
however, a remarkable circumstance, that, excepting in the ruling families, the unceasing importations of Caucasian female slaves, victims of inroads, which for a succession of ages swept the populations of Southern Asia, and the whole of Northwestern Europe, independent of similar devastations perpetrated by Mongolic nations, at still earlier periods, over the Yuchi and other Oriental Asiatics, the Caucasian stock should have left such scanty outward evidence in the masses of the conquerors. The lower innervation, and consequent deadly apathy, in the relations of humanity, alone can account for it. Small as the influence may be in other respects, it has, nevertheless, tended to produce, on the north of the great wall of China, a Caucasian ratiocination, which the Kara-kuthai, and all Tahtars evince, in the Islam religious expansion.

Batu Khan, nephew of Genghiz, formed, about 1223, the celebrated Golden horde in Kiptchack, a state between the Don, Volga, and Yaik, where, with the habits of various races of mixed and true Caucasians, an immense caravan trade was created, and extended to Samarkand and China on the one side, and on the other came to Astrakan, and thence, by the Volga, to Cazan and the Baltic, or by the Don to Azoff, or, lastly, by the Kur and Rion, reached the post where the Genoese had revived the trade of ancient Colchis, a wise and industrial system, which, while it lasted, conferred such riches on the government and people, that the resplendent name above noted was the consequence. But that the evident advantages of a peaceful policy could not wholly restrain the habits of rapine, is evident; for it was at this period, 1237, 1241, that Batu, with the Kiptchack or Komans, and Petah Khan, with the Telebog and Nogai swarms, made those great inroads upon eastern Europe which nearly depopulated Russia, Poland, Hungary, and adjacent provinces. But the successes

(the Bergmen and dwarfs of every legend), and their dragon guardians Caucasian Fins, such as the Niron, who seem at all times to have recognized a dragon for their national standard.

of so many ages at length appear to have blunted the restless characters of the Mongolic stock, and their habits became stationary. Pastoral nations, though often conquerors, ever finish by receding before the steady progress of energetic cultivators. It is exemplified, in this case, by the gradual reäction which sends the Caucasian eastward, to recover the debatable ground. After 1800 years of conflict, he has already regained a great portion of the original seat of the Hyperborean type.

Russia has subdued several nations who have little or no history; among others, some of real Mongolic descent, and the Sogha, or Yakutsk, of all men the most hardy, together with the lofty Tschutski, of pretended American origin, but neither appearing to be true Mongols. An important consideration affects the condition of these arctic nations of Asia, namely, the fast decrease of the Reindeer, both domestic and wild, threatening, at no distant period, to reduce the already miserable existence of the people to starvation, where no migration towards the south can offer to improve their lot. The cause of this privation of almost the only source of comfort, in those dreary regions, is not yet fully explained, although several tribes are already totally destitute of their domestic flocks. It may be here, as in North America, that some law in nature is operating, in combination with the progress of civilized nations, to change the character of the high north, and leave it a desert, with scarcely a human tribe able to subsist on it; indeed, the only people must, ultimately, be Samoyed, Esquimaux, and Lapland fish-eating Hyperboreans; the sole remaining race of the beardless stock to which we have space to refer.

This people, in both continents, being ever greatly restricted in food, either at no time acquired the full stature of the type, or it still retains the original appearance, from which the nations in better circumstances have passed to more ample structures. Though diminutive, they possess all the characteristics of the Mongolic form, so far as they remain unmixed; but in several instances they have formed unions with the

nearest ejected Caucasian tribes in Eastern Asia, and also, in extending along the arctic shores to the west. By means of their snow skates, their Reindeer, and their seal-skin coracles, they found means to traverse a great space in less time than other migrators; to cross over ice in winter; to pass the Asiatic Mediterranean, which, at that period, may not, as yet, have been totally absorbed; or to cross Behring's Strait, which, however, they do not seem to have accomplished until ages had elapsed. In this manner, they came early in contact and commixture with Caucasians, such as the western Yeta tribes, on the shores of the sea, or those they may have found to the west of it, about the Ouralian mountains, and formed the Finnic subtypical stem, on one side, and the Tschudic on the other. Both these suppositions are strengthened by the appearance of Finnic words in the Mexican language, and by a similar occurrence in the Basque dialect of the Pyrenees, while, on the plains of the north-west, other facts show how near an intimacy was established between the ancient Swedes and the Huns, and between these and the Magyars, who were kindred of the Turks.

