
Marietta Public Schools; Local Tax.

one per cent. to one half of one per cent. on all taxable property of said city, and for other purposes," so as to increase the tax levy provided for in Sec. one of said amending Act from one half of one per cent. to sixty two cents per hundred dollars on all taxable property of said city, and for other purposes.

Act of 1920

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, that the Act approved August 7, 1920, amending amended. the Act approved December 29, 1890, to create a system of public schools for the City of Marietta, as amended by the Act approved September 26, 1891, be and the same is hereby amended by striking the words "one half of one per cent." in the 17th line of Section 1 of said Amendatory Act of 1920 and inserting in lieu thereof the words "sixty-two cents per hundred dollars," so that said Section 1 of said Amendatory Act of 1920, when amended, shall read as follows: "Section 1. Be it To be read. enacted by the General Assembly of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, that an Act establishing a system of public schools in and for the City of Marietta approved December 29, 1890, as amended by an Act approved September 26, 1891, be and the same is hereby amended so as to change Sec. 2 of said amended Act as follows: By striking the words 'five twentieths' immediately after the word 'exceed,' and immediately preceeding the words 'of one per cent.,' and inserting therein the words 'sixty-two cents per hundred dollars, so that when said section is amended it will read as follows: "That if said election shall be for public schools and bonds, as provided in Sections 1 and 2 of the original Act the Mayor and Council of the City of Marietta, Georgia, shall levy and collect a tax annually in addition to that now allowed by law, levy. not to exceed sixty-two cents per hundred dollars on all taxable property in said city for the purpose of supporting and maintaining said public schools, and said funds shall not be used for any other purpose. The

Increase of school-tax

Marietta Public Schools; Local Tax.

Referendum to voters.


Notice of election.

Additional elections.

clerk of the Council shall pay over said funds to the treasurer of the board, less such commissions as said clerk may be entitled to out of said fund.

Sec. 2. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the provisions of this Act, so far as the same relates to an increase in taxation for the support of public schools of Marietta, shall not take effect until same is ratified by an election to be held in the City of Marietta, which election must be called by the Mayor and Council of said City within thirty days after they receive notice from the Board of Education of said City to order said election, and all persons who are qualified and entitled to vote for Mayor and Council in said election herein provided. All voters who favor such local taxation for public schools shall have written or printed on their ballots "For local tax for public schools," and those who oppose shall have written or printed on their ballots "Against local tax for public schools," and in case a majority of the votes cast in said election shall be "For local tax for public schools," then it shall, be the duty of the Mayor and Council of Marietta to annually raise by taxation, in the manner now provided by law, a sum sufficient to carry out the purposes of this Act, provided same shall not exceed sixty-two cents per hundred dollars, on the taxable property of said City. The Mayor and Council shall give public notice of the election once a week for two weeks in any newspaper having a general circulation published in said City. The returns of said election shall be made to and the result of same declared by said Mayor and Council of Marietta. Should the requisite majority fail to vote for said increased taxation, then any number of elections may be thereafter held under the provisions of this Act, after due notice as herein provided, until said increased taxation receives a majority of the votes cast in said election; provided, no other election may be held sooner than six months after the holding of an election.

McRae Street Improvements.

Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, that all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith be and they are hereby repealed.

Approved March 15, 1926.



An Act to amend an Act approved August 1st, 1918, entitled "An Act to amend by substitution an Act creating a new Charter for the City of McRae and to consolidate the Acts relating to the acts and powers of said Corporation, to enact amendments thereto, and for other purposes," as amended by an Act approved July 21st, 1925, so as to provide for all of the cost of street improvements in said City of McRae to be apportioned and assessed against the abutting property and the owners thereof on each side of the street or the public thoroughfare to be paved, macadamized, or otherwise improved according to the frontage of said property thereon, and for other purposes.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly Act of 1925 of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by amended. authority of the same, that the Act approved July 21, 1925, entitled "An Act to amend an Act approved August 1st, 1918, entitled an Act to amend by substitution an Act creating a new Charter for the City of McRae and to consolidate the Acts relating to the acts and powers of said Corporation, to enact amendments thereto, and for other purposes, so as to empower the City of McRae to pave, macadamize, curb, and otherwise improve any of the sidewalks, footways, crosswalks, drains, gutters, streets, roads, lanes, alleys, public squares, or other public places, highways, or any portion thereof

Milledgeville Street Improvements.

New Sec. 7.

Whole cost assessed.

within the corporate limits of the City of McRae, and to assess the costs of making such improvements in whole or in part against the abutting property and its owners benefited thereby; to provide for the apportionment and collection by legal process of such assessments, and to create a lien on such property therefor; to provide for the issuing of bonds to be known as 'Street Improvement Bonds' to be negotiated by the City of McRae or otherwise used in making provision for the payment of the cost of such improvements; to provide for a special fund for the retiring of such bonds, and to impose punishment as for a misdemeanor on any one using such funds for any other purpose; and for other purposes," be and the same is hereby amended by striking out and repealing all of Section Seven (7) thereof and substituting for said Section Seven (7) the following: Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that the entire expense of making all such street improvements as are authorized by this Act, together with the whole cost of all materials used in making such improvements, shall be assessed against the property abutting on such thoroughfares and receiving the benefits of such improvements, and shall be paid by the owners of such property according to its frontage.

Sec. 2. Be it further enacted that all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed.

Approved March 31, 1926.



An Act to amend an Act providing for the improvement and paving of the streets, sidewalks, squares, and alleys of the City of Milledgeville, approved August 21st, 1925, and to provide for the assessment of the

Milledgeville Street Improvements.

cost of improving and paving the intersections of streets, lanes, and alleys in the said City against owners of land and against the land abutting on the streets, lanes, and alleys improved or paved, and for other purposes.


New Sec. 31.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly Act of 1925 of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, that the Act approved on August 21st, 1925, providing for the improvement of streets, sidewalks, squares, and alleys of the City of Milledgeville, be and the same is hereby amended: 1st. By adding after Section 30 in said Act the following section: Section 31. Be it further enacted, that the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Milledgeville be and they are hereby authorized, if in their discretion they determine it to be to Assessment the best interest of the City, to assess the cost of the of whole cost. paving or improvement of the intersections of streets, lanes, and alleys in the said City against the abutting lands of the unit improved or paved, and may include the cost of improving or paving of any or all street and alley intersections in any improvement unit in the total cost of said improvement project, and assess same against the abutting owners and abutting land on each side of said street or alley or section to be improved or paved in the same manner provided in this Act, and the cost of the improving and paving said intersections may be included in the bonds issued under this Act, and the assessments for the improving and paving said intersections shall constitute a lien against the lots and tracts of land so assessed, as provided in Section 13 of this Act.

Sec. 2. Be it further enacted that Section 31 of the Act approved August 21st, 1925, be numbered 32.

Sec. 3. Be it further enacted that all laws and parts of laws conflicted in this Act be and the same is hereby repealed.

Approved April 17, 1926.

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