June 30, 1865...................213, 1420
remarks on the, by-

Mr. Brown, of Wisconsin................214
Mr. Ganson

[blocks in formation]

reports from......461, 562, 754, 928, 1162, 1397
adverse reports from......
.....461, 754
Clark, Ambrose W., a Representative from New
.....2, 26,
,133, 116, 257, 277, 340, 347, 391, 449, 562,
653, 665, 666, 741, 754, 783,870, 871, 992,
1026, 1113, 1114, 1123, 1396, 1397, 1415
resolutions by,

33, 257, 277, 340, 391, 562,
653, 870, 1113, 1114, 1396, 1415
remarks on the legislative, executive, and judi-
cial expenses of the Government..........347
remarks on printing the Dictionary of Con-
....... 391
remarks on printing extra copies of the Agri-
cultural Report of 1863....... .......... 666
remarks on resolution to print the digest of
election laws...........................................

[blocks in formation]


Clerical force, joint resolution providing that all
vacancies which may hereafter occur in the,
in the War, Navy, Treasury, Interior, and
Post Office Departments, shall be filled pro-
portionately by soldiers and sailors disabled
by wounds received in battle, who are com-
petent to perform the duties
Clerkships in the War Department, bill (S. No.
389) relating to......
Clough, Reuben, bill (S. No. 316) for the relief
....47, 464, 1074
Coal lands, bill (S. No. 380) supplemental to the
act approved 1st July, 1864, for the disposal
of, and of town property on the public do-
......1402, 1414
Coast Survey, resolution to print report of...115
clerks, salaries of the.......
Cobb, Amasa, a Representative from Wiscon-
...31, 67, 83, 98, 108,
137, 138, 149, 156, 183, 242, 257, 280, 316,
371, 378, 393, 446, 449, 461, 478, 500, 501,
566, 587, 599, 618, 667, 701, 728, 753, 762,
764, 777, 778, 784, 808, 832, 838, 873, 879,
880, 905, 941, 974, 996, 1003, 1028, 1036,
1044, 1084, 1112, 1114, 1119, 1123, 1155,
1162, 1205, 1207, 1257, 1262, 1263, 1270,
1324, 1398, 1401, 1403, 1404, 1405, 1410,
1412, 1416, 1418, 1419, 1420, 1421, 1423
resolutions by
........83, 156, 500
remarks on the internal revenue bill........762,
764, 879, 905

[ocr errors]

remarks on land grants to Michigan.........808
remarks on the Indian appropriation bill, 1044
remarks on the enrollment bill...............................................1114
Coffroth, Alexander H., a Representative from
213, 257, 319, 324, 523, 705, 845, 907, 929,
1072, 1073, 1079, 1158, 1159, 1204, 1403
resolutions by.
..213, 929
remarks on Old Capitol and Carroll prisons, 319
remarks on the legislative, executive, and judi-
cial expenses of the Government...........324
femarks on amendment to the Constitution, 523
remarks on condition of Indian tribes......1072
remarks on enrollment bill.....1079, 1158, 1159
remarks on the loan bill....................
Cohen, Emile, bill to change the name of, to
Emile Cornely....
Coin, bill to prevent gold and silver, and bullion
from being paid or exchanged for a greater
value than their real current value, and for
preventing any note or bill issued by the Uni-
ted States and made lawful money and a legal
tender from being received for a smaller sum
than is therein specified.......
remarks on the, by-


[ocr errors]

....5, 6



Mr. Stevens........................................................................6
yeas and nays on the.....
resolution instructing the Committee of Ways
and Means to inquire into the expediency
of bringing in a bill to prevent combina-
tions being formed to raise the price of,
and depreciate the value of lawful money
of the United States.... ..............117
remarks on the, by-

Mr. Blaine........

Mr. Brooks...

Mr. Broomall.....

Mr. Stevens...

