
occur the power plant would be in danger of being flooded, and with the present drainage from the boiler rooms and from the basement of the engine rooms would on failure to remove the water shut down the steam and electric plant. The regrading and draining of coal pockets around the new coal silo, just completed, cut off the former drain pipe in that area; and the water in recent storms was trapped on floors several inches deep before it could flow up through the outlets. It is estimated that the cost of making changes to remove the condition noted would be about $9,500.


A bill has been introduced in Congress, upon the recommendation of the District Commissioners, to change the method of admissions to St. Elizabeths Hospital. The hospital cooperated with representatives of the District upon the form of the proposed bill.

STAFF CHANGES JULY 1, 1934, TO JUNE 30, 1935

The following appointments were made during the year:

Junior medical officers (internes): Eugene J. Alexander, Derwood G. Hall, Alfred L. Abrams, Anna R. Coyne, Thomas J. Taylor, J. L. Hoffman, Walther H. Thiele, Maurice Kleinerman, and Stephen S. Kramer, Jr.

The following resignations took effect during the year:

Junior medical officers (internes): Joseph A. Rieger, Elmer Peterson, Jesse F. Casey, Meyer Beber, Alexander Wolf, and Judah Mar


Assistant medical officer: Roger S. Cohen.


White, William A., superintendent:

The frontier of the mind. Journal of the Washington Academy of
Sciences. Vol. 25, no. 1, January 15, 1935.

The frontier of the mind. (Read at a joint meeting of the District of
Columbia Medical Society and the Washington Academy of Sciences,
Washington, D. C., Nov. 21, 1934.) Published in Mental Hygiene, vol.
XIX, no. 1, January 1935, pp. 78-94.
Man, The Great Integrator. Science, March 8, 1935, vol. 81, no. 2097,
pp. 327-343.

Judicial Versus Administrative Process at the Prosecution Stage. (De-
livered at the Attorney General's conference on crime, Washington,
Dec. 11, 1934.) Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology. Vol. XXV,
no. 6, March-April 1935, pp. 851-858.

The Teaching of Clinical Psychiatry. Reprint from the proceedings of the Second Conference on Psychiatric Education, held in New York City at the Waldorf-Astoria on May 27, 1934, pp. 16–21.

White, William A., superintendent—Continued.

Personality, Psychogenesis and Psychoses. (Lecture delivered at the Pennsylvania School of Social Work, Philadelphia, Pa., Apr. 29, 1935. Privately printed.)

Modern Housing of Mental Patients. (With Monie Sanger.) Published in the Modern Hospital, vol. 45, no. 1, July 1935, pp. 42-47. Diseases of the Nervous System. (With Dr. S. E. Jelliffe.)

(Text book—

Sixth edition.) Published by Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, Pa., 1935, pp. 1175.

Eldridge, Watson W., principal medical officer:

(With Simon, A., and Ramos, R.) Oxycephaly: Report of two cases. American Journal of Roentgenology and Radium Therapy. Vol. 33, no. 4, 1935, pp. 516-521.

Karpman, Benjamin, senior medical officer:

Obsessive paraphilias: Critical review of Stekel's works on sadism, masochism, and fetishism. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry. Vol. 32, no. 3, September 1934, pp. 577-626.

The individual criminal; studies in the psychogenetics of crime. (Book.) Washington. Nervous and Mental Disease Publishing Co. Pp. 317. Preliminary to the psychotherapy of criminals. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology. Vol. 25, no. 6, March-April 1935, pp. 918-927. Fong, Theodore C., senior medical officer:

Treatment of neurosyphilis.

Medical Annals, District of Columbia, vol.

3, no. 8, August 1934, pp. 217-222.

Treatment of neurosyphilis. Journal of Chemotherapy, vol. 9, no. 4, January 1935, pp. 138-143.

Simon, A., assistant medical officer:

(With Eldridge, Watson W., and Ramos, R.) Oxycephaly: Report of two cases. American Journal of Roentgenology and Radium Therapy, vol. 33, no. 4, April 1933, pp. 516-521.

