
Estate and Inheritance Taxes.

Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed.

Approved April 10, 1926.



An Act to amend an Act approved August 27, 1925, entitled, "An Act to assess and collect from estates in Georgia, subject to Federal Estate Taxes, 25 per cent of the amount found to be due as Federal taxes, for State Inheritance taxes; to provide how the same shall be determined and collected; to provide for taxing estates not returned within 12 months from the death of the decendent; to provide that no additional inheritance or estate tax shall be levied by the State; and for other purposes," by inserting between the words "may" and "die" in the fifth line of Section 1 of said Act the word "hereafter," by substituting for the word "twenty-five" in the sixteenth line of Section 1 of said Act the word "eighty," by adding at the end of Section 4 of said Act the words, "and shall bear interest at the rate of one per cent. per month until paid," by inserting between the words "estates" and "under" in Section 5 of said Act the words, "of persons dying after the passage of this Act;" and for other purposes.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, that from and after the passage of this Act the Act approved August 27, 1925, entitled "An Act to assess and collect from estates in Georgia, subject to Fed- Act of 1925 eral Estate taxes, 25 per cent. of the amount found to be due as Federal taxes, for State Inheritance taxes; to provide how the same shall be determined and collected; to provide for taxing estates not returned within 12


Estate and Inheritance Taxes.

To be read.
Sec. 1.



months from the death of the decedent; to provide that no additional inheritance or estate tax shall be levied by the State; and for other purposes," be amended in the following particulars:

(1) That Section 1 of said Act be amended by inserting between the words "may" and "die" in the fifth line thereof the word "hereafter," and by substituting for the word "twenty-five" in the sixteenth line thereof the word "eighty," so that when amended said Section shall read as follows: "Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, that from and after the passage of this Act it shall be the duty of the legal representative Duty of legal of the estate of any person who may hereafter die a resident of this State, and whose estate is subject to the payment of a Federal Estate tax, to file a duplicate of the return which he is required to make to the Federal authorities, for the purpose of having the estate taxes determined, with the State Tax Commissioner. When such duplicate is filed with the said official, he shall compute the amount that would be due upon said return as Federal Estate Taxes under the Act of Congress relating to the levy and collection of Federal Estate Taxes upon the property of said estate taxable in Georgia, and assess against said estate as State inheritance taxes eighty per centum of the amount found to be due for Federal Estate Taxes.

Sec. 4.

Interest on execution.

(2) That Section 4 of said Act be amended by adding at the end thereof the words, "and shall bear interest at the rate of one per cent. per month until paid," so that when amended said section shall read as follows: "Section 4. Be it further enacted, that whenever the legal representative of any estate taxable under this Act fails to pay the amount assessed against said estate, within six months after notice from proper authority as to the amount to be paid, it shall be the duty of the Tax Collector of the County of the administration to issue execution for the amount of such tax against said estate,

Exempting School Property from Tax.

which execution shall be enforced by levy and sale, and shall bear interest at the rate of one per cent. per month until paid."

(3) That Section 5 of said Act be amended by inserting between the words "estates" and "under" the words, "of persons dying after the passage of this Act," so that when amended said Section shall read as follows: Section 5. Be it further enacted that there shall be no other inheritance tax assessed or collected out of estates of persons dying after the passage of this Act, under the laws of this State."

Sec. 2. All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed, except in so far as they may be applicable to estates of persons who died before its approval.

Approved March 31, 1926.

Sec. 5. Future application.

See 156 Ga. 601, 159 Ga. 162.



An Act to amend an Act to codify the school laws of Georgia, in compliance with the provisions of the Act entitled an Act to empower the State Superintendent of Schools, Attorney-General, the Chairman of the Senate and House Committee on Education, to codify the school laws, and for other purposes, approved July 20, 1918, by striking Section 116 of said Act and inserting in lieu thereof a new Section to be designated Section 116, to provide for the exemption of certain school property from taxation, from levy and sale under execution or order, and for other purposes.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Act, Section 116 of the Act approved July 20th, 1918, entitled, "An Act to codify the school laws of Georgia, in com

Act of 1918 amended.

Insurance Agents; Occupation Tax On.

Sec. 116.

Land exempted.


pliance with the provisions of the Act entitled an Act to empower the State Superintendent of Schools, the Attorney-General, the Chairman of the Senate and House Committee on Education, to codify the school laws, and for other purposes," be stricken from said Act, and that a new Section in lieu of said striken Section be substituted, bearing the same number, and in the following language, to wit: "Section 116. Each and every lot or parcel of land which has been or may hereafter be obtained by any County Board of Education, Independent School District, or Consolidated School District for the use of the Common Schools, or Common High Schools, together with any buildings erected thereon for school purposes, and all school furniture, shall be exempt from levy and sale under any execution or other writ or order in the nature of an execution; provided, the lot of land so exempted shall not exceed ten acres; and if there be any excess over that number of acres, then that portion not to exceed ten acres most convenient for school purposes shall be exempt as aforesaid, the exempted portion to be set off by order of County Board of Education, or Boards of Trustees of Independent School Systems, or Consolidated School Districts."

Sec. 2. Be it further enacted by authority aforesaid, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved April 17, 1926.



An Act to amend paragraph 61 of section 2 of the General Tax Act approved December 19, 1923, as amended by the Act approved August 26, 1925, entitled An Act to provide for the collection of the special or occupation tax imposed by law upon insurance agents, and for other purposes.

Insurance Agents; Occupation Tax On.

Act of 1923 amended.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, That paragraph 61 of section 2 of the General Tax Act approved December 19, 1923, as amended by the Act approved August 26, 1925, entitled an Act to provide for the collection by the Insurance Commissioner of the special or occupation tax imposed by law upon insurance agents, be and the same is hereby amended by striking, after the word "business" in line six of the first paragraph of said paragraph 61, the following words, to wit: "Provided, this shall not apply to the agents of mutual fire associations or companies operating solely on mutual obligations," so that said first paragraph of paragraph 61 of section 2 of said Act, when so amended, shall read as follows: "Paragraph 61. Insurance To be read. Agents. Upon each local insurance agent doing business in this State, and upon each and every solicitor or subagent for any resident or non-resident company doing and solicitors business in this State, $10.00 for each county in which they shall transact or solicit insurance business."

Local agents


See Hoover v.
Pate (162
Ga.), decided

Sec. 2. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this April 19,

Act be and the same are hereby repealed.

Approved April 3, 1926.


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