...117, 118
..117, 119
........117, 118, 119
Coinage, bill (H. R. No. 807) to authorize the,
of three-cent pieces, and for other purposes,
1403, 1422, 1423
Cole, Cornelius, a Representative from Califor-
nia..........6, 26, 65, 116, 257, 276, 279, 317,
324, 337, 343, 393, 401, 482, 500, 654, 666,
668, 690, 727, 738, 760, 783, 830, 831, 903,
904, 964, 997, 1039, 1162, 1198, 1206, 1256,
1257, 1260, 1261, 1333, 1414, 1415, 1421
resolutions by..
....116, 393
remarks on the deficiency bill (H. R. No.
remarks on the bill providing for a district and
circuit court in Nevada.....

remarks on the legislative, executive, and judi-
cial expenses of the Government.....324, 343
remarks on the amendment to the Constitu-

remarks on the bill to establish a Bureau of
Freedmen's Affairs.......
remarks on the internal revenue bill.........760
remarks on ocean mails to China.......830, 831
remarks on the Indian appropriation bill, 1039

Cole, Cornelius, a Representative from Califor- | Compensation, resolution declaring that the, of

[blocks in formation]

Collection district, bill (H. R. No. 783) concern-
ing the, of Salem and Beverly........ ..1032,
1118, 1123, 1202
bill (S. No. 454) supplemental to an act to an-
nex a part of the State of New Jersey to the,
of New York, and to appoint an assistant
assessor, to reside at Jersey City, approved
February 21, 1863......
Collett, Sergeant Daniel, jr., deceased, joint res-
olution (H. R. No. 171) relating to......907,
1041, 1155
Colonization-see American Colonization Society.
Colorado-see Territories.
Colored man, resolution relative to the order of
the major general commanding the depart-
ment of Washington that no, should be al-
lowed to leave Washington city, going North,
without a pass..........
yeas and nays on the.....
Commerce, bill (S. No. 310) for the promotion
of, and the improvement of navigation...461,
1033, 1404
Commerce, the Comittee on, instructions to....8,
53, 297, 337, 391, 414, 501
reports from....
461, 619, 914, 1029, 1030, 1031, 1033, 1034
adverse reports from...... ......1032, 1033
Commerce, the Joint Committee on............1258
Committees, standing...........
..79, 337


[ocr errors]

on the rules of the House..........7, 137, 665
on a uniform system of coinage......14, 1403
on the rebellious States.......14, 53, 81
to wait on the President.....
...2, 1423

on the practical working of our pension

to investigate an assault upon Hon. W. D.
..............378, 391, 644
on ventilation and improvement of the Halls
of Congress........
on immigration................
to investigate the transactions of the Gov-
ernment with the Indian tribes...........297
to investigate charges against Hon. Lucien

337, 348, 369, 414, 539, 1411
to report a mode for examining the votes for
President and Vice President, 466, 504, 665
to investigate charges against the Commis-
sioner of Patents.......
......665, 727
on the defense of the northeastern front-

of conference-

on the bill (H. R. No. 51) to establish a
Bureau of Freedmen's Affairs, 98, 688, 1004
on the bill (H. R. No. 620) to supply defi-
ciencies in the appropriations for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 1865.....280, 372, 414
on freedmen's affairs.....
on the deficiency bill (H. R. No. 709)...586
on the Military Academy bill........586, 1198
on the bill (H. R. No. 583) relating to the
pay of certain officers.......644, 930
on the bill (H. R. No. 640) providing for a
district and circuit court of the United
States for the district of Nevada, 1035, 1113
on the naval appropriation bill..... ...1157
on Army appropriation bill, 1161, 1199, 1322
on postal law bill.......1198, 1256, 1257, 1266
on the legislative, executive, and judicial ex-
penses of the Government....... ...1266
on duties on imports.
on the Indian appropriation bill.......... 1404
on the resolution regarding officers' servants,

employés of the Government shall not be in-
joint resolution (H. R. No. 121) granting addi-
tional, to the employés of the two Houses
of Congress...
bill to provide for the temporary increase of
the, of certain clerks and employés in the
civil service of the Government.............414
bill to amend an act to increase the, of inspect-
ors of customs in certain ports, approved
April 29, 1864......
joint resolution relative to the, of members of
Congress and the officers of the Government
employed in the District of Columbia....500
joint resolution awarding, to loyal slave own-
..........616, 617
bill to compensate the officers and crew of the
Kearsarge-see Naval Service.

