LIBRARY OF THE LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR A. 1219 FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS. FIRST SESSION. DEBATE IN THE Reg3012 The Senate, as in Committee of the Whole, proceeded to consider the bill (S. 1532) to regulate commerce. Mr. CULLOM. Before proceeding to make any remarks in regard to the bill, I desire in behalf of the committee to offer a few amendments, which are mainly formal. I offer first an amendment to section 5, lines 16 and 17. The amendment is, to strike out, after the word "the," in line 16, all down to and including the word “and,” in line 17, as follows: manner, extent, and localities to which they shall apply and" and to insert in lieu thereof the word "places." Mr. HARRIS. catch them. Will the Senator please repeat the lines? I did not Mr. CULLOM. I propose an amendment to section 5, commencing in line 16, after the word "the," by striking out the words "manner, extent, and localities to which they shall apply and" and inserting in lieu of those words the word "places;" so as to read: And said commission shall from time to time prescribe the measure of publicity which shall be given to such rates, fares, charges, and classifications, or to such part of them as it may deem it practicable for such common carriers to publish, and the places in which they shall be published. The amendment was agreed to. Mr. CULLOM. I move to amend section 5, line 29, by inserting the word "previous" between the words " without" and "public;" so as to read: No advance in such published rates, fares, charges, and classifications shall be made except after ten days' public notice, but reductions in the same may be made without previous public notice. The amendment was agreed to. Mr. CULLOM. I move in the same section, line 31, to strike out the |