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The Animal Extracts

perfectly sterilized-prepared according to Dr. William A. Hammond's formulæ, in his laboratory at Washington, D. C., and under his immediate supervision, can now be obtained directly of The Columbia Chemical Company, 90 South Fifth Avenue, New York, or through any druggist, at the price of $2.00 a bottle.

The extracts at present manufactured are:

CEREBRINE from the brain for diseases of the brain;

MEDULLINE from the spinal cord, for diseases of the cord;
CARDINE from the heart, for diseases of the heart;
TESTINE from the testes, for diseases of the testes;
OVARINE from the ovaries, for diseases of the ovaries;
MUSCULINE from the muscles, for diseases of the muscles.

Others are in process of preparation, and when ready the fact will be duly announced to the profession.

Several months are required for the extraction of the essential principle of the organs Extracts purporting to be make in a few days are absolutely inert, and from their liability to decomposition, are dangerous.

All the existing literature on the subject of the Animal Extracts


and used in accordance with his theory of their action, will be supplied to members of the medical profession GRATIS on application to

THE COLUMBIA CHEMICAL CO., 90 South Fifth Avenue, New York.

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Pil. Hydrargyri Tannici

"W. H. S. & Co."

The Safest of Mercurials; does
not Irritate or Salivate.

For All Forms and Stages of Syphilis,

and Useful in all Cases in which Mercurials are Indicated whether for trancient or prolonged employment. (Pills of one-half and one grain each.)

Pil. Phenacetine et Salophen


(5 grains.)

"W. H. S. & Co."

A useful pill for every day
practice in all seasons.

or Influenza (la grippe), Acute Rheumatism, and all Rheumatoid Affections, Pertussis, and Inflammatory Conditions in which pain is a factor. (Also pills of Phenatetine and Salol).


Pil. Quiniæ, Ferri et Zinci

[blocks in formation]

Pil. Cupri Arsenitis

"W. H. S. & Co."

Arsenite of Copper Has Been
Widely Endorsed by Physicians.

or Diarrhea, Dysentery of Phthisis, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Typhoid Fever, and all gastro-intestinal fermentations. (Pills of 1-5000; 1-3000 and 1-100


[blocks in formation]
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