Conduct and expenses of the war, the joint com-

mittee on......................................

instructions to................4, 189, 349, 500, 617
concurrent resolution extending time of..1148,

remarks on the, by-
Mr. Eldridge......

Mr. Ganson........

Mr. Garfield..........

Mr. Gooch.......

1263, 1332



..1263, 1264

.....1263, 1264


Mr. Johnson, of Pennsylvania.........1264
Mr. Perry......

yeas and nays on the.......................1264
Congress, Dictionary of, resolution to print extra
copies of the......

remarks on the, by-


Mr. Clark, A. W............


Mr. Farnsworth..

[blocks in formation]

yeas and nays on the......
Congressional Directory, joint resolution (H. R.
No. 106) providing for the compilation of a,
at each session of Congress......522, 665, 728
Constitution of the United States, bill submitting
to the Legislatures of the several States a
proposition to amend the......................275
joint communication approving of the proposi-
tion to amend, by the Delegates in Congress
from the Territories of Colorado, Utah, Ne-
braska, Arizona, Dakota, Idaho, and New
bill to reestablish the supremacy of the, in the
insurrectionary States......
concurrent resolution requesting the President
of the United States to transmit to the Ex-
ecutives of the several States the amendment
proposed by Congress to the, respecting the
extinction of slavery therein....... ..1416
joint resolution (S. R. No. 16) for amending
the................53, 138, 214, 478, 523, 537
remarks on the, by-
Mr. Ashley

[blocks in formation]

on the resolution of inquiry into the condition
of the Indian tribes

on steamboat inspectors..........

on the duty on printing paper......1419, 1423

.264, 265, 481


.199, 200


..524, 525, 526, 527

Mr. Higby.......155, 156, 478, 479, 480

[blocks in formation]

179, 180, 189, 190, 192, 193, 244, 531
.....201, 202

Mr. Morrill.....

Mr. Morris, of New York...

Mr. Odell.........

Mr. Orth...............

Mr. Patterson.

Mr. Pendleton...

Mr. Miller, of Pennsylvania...... .524
.........172, 173, 174
486, 487, 488
.174, 175
..141, 142, 143, 144
.482, 483, 484, 485
222, 223, 224, 225, 241, 264, 265
Mr. Pruyn
..150, 154, 246
Mr. Rogers ....150, 151, 152, 153, 154
Mr. Rollins, of Missouri....
258,259,260, 261, 262, 263, 264
..144, 145, 146, 148
Mr. Smith......225, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238
Mr. Smithers
.216, 217

Mr. Scofield....

Mr. Starr.......

[blocks in formation]


Mr. Washburne, of Illinois....1031, 1032
Copeland, Josiah- -see Patents.
Copyright, bill (S. No. 468) supplemental to an
act to amend the several acts respecting, ap-
proved February 3, 1831, and to the acts in
addition thereto, and amendments thereof,
1001, 1337

Correction of the Globe report.........................
Correction of the Journal.............. 98, 419, 683
Cotton, resolution requesting the Secretary of the
Treasury to consider the expediency of ex-
porting to foreign markets for sale all, now
in Government hands..........
Court, bill (H. R. No. 665) providing compen-
sation to the Justices of the Supreme, of the
United States, and for the payment of their
traveling expenses........
........275, 838
bill (H. R. No. 737) to increase the salary of
the judge of the United States district, for the
district of Indiana....
.596, 838
bill to increase the salary of the district judge
for the district, of Kansas......
bill (H. R. No. 779) to regulate the taking of
depositions in certain cases... .....997,
1332, 1398, 1401



bill (H. R. No. 640) providing for a district
and circuit, of the United States for the dis-
trict of Nevada.....
.....137, 317,
995, 1005, 1035, 1084, 1113, 1119, 1155
remarks on the, by-
..317, 318

Mr. Cole, of California.................
Mr. Ganson.........................................................
Mr. Kernan....
Mr. Spalding.

Mr. Washburne, of Illinois..
Mr. Wilson......

