

N, B. The Roman Numerals refer to the Volume, and the
Figures to the Page.


ABAN, the Saracen, heroifm of his
BAN, the Saracen, heroifm of his
widow, v. 246,

Abbaffides, elevation of the house of, to
the office of caliph of the Saracens, v.

Abdallah, the Saracen, his excurfion to

plunder the fair of Abyla, v. 251. His
African expedition, 282.
Abdalmalek, caliph of the Saracens, refuses
tribute to the emperor of Constantino-
ple, and establishes a national mint, v.

Abdalrahman, the Saracen, eftabliches his
throne at Cordova in Spain, v. 337.
Splendour of his court, 340. His efti-
mate of his happiness, 341.
Abdelaziz, the Saracen, his treaty with
Theodemir the Gothic prince of Spain,
v. 302. His death, 305.
Abderame, his expedition to France, and
victories there, v. 349. His death, 332.
Abdol Motalleb, the grandfather of the
prophet Mahomet, his hiftory, v. 158.
Abgarus, inquiry into the authenticity of
his correfpondence with Jefus Christ,

[blocks in formation]

Abu Ayub, his hiftory, and the veneration
paid to his memory by the Mahometans
v. 319. vi. 472.

Abubeker, the friend of Mahomet, is one
of his first converts, v. 177. Flies
from Mecca with him, 180. Succeeds
Mahomet as caliph of the Saracens,
207. His character, 224.

Abu Caab commands the Andalufian Moors
who fubdued the land of Crete, v.

Abu Sophian, prince of Mecca, conspires
the death of Mahomet, v. 180. Battles
of Beder and Ohud, 187, 188. Befieges
Medina without fuccefs, 189. Surren-
ders Mecca to Mahomet, and receives
him as a prophet,_192.

Abu Taber, the Carmathian, pillages
Mecca, v. 364.

Abulfeda, his account of the splendour of
the caliph Moctader, v, 339.
Abulpharagius, primate of the Eaftern Ja-
cobites, fome account of, iv. 508. His
encomium on wisdom and learning, v.

Abundantius, general of the East, and pa-
tron of the eunuch Eutropius, is dif-
graced and exiled by him, iii. 246.
Abyla, the fair of, plundered by the Sara-
cens, V. 25.
Abynia, the inhabitants of, defcribed,.
IV. 221. Their alliance with the empe-
ror Juftinian, 223. Ecclesiastical history
of, 517:

Acacius, bishop of Amida, an uncommon


inftance of epifcopal benevolence, iii.

Achaia, its extent, i. 24.

Acre, the memorable fiege of, by the
crufaders, vi. 95. Final lofs of, 112.
Ations, inftitutes of Juftinian refpecting,
iv. 329.

Aium, a review of Roman affairs after
the battle of, i. 61.

Adauctur, the only martyr of diftinction
during the perfecution under Diocletian,
i. 589.

Adolphus, the brother of Alaric, brings him
a reinforcement of troops, iii, 191. Is
• made count of the domeftics to the new

emperor Attalus, 197. Succeeds his
brother as king of the Goths, and con-
cludes a peace with Honorius, 213.
Adoption, the two kinds of, under the Greek
empire, vi. 33. note.

Adoration of the Roman emperor, custom

of, and derivation of the term, v. 394.
Adorso, the Genoefe governor of Phocæa,
conveys Amurath II. from Afia to Eu-
rope, vi. 341.

Adrian I. pepe, his alliance with Charle-
magne against the Lombards, v. 92.
His reception of Charlemagne at Rome,
96. Afferts the fictitious donation of
Conftantine the Great, 99.

Adultery, diftinctions of, and how punished
by Auguftus, iv. 340. By the Chriftian
emperors, 342.

Elia Capitolina founded on mount Sion by
Hadrian, i. 462.

Elius Patus, his Tripartite, the oldeft work
of Roman jurifprudence, iv. 291. ̧
Emilianus, governor of Pannonia and Ma-
fia, routs the barbarous invaders of the
empire, and is declared emperor by his
troops, i. 259.

Eneas of Gaza, his atteftation of the mi-
raculous gift of fpeech to the Catholic
confeffors of Tipafa, whofe tongues had
been cut out, iii. 466.
Eneas Sylvius, his account of the imprac-
ticability of an European crufade against
the Turks, vi. 477. His epigram on
the deftruction of ancient buildings in
Rome, 584. note.

Era of the world, remarkable epochas in,
pointed out, iv. 100. note.

Gelalean, of the Turks, when fet-
tled, v 548.

Aerial tribute, in the Eaftern empire, what,
iv. 69.

Etius, furnamed the Atheist, his character
and adventures, ii. 213. 222. 236. note.

