If a wish wander that way, call it home; Be damnable, then damn'd without excuse. The storm of passion, and say, Peace be still; But" Thus far and no farther," when address'd To the wild wave, or wilder human breast, Implies authority that never can, That never ought to be the lot of man. But muse forbear; long flights forebode a fall; Strike on the deep-ton'd chord the sum of all. Hear the just law-the judgment of the skies! He that hates truth shall be the dupe of lies: And he that will be cheated to the last, Delusions strong as Hell shall bind him fast. But if the wand'rer his mistake discern, Judge his own ways, and sigh for a return, Bewilder'd once, must he bewail his loss For ever and for ever? No-the cross! There and there only (though the deist rave, And atheist, if Earth bear so base a slave); There and there only is the pow'r to save. There no delusive hope invites despair; No mock'ry meets you, no deception there. The spells and charms, that blinded you before, All vanish there, and fascinate no more. I am no preacher, let this hint sufficeThe cross once seen is death to ev'ry vice: Else he that hung there suffer'd all his pain, Bled, groan'd, and agoniz'd, and died, in vain. TRUTH. Pensantur trutina. Hor. Lib. ii. Epist. 1. MAN, on the dubious waves of errour toss❜d, His ship half-founder'd, and his compass lost, Sees, far as human opticks may command, A sleeping fog, and fancies it dry land: Spreads all his canvass, ev'ry sinew plies; Pants for 't, aims at it, enters it, and dies! Then farewell all self-satisfying schemes, His well-built systems, philosophick dreams; Deceitful views of future bliss farewell!He reads his sentence at the flames of Hell. Hard lot of man-to toil for the reward Of virtue, and yet lose it! Wherefore hard? He that would win the race must guide his horse Obedient to the customs of the course; Else, though unequall'd to the goal he flies, A meaner than himself shall gain the prize. Grace leads the right way: if you choose the wrong, Take it and perish; but restrain your tongue; Charge not, with light sufficient, and left free, Your wilful suicide on God's decree. O how unlike the complex works of man, No clust'ring ornaments to clog the pile; Inscrib'd above the portal, from afar Stand the soul-quick'ning words-Believe and live. Too many shock'd at what should charm them most, Despise the plain direction, and are lost. Heav'n on such terms! (they cry with proud disdain,) Incredible, impossible, and vain Rebel, because 'tis easy to obey; And scorn, for its own sake, the gracious way. Who judg'd the pharisee? What odious cause Sit long and late at the carousing board? (Such were the sins with which he charg❜d his Lord.) No-the man's morals were exact, what then? His virtues were his pride; and that one vice Not so the pheasant on his charms presumes, |