Mr. Worthington......
bill (H. R. No. 641) to provide for another term
of the circuit, of the United States for the
district of Arkansas...................137, 595
remarks on the, by-

[blocks in formation]

bill (S. No. 352) to authorize the holding of a
special session of the United States district,
for the district of Indiana.......37, 69
petition for a short-hand reporter for the su-
preme, of the District of Columbia..........82
bill (S. No. 88) regulating proceedings in crim-
inal cases, and for other purposes..........997
bill (H. R. No. 638) to facilitate judicial proceed-
ings on writs of error and appeals...120, 997
bill (H. R. No. 184) to facilitate proceedings in
admiralty and other judicial proceedings in
the port of New York, and for other purposes,
1001, 1005, 1028, 1154
bill (H. R. No. 80, to divide Pennsylvania into
three judicial districts, and to establish a dis-
trict, to be holden in the city of Erie....1005
bill to establish civil jurisdiction over the elev-
enth judicial district in the State of Texas,
composed of the counties of El Paso, Pre-
sidio, and Worth
Court of Claims, bill supplementary to an act to
restrict the jurisdiction of the, passed July 4,
..369, 461
bill to restrict the jurisdiction of the, to pro-
vide for the payment of certain demands for
quartermasters' stores and subsistence sup-
plies furnished to the United States Army,
approved July 4, 1864........................449
Courts, bill (H. R. No. 631) to provide for hold-

ing, in the western district of Missouri, and
to prescribe the times thereof.........115, 349
remarks on the, by-

[blocks in formation]


Mr. Washburne, of Illinois........
bill (H. R. No. 609) to prescribe the mode of
designating citizens of the United States who
shall serve as jurors in the circuit and dis-
trict, of the United States.........65, 995
bill to provide for additional terms of the Uni-
ted States circuit and district, in the southern
district of Illinois.........
bill (H. R. No. 754) to repeal the act relating
to habeas corpus, and regulating judicial pro-
ceedings in certain cases.....
bill (H. R. No. 664) for changing the time for
holding circuit, in the district of Virginia, 257,
350, 1035, 1155||
(See Juvenile Offenders.)
Cox, Samuel S., a Representative from Ohio, 2,
3, 6, 7, 38, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52,
53, 54, 55, 66, 67, 68, 79, 81, 82, 83, 84,
90, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 115, 116, 124,
125, 126, 137, 150, 189, 192, 224, 237, 238,
239, 240, 241, 242, 259, 275, 291, 318, 319,
323, 324, 338, 340, 348, 369, 370, 371, 372,
.373, 374, 379, 392, 393, 401, 424, 425, 437,
438, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 444, 544, 569,
587, 602, 616, 617, 665, 667, 668, 669, 683,
684, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 709, 734,
735, 738, 739, 740, 741, 755, 776, 777, 779,
780, 781, 782, 783, 784, 805, 909, 910, 911,
914, 933, 967, 971, 973, 974, 998, 1000,
1002, 1005, 1025, 1026, 1020, 1030, 1034,
1043, 1123, 1201, 1206, 1207, 1210, 1211,
1254, 1255, 1256, 1258, 1262, 1311, 1312,
1315, 1316, 1317, 1330, 1331, 1335, 1337,
1395, 1398, 1413, 1414, 1418, 1419, 1422
resolutions by, 3, 7, 47, 84, 275, 617, 914, 1413
remarks on the bill relating to the value of gold
and silver coin...
remarks on the request of Mr. Davis, of Mary-
land, to be excused from service on the Com-
mittee on Foreign Affairs, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52
remarks on consular and diplomatic bill, 54, 55


Cox, Samuel S., a Representative from Ohio-


remarks on the bill to promote officers of the
Navy and Marine corps......
remarks on a question of privilege.............98
remarks on a resolution of inquiry in relation
to an early exchange of prisoners..........99,
100, 101, 102
remarks on the state of the Union, 124, 125, 126
remarks on a motion to reconsider the amend-
ment to the Constitution.....
224, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 259
remarks on the Old Capitol and Carroll pris-
.........318, 319
remarks on the legislative, executive, and judi-
cial expenses of the Government.....323, 324
remarks on the resolution tendering the thanks
of Congress to Major General Alfred H.
Terry and Admiral David D. Porter, 338, 340
remarks on breach of privilege.....