Etius, The Roman general under Valenti
tinian III. his character, iii. 283. His
treacherous fcheme to ruin count Boni-
face, 285. Is forced to retire into Pan-
nonia, 294. His invitation of the Huns
into the empire, 303. Seizes the admi-
niftration of the Western empire, 335.
His character as given by Renatus a co-
temporary hiftorian, 336. Employs the
Huns and Alani in the defence of Gaul,
337. Concludes a peace with Theodo-
ric, 340. Raifes the fiege of Orleans,
350. Battle of Chalons, 352. His pru
dence on the invafion of Italy' by Attila,
361. Is murdered by Valentinian, 366.
Africa, its fituation and revolutions, i. 26.
Great revenue raised from, by the Ro
mans, 163. Progrefs of Chriftianity
there, 517.

Is diftracted with religious difcord
in the time of Conftantine the Great, ii.
194. Character and revolt of the Cir-
cumcellions, 250. Oppeffions of, under
the government of count Romanus, 440.
General fate of Africa, 445.


Revolt of count Boniface there, iii.
285. Arrival of Genferic king of the
Vandals, 286. Perfecution of the Do
natifts, 288. Devaltation of, by the
Vandals, 290
Genferic, 294.
tholics, 459.

Carthage furprised by
Perfecution of the Ca

Expedition of Belifarius to, iv. 110.
Is recovered by the Romans, 121. The
government of, fettled by Juftinian, 122.
Revolt of the troops there, under Stoza,
227. Devastation of the war, 229.

invafion of, by the Saracens, v. 282.
Conqueft of, by Akbah, 286. Decline
and extinction of Christianity there, 311.
Revolt and independence of the Sara-
cens there, 365.

Aglabites, the Saracen dynafty of, v. 366.
Aglae, a Roman lady, patronises St. Boni-
face, i. 590.

Agricola, review of his conduct in Britain,
i. 4
Agriculture, great improvement of, in the


western countries of the Roman empire,
i. 53. State of, in the Eaftern empire,
under Juftinian, iv. 58.

Ajax, the fepulchre of, how distinguished,

ii. 7.

Aiznadin, battle of, between the Saracens
and the Greeks, v.243.

Akbab, the Saracen, his exploits in Africa,
v. £86.

Alani, occafion of thefe people invading

Afia, i. 332. Conqueft of, by the Huns,
ii. 483. Join the Goths who had emi
grated into Thrace, 500. See Goths, and

Alaric, the Goth, learns the art of war un-
der Theodofius the Great, iii. 52. Be-
1 comes the leader of the Gothic revolt,
and ravages Greece, 116 Efcapes from
Stilicho, 120. Is appointed mafter ge-
neral of the Eaftern Illyricum, ib. His
invafion of Italy, 123. Is defeated by
Stilicho at Pollentia, 128. Is driven out
of Italy, 130. Is, by treaty with Ho-
norius, declared master-general of the
Roman armies throughout the præfec
ture of Illyricum, 150. His pleas and
motives for marching to Rome, 163.
Encamps under the walls of that city,
165. Accepts a ranfom, and raises the
fiege, 190. His negociations with the
emperor Honorius, 192. His fecond
fiege of Rome, 195. Places Attalus on
the Imperial throne, 197. Degrades
him, 198. Seizes the city of Rome,
200. His fack of Rome compared with
that by the emperor Charles V. 208.
Retires from Rome, and ravages Italy,
209. His death and burial, 212.
Alaric II. king of the Goths, his over-
throw by Clovis king of the Franks, iii.


Alberick, the fon of Marozia, his revolt,

and government of Rome, v. 124.
Albigeas of France, perfecution of, v. 434.
Alboin, king of the Lombards, his history,

iv. 352. His alliance with the Avars
against the Gepida, 354. Reduces the
Gepida, 355. He undertakes the con-
queft of Italy, ib. Overruns what is now
called Lombardy, 358. Affumes the
regal title there, 359. Takes Pavia,
and makes it his capital city, 360. Is
murdered at the inftigation of his queen
Rofamond, ib.

Alchemy, the books of, in Egypt, deftroyed
by Diocletian, i. 374-
Aleppo, fiege and capture of, by the Sara-
cens, v. 260. Is recovered by the Greeks,
372. Is taken and facked by Tamer-
lane, vi. 321.

Alexander III. pope, eftablishes the papal
election in the college of cardinals, vi.
Alexander archbishop of Alexandria, ex
communicates Arius for his heresy, ii.


Alexander Severus, is declared Cæfar by
the emperor Elagabalus, i. 151. Is raif-

ed to the throne, 152. Examination
into his pretended victory over Artax-
erxes, 214. Shewed a regard for the
Christian religion, 570.

