

Have recently published-complete in paper covers, with two plates, 50 cents-in boards, with twenty-two plates, $1-in cloth, gilt, $1.25.


By W. H. MAXWELL, Esq.


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This is a work of absorbing interest, with regard to the varied incidents which mark the progress of the characters who figure in it. The scene is laid in Italy, in the beginning of the seventeenth century, and the tale of the Betrothed, to whose union obstacles are continually occurring, gives a vivid picture of the state of society, moral social, religious, and political, at that time. It is an admirable adjunct to history, furnishing a key to the strange events that occurred in the peninsula, during the prevalence of Spanish dominion there. Manzoni has here truly realized his quaint idea of history-true his tory, which analyzes society to its elements-taking prisoners by force the Years of Time, already dead; calling them to life, bringing them under review, and re-arraying them in battle array!' The descriptions in this tale are exquisitely beautiful, the moral and religious tone of a lofty nature, and the path of the actors is bestrewed with every possible variety of agitating matter-battle, murder, and sudden death'-the bravo, or hireling assassin, the plotting monk, the venal and voluptuary noble, on one side of the picture; while maiden constancy, chivalric levotedness, simple truth, and civic virtues brighten the other. It is a work which has made a greater sensation in Europe than that of any other writer of fiction, since the publication of the Waverly series. We recom mend it to the perusal of ail who have leisure to lose an hour or so in the company of the accomplished author, amidst the exciting scenes of life in Italy two centuries ago."— Southern Patriot.

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