372, 373, 374, 393, 401, 971, 973, 974
remarks on Cabinet officers in Congress, 424,
425, 437, 438, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 444
remarks on a ship-canal around the falls of

remarks on the Illinois ship-canal.............569
remarks on Major D. H. Hastings......683, 684
remarks on conference with rebels......734, 735
remarks on the internal revenue bill.........779,
780, 781, 782, 783
remarks on the bill to increase the pay of cer-
tain officers of the Army...


- remarks on Missouri State militia.
remarks on rebellious States, bill (H. R. No.
......967, 998, 1000, 1002
remarks on the mackerel fisheries.....1029, 1030
remarks on the Indian appropriation bill ...1043
remarks on the enrollment bill....... .1123
remarks on the loan bill.......................................................... .1201
remarks on duties on imports.......

1207, 1154, 1255, 1256
remarks on compensating the officers and crew
of the Kearsarge..
....1210, 1211
remarks on a ship-canal in Michigan.........1262
remarks on a resolution to amend the rules,
1311, 1312, 1315, 1356, 1357
remarks on the miscellaneous appropriation
..1330, 1331
Cravens, James A., a Representative from Indi-
.24, 219, 220,
298, 503, 530, 700, 701, 704, 709, 752, 971
resolution by..
remarks on a motion to reconsider the amend-


ment to the Constitution......219, 220
remarks on duty on paper..

remarks on rebellious States, bill (H. R. No.
Creswell, John A. J., a Representative from
121, 122, 123, 124, 508, 539, 809, 911
resolutions by....
remarks on the state of the Union...... .120,
121, 122, 123, 124
remarks on the naval appropriation bill.......508
remarks on the death of Senator Hicks......809
remarks on Missouri State militia.............911
Currency, bill (H. R. No. 703) to amend an act to
provide a national, secured by the pledge of
United States bonds, and to provide for the cir-
culation and redemption thereof............435,
1334, 1407, 1410
yeas and nays on the...
....1334, 1335
Cushing, Lieutenant William B., United States
Navy-see Thanks of Congress.

Daily, Samuel G., a Delegate from Nebraska,
24, 90, 116, 1318
resolutions by.........
...90, 116
remarks on the miscellaneous appropriation
. 1318


Dakota-see Territory.
Darling, Ezekiel, bill (H. R. No. 556) granting
a pension to.....
......1398, 1401
Davis, Henry Winter, a Representative from

48, 52, 53, 65, 66, 67, 115, 281, 301,
318, 319, 344, 354, 355, 356, 415, 507,
509, 587, 596, 598, 600, 601, 602, 618, 619,
620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626, 700, 827,
909, 969, 970, 971, 1002, 1165, 1166, 1168,
1201, 1202, 1205, 1210, 1211, 1213, 1214,
1256, 1262, 1267, 1323, 1324, 1326, 1327,
1328, 1332, 1333, 1416, 1421, 1422, 1423


remarks on the legislative, executive, and judi-
cial expenses of the Government....347, 1152
remarks on ways and means, bill (H. R. No.
remarks on a bill for the relief of the Washing-
ton Gas-Light Company..... .............462
remarks on breach of privilege..................372
remarks on a ship-canal around the falls of
..........544, 545

District of Columbia Gas Company, bill (S. No.
363) for the relief of the, of the city of

remarks on the, by-

Mr. Davis, of New York......462, 463, 464
Mr. Dawes...........

.462, 463, 464

Mr. Washburne, of Illinois........462, 463
yeas and nays on the.........
bill (H. R. No. 644) to extend to certain per-
sons in the employ of the Government the
benefit of the Asylum for the Insane in the,
149, 189, 571, 587, 688
bill (S. No. 384) to extend the charter of the
Franklin Insurance Company 189,
349, 415, 446

bill (H. R. No. 186) to incorporate the Balti-
more and Washington Depot and Potomac
Ferry Railway Company.............307, 464
bill to incorporate the, Railroad Company, 275
bill to establish a board of health and quaran-
tine in the........

bill (H. R. No. 692) in reference to the prose-
cution for libels in the, 340, 349, 1035, 1155
bill (S. No. 376) to amend an act to incorpo-
rate the inhabitants of the city of Washing-
ton, passed May 15, 1820, approved May 5,
........464, 993, 1003
bill (H. R. No. 457) for the relief of the Co-
lumbia Bank.........
bill (S. No. 421) to amend an act to incorporate
the Columbia Institution for the instruction
of the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, approved
February 16, 1857.500, 764, 994, 1003
bill (H. R. No. 735) in relation to marriages
in the.........
.........586, 602, 838
bill (S. No. 411) to amend an act to incorporate
the Metropolitan Railroad Company of
the............650, 693, 994, 995, 1026, 1334
remarks on the, by-


Mr. Davis, of New York...994, 1027, 1029
Mr. Dawes.....
.....1026, 1029
Mr. Holman


Mr. Morris, of Ohio.................995
Mr. Odell....

