OF WILLIAM COWPER HIS LIFE AND LETTERS BY WILLIAM HAYLEY, ESQ. NOW FIRST COMPLETED BY THE INTRODUCTION OF COWPER'S PRIVATE CORRESPONDENCE. EDITED BY THE REV. T. S. GRIMSHAWE, A.M. RECTOR OF BURTON, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, AND VICAR OF BIDDENHAM, BEDFORDSHIRE, AUTHOR OF THE LIFE OF THE REV. LEGH RICHMOND, Letters, such as are written from wise men, are, of all the words of men, in my VOL. IV. LONDON SAUNDERS AND OTLEY, CONDUIT STREET. MDCCCXXXV. The question why Great Britain should be the first to Final abolition of slavery by Great Britain, and efforts Cowper's lines on the blessings of spiritual liberty Letter to Mrs. Hill, March 17, 1788. Thanks for a pre- To the Rev. John Newton, March 17, 1788. To the Rev. Walter Bagot, March 19, 1788. Coldness 19 To Samuel Rose, Esq., March 29, 1788. He expresses PAGE To Lady Hesketh, March 31, 1788. He makes mention "The Morning Dream :" allusion to Han- nah More on "The Manners of the Great" Character of and extracts from Mrs. More's work To Mrs. King, April 11, 1788. Allusion to his melan- To the Rev. John Newton, April 19, 1788. Remarks To Lady Hesketh, May 6, 1788. Smollett's Don Quix- To Joseph Hill, Esq., May 8, 1788. Lament for the loss To Lady Hesketh, May 12, 1788. Mrs. Montagu and To Joseph Hill, Esq., May 24, 1788. Thanks for the To the Rev. William Bull, May 25, 1788. He declines To Lady Hesketh, May 27, 1788. His lines on Mr. To the same, June 3, 1788. Sudden change of the |