While this stem of the Mongolic type is thus shown to have spread at a remote period, and to have been mixed in the more temperate climates of the old continent, it is, in a pure state, evidently less ancient than the other populations of America; for it has only been permitted to dwell in regions never occupied, or totally forsaken by them, that is, the Polar and north-west coast; and as they were thus not wanted to assist the necessities of anterior colonists, they have continued to be regarded as enemies, being still unmercifully slaughtered by the stern Indian, on all occasions where he can glut his passion for bloodshed, under the pretext that all the Esquimaux are



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APPEARS to have arisen from an interunion of the two great typical forms of the north; for its characteristics become prominent in proportion as the respective alliance with one or the other is predominant; thus, while the Skrict-Finn or Laplander, nearly of pure Hyperborean blood, verges in the same degree to the Mongole stock, the Finlander is in structure entirely a Caucasian, though both speak dialects of the same language here, as elsewhere, showing the ready predominance of the Caucasian blood. All the nations of this stem have considerable flexibility of voice, and consequently a great facility in acquiring the languages of their neighbors and of strangers; and hence the Sclavonic and Teutonic dialects have swept away the Finnic in all places where the resident tribes were not isolated by the nature of their country. In Asia the Tschutski are of similar origin as the more western Finns,* and seem to represent the parent stock whence several nations of America take their source, while they are claimed as the most ancient miners of the Alta; a character which again recurs among their kindred of the west. Industrious from necessity, the scattered, less warlike tribes, with that Mongolic tact for applying artificial aids in their labor, early found walrus teeth sufficient to separate portions of meteoric iron or aerolite, anciently more often found in large masses than at present; with the aid of stones they learnt to hammer it into tools, and


*Tschutski and Finn are convertible terms in Northern Russia. Tschudi is the Russian name of Finland, and the true appellation of the ancient Scythians. Joten were the giant families, or Gothic Finns of the Germans. There is still a tribe of Tusci remaining among the inhabitants of Circassia; and if Rauwolf be correct, the Druses of Libanus were called Trusci. This indicates a portion of the Finnic race to have moved, at a remote age, through Asia Minor towards Syria, and it may thus have formed one of the early constituents of the Imilicon cf Palestine. From the Altaic gold mines to the west they were in all places troglodytes and miners.

subsequently into the celebrated swords of the ancient north. Horns of the Elk, and antlers of Reindeer, made ready shovels and pickaxes; and having already a knowledge of meteoric metal, they soon found, that by digging, ores might be brought up from beneath the surface.*

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The zone of earth given them as a patrimony being intersected at right angles by many enormous rivers by the Iceland or German Sea - by the White Sea - by the still remaining portions of the Asiatic Mediterranean - by Behring's Straits and unceasing winters causing many sufferings to migrators on the east and west, they, like all other men, must have desired to wander to more genial and passable regions; and accordingly, nations arising from this branch of the Mongolic stock, gradually more and more mixed with Caucasians, can be traced southward, down to the great central range of mountains, where they were met by the opposite commixture of swarthy races, while the purest typical form of the bearded. type clung to the line of mountain prolongation, or occupied parallels along it to the western extremity of Europe. The commixture of two typical races, as before observed, is often productive of larger growth among individuals, especially if the northern Caucasian predominate. On the edge where they encountered the Hyperborean, they mixed with it, perhaps alternately as subjects or captives, and as masters, until both were pressed by others, again subdued, or driven forward to other regions. Several of these, and other nations hereafter noticed, can be traced back to the Colchian sea-ports, to the shores of the Meotic estuary and Tauric Chersonesus, where materials for navigating the great rivers of Scythia first improved their experience to dare the more open sea of the Euxine, ascend the Danube, or pass through the Bosphorus into the

*We find them tenants of Southern Siberia, up to the vicinity of the Jenissei about Krasnojarsk, where Pallas discovered an iron mine still retaining stone hammers and brass tools, ascribed by the present Tahtars to the Tschutski.

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