Mr. Patterson, 994, 995, 1026, 1027, 1028
Mr. Pruyn
Mr. Schenck....

Mr. Steele, of New York................1027
Mr. Stevens....


.1027, 1028

bill (H. R. No. 517) to incorporate the National
Union Insurance Company of Washing-
..........764, 832
bill (H. R. No. 364) authorizing and requiring
the opening of Sixth street west..........764,
993, 1028, 1155
bill (S. No. 167) to incorporate an Insurance
Company in the city of Washington......764,
994, 1027
bill (S. No. 368) to incorporate the Sisters of
Mercy in the........764, 934, 993, 1003
bill (S. No. 393) to authorize the corporation
of Georgetown to levy certain taxes......764,
994, 1027, 1036
bill (S. No. 439) to change the name of Dorsey
Edwin William Towson, of Georgetown, in
the, to that of Dorsey Edwin William Car-
....764, 994, 1027, 1036
bill (H. R. No. 764) to incorporate the Conti-
nental Hotel Company of the city of Wash-
ington...............904, 1027, 1336, 1398, 1401
bill (S.No.386) to incorporate the National Pro-
tection Insurance Company....967, 995, 1027
bill concerning the Potomac bridge and the
Center market........
joint resolution (S. No. 113) authorizing cer-
tain banks in the, to accept the provisions of
an act therein named.......
bill (S. No. 91) to quiet titles in favor of pur-
ties in actual possession of land situated in
..........995, 1403

Mr. Mallory.

.995, 996
..995, 996

[blocks in formation]

bill to incorporate the Harmony Cemetery
Company (of colored persons) in the...1073
bill (H. R. No. 798) to prevent the enlistment
of persons charged with crime in the, as sub-
stitutes in the Army and Navy, and to pre-
vent frauds at the District jail, in the city of
Washington......... .1207, 1208, 1397, 1423
bill (H. R. No. 779) to regulate the taking of
depositions in certain cases..... ....997,

1332, 1398, 1401
bill (S. No. 451) to incorporate the colored
Union Benevolent Association.............1337
Documents, joint resolution (S. R. No. 114) au-
thorizing copies of public, to be printed for
the Department of State.............1337, 1420
(See Books.)

Doll, Aaron T., joint resolution (H. R. No. 48)
for the relief of..........
Donnelly, Ignatius, a Representative from Min-
nesota.......47, 202, 297, 616, 710, 804, 1336
remarks on the internal revenue bill.........804
Draft, resolution instructing the Secretary of
de War to give credit for the one hundred days'

Drafts, bill (H. R. No. 797) in relation to cer-
tain, issued by the Treasurer of the United
States in satisfaction of warrants which are
outstanding unpaid....
remarks on the, by→→→→


Mr. Price.........................................................................................
Mr. Pruyn...............
Mr. Washburne, of Illinois .............1161
Driggs, John F., a Representative from Michi-
.....108, 275, 349, 437, 449,
464, 465, 618, 701, 776, 777,795, 838,880,
1045, 1120, 1123, 1259, 1262, 1263, 1415
resolutions by...
.....108, 349
remarks on the Indian appropriation bill..1045
remarks on the enrollment bill.......1120, 1123
remarks on the miscellaneous appropriation

remarks on a ship-canal in Michigan, 1262, 1263
Dumont, Ebenezer, a Representative from In-
.617, 834,


836, 993, 1027, 1260, 1271, 1317, 1318||
resolution by....
remarks on the internal revenue bill...834, 836
remarks on the miscellaneous appropriation
bill.........................1260, 1271, 1317, 1318
Duncan, W. H. & C. S., bill (S. No. 311) for
the relief of...........
......995, 1337
Duties-see Revenue.


