He wrests the wreath from Richlieu's' brows, Which Fraud or Faction planted there; France to the gallant hero bows, And Europe's chiefs his name revere. Arise, paternal, &c. With partial conquest on their side! The sons of Gaul-a pageant crew! Rank, but inglorious in their pride, To Blakeney, and his vanquish'd few. Arise, paternal, &c. Hiberuia 2, with maternal care, His labour'd statue lifts on high: And lift your Blakeney to the skies! ON A VERY YOUNG LADY. If, in the morning of her years, When time shall point her noon-tide rays, A SONNET: ADDRESSED TO MISS S WHEN Flora decks the mantling bowers, In elegant array, And scatters all her opening flowers, A compliment to May! With glowing joy my bosom beats; And wish to see the various sweets In one rich nosegay bound. 'Tis granted-and their bloom display'd, To bless my wond'ring view; I see them all-my beauteous maid, ANACREON. ODE V. IMITATED. THE ROSE. SHED roses in the sprightly juice, Ourselves, with rosy chaplets bound, Shall sing, and set the goblet round. Richlieu, commander of the expedition against Port Mahon. A statue was erected in Dublin to the memory of general Blakeney, who was a native of Ireland. Thee, ever gentle Rose, we greet, We worship thee, delicious sweet! For though by mighty gods caress'd, You deign to make us mortals blest. The Cupids, and the Graces fair, With myrtle sprigs adorn their hair; And nimbly strike celestial ground, Eternal roses blooming round. Bring us more sweets, ere these expire, And reach me that harmonious lyre; Gay Bacchus, Jove's convivial son, Shall lead us to his fav'rite ton: Among the sporting youths and maids, Beneath the vine's auspicious shades, For ever young-for ever gay, We'll dance the jovial hours away. MOSCHUS. IDYLLIUM VII. TO THE EVENING STAR. HAIL, golden star, of ray serene! To guide a lover on her way. May the bright star of Venus prove ***To this Idyllium (translated by Dr. Broome) the author owns himself indebted for a hint, from which the following Pastoral proceeds. A PASTORAL. WHERE the fond Zephyr through the woodbine plays, And wakes sweet fragrance in the mantling bow'r, Near to that grove my lovely bridegroom stays Impatient-for 'tis past-the promis'd hour! Lend me thy light, O ever-sparkling star! Bright Hesper! in thy glowing pomp array'd, Look down, look down, from thy all-glorious car, And beam protection on a wand'ring maid. 'Tis to escape the penetrating spy, And pass, unnotic'd, from malignant sight, And trust my footsteps to the shades of night. |