Then Britain seiz'd the favourable hour, To fix the basis of her future rest; To mark the limits of asserted pow'r, The prince still blessing, and the people bless'd! Then safe from all the malice of its foes, Time's iron hand, and war's repeated rage! Explain'd, confirm'd, her ancient charter rose, And, clear'd from dust, display'd its sacred page: The guardian star! whose future influence bright Might guide her happy sons, with ever friendly light! Belgia, in fate's dark hour, the hero's care, Shall stand on William's monument engrav'd! The studious eye, that runs his labours o'er, Shall print his image on the grateful mind; Shall own, how mean the pride of lawless pow'r, Compar'd with his who fights to save mankind! And every Briton shall be just to own, Virtues like his deserv'd their abdicated throne. Nor was to William's life his worth confin'd, From the departing monarch's dying hand, By land she triumph'd, triumph'd on the main, Dash'd by the peace of one inglorious year; The Muse now meditates a nobler strain, New plumes her wings, and fondly seeks to rise! Attentive views great Brunswic cross the main, While Britain's joys exulting reach the skies; Soon as the monarch reach'd her happy shore, Upwards to Heav'n her grateful eye she cast; Her fears, her doubts, her dangers now no more! In present bliss dissolv'd each trouble pass'd: As men delighted view the solar ray Burst from the dark eclipse,—and kindle into day! O could the Muse in equal lay recite The scene attentive Europe once beheld, When from Vienna's towers, auspicious sight! Fled the fierce Ottoman in arms repell❜d: Then Brunswic's maiden sword, in conquest dy'd, Gave signal proofs of his illustrious birth; Nassau well pleas'd the rising hero spy'd, And by adoption own'd his kindred worth: And now his brow those regal honours grace, His virtues more than claim'd-familiar to his race! Hence a glad era takes its fairer date, Whose rolling years in smiles of glory dress'd, Britain with pleasure sees revolv'd by fate, And treasures up her hopes of lasting rest; In George the founder of her brightest line, Whose royal veins her ancient blood retain'd; This happy period first was taught to shine, And in its course increasing lustre gain'd! Great prince! whose early age in arms excell'd, Around thy head the grateful honours bind! Whose goodness drew from conquest and from war The nobler principle, to bless mankind and spare! While mercy forms our monarch's dear delight, And gains new beauties from his royal smile; While truth and justice in his rule unite, And freedom warms, and plenty gilds our isle: While Peace with guardian wings protects the throne, And o'er the quiet land, and subject sea, Sheds the eternal sweets of safety down, Warm as the Sun! and constant as the day! What heart so savage, not the joy to prove? What honest breast but glows with loyalty and love? Thus while Britannia, of her wish possess'd, Enamour'd gazes on her sov'reign's face; While in each potent charm of beauty dress'd, She looks and moves with still improving grace: Oh let, great king! her pray'rs assume the pow'r, Ambitious Gaul shall Nature now confine, Her boundless pride shall vex the world no more; Defended by his old barrier the Rhine, The German safe shall dare the hostile pow'r : Fair Lusitania, by Britannia freed, Shall open all her hospitable shores; Her grateful prince shall pay his thanks decreed, And pour his golden urn to swell her stores! Proud to confess the friendship of that reign, That calms the continent, and guards the distant main. Transplanted now, the fair Austrasian line, To Arno's banks along th' Etrurian plain, Shall feel the friendly warmth, nor more decline Beneath encroaching Gallia's fatal chain; Her eldest hope, with regal honours grac'd, Shall rise adopted to th' imperial throne; Shall reap the high reward of sufferings past, And guard those rights for which he lost his own: For which his ancestors of old have stood The distant world its various offerings bring; Receives th' accumulated wealth, and pays, From thence, her willing homage to the king. In ev'ry port her anchor'd vessels ride, Her canvass'd navies whiten all the main; Wealth to her bosom flows from ev'ry tide, And golden plenty waves along her plain! What nation can such countless blessings boast, From Afric's burning sands, to Zembla's icy coast? Nor is she in her sovereign bless'd alone, The greatest queens her sacred purple wore; No princess on record her search can find, Whose virtues more desery'd imperial pow'r ! Whose conduct heightens all the pride of blood, Whose truly royal heart still flows in streams of good! Angelic queen! whose unexampled worth, So oft experienc'd, and so lately found! Illustrious pair! could virtue force impart, O'er a degen'rate age to shed its pow'r ! Yours would convey a beam to ev'ry heart, And peace harmonious here below restore: Your Britons, while they saw such union bright, Would feel of goodness the prevailing charms; Such as the royal meeting gave the sight, When the king rested in his consort's arms: Oh! when did love, or sacred honour shine [line? In such bright forms confess'd, as George and Caro Nor thou, dear prince, whom Britain fondly views, Dress'd in benevolence! the softest light! Whose gentle aspect, like descending dews, Cheers a whole world!