Eckley, Ephraim R., a Representative from Ohio,
371, 701, 837, 1005
remarks on the internal revenue bill..........837
Eden, John R., a Representative from Illinois, 88,
90, 1116, 1418
remarks on the enrollment bill...... ....1116
Edgerton, Joseph K., a Representative from In-
diana...............214, 316, 443, 617, 700, 967
resolutions by......................214, 316, 617
remarks on Cabinet officers in Congress....443
remarks on rebellious States, bill (H. R. No.

(See Appendix.)
Eldred, Mrs. Henrietta L., bill for the relief
Eldridge, Charles A., a Representative from Wis-
10 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 338, 370, 375, 401,

415, 449, 501, 531, 546, 566, 570, 587, 598,
2602,694, 695, 699, 700, 701, 702, 703, 706,

707, 709, 728, 729, 739, 740, 741, 752, 753,
755, 778, 795, 805, 871, 910, 930, 973, 974,
997, 998, 1005, 1122, 1156, 1199, 1205,
1210, 1255, 1263, 1332, 1334, 1335, 1336,
1403, 1406, 1411, 1412, 1418, 1422, 1423
resolution by..
remarks on a motion to reconsider the amend-
dment to the Constitution........... ......195,
196, 197, 198, 199, 531
remarks on the resolution tendering the thanks
21 of Congress to Major General A. H. Terry
and Admiral D. D. Porter................................338



Eldridge, Charles A., a Representative from Wis- Ericsson, John, bill for the rel. No. 214) to


remarks on breach of privilege, 375, 401,973,974
remarks on trade with the rebel States .....415
remarks on a ship-canal around the falls of
remarks on the bill to establish a Bureau of
Freedmen's Affairs........

remarks on the Illinois ship-canal.

remarks on the naval appropriation bill.....598
remarks on the internal revenue bill.........699,

700, 1406

Executive Departments, bill (H..

provide that the Secretaries of, may occupy
seats on the floor of the House of Represent-
atives............................414, 415, 419, 437, 1398
remarks on the, by-

Mr. Blaine.....

Mr. Cox.....



425, 437, 438, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 444


Mr. Edgerton


Mr. Ganson

.419, 420, 421

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

remarks on the bill for the relief of H. A. Brig-
remarks on the bill to increase the pay of cer-
tain officers of the Army..
remarks on rebellious States, bill (H. R. No.
.997, 998
remarks on the enrollment bill. 1122, 1156
remarks on the loan bill...
.1199, 1205
remarks on compensating the officers and crew
of the Kearsarge..

remarks on duties on imports........... .1255
remarks on extending the time of the commit-
tee on the conduct of the war.............. 1263
remarks on the miscellaneous appropriation
bill............... ...............1332, 1422, 1423
Election, bill to fix the time for the, of Repre-
sentatives in the Congress of the United
Election laws, digest of, resolution to print...754,
remarks on the, by-

[blocks in formation]

Mr. Washburne, of Illinois...............754
Elections, bill (S. No. 37) to prevent officers of
the Army and Navy, and other persons en-
gaged in the military or naval service of the
United States, from interfering in, in the
.1004, 1036
yeas and nays on the..........
..1004, 1005
Elections, the Committee of, reports from, .755,
Electoral College, joint resolution (H. R. No.
126) declaring certain States not entitled to
representation in the.....65, 82, 505, 602, 618
remarks on the, by-

[blocks in formation]

Eliot, Thomas D., a Representative from Mas-
sachusetts...2, 8, 26, 42, 79, 80, 115, 234, 281,

291, 298, 299, 300, 337, 415, 461, 562, 563,
564, 565, 566, 646, 688, 689, 690, 691, 693,
694, 752, 910, 929, 968, 1029, 1030, 1032,
1033, 1115, 1116, 1117, 1402, 1403, 1404
resolutions by........2, 8, 26, 337, 752, 929, 1032
remarks on the joint resolution that Louisiana
may resume its political relations...........26
remarks on the bill to establish a Bureau of
Freedmen's Affairs......
........80, 563,

