
Jackson Street Improvements.

Lien of assessments.

Bond issue.

When payable.

Interest on bonds.

shall be paid. Said ordinance shall also provide that the owners of the property so assessed shall have the privilege of paying the amount of their respective assessments, with the interset due thereon, within thirty days from the date of the passage of the ordinance, or on or before such date as said ordinance shall designate, and thus relieve his property from the lien of such assessment, and said ordinance shall also state from what date interest on said aessssments shall begin.

Sec. 8. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that such special assessments and each installment thereof and interest thereon are hereby declared to be a lien against the property so assessed for such improvements from the date fixed in said ordinance levying the same, coequal with the lien of other taxes and prior and superior to all other liens against said lots, parcels, or tracts, and such lien shall continue until such assessments and interest thereon shall be fully paid.

Sec. 9. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the said Mayor and Aldermen, after the expiration of twenty days from the passage of an ordinance confirming and levying said assessment, shall by resolution provide for the issuance of bonds in the aggregate amount of such assessments remaining unpaid, bearing such date as may be provided therein, and of such denominations as the Mayor and Aldermen shall determine, which said bond or bonds shall in no event become a liability of the Mayor and Aldermen or the City of Jackson other than hereby provided. One tenth in amount of any such series of bonds shall be payable on the first day of January next succeeding the maturity of the first installment of the assessments and interest, and one tenth thereof shall be payable on the first day of January in each succeeding year until all shall have been paid. Such bonds shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding 6 per cent. (6%) per annum from date until maturity, payable annually, and shall be designated as "Street Improvement Bonds," and shall on

Jackson Street Improvements.

Signature and

the face thereof recite the street or streets, parts of streets, avenues, lanes, and alleys, sidewalks, or other public places for the improvements of which they have been issued, and that they are payable solely from assessments which have been levied upon the lots, pieces, or parcels of land against which said assessments have been made under authority of this Act. Said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk of the Council, seal. and shall have the impression of the corporate seal of said City thereon, and shall have interest coupons attached, and all bonds issued by authority of this Act shall be payable at such place either within or without the State of Georgia as shall be designated by said Mayor and Aldermen. Said bonds shall be sold at not less than par, and Sale price. the proceeds thereof applied to the payment of the contract price and other expenses of said improvements by the said Mayor and Aldermen; or such bonds, in the amount that shall be necessary for that purpose, may be turned over and delivered to the contractor at par value Disposal. in payment of the amount due on said contract; and the portion thereof which shall be necessary to pay other expenses incident to and incurred in providing for said improvements shall be sold or otherwise disposed of as said Mayor and Aldermen shall direct. Said bonds may be registered by the Clerk of the City of Jackson in a book to be provided for that purpose, and certificate of registration by said Clerk shall be endorsed upon each of said bonds.



Sec. 10. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the assessments provided for and levied under Payment of the provisions of this Act shall be payable by the person or persons owning said lots or tracts of land, or his transferees, assigns, or administrators, as the several installments become due, together with the interest thereon, to the Treasurer of the City of Jackson, who shall give proper receipts for such payments. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to keep an accurate account of all such collections by him made, and such collections shall be kept in

Account of collections.

Jackson Street Improvements.

Notice by mail.


Levy and sale.


Affidavit of illegality.

a special fund to be uesd and applied for the payment o
such bonds and the interest thereon, and expense incurre
thereto, and for no other purpose. It shall be the duty
of the Treasurer of the City of Jackson, not less than thirty
days and not more than forty days before the maturity
of any installment of such assessments, to notify in writ
ing of the maturity of said installment, by mailing same
to his or her known address, notifying the person or
persons owing same that unless the same be promptly
paid on the date when it matures, proceedings will be
taken to collect said installment and interest. And it
shall be the duty of said Treasurer promptly after the
date of the maturity of any such installment of such assess-
ments and interest thereon, in the event of any failure
or default of any person or persons to promptly pay said
installment of such assessments when due with the interest
due thereon, to issue an execution against said person
defaulting and the tract or lot of land liable for said in-
stallment in default, and against which said installment
is a lien under this Act, said executions to be issued in
the name of the City of Jackson as other executions are
issued and signed by the Treasurer of the City of Jackson
or other proper officer for the amount of such assessment
with interest due thereon, and shall turn over the same
to the Chief of Police of the City of Jackson, or his deputy
who shall levy the same upon the property liable there-
for and previously assessed for such improvements, and,
after due advertising as the law provides in the cases of
the collections of city taxes, the same shall be sold at
public outcry to the highest bidder, and such sales shall
pass absolute title to the purchaser, subject to the lien
of the remaining unpaid installments with interest, also
subject to the right of remdeption as now provided by
law in case of tax sales; provided, the owner of property
upon which said execution was levied shall have the right
to file an affidavit of illegality denying the whole or any
part of the amount for which said execution issued, stat-
ing the amount admitted to be due, which amount ad-
mitted to be due shall be paid before the affidavit shall

Jackson Street Improvements.

be accepted by the levying officer, and said affidavit shall
also set out the reason claimed why the amount therein
named is not due, and said affidavit shall be returned
by said levying officer to the proper court having juris-
diction thereof for trial, and there tried as other affidavits
of illegality are tried, subject to all the penalties provided
in such cases. The failure of said Treasurer to give the
notice of the due date of said installments of such assess-
ments and interest due thereon shall in no wise effect the
validity of the assessment and interest and the execution
issued therefor. And that no suit shall be instituted to action.
set aside any assessment or enjoin the Mayor or Aldermen
from making any assessment or the issuance of any
execution, or the collecting of any assessments, or the
issuance of said bonds, or providing for the payment of
same, on any ground or reason, unless same is filed and
instituted within sixty days from the act complained of.

Limitation of


Sec. 11. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Additional Jackson are hereby empowered to levy any additional assessment for the drainage, repavement, or improvement, after the expiration of the time provided herein, for the maintenance of said improvements by the contractor so improving same, for any and all streets, lanes, alleys, and avenues and sidewalks of the City of Jackson.

Sec. 12. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Jack-Ordinances. son shall have the power and authority to pass any and all ordinances, and pass and make any resolutions, from time to time for the purpose of carrying into effect any and all of the provisions of this Act.

Sec. 13. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Jack- Contracts. son shall have the power to contract with the County Commissioner or Commissioners of the County of Butts, or with the State Highway Department, with reference

Jackson Street Improvements.

State and

Federal aid.

Removal of obstructions.

Charter provisions retained.

to obtaining from the County of Butts any aid, or from the State Highway Department for State or Federal aid in any way, for the paving and improving around the public square whereon the County Court House is located, and to contract with said parties for any such aid in improving any street which in any way connects with the Public Highway leading in any direction to or through the City of Jackson by obtaining funds from either or both sources for paving said streets and other improvements.

Sec. 14. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Jackson shall have power to cause to be removed from the streets, sidewalks, or near either, any obstructions, telephone poles, trees, or posts, that in the discretion of said Mayor and Aldermen may interfere in any way with said grading, paving, or other improvements..

Sec. 15. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the provisions of this Act shall in no wise annul and void the present law, or any amendments thereto, or any provisions of the present Charter, or any amendments to said Charter of the City of Jackson, in reference to paving within the City, or of the manner of assessments, or for the collection of same, but the same shall be in addition to the present laws contained in its charter and its amendments thereto.

Sec. 16. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that all laws and parts of laws that conflict with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed.

Approved March 19, 1926.

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