Alexandria, a general maflacre there, by
order of the emperor Caracalla, i. 139.
The city defcribed, 287. Is ruined by
ridiculous inteftine commotions, 288.
By famine and peftilence, 289. Is be-
fieged and taken by Diocletian, 393-
The Christian theology reduced to a fyf-
tematical form in the fchool of, 515.
Number of martyrs who fuffered there
in the perfecution by Decius, 555.

The theological fyftem of Plato
taught in the fchool of, and received by
the Jews there, ii. 198. Queftions con-
cerning the nature of the trinity, agi-
tated in the philofophical and Chriftian
fchools of, 201. 206. Hiftory of the
archbishop St. Athanafius, 223.


rages attending his expulfion and the
eftablishment of his fucceffor, George
of Cappadocia, 238. The city distract-
ed by pious factions, 243. Difgraceful
life and tragical death of George of
Cappadocia, 333. Reftoration of Åtha-
nafius, 336. Athanafius banished by
Julian, 337. Suffers greatly by an earth-
quake, 463.

Hiftory of the temple of Serapis
there, iii. 70. This temple, and the
famous library, deftroyed by bishop
Theophilus, 71.

Is taken by Amrou the Saracen, v.
273. The famous library deftroyed,


Alexius Angelus, his ufurpation of the Greek

empire, and character, vi. 124. Flies
before the crufaders, 141.

Alexius 1. Comnenus, emperor of Conftanti-
nople, v. 51. New titles of dignity in-
vented by him, 391. Battle of Durazzo,
goz. Solicits the aid of the emperor
Henry III. 506.

Solicits the aid of the Chriftian prin-
ces against the Turks, vi. 4. His fuf-
picious policy on the arrival of the cru-
faders, 31. Exacts homage from them,
33. Profits by the fuccefs of the crufa-
ders, 68.

Alexius II. Comnenus, emperor of Conftanti-
nople, v. 57.

Alexius Sirategopulus, the Greek general,
retakes Conftantinople from the Latins,
vi. 189.

Alexus, the fon of Ifaac Angelus, his ef-
cape from his uncle, who had depofed


his father, vi. 124. His treaty with the
crufaders for his restoration, 134. Re-
ftoration of his father, 145. His death,

Alfred fends an embassy to the shrine of St.
Thomas in India, iv. 504.
Algebra, by whom invented, v. 345-
Ali, joins Mahomet in his prophetical mif-
fion, v. 177. His heroifm, 189, 190.
His character, 206. Is chofen caliph of
the Saracens, 211. Devotion paid at his
tomb, 213. His pofterity, 216.
Algern, defends Cume, for his brother
Teias, king of the Goths, iv. 253. Is
reduced, 255.

Allectus murders Caraufius, and ufurps his
station, i. 368.

Alemanni, the origin and warlike fpirit of,
i. 265. Are driven out of Italy by the
fenate and people, 266. Invade the em-
pire under Aurelian, 305. Are totally
routed, ib. Gaul delivered from their
depredations by Conftantius Chlorus,

Invade and establish themselves in
Gaul, ii. 133. Are defeated at Straf-
burgh by Julian, 138. Are reduced by
Julian in his expeditions beyond the
Rhine, 142. Invade Gaul under the
emperor Valentinian, 426. Are reduced
by Jovinus, 427. Are chaftifed by Va-
lentinian, 429.

Are fubdued by Clovis king of the
Franks, iii. 480.

Alp Arslan, sultan of the Turks, his reign,
v. 538.

Alypius, governor of Britain, is commif-
fioned by the emperor Julian to rebuild
the temple of Jerufalem, ii. 321.
Amala, king of the Goths, his high credit
among them, i. 251.

Amalafontba, queen of Italy, her history
and character, iv. 134. Her death,

[blocks in formation]

peror Theodofius, 44. Imposes penance
on Theodofius for his cruel treatment of
Theffalonica, 45. Employed his influ-
ence over Gratian and Theodofius, to
inspire them with maxims of perfecu
tion, 59. Oppofes Symmachus, the ad-
vocate for the old Pagan religion, 64.
Comforts the citizens of Florence with
a dream, when besieged by Radagaisus,


Amida, fiege of, by Sapor king of Perfia,
ii. 128. Receives the fugitive inhabi-
tants of Nifibis, 391. Is befieged and
taken by Cabades king of Perfia, iv.


Amir, prince of Ionia, his character, and
paffage into Europe, vi. 292.

Ammianus the hiftorian, his religious cha-
racter of the emperor Conftantius, ii.
221. His remark on the enmity of
Christians toward each other, 253. His
account of the fiery obftructions to re-
ftoring the temple of Jerufalem, 323.
His account of the hoftile conteft of
Damafus and Urfinus for the bishopric
of Rome, 424. Teftimony in favour of
his hiftorical merit, 517. His charac-
ter of the nobles of Rome, iii. 173.
Ammonius, the mathematician, his measure-
ment of the circuit of Rome, iii. 185.