564, 565, 566, 688, 689, 690, 691,693, 694
remarks on the rebellious States, bill (H. R.
No. 602)............281, 291, 298, 299, 300, 968
remarks on the fortification bill..... ...646
remarks on the mackerel fisheries...1029, 1030
remarks on the collection of duties..1032, 1033
remarks on the enrollment bill..1115, 1116, 1117
Emigration, bill to provide for the protection of

overland, to the States and Territories of the

Employés, resolution directing the Clerk of the

House to execute the resolution of July 4,
1864, for the payment of certain allowances
therein named to the officers, clerks, and

yeas and nays on the.......
English, James E., a Representative from Con-
Enrolled Bills, the Joint Committee on..........67
reports from.....
.....67, 69, 83, 98, 108,
149, 183, 242, 280, 291, 316, 371, 378, 393,
446, 461, 478, 537, 566, 587, 599, 618, 728,
764, 784, 832, 838, 879, 880, 941, 974, 996,
1003, 1028, 1036, 1084, 1112, 1119, 1123,
1155, 1162, 1205, 1207, 1257, 1262, 1270,
1324, 1398, 1401, 1402, 1403, 1404, 1405,
1410, 1416, 1418, 1419, 1420, 1421, 1423
Enrollment and license, bill (H. R. No. 738) re-
lating to the, of certain vessels.............596,
1031, 1118, 1123, 1202


Mr. Thayer................................................ 424, 446, 447
Mr. Wilson....

(See Appendix.)


Express and other transportation companies, bill
to authorize, to sell unclaimed freight....149


Farnsworth, John F., a Representative from
..8, 24, 32, 36, 37, 38, 48,
50, 65, 66, 67, 81, 82, 86, 87, 88, 89, 102,
115, 116, 149, 200, 201, 215, 224, 280, 326,
339, 345, 349, 369, 371, 373, 374, 375, 379,
391,392, 414, 415, 501, 502, 503, 504, 522,
546, 651, 668, 698, 700, 701, 702, 704, 728,
731, 738, 739, 741, 756, 879, 880, 883, 909,
911, 912, 914, 930, 932, 933, 964, 976, 979,
1083, 1160, 1215, 1257, 1258, 1260, 1328,
1329, 1331, 1332, 1339, 1401, 1409, 1416
resolution by..
remarks on the reciprocity treaty....... 32
remarks on the bill for the relief of Major W.
H. Jameson
..36, 37
remarks on the request of Mr. Davis, of Mary-
land, to be excused from service on the Com-
mittee on Foreign Affairs.....
remarks on a resolution of inquiry in relation
to an early exchange of prisoners..........102
remarks on a motion to reconsider the amend-
ment to the Constitution....200, 201, 215, 224
remarks on the resolution tendering the thanks
of Congress to Major General A. H. Terry
and Admiral D. D. Porter........... ..339
remarks on the legislative, executive, and judi-
cial expenses of the Government..... .345
remarks on breach of privilege................371,
373, 374, 375

remarks on printing the Dictionary of Congress,
391, 392
remarks on trade with the rebel States......415
remarks on the duty on paper.....502, 503, 504
remarks on a ship-canal around the falls of
remarks on the Army appropriation bill...651,
remarks on the internal revenue bill........698,
879,880, 883
remarks on conference with rebels..
remarks on the bill to increase the pay of cer-
tain officers of the Army.......
remarks on railroad communication with the
capital of the United States......911, 912, 914
remarks on the bill defining the pay of certain
officers of the Army....930, 932, 933
remarks on the bill for enrolling and calling out
the national forces.........976, 979, 1083, 1160
remarks on the resolution for the relief of Wood-

[merged small][ocr errors]

ruff & Beach and others.....................1215
remarks on the bill relating to the postal laws,
remarks on the miscellaneous appropriation
bill.........1258, 1260, 1328, 1329, 1331, 1332
remarks on the resolution in regard to officers'
.......1399, 1401
Fenton, Reuben E., a Representative from New
York, resignation of.......
Field, A. P., a citizen of Louisiana, resolution
ereating a committee to inquire into an alleged
breach of privilege by....371, 971
remarks on the, by-
Path To 17...374
.971, 972, 973, 974

[blocks in formation]
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