The Modern Service of Commercial and Railway Telegraphy

1887 - 423 sider

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Side 364 - America in congress assembled, that the provisions of this act shall apply to any common carrier or carriers engaged in the transportation of passengers or property wholly by railroad, or partly by railroad and partly by water when both are used, under a common control, management or arrangement, for a continuous carriage or shipment...
Side 365 - Provided, however, That the provisions of this act shall not apply to the transportation of passengers or property, or to the receiving, delivering, storage, or handling of property, wholly within one State, and not shipped to or from a foreign country from or to any State or Territory as aforesaid.
Side 322 - A signal imperfectly displayed, or the absence of a signal at a place where a signal is usually shown, must be regarded as the most restrictive indication that can be given by that signal, and the fact reported to the Superintendent.
Side 336 - X" response sent by the operator who receives the order for the superior train. 214. When a train order has been repeated or "X" response sent, and before "complete" has been given, the order must be treated as a holding order for the train addressed, but must not be otherwise acted on until "complete
Side 340 - Operators must have the proper appliances for hand signaling ready for immediate use if the fixed signal should fail to work properly If a signal is not displayed at a night office, trains which have not been notified must stop and ascertain the cause, and report the facts to the Superintendent from the next open telegraph office. Where the semaphore is used, the arm indicates "stop" when horizontal and "proceed" when in an inclined position.
Side 318 - An explosive cap or torpedo placed on the top of the rail is a signal to be used in addition to the regular signals. The explosion of one torpedo is a signal to stop immediately ; the explosion of two torpedoes is a signal to reduce speed immediately, and look out for danger signal.
Side 318 - Flags of the proper color must be used by day, and lamps of the proper color by night, or whenever from fog or other cause the day signals cannot be clearly seen.
Side 349 - If a train is annulled to a point named, its rights beyond that point remain unaffected. The train dispatcher may direct any operator to omit repeating back an order annulling a train, until he has occasion to deliver it. When a train has been annulled it must not be again restored under its original number by special order. FORM L.— ANNULLING OR SUPERSEDING AN ORDER. "Order No. is annulled.
Side 334 - Superintendent; and with it recorded the names of those who have signed for the order; the time and the signals which show when and from what offices the order was repeated and the responses transmitted ; and the train dispatcher's initials. These records must be made at once, and never...
Side 364 - States to an adjacent foreign country, or from any place in the United States through a foreign country to any other place in the United States, and also to the transportation in like manner of property shipped from any place in the United States to a foreign country and carried from such place to a port of transshipment, or shipped from a foreign country to any place in the United States and carried to such place from a port of entry either in the United States or an adjacent foreign country...

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