Ramos, R., junior medical officer:

(With Eldridge, Watson W., and Simon, A.) Oxycephaly: Report of two cases. American Journal of Roentgenology and Radium Therapy, vol. 33, no. 4, 1935, pp. 516-521.

Richmond, Winifred V., psychologist:

An introduction to sex education. (Book.) N. Y. Farrar and Rinehart, pp. 314.

Sex problems of adolescence. Journal of Educational Sociology, February 1935, pp. 333-341.



The year 1934-35 was the fourth of the 10 years involved in the program of development approved by the Government. The enrollment of the university increased by 281, or 17.3 percent, and the institution was closely approaching the achievement of several of the qualitative objectives set up for the first 5 years of the program. There was an increase of 45, or 30.6 percent, in the number of secondary schools sending students into the undergraduate colleges of the University. There was also an increase of 21, or 65.7 percent, in the number of institutions from which students entered undergraduate colleges of the university with advanced standing. Sixtysix percent of the new entrants into the professional schools were persons having 4 years or more of college training, while 428 students, or 22.4 percent, of the entire enrollment of the university were persons of graduate caliber, holding one or more academic degrees. There was an increase also of 41 in the number of graduates, as compared with the previous year. The graduates of the university since its beginning now number 9,246. Of these the university has secured 7,000 living addresses in 42 States, the District of Columbia, and 24 foreign countries, and these addresses are classified alphabetically, by sex, by classes, by schools, by cities, and by States. A university-wide placement bureau has been established whereby the continuous services of the graduate body may be available for help in the vocational placement of the current graduates of the university.

The instructional staff of 241 persons, representing a full-time equivalent of 156 teachers, was approximately adequate for the student body, and with but two exceptions, had approximated the student-teacher ratio set-up in the 10-year program of advance for each major division of instruction. Excessive teaching hours and class numbers had been reduced to a minimum, and by far the major portion of instruction was given by teachers under conditions favorable for adequate attention to the individual student. The teaching staff had but slightly passed the half-way mark in maturity, however, as indicated by the program objectives, there being a manifest need for an addition of 30 mature teachers in the professorial rank. The members of the staff continued to take the fullest advantage of


opportunities for further study. Ten percent of the full-time staff were spending the full year in further study in the United States and in Europe. The Journal of Negro Education published by the university closed its fourth year with a secure position in the educational world and with increasing support. Members of the teaching staff published 2 books and 92 scholarly articles during the year. With the restoration of the last 5 percent of the prevailing Government cuts in salary, all teachers in the ranks of instructor, assistant, and associate professor 1 were receiving at least the minimum salary set up in the program, and the average salary in these three ranks had approximated the program average by $242, $115, and $180, respectively. Fifteen professors were still receiving less than the minimum agreed upon in the program, however, and the average professorial salary was still more than $1,000 below the agreed-upon average. In numbers and in salary the university is still heavily disadvantaged at the most important point in its work, namely, the mature teaching staff in the professorial rank.

This was the first year of the operation of the graduate school as a separate educational division under its own dean. The work was successfully begun with an increase in graduate enrollment from 164 to 225.

During this year the work formerly carried on separately by the college of education was combined with the college of liberal arts, and the work in home economics and art, formerly done in the college of applied science, was also combined with the college of liberal arts. These organizational measures were carried through successfully, resulting in a unified and thoroughly cooperative faculty of liberal arts handling a total of 1,156 students.

The school of engineering and architecture passed through the first year of its existence as a separate school of the university with a total enrollment of 27 students.

The college of dentistry conducted the first successful course in dental hygiene, graduating 8 students.

The trustees of the university voted to establish courses in social service on the graduate level, beginning in the school year 1935–36. By the use of $460,000 of funds provided by the Public Works Administration, the university completed the erection of Frederick Douglass Memorial Hall, a modern classroom building accommodating all the classes in the humanities and the social sciences, with offices for the instructional staff and rest rooms for men and women students in the undergraduate colleges.

With the use of a large part of the $630,000 fund appropriated by the Public Works Administration for the purpose, the university

1 One exception.

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