-the joy of every sight! Whether thy future beam the nations warms, With heav'nly virtues fair meridian course; Or shines reflected from victorious arms, With stronger lustre, and augmented force: Close by her much-lov'd Frederic's royal side Who view enamour'd the distinguish'd pair; Already are Britannia's vows repaid, So smiles the bounty of indulgent Heav'n ; Confin'd the mighty blessings to her breast: And with her share of happiness be bless'd: Her eldest princess, fix'd on Belgia's shore, A free-born people's duteous love shall claim; Destin'd a line of heroes to restore, And spread new honour o'er the lasting name! Young William's princely form she pleas'd surveys Fame's noblest wreaths shall one great day be thine, As Pallas once in Mentor's shape confess'd, The Grecian prince the love of virtue taught: With fortitude and patience steel'd his breast, And by degrees the finish'd hero wrought: So, in thy cares, the picture, Poyntz, we see, And Britain safe confides her second hopes to thee! Ravish'd she views Amelia's angel-truth, Mildness divine! that ev'ry bosom warms! With Carolina's bright accomplish'd youth, Where virtue lends to beauty stronger charms: Maria rises next in blooming pride, A name belov'd! the owner's charms endears! And fair Louisa by her sister's side, In soft maternal majesty appears! Around their sov'reign, an illustrious band To swell the honour of her monarch's state: To paint the charms of each distinguish'd fair, Might Pindar's fire with Sappho's softness claim, The lofty note, and heart-dissolving air! One blaze of light the galaxy appears, "Tis knowledge only tells, the whole is made of stars. But here the Muse suspends her hardy flight, Returning reason bids the rover pause! Dazzled with beams of unfrequented light, Back to the earth receding now she draws: Yet if th' excursion pleasing seem to thee, Walpole, whose studious thought the nation sees, From force and faction guard her safety free; And in surrounding storms preserve her ease: At least, she has not aim'd to sing in vain, [gain! Her labour so receiv'd, the noblest thanks shall Now war, with all her ghastly train withdrawn, From beauteous Europe's happy field is fled; And screen'd behind the marshy banks of Don, Or Neyster's noisy falls, reclines her head: O patriot-counsellor! the praise receive, Return'd with every grateful Briton's voice; Thy country only greater thanks can give To George, to him, who made thy worth his With royal confidence thy virtues grac'd, [choice, And on thy faithful breast his social honours plac'd. What though dark Envy, studious to defame, Which taints all objects with a jaundic'd sight, Wings close its pointless arrows at thy name, For merit still envenoms Envy's spite: As when the cloud obscures the radiant Sun [way, Through the weak shroud he marks his golden So shall its destin'd course thy honour run, And shed to future times its blameless ray! While thus beneath our greater Cæsar's sway And cultivates the nobler arts of rest: To give his people and the world repose: The Muse, that sees with joy the storm subside, Hangs up her lyre to peace, with grateful honest pride! APOLLO AND DAPHNE. CEASE, thou bright god of poetry and light, POETICAL LOVE. As Daphne did from tuneful Phoebus fly, PHOEBUS MISTAKEN. WHEN Apollo pursu'd his coy mistress of old, But set the fair gift in the reach of her eyes! PART II. Dimissis humilem pennis inopemque materni Quod petis hic est-hic est Est Ulubris, animus si te non deficit æquus. Hor. SUSANNA AND LUCRETIA. Yet to reward her gen'rous high design, BAVIUS. Nihil est quod credere de se By nature madman, and by study fool, In every conversation tops his part: HOMER. HE for whose birth seven states could zealous strive, THE WISH. Hoc erat in votis. THE various ills below content I'll bear, Grant me, indulgent Heav'n! this sole request; Nor life to overprize, nor death to fear, Let Fortune shuffle as she please the rest! Part of this thought is taken from two lines placed under the statue of Susanna, in the electoral hall of the palace at Munich in Bavaria. Casta Susanna placet, Lucretia cede Susannæ ; Tu post, illa mori maluit ante scelus. STANZAS OCCASIONED BY MR. POPE'S TRANSLATION OF HORACE, BOOK IV. BOOK I. ADDRESSED TO THE HONOURABLE MR. MURRAY. WHILE Pope to friendship consecrates the lyre, The Loves to hear the notes assembled throng! And, with the softness of renew'd desire, Inspire tl dear re-animated song! Hard fate! a praise so wish'd as yours to shun, INSCRIPTION DESIGNED FOR THE PEDESTAL OF A WHITE MARBLE STA- STRANGER! lest rash Actæon's fate you prove, WRITTEN IN MR. THOMSON'S ESSAYS ON LIBERTY. Nihil est fœdius servituti, ad decus et libertatem nati sumus non potest parvo constare libertas, hanc si juste æstimas, omnia alia parvo æstiCicero. manda sunt. WHEN Liberty celestial goddess saw How bright the colours! and how strong the shade! Though every heart the love of me should lose, TO SEMANTHE. ODE. FORGIVE, fair nymph, an unsuccessful lyre, Repeat the wonders of Semanthe's youth; And found, like her, that fame fell short of truth. But different widely was our fate in this, With Solomon conversing long she stay'd; I only snatch'd an accidental bliss, Nor could I know the treasure I survey'd. Yet as the smallest diamond's lustre shows The genuine splendour of its parent mine; Her soul, and with reflected value shine. Not juster sentiments a Prior wrote! Where sense and beauty, perfect thus, unite! The climate is so like their native air. So rich Sabæa's aromatic land Does without toil its spicy products yield; THE PARALLEL ALMERIA with an angel-face Her form with pride surveys! And, as she moves with matchless grace, The conquer'd world obeys! Her eyes dispense resistless darts, To set mankind on fire; As the bright Sun, in Afric's clime, His burning beams displays; Alike her torrid beauties shine So fierce, 't is fate to gaze! Cecilia bless'd with milder charms So Cynthia Heav'n's enliv'ning queen Glides o'er the skies with placid mien, And half restores the day. Such is Cecilia!-sweetly bright, Happy, so near ally'd is found One sister's smiles relieve the wound, TO CLARISSA, WITH A ROSE-BUD. ODE. Quam longa una dies, ætas est tam longa rosarum. Anon. O CLARISSA, view this newly-nascent rose, Yet from the parent-plant's exhausted side, And softly blushing with maternal red! Then baste, thou beauteous charmer! to employ So when dark Fate, irrevocably cross, The phenix so, amidst the spicy blaze |