
which go out by this mail will give you a full account of the debate on Bright's motion, and the result, 183 against to 87 for, a majority of 96 against any inquiry. The prima facie case they made out was so strong and the inquiry seemed so reasonable and members of Parliament are so stupid that it was thought necessary at least to republish my speech in the Dominion Parliament in the Canadian News, and have a copy sent to each member of the House of Commons, which was done just before the debate came off. Had not this step been taken the division would have been very different, as I have been kept muzzled while the other side have been in full cry. We, i.e. the Nova Scotia delegates, went to the House of Lords last night to hear the debate on Lord Stratheden's motion, the same as Bright's, but he postponed it because there was other business until nearly 7 o'clock, and nobody would have remained to the discussion. We all intend to return by the next steamer to Halifax, which sails a fortnight hence.

I have seen the duke and advised him of the views of the Government, as stated by Sir G. E. Cartier and yourself, touching the salary of the Governor-General, and I have little doubt but that the Royal Assent will be withheld. It has happened at an unfortunate time as they must make the appointment immediately, and the position has been so much lowered they will have difficulty to get a suitable person to fill the office.

Write to me next at Halifax, and let me know if you wish me to come at once to Ottawa. I propose to call a public meeting on my arrival at Halifax, and tell them that I hope the Anti party, having

failed to induce the Imperial authorities to interfere, will now give their best aid to make the union advantageous to N.S.; that if they take that course I am satisfied that the Government will be prepared to give the fullest consideration to the party to whom the people of Nova Scotia have given their confidence, and that I am not only willing to stand aside, but prepared to give Mr. Howe and his friends a loyal support in that position. But that if Mr. H. and his friends do not adopt that course and persevere in maintaining antagonism to the Constitution, I will go through the province and discuss fully before the public the question of union with anyone who will enter the lists. I have satisfied myself, after the most careful consideration, that if Howe and Co. do not accept the situation I can in this way induce the country to pronounce in favour of union. I think you ought to write a letter, with assent of your colleagues, to Mr. Howe, which would reach him on his arrival at Halifax, expressing the desire in the interests of the whole Dominion, that Nova Scotia should be satisfied that the wishes and interests of her people should be fully considered in the administration of public affairs, and that now that the Imperial authorities have decided that the union must be preserved, you hope he will be prepared to give you his aid, and that you had kept open the seats in Government, Senate and Railway Board with the view of giving the most effectual assurances to the people of N.S. that you looked to them to fill positions of the highest honour and greatest influence. This is, of course, only a very rough outline, which no one understands so well as

yourself how to fill up. I am sure he will accept, but if he does not, and sends our letter to the Morning Chronicle, I am prepared to accept the responsibility of advising it, and am confident that it must do great good everywhere.

Hoping soon to have the pleasure of seeing you, I remain,-Yours faithfully,



across the Atlantic Sir J. A. Macdonald,

I duly made the voyage and went through to Ottawa. Sir G. E. Cartier, and Mr. J. S. Macdonald, M.P., returned with me to Halifax, where we met Howe and discussed matters fully with him, the upshot of which was that he agreed to join the Government as President of the Council. He put up for election in Hants County, and the following letters deal with his contest:


February 16th, 1869.

MY DEAR SIR JOHN,-You will naturally be anxious to hear how your President is getting on in Hants. I have had no communication with him directly, but his friend, Northrop, asked me to write to several of the leading Unionists of Hants who are understood to be opposed, and I sent them a note, of which the enclosed is a copy. The Unionist having come out in a strong leader against Howe, I met it in the Colonist as effectively as I could. You will observe I have a very difficult game to play. I must convince our friends that we have not been badly treated by you, that we were anxious to have the conciliatory policy


adopted, and that the interests of the country demanded that Howe should enter the Government, and that we should support him. The first pitched battle came off on Saturday last at Windsor, and Howe must now be convinced, if he doubted it before, that he would not have the ghost of a chance without the support of the great body of the Unionists. I have no doubt that he will be successful, but I confess that I overrated his influence with his own party. His boast at the meeting, that he could get any amount of money from Ottawa, was most impolitic, and his equal claim to the entire patronage of the province was equally injudicious. Let him do or say what he will, however, you may depend upon my untiring exertions in his behalf, and despite the croakings of the Unionist faction of office seekers, which I have already unravelled, I am satisfied that I can secure the bulk of the Unionists of Hants, and in that case he is safe. Should he be beaten, I am quite willing to resign my seat for Cumberland, and either he or I could carry it to-morrow without a contest. I strongly advised Mr. Kenny to get Mr. Howe to consent to an invitation being sent to the local Government to send Vail and Jones with him to Portland. They wished to go, and I know Vail could have been easily secured. It would have effectually broken up the Anti party. We must, however, deal with matters as they are without crying over spilt milk. I wish you to let me know confidentially as near as you can when the House will be called, that I may make my arrangements accordingly.

What progress are your delegates making in

England with the Hudson's Bay question? With best wishes.-Ever yours faithfully,



Copy of letter to Unionist leader in Hants County.


February 12th, 1869.

MY DEAR SIR,-Knowing you to be a warm supporter of the Union cause, I take the liberty of writing to you on the subject of the present election in your county. When I was offered the office of Intercolonial Railway Commissioner I felt it my duty to decline, and strongly advised the Government to use every means in their power to conciliate the anti-Union party, who had, unfortunately, obtained the confidence of the country. That policy was adopted and has been steadily pursued until it has resulted in large concessions to this province, and as I sincerely hope, the complete destruction of an agitation most injurious to the country. If the Union cause is now triumphant years of valuable time will have been saved by the course Mr. Howe has taken since his return from England, and we will enter upon a career of prosperity which will, in my opinion, soon convince the most sceptical that union is most beneficial to us all. Mr. Howe was, I think, in honour bound to enter the Cabinet and place his seat in the hands of his constituents when he assumed the responsibility of advising his party to accept the terms offered. I sincerely hope that under these circumstances the Union

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