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That VISKOLEIN aborts
Typhoid and other forms
of fever, Pneumonia, In-
fluenza, Pyemia, Septice-
mia and all diseases of Zymotic
origin, results obtained by hun-
dreds of physicians prove be-
yond a shadow of a doubt.

VISKOLEIN is used hypodermically and per orem.

Full clinical reports, formula and other literature with samples, will be sent to any phy sicians desiring them.




A sample consists of Hypodermic Solution, Capsules and Tablets, sufficient for an average case.

Address THE VISKOLEIN CO., 221 Fulton St.

New York.


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Judging from the thousands of requests for samples of

♦♦♦♦ ACNEINE ••••

And the many orders that have followed from
physicians all over the country, we are led to
believe that a satisfactory treatment for corruptive
skin diseases is not as yet generally known to the
profession. No evidence of the true value of any
remedy is equal to the Doctor's own experience.
To prove our claims for

♦♦♦♦ ACNEINE ♦♦♦♦

We will cheerfully forward to any physician, on
request, a sample and allow it to speak for itself as
to whether or not it possesses sufficient merit to
warrant a continuation of its use.


Successors to DERMA THERAPIA CO., Omaha, Neb.


"You have a specific for the treatment of ACNE and ECZEMA. I have used it successfully."

A. W. K. NEWTON, M. D., Boston, Mass.

"I used the sample of ACNEINE which you sent me in a case of ACNE ROSACEA. It worked like magic. I think it a simple preparation and cleanly, but a good one for all that."

JOHN H. BAUGH, M. D., Clifton, Okla.

"I am much pleased with your preparation. Enclosed please find $1.00, for which send me 4 doz. ACNEINE.”

A. LAGORIO, M. D., Pasteur Institute.

"I am well pleased with your preparation. Send me four tubes of ACNEINE C. O. D."

M. B. JEWETT, M. D., New York City, N. Y.



THAT the remedy par excellence for reducing the heart's action without diminishing its fulness and strength at the same time causing a dry, harsh skin to become moist and cool, is

Veratrum Viride

Of this valuable therapeutical agent there are many (so-called) on the market, some so manufactured as to be almost noxious in action, causing severe nausea and vomiting, with well-nigh symptoms of collapse, and in nervous or hysterical persons a sensation of strangling and difficult breathing, which greatly alarms the friends and frequently even the physician in attendance.


Veratrum Viride

was manufactured for years by Dr. W. C. Norwood, of Mount Lebanon, Columbia County, N. Y., and is still to be procured. The medical profession may depend upon Norwood's Veratrum Viride being constant in action, and will be found to be invaluable in all febrile conditions, controlling and regulating the action of the heart and arteries.

To an adult male the proper dose is five drops, the dose to be increased by one drop administered at the end of every third hour, till the pulse is reduced to 65 beats per minute. When that stage has been reached, it is a simple matter to keep the heart's action down to that number without causing any nausea or vomiting.

Norwood's Original Veratrum Viride is the only agent that will render the pulse rate slower in health than natural and not diminish its fulness and strength. It never renders a pulse weak in health or

disease, except when given in doses sufficiently large to nauseate. After use by Dr. Norwood for thirty-six years, he confidently says that his Veratrum Viride is destitute of all poisonous effects in any dose. however large or small.

Dr. Norwood was awarded a gold medal by the United States Medical Society.

The Canadian Profession are invited to try this Preparation.

It can be procured through the trade or direct from


Mount Lebanon, Columbia County, N. Y.

"Norwood" is blown into every bottle
containing this Preparation.

These goods can be secured from C. N. Crittenton & Co., New York, N. Y.

Rochester Combination Sterilizers.

Hot Air. Steam.
Boiling Water.

These Sterilizers are so constructed that DRY HEAT or STEAM can be turned into the sterilizing chamber at will by sm ply opening or shutting a valve. Thus instruments and dressings can be heated by hot air up to 2120 F., then steam can be turned in, and after the articles are sterilized they can be thoroughly dried off again. If desired, the base can be utilized to sterilize instruments in BOILING WATER (soda solution), and the whole upper part used for steam sterilizing dressings at the same time.

This makes the most complete office Sterilizer on the market. It is one of the cheapest, too. If interested, write for prices, or ask your instrument dealer about them.

WILMOT CASTLE & CO., 17 Elm Street, Rochester, N. Y.



WHEELER'S COMPOUND ELIXIR OF PHOSPHATES AND CALISAYA. A Nerve Food and Nutritive Tonic for the treatment of Consumption, Bronchitis, Scrofula, and all forms of Nervous Debility.

NOTABLE PROPERTIES.-As reliable in Dyspepsia as Quinine in Ague. Secures the largest percentage of benefit in Consumption and all Wasting Diseases, by determining the perfect digestion and assimilation of food. When using it, Cod Liver Oil may be taken without repugnance. It renders success possible in treating chronic diseases of Women and Children, who take it with pleasure for prolonged periods, a factor essential to good will of the patient. Being a Tissue Constructive, it is the best general utility compound for Tonic Restorative purposes we have, no mischievous effects resulting from exhibiting it in any possible morbid condition of the system.

Phosphates being a NATURAL FOOD PRODUCT no substitute can do their work.

DOSE: For an adult, one tablespoonful three times a day after eating; from 7 to 12 years of age, one desertspoonful; from 2 to 7, one teaspoonful. For infants, from 5 to 20 drops, according to age.

Prepared at the Chemical Laboratory of

T. R. WHEELER, M. D., Montreal, P. Q.

To prevent substitution, put up in bottles only, and sold by all Druggists at








"I believe firmly in the curability of gonorrhoea. No remedy has served my purpose in the treatment of Gonorrheal Vaginitis better than VITOGEN. The gonorrheal, as well as the simple types, yield to VITOGEN. * * * * In fact it represents a most cleanly, reliable means of curing all types of Vaginitis."





The ideal surgical dusting powder dispensed by druggists or sent by mail on receipt of price: 2 oz., 50c; 4 oz., $1.00. Canadian price: 2 oz., 60c; 4 oz.. $1.20.

[blocks in formation]

Mfg. Chemists THE G. F. HARVEY CO., Saratoga Springs, N. Y.

Canadian Branch: Mille Roches, Ont., KEZAR and BENNETT, Agents. London, England, THOS. CHRISTY & CO., 4, 10, 12 Old Sevan Lane, Upper

Thames Street.

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