—, the monk of Alexandria, his mar-
tyrdom, iv. 460.

Amorium, fiege and deftruction of, by the
caliph Motaffem, v. 359.

Amphilocus, bishop of Iconium, gains the
favour of the emperor Theodofius by an
orthodox ben mot, iii. 1 1.

Amphitheatre at Rome, a defcription of, i.
354. vi. 587.

Amrou, his birth and character, v. 267. His
invafion and conqueft of Egypt, 268.
His adminiftration there, 278. His de-
fcription of the country, 279.

Amurath †. fultan of the Turks, his reign,
vi. 295.

Amurath II. fultan, his reign and character,

vi. 407.

Anachorets, in monkish history, defcribed,
iii. 446.

Anacletus, pope, his Jewish extraction, vi.

[blocks in formation]

Anaftafius II. emperor of Conftantinople,
V. 15. His preparations of defence
against the Saracens, 321.

St. his brief history and martyr-

dom, iv. 422. note.

Anathe, the city of, on the banks of the
Euphrates, defcribed, ii. 357.
Andalufia, derivation of the name of that
province, v. 293. note.

Andronicus, prefident of Lybia, excommu-
nicated by Synesius bishop of Ptolemais,
ii. 186.

Andronicus Comnenus, his character, and first
adventures, v. 57. Seizes the empire
of Conftantinople, 64. His unhappy
fate, 65.

Andronicus the Elder, emperor of Conftan-
tinople, his fuperftition, vi. 238. His
war with his grandfon, and abdication,


the Younger, emperor of Con-
ftantinople, his licentious character, vi.
241. His civil war againft his grand-
father, 242. His reign, 245. Is van-
quifhed and wounded by fultan Orchan,
290. His private application to pope
Benedict XII. of Rome, 350.
Angera, battle of, between Tamerlane and
Bajazet, v. 324.

Anianus, bishop of Orleans, his pious anxiety
for the relief of that city when befieged
by Attila the Hun, iii. 348.

Anician family at Rome, brief history of,
iii. 167.

Anne Comnena, character of her hiftory of
her father, Alexius I. emperor of Con-
ftantinople, v. 51. Her confpiracy against
her brother John, 53.

Anthemius, emperor of the Weft, his de-
fcent, and inveftiture by Leo the Great,
iii. 402. His election confirmed at Rome,
403. Is killed in the fack of Rome by
Ricimer, 417.

præfect of the East, character
of his administration, in the minority
of the emperor Theodofius the younger,
iii. 267.
the architect, inftances of his
great knowledge in mechanics, iv. 75.
Forms the defign of the church of St.
Sophia at Conftantinople, 77.
Anthony, St. father of the Egyptian monks,
his history, iii. 432.

Anthropomorphites, among the early Chrif
tians, perfonifiers of the Deity, iv.

Antioch, taken and destroyed by Sapor king
of Perfia, i. 278. Flourishing ftate of


[blocks in formation]


Is taken and ruined, by Chofroes
king of Perfia, iv. 203. Great destruc-
tion there by an earthquake, 270. Is
again feized by Chofroes 11. 420.

, Is reduced by the Saracens, and ran-
fomed, v. 262. ls recovered by the.
Greeks, 372.

Befieged and taken by the firft cru-
faders, vi. 43.

Antonina, the wife of Belifarius, her charac-
ter, iv. 107. Examines and convicts
pope Sylverius of treachery, 155. Her
activity during the fiege of Rome, 157:
Her fecret hiftory, 170. Founds a con-
vent for her retreat, 265.

Antonius, a Roman refugee at the court of
Sapor king of Perfia, ftimulates him to
an invafion of the Roman provinces, ii.

Antoninus Pius, his character, and that of
Hadrian, compared, i. 8. Is adopted
by Hadrian, 78.

Antoninus Marcus, his defensive wars, i.
9. Is adopted by Pius at the inftance of
Hadrian, 78. His character, 86. His
war against the united Germans, 242.
Sufpicious ftory of his edict in favour of
the Chriftians, 566.

Aper, Arrius, prætorian præfect, and fa-
ther-in-law to the emperor Numerian.
is killed by Diocletian as the prefumptive
murderer of that prince, i 358.
Apharban, the Perfian, his embaffy from
Narfes king of Perfia, to the emperor
Galerius, i. 382.

Apocalyffe, why now admitted into the
canon of the Scriptures. i 478. note.
Apocaurus, admiral of Conftantinople, his
confederacy against John Cantacuzene,
vi. 249. His death, 252.
Apollinaris, bishop of Laodicea, his hypo-
thefis of the divine incarnation of Jefus
Christ, iv. 454.

Patriarch of Alexandria, butch-
ers his flock in defence of the Catholic
doctrine of the incarnation, iv. 514.

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